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>The French Narrator: “Ah, it is a warm afternoon in Bikini Bottom today. Here, in ze depths of ze sea, we find ze Treedome where Sandy ze squirrel is surely experimenting away. Let’s take a closer look, shall we?”

>Sandy Cheeks: “Yee-haw! I’ve finally done it! After months of chemistry and experimentation, I’ve formulated a brand new chemical element! I’ll call it… texasium!”

>Sandy held a glass tube of the glowing, liquid texasium above her head in triumph, as if she wanted to prove her scientific brilliance to the world. However, there was no one around. Sandy stood alone in the middle of her lawn, without so much as a single sea creature in sight.

>Sandy Cheeks: “Gee… it sure is boring around here when there ain’t nobody to show my inventions to. Ugh… I guess I’ll just have to find somethin’ else to pass the time.”

>Sandy was about to put down the texasium when her eyes lit up with excitement.

>Sandy Cheeks: “I know what I wanna do today! I should test the texasium on somethin’, see if it does anythin’ But what to test it on…”

>Sandy thought for a moment. She could try to test the texasium on a volunteer, but there were no fish around. Maybe she could test it on an animal, like one of those pesky poison sea urchins, but she couldn’t possibly harm an innocent critter, not even the nastiest vermin.

>Sandy Cheeks: “Hmmm… I’ve got it! I’ll test it on… myself! But what if something goes wrong?”

>Sandy hesitated, but then shrugged her worries away.

>Sandy Cheeks: “Oh well. I guess ya ain’t a true scientist or a Texan if ya ain’t got the guts. Here goes nothin’!”

>Sandy then proceeded to pour the contents of the test tube into her mouth. With a gulp, the texasium disappeared down her throat. It was completely tasteless and flowed like water, yet something about the liquid filled Sandy with a unique sensation. She felt, for a lack of a better word, expansive…

>Sandy Cheeks: “Ooh! Refreshin’!”
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>Without warning, Sandy’s stomach lurched forward. Her belly expanded outward as it began to fill with fat. Within milliseconds, it had grown to the size of an enormous beach ball and awkwardly distended out of her abdomen.

>Sandy Cheeks: “What in tarnation?! I’m gainin’ weight!”

>Sandy leaned forward to grab her supple belly and maintain balance, however…


>… the rest of her body suddenly began growing at an equally alarming rate, and Sandy reeled back in surprise. Her sides heaved as they rapidly surged outwards and creaked like bending metal. Her thighs and calves thickened considerably and barely managed to keep her ballooning body off the ground. Her wobbling breasts and butt swelled like mounds of rising dough. Even her cheeks puffed up to the point where they completely obscured her neck.

>Sandy Cheeks: “AaAaAaHhHh!!”

>Sandy’s fat was expanding in all directions, including upwards. This put immense stress on her rigid spine until, suddenly, it gave way. Her spinal chord remained intact though it became vertically stretched, causing each of her vertebra to separate from each other with a loud, gunshot-like crack.

>BAM!! BAM!! BAM!!

>Sandy Cheeks: “Mayday! Mayday! I’m gonna blow!”

>Sandy shut her eyes and nearly shed a tear, expecting the inevitable… but nothing happened. There was only silence. She was overcome by curiosity about what exactly had happened to her.

>Sandy Cheeks: “Ohhh… maybe I’ll take a peek at ma body… just a peek. But I ain’t gonna like what I see.”

>Sandy opened her eyes to a surreal sight: the texasium-induced growth spurt, which couldn’t have lasted for more than ten seconds, made Sandy stupendously massive. Pounds upon pounds of heavy fat bulged out from every part of her body, so much so that she almost resembled a very wide egg. She was so fat, in fact, she probably weighed more than Patrick’s Rock. However, despite her weight, she still managed to remain standing, with some difficulty. She quivered slightly while trying to find balance, causing all of her blubber to collectively wobble and jiggle about. Sandy was not disappointed at what she saw. She was rather pleased with the results. In fact, she could barely contain her excitement.

>Sandy Cheeks: “Golly! That texasium turned me into a force to be reckoned with! I’m huge! I’m so bottom-heavy, I can’t see ma feet no more!”

>Sandy slowly waddled over to her hamster wheel, causing the ground and her layers of fat to tremble with every step. Without her spine restraining her height, she was now taller than the enormous wheel, which only managed to reach her eye level.

