
(86 KB, 564x800, umi_jmsdf__japan_maritime_self_defense_force__by_umi_morphy_dfm9o15.jpg) (499 KB, 1812x2048, f2f8e75089f5a659742d2d63b6b7d2f8ba34d5e3.jpg) (388 KB, 1244x1263, ETCdIhTXgAE6MBT.jpg) (77 KB, 750x1000, dani___ka_lr.jpg) (171 KB, 1131x864, Dw1CWcpXgAATnsS.jpg) (246 KB, 936x962, DQF_t5qWAAAl0j1.jpg)
Any comics/artwork from BigHorse/Fuusenroba would be greatly appreciated!
Holy crap, the "Dani Ka" piece is incredibly rare! I haven't seen it any recovered collections for close to twenty years now!

Elated to find this piece again :D
It looks like his style, but I'm not sure. Thanks for the share though I'll be sure to save it! Anyone have the Umi comic?
(357 KB, 1208x700, awesome.jpg)
found this on DA
I'm certain I posted the archive link somewhere.
I don't think they ever did any more with those characters did they?
Yeah if someone has a somewhat complete archive I'd be super grateful.
(57 KB, 575x471, image0.jpg)
I managed to save this from the old thread, one of my mny favorites

But I recently been inquiring information on what happened to Bighorse/Fuusenroba and I heard he had a politicl meltdown about Trump, covid, BLM, etc
He’s not the one who melted down. We lost another great artist to the cancel mob.
Oh? Was it also HeavyHoss? Heard he left for a while, but returned
Boomer is either dead of covid or a total pussy for getting scared off by some screeching libs on twitter lmao
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Some of the works also in the popping thread:

(494 KB, 1772x2048, IMG_20191008_214116.jpg)
This sketch doodle for a sequence BH never finished lives rent free in my head! If I remember correctly from the tweet he made(which I can't find) it's about his mighty mouse character fighting some latex clad busty vixen. He throws some chemicals on her which causes her body to absorb water like a sponge(Big Horse logic idk) she then starts drinking water from a nearby lake and starts filling up with water. She realizes this and then it starts to rain(what timing) as it pours the poor vixen's body balloons out of control. After blowing up to an enormous size, mighty mouse shoves her into the lake because he's a dick and she swells up into a giant blob with huge tits. Not sure if she was supposed to burst at the end of this because he never finished it. But idk I kinda like the idea if her just being stuck like that.

Damn, it would have been glorious.

If I recall correctly, it was because he voiced support for police during some BLM protests at the time.

