
Artist is Xytora
Is there a demonstration video of thus mugen charater?
>>39730 Bruhhhh I promise you that that's not what Snorlax's butthole looks like. mid
I don’t know, I found her on Kazecat’s Kemono

What do you mean?
Does anyone want to write a story about a fat snorlax gf?
>>39961 No, but if you draw a fat Snorlax I would be more than happy to give you my rating and critique of how cute the butthole is/isn't.
I can’t draw :(
>>39963 Let's wait then until 1 of the AI technicians get bored then. I'll put in a good word for you.
(29 KB, 680x510, IMG_5581.webp)
Might be his only snorlax ever
(662 KB, 1450x1800, IMG_5686.png)
I loved it, I got this gentle cutedom thing going on with her where I, as an aron (we’re both adults in trade school), lovingly feed her to her limits in a love hotel. Maybe I’ll share if later.

More of her
I think he's going to call her Petunia, we only have one snorlax Petunia sprite and she's officially added to the MUGEN and IKEMEN character board, in other words, the snorlax Petunia is going to be an official and playable character for Crushing Force, we just have to give Kazecat patience so she has a chance to work with her and she can come out in the open. You can check out Kazecat on his PICARTO page, if you want to see his MUGEN creations live and direct. This is all the information I have on this future char.
I thought you were Kazecat for a minute and going to make her official yourself
That was not Kazecat and I found out about all this from his Picarto page, which is active from Monday to Friday in the afternoon around 6 or 7 pm.
(213 KB, 522x512, IMG_6203.png)
Chiste malo tumbleroso
(I think it’s in third person)
>Shame never really took off on tumblr, dunno, I was straight outta the chans and the site culture never clicked with me, that and the reply system is all kind of bogus, anyway, during my time there Shame noticed how fanart of popular stuff gave....interesting interpretations to animu characters, like one having Mista be like 40 sizes bigger than he actually is in the series, which inspired this....Shame is kind of an asshole, you know?
(228 KB, 1200x1200, Ditto Shots.PNG)
> The gist of it is that she's a waitress at a local watering hole. And the evening prior, her patrons kept buying her "ditto shots"

>One thing led to another, and now she's horribly bloated, taut and filled to the brim with those pesky Ditto. And not to mention, has one hell of a hangover.

(99 KB, 1280x798, Basketstar.JPG)
Check this artist when you have the chance. He’s Basketstar on furaffinity
(160 KB, 1280x914, thelunarmoon.JPG)
>Drew this for a sad friend. So gave her a new Snorlax GF to block her path.

Imagine being sad and you get a cute snorlax to stand in your way and become your girlfriend. High maintenance, but worth it for the giant cuddles.
(229 KB, 560x780, Thatoneaceguy Snorlax.PNG)

>Snorlax's appearance and behavior of constantly eating and sleeping were directly inspired by Game Freak planner Kōji Nishino.[3][4] Additionally, Snorlax may be loosely based on hibernating bears or teddy bears. It may also be based on a food coma, as it eats large quantities of food, then takes a nap, both of which are symptomatic of the condition. Snorlax's Gigantamax form resembles a small hill.

>Name origin

>Snorlax may be a combination of snore and lax or relax.

>Kabigon (カビゴン) is derived from Kirby (Japanese: カービィ Kābī), the eponymous main character of Nintendo's Kirby video game series. In an interview with Game Informer, Junichi Masuda stated that Kōji Nishino, the main inspiration for Snorlax, used to be called "Kirby" during the development of Pokémon Red and Green because of his large appetite.[4] Kabigon may also involve 黴 kabi (mold), noting the fact that Snorlax will eat anything, even moldy food.
That’s Yosioka doing a commission for someone.
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For shimbob7
(585 KB, 879x674, 1.PNG) (646 KB, 954x601, 2.PNG) (618 KB, 871x552, 3.PNG) (433 KB, 678x402, 4.PNG) (1.5 MB, 1264x977, 5.PNG)
By XanderDWulfe
This artist is fucking awful
This guy makes some of the most vile fetish art somehow even though it isn’t something like scat, being that terrible takes talent.
I will say their non-fetish art is pretty good though
(41 KB, 466x431, Lol_Snorlax_meme.jpg)
XanderDWulfe. I was hoping we’d see more fat snorlax content and less bitching from this thread. Haters gonna hate