>Sandy Cheeks: “Guess I won’t be fittin’ in this contraption no more. Let’s see what this ol’ belly of mine can do! Hi-yah!”

>Sandy leaned back before shoving the weight of her stomach into the poor hamster wheel. The wheel effortlessly sank deep into her flesh before toppling over and collapsing in a cloud of dust.

>Sandy Cheeks: “Well I'll be darned! I’ve gotta be the fattest, tallest, and most powerful squirrel ever! I feel like I could take on all of Texas now!”


>Sandy Cheeks: “Woah! Looks like ma stomach’s gettin’ a little fiesty! I guess I ain’t quite done growin’ just yet. No problem! Let’s see what this texasium’s got left!”
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>Sandy began growing faster this time. As she became fatter and fatter and larger and larger with every passing second, she was filled with an immense sensation of excitement over her increasingly imposing frame. Never had Bikini Bottom seen such a massive and awe-inspiring squirrel like her before, but Sandy craved for more.

>Sandy Cheeks: “Come on Sandy! You can do this! Grow! Grow!”


>A vibration resonated within Sandy’s body, sending large ripples throughout her fat. From her lofty perch, the startled squirrel peered down towards the source of the disturbance. Her belly button, once nearly invisible, had now grown to the size of a fist and had sprung out from the folds of her belly.

>Sandy Cheeks: “Woah! This texasium sure has some mighty strange side effects!”

>Sandy had barely managed to give a thumbs up with a pudgy hand before…


>… her attention returned back to the rest of her expanding body. A wave of unstoppable squirrel fat surged outward at every angle. Her sides widened to the point where they began pushing her flabby arms to the sides of her head. Her clapping booty billowed out from behind with a hypnotic pulse. Her belly moaned and groaned as it continued to lurch forward, putting vast stretches of grass into shade. And yet, Sandy wasn’t even slightly concerned about her uncontrollable growth. She simply rested her arms on her stomach and let the texasium continue its marvelous work, unrestrained. She really just enjoyed the sensation of bloating. Her tail even wagged a little with joy.

>Sandy Cheeks: “Golly! Lucky I decided to wear ma extra stretchy bikini today! Otherwise my clothes would have torn off ages ago! How embarrassin’ would that be?!”


>Sandy Cheeks: “Now I know what y’all are thinking, well stop that! This ain’t foreshadowing, folks, so pay attention to the story!.. sickos.”
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>Sandy continued to grow bigger and bigger. In time, she became as tall as her own treehouse and filled about a third of her Treedome’s volume… which was only a couple of minutes after she had first begun to grow.

>Sandy Cheeks: “Go figure.”

>Sandy was loving everything about her texasium-induced growth spurt, from the rapid speed at which she gained weight to the bellowing of her cavernous stomach. She really wanted to visualize just how large her body was getting, but she could barely see the ground anymore because of her colossal width. It was even getting difficult to look forward since her gigantic boobs had begun to block her view, save for the area of cleavage between them. The two purplish orbs had each grown larger than watermelons and continued to inflate with every passing second.

>Sandy Cheeks: “Woah! I guess you could say ma chest has really… grown on me! He he he!”

>Distracted and with so much of her vision blocked by her fat, Sandy failed to notice that the treedome was running out of space to comfortably fit her body. Sandy snapped back to reality when she felt her belly pushing against something with a creak.

>Sandy Cheeks: “Huh? Ma picnic table? I could have sworn that thingy was yards away from me just a moment ago. Gosh, that texasium sure is potent!”

>Sandy tried to back up from the table when suddenly…


>… her underside bloated to the point where it made contact with the ground. No matter how hard she kicked her stubby legs, even if it caused her thighs to jiggle like jelly, all she managed to do was slowly slide her gargantuan body away from the table until…


>… she felt her rear crash into the trunk of her treehouse. It nearly toppled over, but, unthinkably, it managed to remain standing despite the pressure.

>Sandy Cheeks: “Uh oh! That ain’t good! I’m gettin’ too big for ma own dome!”