What is so hard about admitting that some people being arrested by police are guilty as hell, and if they try to resort to violence, the police are justified in using deadly force? Some of these creeps have criminal records spanning years even.
He made some pretty mild boomercon takes on Twitter, caught flack for it, and bailed. Not the first time he's disappeared so I hope he comes back or posts elsewhere, dude's one of the all time greats - nothing beats his Kiss of Death sequence for me
Right? BH is my all time favorite inflation artist. Probably because he was the first inflation artist I discovered when I realized I had this fetish. Yes I'm that old. It's not just the shapes and sizes he inflates his characters to, for me it's that his scenarios are always so unique and creative. Kids these days just settle for the same old same old "Girl chews gum, oh no girl becomes blueberry" or "Girl puts hose in ass and blows up" yawn... who else is gonna come up with the idea of Popeye throwing a zebra into a blimp, blowing it up and then along comes a tigress who takes a bite into it and gets inflated by the blow back?
(858 KB, 4096x3809, 20230909_130813.jpg)
Gotta give some love to my girl Heidi! She was in one of the first comics I found in my Inflation Fetish journey. I'm so glad BH did a new rendition of her before he went MIA. I just love the concept, a busty gox girl who's only job in the military is to be a big fat blimp. It's so great!
(14 KB, 300x395, 20230909_130832.jpg) (40 KB, 594x594, 20230909_130817.jpg)
I love the expressions. BH was always the master of expressions on his characters. From the dude whose clearly looking at Heidi's enormous breasts, too the look on Heidi's face. Her expression conveying so much emotion. Shock, worry, embarrassment from being so big. Probably a little discomfort from those harnesses on her boobs. The chubby cheeks are the icing on the cake. She's completely helpless in her current state, she can only hope her pilots can finish the mission without taking any stray bullets that could puncture her swollen body!
by any chance would you have the other fox who gets inflated to be a literal blimp?
(162 KB, 1329x500, heidi3.jpg) (158 KB, 1348x500, heidi1.jpg) (129 KB, 1349x500, heidi4.jpg) (163 KB, 1355x500, heidi2.jpg)
This is the comic I was referring to. When I found this as a teenager, I was absolutely obsessed with it for months, it's that good. My only gripe is that Heidi's breasts disappeared when she became a full a blimp. An issue that was thankfully fixed when he made the sequel image. There's a part of me that really wants to make a spin off series of inflation comics about the adventures of Heidi the blimp fox girl, and her many WWI themed missions. I will never be as good as BH, my inspiration...but I feel like making something that pays him homage would be something he would like...I would hope. I mean it would be better then the current stagnation generic inflation art our community is plagued by. If anyone wants me to do it I will, and I'll even make a furaffinity page and post the art here. And ya'll can rip me a new one if it sucks, I'm cool with that. Anything is better then letting my boy Bighorse be forgotten.
thanks by any chance what other items from him do you have?
I know right! Same with me when I discover bighorse on marcophile, and my fetish for inflation. I love the sequence for Mary Vs Ants, and Uma vs Mayhem Mouse. Both does a fantastic job at teasing the inflatee and building up the tension, to the point where they might stay permanent inflated body or explode cartoony.

Even single picture can tell a full story, like my favorite swaybackcure.jpg where the women shove air tank to the horse's rear.
I always wondered why macrophile went into limbo. It should be resurrected. Would still be a perfect place for puffurry artists to show their work.
All threads die if they don't get love.
(181 KB, 600x2523, 13738605025.jpg)
Depends on what you are looking for? I think I have autisticly curated every single piece of BH art that has been posted to the internet. At least to my knowledge? I know he said he did do some private commissions for a handful of people who he kept in his close circle. Man to be one of those lucky few to be holding onto some actual exclusive BH originals...Oh well, here's a pretty rare one, its of that Racoon girl from that one sequence where she inflates and gets stuck in a cave, except this times she's scuba diving and touches a cursed idol that makes her blow up.
hell whatever you got im happy with i enjoy everything he made
There was one sfw (or maybe is was nsfw) art that I saw on Google Image, and it was not a Twitter/X source.

