
Indeed. We also need Lordstormcaller on kemono.party
Not just here, but also kemono.party
I do so wish that he'd make his OCs huge (maybe not blobs, but bigger than the biggest he's made them.) they're his characters and whatnot, but I have longed to see them all 300-500lbs range. Something like the higher ranges of other fatfur artists, like Viro or GoblinH0rde, or Volken.
they were posted on Yiff.party a while back i think i have them on my hard drive somewhere, i;ll have a look
(679 KB, 2300x2300, Nude_Gym.jpg) (832 KB, 2850x1900, Nude_Gym_Part_II.jpg)
and the best of the best
hope one day he'll make some proper porn instead of this softcore stuff but i love it either way
Np I also had what remains of Fixala's sequences too if anyone wanted them, be warned they can get a little grim or graphic tho when the girls get to a certain size he makes them a little too realistic
Probably just spoil tag those parts and its fine
Just post the Fixala Sequences up here whenever u can please
Bump to remind anon that it's fine to post the sequence
(946 KB, 1563x2219, Beach_Stacey_Thicc-Chubby.jpg)
thats all i got
sorry about the mega dump, its just easier this way, then i wont get 70x bumps asking me to reupload
Got any of the recent stuff?
no, i saved all that from yiff.party before it dies, we need someone to get him on kemono cus that vaporeon sequence is god tier by the sounds of it
I don't care what the artist says otherwise, she is dead halfway through this sequence.
yeh i can take the first 6 but thats enough for me
Yeah, it’s only the first 6 that are fine. The rest are just straight up digesting body horror. If they have any other sequences, please don’t let them post any parts containing whatever the f* that s* was
What the actual fuck is this akira or something????
That shit made me wanna chop off my dick
By what image did she actually die in?
I expected a lot of StormCaller nsfw works and instead I got this body horror shit
Anybody have Georgette And Magna's Weight Gain Through Time 2-3?
Storm is making all uploads between 8/1/2021 and 8/31/2021 Patreon Exclusive--- FOREVER. So can somebody please update his KemonoParty page? And maybe even here? And please, we’re getting a little sick of Fixala.
I second that.
(535 KB, 828x1792, EE68D910-40A2-4308-AE57-48BE38495D15.png)
>>4018 (OP)
So wait, if what is said is true, does that mean we can get exclusive access to Patreon stuff like for LordStormCaller for example for a temporary membership and cancel it and not have to pay a cent?
Mans is bugging. Unless there are creator options for how/when you get paid Patreon always makes you pay your pledge, even if you're pledging the day before a new month (Ie you buy in on the 31st, you still get charged the next day for the new month) so he's complaining that people are paying him to see a specific image/set of patreon images he releases and opting out at the end of the month so they don't get charged again. It's still money in his pocket so idk what the beef is
So does that mean after the end of this month, someone will pay at the beginning at next month for all of the august posts and upload them here then?

there is pay up front and non pay up front.... it's an option ... no pay up front used to be very common... no idea which one lordstormcaller has enabled but... to say no such thing exists is just factually incorrect
Storm’s pissed about the lack of Patron loyalty
(525 KB, 828x1792, 82EE3F9E-CA55-485E-A441-42AC8CE41374.png)
I can’t read the rest, so I’m curious as to what he’s saying to everyone on Patreon. It’s been a while since there’s been any art update on his stuff.
Dude's getting married so rather than reveal his power level he's stopping his Patreon
(24 KB, 474x474, 61c780b045f999daacfd85e6f5ee96c8.jpg)
Fuck, right before the Beth origin comic remake. This thread was never that huge so idk how popular the dude really was but he was my favorite furry artist for years and gave mad fanservice. No 100+ page build-up, no cock-tease, no bullshit. He gave the people what they wanted. Godspeed.
But we’re still getting normal LordStormCaller content on his deviantart page…right?

Expect a piece or two every year, tops.

All Patrons: Please Read

To my fans, fellow artists, and friends. First, I want to thank everyone for supporting my art and comics. You have my gratitude, whether you have been a patron for three months or three years. When I began making digital art, it was, frankly, pretty awful. However, your positive feedback and encouragement helped me improve. In recent years, I have created some images and comics that I am genuinely proud of, and I am happy to know that so many people enjoy my art.