>Just as Sandy finished uttering those words, she began growing faster than she ever had before. A flurry of angry bubbles hissed out from the cracks in Sandy’s airlock as more and more air in the treedome was displaced by Sandy. Her belly surged forward like an airbag, squeezing her hamster wheel and picnic table against the glass of her dome until they inevitably crumpled. Her boobs ballooned off her chest and pathetically wobbled about in the air. Her butt cheeks spilled outwards and ENGULFED HER ENTIRE TREEHOUSE. In seconds, the tree vanished within the shadow of her immense butt crack. Meanwhile, the top of Sandy’s body, her arms and head, rapidly ascended towards the roof of the dome. As she rocketed upwards, she could hear deafening noises emanating from her body below, struggling to contain the spontaneously generated fat.


>The situation was dire. Her skin had been stretched so taut, she would surely burst at any moment, and then… she shuddered at the thought of her fate.

>Sandy Cheeks: “Dang nabbit! “It’s only been two ole’ pages and I’m halfway to death’s door again?! I’m a dead squirrel for sure! I knew I shouldn’t have taken that darn texasium! I knew it!”

>Sandy took one last look at the approaching roof before shedding a single, watery tear. Sandy closed her eyes shut.
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>Everything went silent. Sandy kept her eyes closed for what must have seemed like an eternity, but she felt no pain. She desperately wanted to know what could have possibly happened.

>Sandy Cheeks: “Ohhh… maybe I’ll take a peek at ma body… just a peek. But I ain’t gonna like what I see. I’m sure of it this time ‘round!”

>Sandy opened her eyes to a sight that was, simply put, much more than surreal: if she had become stupendously massive when she first began growing, then she was now mind-bogglingly gargantuan. She was finally so fat, she filled the entire Treedome.

>Sandy Cheeks: “Holy sea cow!”

>Sandy felt tons of fat pressing every square inch of her skin tight against the walls of the dome, making her feel as though she could explode at any moment. Yet amazingly, her body had managed to hold itself together, filling Sandy with relief.

>Sandy Cheeks: “Goodness gracious! I… I don’t even… I… I can’t believe it! I’ve done it! I lived!”

>Sandy’s relief turned to awe as her attention shifted to her now ridiculously enlarged proportions. Her skirt rose tens of feet off the ground to cover her bulbous butt cheeks, now awkwardly crammed into the back of the Treedome. Her breasts had each grown larger than tables, squishing against the glass like two overinflated yoga balls. And, largest of all, her gigantic belly, which towered above the airlock, could have easily been mistaken for Sand Mountain if it weren’t for the head-sized belly button that protruded from its center. All said and done, Sandy had absolutely no more room to grow… or move. She could barely even manage to squirm about because there was no more air in the dome… no more air…

>Sandy Cheeks: “No more air?! I can’t breathe no more without any of ma precious air!”

>Sandy panicked. She tried to kick and scream to escape the dome, but to no avail. After all, not only was her airlock far too small for her to fit through, but her legs were buried under heaps of immovable fat. The immobilized squirrel stopped in resignation.

>Sandy Cheeks: “Oh, give me a break!”

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>Sandy Cheeks: “Huh? That’s strange. There ain’t any oxygen in here, but I feel finer than a field on a hot summer’s day!”

>It was strange indeed. Sandy hadn’t been able to breathe for over a minute, but nothing had happened to her. She thought she could be hallucinating due to the lack of oxygen, so she tried pinching her fat with one of her sausage-like fingers.

>Sandy Cheeks: “Youch! Well, that hurt! Okay… I ain’t suffocatin’, but what in tarnation's goin’ on around here? Hmmm… Oh! I’ve got it!”

>Sandy looked down towards her stomach, which churned and bellowed thunderously.


>Sandy Cheeks: “Guess I underestimated that ol’ texasium! It’s given me the power to survive without air! Sweet!” I’m LOVIN’ this stuff!”


>Sandy Cheeks: “Ooh! And I really am LOVIN’ this big ol’ body of mine, if I do say so myself!”

>Sandy was overcome with euphoria as her attention returned to her unfathomable enormity. Everything about her was fat, pure fat: her cheeks, her arms, her boobs, her belly, her legs, her rear… She was now, unquestionably, the embodiment of the word fat. Maybe even some sort of venerable sea goddess if you simply judged by size alone. Sure, it made Sandy a little uncomfortable. Her skin had been stretched so unbelievably taut, her body had been squeezed so tightly against the glass, and she would have been quite the spectacle to gawk at if there had been any fish around, which there weren’t. But these feelings only reinforced Sandy’s awareness of her hugeness, filling her with great pleasure.