1st Panel - Sam or another character was trying to pump a bicycle tire, but the hose was attach to the fox, and was enjoying the inflation.
2ns Panel - Sam or another character is looking up and being shocked by a ginormous rounded body fox covering him by shadow.
I wish I save it back then :(
(263 KB, 2048x1128, Dw0zV_LUUAAF-tp.jpg) (140 KB, 1000x589, 133008148757.jpg) (1.0 MB, 3975x3332, 135580338686.jpg)
Here's a couple that might be what you were talking about. The third (horse) is one that popped up on a bh thread here once and I'm pretty certain it's his. If not, someone is doing a very good impression.
Thank you! It was the second one.
well whatever you have with uma shes my favorite of bighorse’s characters
Oooh, I'd love to see anything you have that's not on the Macrophile site
(1.1 MB, 1299x551, 169479875460986277.png)
Dose any remember this comic and if so, can someone help me look for the first page of it.
(93 KB, 454x575, umi_has_a_drinking_problem__question__by_umi_morphy_dea1n8t.jpg) (163 KB, 1712x576, umi_has_a_drinking_problem_part_1_by_lssj3broly123_dcmo1c2.jpg) (135 KB, 1710x576, umi_has_a_drinking_problem_part_2_by_lssj3broly123_dcmo1f4.jpg) (181 KB, 1885x576, umi_has_a_drinking_problem_part_3_by_lssj3broly123_dcmo1hm.jpg) (191 KB, 2089x576, umi_has_a_drinking_problem_part_4_by_lssj3broly123_dcmo1oj.jpg) (116 KB, 1451x576, umi_has_a_drinking_problem_part_5_by_lssj3broly123_dcmo232.jpg)
That's some nightmare-ish, claustrophobic shit right there! And I love it!
(63 KB, 615x936, 2d2b8c3afc3a26b11f60e6f4a07f7f0aca6356fab9f780bf1186d0089a17cdb2.jpg) (82 KB, 792x788, 5db3f185ca9e71760a700ca20849817835bb82c3d47409156a7485a3b375f6d9.jpg) (127 KB, 977x800, 8a00f13f5e9d22d8d0fb25366573adf236c26fbe1e0fc776954cdf7106aae21c.jpg) (171 KB, 1355x1217, 6d6470ce6a001dc798d97b85c73ec8b9a28813e68c917b95465027288a328b7e.jpg) (147 KB, 1200x1096, 7ffd8eee15ad9eede3982457c866c8866e65c747a9d61db064128eca5b615b9d.jpg) (330 KB, 1734x1613, 8e1808084432959443c3cba0cade03f1f9f75386128fc6ca16cf3458169f2b25.jpg)
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Wait, I've never seen this one before! Where did this come from? What a glorious fiery ending!
Right? These last few posts have been fire, great find guys! Makes me wonder what other lost BH pieces are still out there?
Does anyone know what happened to him? I haven't seen new posts of him since 2020...
He said some antisemetic shit on Twitter and like 1 person barked at him and that apparently scared him shitless and he hasn't returned since.

Either that or he died of covid lmao
Fuckin tell him that then, he's the one with stage fright lmao
I just hope he returns someday...
You lmao because you WANT him dead? Go fuck yourself. And he never said anything antisemetic, he liked some posts against the BLM riots when rich white leftist anarchists burning down cities was all the fad.

It wasn't antisemitism. He voiced support for law enforcement.

It was during the George Floyd protests. That's why he was attacked on twitter.
He didn't voice his support of law enforcement, he wanted justice for Floyd. He was against the riots.
His art style varies so much. It’s all colorful too. I’d love to see what kind of 3d art goodies he’d be capable of. Maybe someday we’ll get some new art thrown our way, but I’m starting to think he left us for good.
I have some commissioned art from him, that nobody ever saw, but I promised him not to share it... But as I understand - he is gone. Am I still obliged to not to share?
You know we're all going to ask you to share it. Up to you.
You bought it, you should be able to do with it as you like.
2023? He still posting somewhere?
Considering most of the art that isn't from Twitter or his online art galleries are all most likely private commissions that weren't supposed to see the light of day I don't see any reason to not share it? What's he gonna do? Not make any new art? Oh...wait...
A friend who knows him shared it with me, and WTH I’m sharing it too because I’m so anon lmao

The damn controversy should have died down by now. Not his fault some people can't tell the difference between being against the riots in general, and supposedly being against the civil and human rights of police brutality victims.

Just glad he's still alive and making art. Is he even taking comms right now?
(9 KB, 150x150, 4gjmi6.jpg)
Please post
Happy to see he's still alive and making art
Did he redraw the entire Carrie Nation comic or are those pictures standalone?

