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I thought of making a thread/archive of a long gone artist. I thought his art looked great.
>>39882 (OP)
>I thought his art looked great
Then you have shit taste. These all look terrible.
>long gone artist
What happened to them? I was always curious and worried why they disappeared and left? Hope they’re alright
That’s what I’m trying to figure out. I saw this person’s art a long time ago and I thought they didn’t look that bad. So I thought of creating a thread all around this artist. They have a Twitter, Fur Affinity and I think a Tumblr too. Their Twitter is accessible while their Fur Affinity account isn’t really accessible. You can still see most of their art there but I think you can only see their account by having a Fur Affinity account. If you’re able to retrieve most of their Fur Affinity art you are free to do so.
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One of the ones I’m trying to gather is this one called, Frostie's Ice Cream Stuffing from their Fur Affinity account. I’m able to retrieve the first three parts but unable to retrieve the rest.

You can find it on Furarchiver, I checked and sure enough the sequence is there.
Oh my goodness, I actually found it after so many years. Thank you so much for sharing that sight to me. I’ll be doing some uploading on that sequence.
I may have an idea. It's likely they are kinda abandoning their fetish. I think they tried to walk away after the whole Galactic Expand gig didn't work out, and possibly tried to improve on their style. There is this FA here https://www.furaffinity.net/user/puffpuffbloat/ and their style seemed pretty familiar so I'd assume it might have been them attempting to comeback with improvements to their artwork but stopped in terms of doing art. It is still active based on those faves though.

Even if it doesn't happen to be them, I can confirm they've went on to be an active Sonic/Mobian Vtuber with a streaming career.

As far as I can tell, they might have moved on to focus on their career of being a Sonic/Mobian vtuber.
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>Frostie was about to get off work, but she had the bright idea to suprise her belly loving boyfriend by stuffing her self full with her favorite treat. She closed down the store and grabbed some hoses in the back and began to fill herself up with ice cream.
I can understand that. Thanks for sharing that information.
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I learned they also have another account that probably came first before they switched accounts called AskChubbyTwilight. Once again anyone is free to upload any content this person has posted over the years.
I’m also sure they must of had a rough time and I think we should continue to honor them.
Yeah they came pretty far. I wish they didn't go through some pretty difficult times in terms of reception but at least they seem pretty happy with the streaming biz. Wonder how they would react seeing this thread here.
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This was from their other account. Since it was an attempt at a comeback, so I thought of introducing it here along with its tie-in story.

>Lilac and Carol were staying the night at Mayor Zao's palace. There was going to be a party for the three heroes the following day and they wanted to get an early start. They went to bed in a special guest room for them. Around 2 A.M. Carol woke with a growl coming from her stomach. “Ooof... I'm in need of a little snack...” Carol quietly said to herself. The growling woke up Lilac and turned to Carol. Carol got out of bed and headed out. “Where do you think you're going?” Lilac questioned. “O-oh. I just need something to eat. Maybe Zao has some of that sushi I love. Lilac got up and lazily spoke, “Alright, but I'm going with you. We don't want to get in any trouble with Zao after all and you become so unaware of your surroundings when you pig out.” “Hey! I'm not gonna 'pig out'. Just one quick bite.” Lilac giggles to herself and follows Carol out.

>They head to the banquette hall and look around. It was quiet and empty. Not a soul in sight. Carol quickly leaps to the kitchen and Lilac quietly runs after her. “Just hurry. Who knows what the guard's shifts are at this time of night.” Lilac said with a worry in her voice. Carol responded, “Chill out. Zao wanted us here specially, I think he wouldn't mind if his 'heroes' grabbed a midnight snack.” Carol rummaged through the fridge and found a locked box with 2 sushi rolls inside. “What's this? Hey Lilac, I found something interesting!” Carol ran over to Lilac showing her the locked box. Carol picked it right in front of her friend before she could get a word out. “Come on, we gotta try this sushi. It has to be one of the best if it's locked up so tight.” carol spoke with enthusiasm. Lilac responded, “Look. There's a reason some sushi is locked up. We can't just take food without permission. Especially locked food.”

>Carol shrugged and chucked the whole thing in her mouth. Carol began to drool, “Oh my goodness... Lilac this is the best sushi I've ever had. Oh you can just taste the flavor, it's almost too much!” Lilac rolled her eyes and grabbed the second piece. “Fine! But only because one is already missing.” Lilac ate her piece quickly and Carol was right. The flavor was intense. It was one of the best tasting sushi she's ever eaten. Carol patted her tummy, “Well I'm full now surprisingly. Let's get back to bed.” They both took off to bed but once they hit the hall, their stomach growled even louder then before. Both of the girls looked at their belly wondering why they were so loud. They never heard such an intense growl before. Carol let out a huge burp, “oof... sorry... oh, I feel like I just ate a buffet of sushi... what's happening to us Lilac?...”

>At that moment their bellies began to bloat up. Lilac began rubbing her belly to try and calm it down, “Oof... I'm so bloated... Oddly though my belly is getting soft...” It felt like they were getting fat. Their bodies were getting plump and plush. Lilac's jacket unzipped itself revealing her round tummy, and Carols shorts popped their button off thrusting her belly forward. “I-I think that sushi is making us fat, Lilac!” Carol yelp. Their whole body began bloating. Their breasts flying through cup sizes before their eyes, their arms reaching the perfect pillow size. Their butt and thighs getting wider with each second. Their hands and feet were blowing up like balloons with their fingers and toes rounding out. Carol's shirt split right down the middle exposing her boobs. Carol's face turned red, but it didn't look like out of embarrassment. “L-Lilac... T-this... feels so good... I want more... I need more...” Carol began rubbing herself as if she was trying to pleasure herself but her size prevented it. Lilac blushed and shouted, “Carol! Control yourself! Now is not the time to be a horny pussy!” Carol didn't listen. Her belly reached bean bag sized and her breasts were the size of beach balls. She kept moaning louder and louder with each jolt of growth causing her body to shake. Lilac's size wasn't far behind.

>Lilac tried to walk towards Carol to stop her friend before someone came, but her weight was too much and she fell over rolling on the ground. “Oof... C-Carol! Help! I'm getting too big!” Lilac panicked. Carol giggled, “Zao's gonna need to use his airship just to get you back on your feet.” Carol's breasts began growing faster then her belly. The weight caused her to lean forward, but she didn't fall. The thing stopping her was Lilac. Carol's breasts were pushing into Lilac's growing body. Lilac shouted, “Gah! Carol! You weight a ton! Get off!” “Hehe. Good luck with that. I'm stuck like this just like how your stuck down there. Come on... enjoy this with me...” Carol smirked. After about an hour passed and the girls finally stopped growing. Their stomach let out one final growl. Both girls were the size of torque's space ship. Carol was still stuck on top of Lilac with Lilac laying on her side. “Aw... At least I feel so good...” Carol whined wanting to release herself at that moment. Lilac rolled her eyes, “Just so you know, the moment Zao see's us we are in big trouble.”

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