>Soon enough, the warm, Bikini Bottom sun began to sink below the horizon, replacing the blue, afternoon sky with scarlet hues and vibrant oranges. Upon witnessing this sight, all Sandy could do was smile. Never before had she felt so amazing on the inside and seen something so beautiful on the outside simultaneously.

>Sandy Cheeks: “I might be a fat squirrel, but I sure am one happy squirrel! I feel like I could survive a century-long hibernation in this here dome, snug as bark on a tree! Ahhh! What a wonderful way to end such a wonderful story!”



>Sandy was jolted back to her senses by a booming noise that emanated from below. Sandy peered down and saw that her huge belly button had busted through her inner door and filled up the airlock. The destruction generated a miniature earthquake that caused the Treedome and Sandy’s fat to quiver until…


>A small crack appeared on the glass in front of Sandy’s eyes. It began to spider outwards until, a few seconds later, fractures covered the entire dome. Sandy's pupils constricted in terror, but she quickly waved her fears away.

>Sandy Cheeks: “Uh oh! I’ve… I’ve got this! I don’t need air to survive no more! Come on ya old dome! Break! Give this squirrel some room to grow some more!”

>Sandy had just finished her sentence before she felt herself begin to expand again. The creaking of the glass around Sandy began to grow louder and louder as it continued to crack. Shards even began to get flung out by Sandy’s flabs as they desperately searched for space. Yet even as she began to destroy her own house, Sandy couldn’t have felt more excited.

>Sandy Cheeks: “At this rate, I’ll be the size of Texas in no time at all! I’ll be the fattest thing alive! Yee haw!”

>The French Narrator: “Today, Sandy has learned one of ze sea’s greatest lessons: our actions can have some very BIG consequences, even for scientists and Texans. Hopefully, Sandy’s skin will stay equally as stretchy as her clothes because zis squirrel has quite ze journey ahead of her.”


>French Narrator: “Ooh, I felt that.”

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There’s a new episode (I think it’s called FUN-Believable), and none of you are talking about it?
>>40446 There's less queers on the site these days. Try posting this in bhm Idk
I haven’t seen it myself, but it has a canonical event where Sandy Cheeks stuffs her face and gets that fat. Who the fuck are you calling a queer, isn’t this what this thread wanted?
Send a video of it?
>>40451 I meant that queers (along with those if low IQ) are primarily the audience for and tend to be the biggest fans of low tier art. I merely suggested that over at bhm they would be more likely to get a kick out if this post.
Anon…that’s a still shot from the actual show. I wouldn’t show it if I had something else

That includes a video. Sorry, don’t have one.
I wasn’t aware of that, but if anyone has a video of the full clip you can post it here or post a link. I’m quite curious.
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I wish. Here’s more, it was also a vore situation
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Here’s another thing. Where’s the hibernation Sandy?
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New art
A Texas-Style bump!

Who are you talking to?
Yo does anyone have that sandy cheeks water weight gain art? I don't remember the artists name, but I do remember what the pic was about. Basically, sandy was filling up her tree dome with her water filling body. The pic was on devaintart btw, and only is one image with multiple poses.
You mean this one: >>40232 or is it something different?
Maybe it’s one of robot001’s pics
It wasn't that. It was a single pic and had 4 or 5 different poses. Has an art style j recognize but can't remember the artist name
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Never expected to see art by Mizz Britt
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What’s gonna happen, am I gonna blow up?

No! Before you leave an impact crater on Bikini Bottom, it goes right to your thighs!
And then you blow up!

A fine example for how fat Sandy should be if UPPI ever does wg on her.
Selling my mansion on Florida. Havent been there in few years. I let them think theyre ahead yeah. I can fuck you anyway. Anyday.
How old is Sandy Cheeks?
theres a thing called google might help out
Their ages were never confirmed afaik, but the main characters are clearly adults

What are the recent events?
Dude, that's the only quote that I've found only with the picture on twitter.

I just want to know what events are recent. Say, have anymore by the artist who made this?
Apparently Sandy gets inflated in the new movie
It's a snake bite and she doesn't get very big but I mean hey it's still a W
I think something similar happened in an episode with fleas
already taken down :c
Can someone edit out spongebob?

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