Standalone Anon. The idea is there's a 3rd part showing blue pony engorged like in the original comic. That was before the "offended woke crowd" chased him off for his opinions.
I'm still mad he never finished this sequence before he went MIA forever!
Well, would your friend know where he can be reached for comms nowadays?
That was fantastic
I feel like the comic is a a whole thing. But I will be excited if there is a part two
Uuuuuh....this is the furry board, human stuff goes elsewhere.
Eh, this is a BH art thread, I don't see a need to make a whole new thread that's just BH human.
I do. BH has a lot of great human artwork. You should make a thread on the inflation board. Nobody has done one to my knowledge.
Does he though? I've always thought of BH as a furry inflation artist, who sometimes does human characters. Is there enough to even make a thread out it?
True they do primarily furry stuff, but they have done a respectable amount of human work. You have to dig around to find it, but its out there.
Now this is the stuff I like! I'm a sucker for comics and sequences where the girl is stuck in an inflated state. And the fact that it ends with the Vampire Pony stuck as Blade Bear's literal Beach ball? That's the good stuff!!!
I'm gonna use that first one.
(108 KB, 1137x432, BW6.jpg) (60 KB, 623x432, BW7.jpg)
Spoilered for popping content
Wow, just came across this thread. So many great 'new' older BH art pieces!

Yes to Heidi! Her newer remastered blimp form is great, especially with her boobs inflated up all massive too. It would have been great to see a new version comic sequence of her being blown up to that size, but that seems unlikely. Never say never though.

If you have ideas to expand Heidi's inflatable story, eh... go for it! Especially since it sounds like you're thinking about it plenty. I'm sure there are those of us who would be very curious to see what you come up with. ;)
I've had this idea to do a sort of "alt history" story based on Heidi. Expanding(pun intended) on the Big Horse concept, where WWI Germany, on the brink of defeat has to resort to desperate measures so they develop a revolutionary new chemical gas that can inflate young furry girl recruits into massive indestructible blimps. The only drawback is, the process is irreversible! Eventually these airship girls become sort of celebrities, each one with a distinct look and personality that the common civilians idolize and celebrities as their massive new forms sail across the countryside of German villages. You could even do a sorta after war storyline where the airship girls now have to adjust to life as massive blimps, trying to find new lives, new careers and their relationships after the war...sorry I've thought way too much about this!
Clearly you have. Sounds like you're pretty much ready to expand on it.

>>This is the comic I was referring to. My only gripe is that Heidi's breasts disappeared when she became a full blimp>>

Fitting that you mention this. There are a number of older BH edits I need to locate that includes a big titty Heidi blimp. Gotta get on that.

I mean, there are multiple panels in the original mentioning how big her boobs are getting, and then they don't end up enormous when she's fully inflated...
Ooooooh! Do tell? I hope you find that edit and share it, because I'm very curious? Heidi's my favorite inflated furry girl. Probably for the concept of her being so huge and also being used as a living balloon.
Farted on me in bed
(6.3 MB, 1774x883, heidi_fullblimp_edit.png)

Here you go.
An even bigger blimp with bigger boobs.

I think I have a few more Heidi pics, but since this and those are edits and not BH originals, maybe the request or general thread would be a better place for that?
That Rules! I say post um here if you got um? Since it's a Big Horse thread I don't see any problems just posting them here?
Holy, Umi rping in discord: umimorphy
I recently found out that she does inflationary rp there, I must say this is unusual
What happened to the Heidi morph guy?
Quit bumping this. Just let it go already.
Good collection here!
is there an archive?
Since 2015 of course.

Wai wha? Is that a '24 in the signature? He survived the covid times! Holy shit!
(6.3 MB, 4096x3809, new_heidi_blimp_edit_final.png)

Sorry, couldn’t find any other Heidi edits.
So I made this one. Looks like she got a couple of extra tankers of blimp gas. ;)