A big change is taking place in my life. I am about to propose to my girlfriend, the only woman I have ever loved, the woman with whom I want to spend my life. I love her more than anything, including the characters I draw.

Marriage is a major lifestyle change that causes priorities to shift. My girlfriend does not know about my art, and due to the nature of my art, I will never share it with her. This means I cannot pull out my tablet and draw whenever I like, and I cannot leave images sitting in a folder on my laptop. This means I will no longer be creating art and comics regularly. I may still draw from time to time, but I cannot commit to posting every week or even every month. I know many of you would still pledge in spite of that, but marriage will also change my financial situation. Because my future wife and I will be managing our finances together and filing taxes together, I cannot allow an extra bit of income to just appear in my bank account every month without explanation.

This was a difficult decision to make, but I have thought about it for a very long time, and given all the facts that I have listed, it is the only practical and prudent decision I can make.

I will be shutting down my Patreon on September 30, 2021.

I am not deleting my Deviant Art page. I have cleaned up my gallery a bit, and what is there will remain there. I want my existing art to stay accessible. I want people to enjoy it, and I want to inspire other artists with similar interests. I may draw and post things on DA occasionally. That is something I am still wrestling with. Later this month, I will compile a list of some up-and-coming weight gain artists. Please consider redirecting your pledge to one of them, and help them carry on my legacy. I only ever made a few exclusive images. My page will remain up until September 30 if you wish to download them, but please do not post them to other social media sites.

This is a personal choice that I have made for myself. It is not something I do out of a sense of guilt or obligation. I am doing this because I love my girlfriend, and it is time for me to start a new chapter in my life. I hope that you will all understand and respect my decision.

As always, thank you for being a fan.
Hey uhh...not trying to be rude, does anyone has a link to his kemonoparty/yiffparty? I came here to see lordstormcaller art but there's not much in this thread ironically
This just in. 2021 officially sucks nard. Apart from all the political shit and the pandemic, Caddicarus building a PC, and Qanon destroying America, Storm and the other artists were a place of respite. Now that Storm is settling down to start a new life, we have nothing left now that Pixiveo is doing slow burn comics, and JeetDoh is drawing bionicles and MALES. It’s clear what they want us to do. Sharpen your pencils, everybody. The torch has essentially been passed.
(3.0 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg)
Storm Caller is among my favorite artists, hes always been the one I sue as an example when I explain my interests to friends nobody will ever be able to replicate him
So does anyone have more of his art from his patreon before he removes it?
(1.6 MB, 2750x1500, beth_s_mom_swap_by_lordstormcaller_dcswglq.jpg) (1.1 MB, 1861x2800, Bloated_Beth_by_LordStormCaller.jpg) (446 KB, 1050x900, The_Big_Four-Oh_Part_2_by_LordStormCaller.png) (541 KB, 1200x900, The_Big_Four-Oh_Part_3_by_LordStormCaller.png)
Really sucks Storm's not going to be posting anymore. Enjoyed his art and comics, especially Beth and her mom's dynamic and them both plumping up

On one hand, I can understand wanting to keep this sort of thing private, but on the other, why be with someone who you feel that you need to hide things from and not be your whole self with? Like, I know a handful of fatfur artists who have partners who are either totally into it or at the very least supportive of it. Doesn't make much sense.
Is this thread really dead? There must be a place where his nsfw works are located
Does anyone have Love Lumps?
I’ve come to inform you all that LordStormCaller is back. It’s been some months, but he made an announcement that he has returned to artwork. Though not without changes of course. His artwork will now EXCLUSIVELY be made as DeviantArt posts since he’s allowed more control and less stressful restrictions from Patreon. He will post artwork, but on his own time, as he’s a busy person with real life stuff to do of his own. The important thing here folks is that we’re getting back a wonderfully talented artist
This means that the majority of the pics from his Patreon NOW has to be added to Kemono.party now!
so uhh can someone please update his kemono.party, it's really outdated and there's no nudes there
Where did he announce this? That's big news if it's true.


His patreon has been purged a long time ago. You're not getting an upload unless someone managed to grab posts before the deletion.
Darn, guess its up to the people who still have them in their hardrives to upload the nudes then

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