-be Heidi Vixen and volunteer for the Blimp Division
-doesn’t realize she is going to be the blimp
-the top-secret science involved is still super experimental
-because everything is rushed and they weren’t able to fully test
-be in a major factory, sounds of industry and metal clanking, compressed gas tanks everywhere
-secretive whispers between scientists and staff
“We can inflate her into a blimp and we’re 95% percent sure she won’t pop… “
“….but you have to give us more time!”
“You have your orders, proceed with the protocol now as planned.”
-Heidi stands with the hose in her mouth
-anchor points on her suit already secured to a motorized gondola
-sounds of multiple tank valves being completely opened up
-lots of loud hissing and squealing, the gas begins to flow
-numerous close ups on the active pressure gauges
-her eyes go wide as she begins to blow up
-her huge tits immediately start to swell even bigger and bigger
-they quickly realize her body is changing in ways they didn’t anticipate
-but there is no turning back now
-all they can do is watch in shock as her breasts inflate up like enormous observation balloons
-soon she’s blimping up all over
-the feelings she’s experiencing are incredible and beyond description
-random spasms and shuddering as she expands
-observers are nervous as her body emits all kinds of random loud groans, bangs, and pops
-orders being issued, pressure measurements constantly being yelled out
-scientists forced to make last minute adjustments before she gets buoyant and too big
-pull ropes are connected to her nipples for crew to steer her
-she starts to float higher as she finishes filling up to her maximum size
-as Heidi the Blimp Vixen lifts off, everything seems to have worked out
-but there were more unexpected effects that hadn’t made themselves known…yet


Care to expand on any more Heidi ideas? Anything you (or anyone) wanted to see during her inflation that comes to mind?
What's sad is Heidi was one of the main things Twitter freaks ran him off the internet for, iirc. They somehow thought this character is meant to be a Nazi.
Where did you find this?!?!
Where does he post nowadays?
He doesn't as far I know. Once and a while a new commission/gift trickles out from some righteous anon
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Does anybody have bighorse's black swallower sequence?
Thank you, anon! I, and my diamond hard dick, do appreciate.

Damn I thought dude died, he still posts?
(30 KB, 153x128, prof.jpg)
Hi everyone!
Umi Morphy asked to leave this message here, she is embarrassed to write here herself (although it is anonymous lol)

I think a lot of people know her from the BigHorse comics.

Our preferences are different, so we just communicate with her. She is looking for partners for RP she only plays an INFLATEE role.

So here are her preferences that she sent me:

Her preferences:
Full body inflation
Popping (it's not permanent or fatal)
Liquids (water, coke, beer etc) inflation (her fav)
Gas inflation (air, helium etc)
Being humiliated
Forced/unwilling inflation

What she don't like:

Romance (and everything related to it)
Toilet stuff
Weight gain/fat
Uber inflation
Inflating a certain part of the body.

Her discord: umimorphy
Thank you for your attention.
P.S: If you write to her, tell her that you came to her at Mark's invitation, thx!
Umi is morphy's OC. You might want to get morphy's permission to use his OC in this manner before this gets too retarded.
You're using someone else's OC without permission, lol. You are no friend of anyone.
(115 KB, 1080x1635, _20240806_075606.JPG) (120 KB, 1080x1746, _20240806_003022.JPG)
Apparently, there is no way without me. Do you need more explanations? Unfortunately, the correspondence was not saved due to the fact that I had another account (which unfortunately had to be deleted due to its hacking).
For about 7 or 8 years, this is my OC.
(115 KB, 1080x1635, _20240806_075606.JPG) (120 KB, 1080x1746, _20240806_003022.JPG)
Apparently, there is no way without me.
For about 7 or 8 years, this is my OC.
Unfortunately, the correspondence was not saved due to the fact that I had another account (which unfortunately had to be deleted due to its hacking)
Do you need more explanations?
lol Gawd you're so full of shit.
Oh, you so friendly xd
All the best to you too ^^
You are truly the prince and future king of autism. lol
You are very decent with good manners. It's nice that such people exist. But seriously, I'm sorry that your parents didn't raise you properly. Although on the Internet you can write and say various "dirty" things about people. As a female person (and I'm not talking about Umi), I'm very "pleased" to hear your speeches. Continue in the same way :)
Since apparently some people still have some contact with him, does anyone know how to contact BigHorse? Does he only take commissions from friends?
big just posted on X again a couple days ago.
huge news
Bump more stuff

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