Yo autistic ass is fucking awful
Xander makes decent work (these are fine >>46048), but these corruption sequences ain't it.
(88 KB, 1171x703, SnorlaxTF.JPG)
Everyone’s tastes are different. Post Snorlax related stuff you like here.
Having a lot of fun with this. Currently my trio of curvaceous Pokémon ladies (Snorlass, a Charizard and a Goodra*) are on our way to Fuschia City, while there I plan to stumble upon a rare Nidoqueen* in the Safari Zone~

*to hell with source accuracy
I love her, she’s so adorable. Even her name Cookie, is the cutest thing I’ve ever heard. Is there more of her?
(154 KB, 582x859, IMG_9263.png) (371 KB, 853x997, IMG_9262.png)
Whatever happened to this chick?
(829 KB, 720x1280, Snorlax comic Shamenado.PNG) (695 KB, 1128x1058, echelon_john.PNG) (1.5 MB, 2217x1662, DizzyKnight.PNG) (1.1 MB, 1728x2000, Adopt for HellGigaMax.PNG) (3.0 MB, 2217x1662, Snorlax Eliotak.PNG)
Deleted post included a non-snorlax. I want to try talking about wet dreams a big fat snorlax could have. They can’t reach their genitals so they’re probably hornier than ond can imagine and sleep it off to get off. Or they think more about food than sex anyway. Don’t want just a male, diapered snorlax to be having all the sweet dreams.
>her cock
RUINED, FUCK! Trannies ruin everything
You’re right. Maybe I’ll post the full story here and edit out the transgenderism. But it’s a shitton
His captivating smile. His mischievous eyes. The delicate forked tongue,
sliding in a flash of blue across his ashen muzzle.
And his thick blue tendril, pushing down her bulging throat.
"C'mon, darling. It's soooo easy: Just stop swallowing. It's all you have to do
to keep yourself from bursting..." Cass purred softly, sliding his paw gently
through one of Jenny's thick neck folds. He lay atop the Snorlax's vast
spread of belly blubber, his crooning muzzle inches from her own. The sight
of him consumed her vision. His face so close to hers. His paws, cupping the
wobbling bulges of fat that clogged her chin and cheeks. The supple mounds
of his ample rump rising up behind him, wobbling softly as his hips ground
languidly into her bulging middle. Everything else was tendrils. Writhing blue
tentacles, sprouting from his back, filling up her field of view. Tendrils, and
the ruined body they had made so huge...
"Mmhhmmff..." Jenny whimpered through a clogged throat. A desperate,
incoherent plea for the steady rhythm to stop. For the endless flow to cease
bulging up from him, traveling along the undulating appendage, and then depositing another thick load of goopy sludge directly into her mouth. All the
while, the little lizard watched. Smiling. Licking his lips. Eyeing her oh-so-
hungrily. It was the eyes that gave him away. Their voracious gleam, so ill-
fitting on the diminutive male. The truth of why this Pokémon had been
made a lieutenant of the shadowy Team GAIN organization that had taken
her in. Cass may have looked like a Salandit, but that visage hid a darker
truth. He was a mass of countless Ditto. An amalgamation of syrupy slime,
sculpted into this unassuming form. Only behind these closed doors did the
truth come out: He was monstrous.
And she was enthralled by him.
"Such pathetic little noises..." The sadistic Salandit purred. "They sound all
the sweeter, when you follow them with such eager gulps..." He licked his
lips and shuddered, as though tasting the helplessness of her whimpers. As
though her soft sounds of desperation tasted as good to him as his sludge
tasted to her. But that was impossible.
After all, nothing tasted as good as him.
"I'm flattered, you know. I've never had such an eager blubber-dumpster
before. The ones before you needed a bit of cajoling to take on all my excess
weight. But you? Why, I've never seen one so eager. Such a wonderful asset
to Team GAIN..." His back-handed compliment was as saccharine-sweet as
his syrup. He knew damn well that this wasn't eagerness; this was
addiction. Compulsion. Not a single sensation to ever grace the gluttonous
Snorlax's tongue had ever proven so irresistible. Every viscous load he
pushed into her bloated cheeks flooded Jenny's mouth with indescribable
bliss. Sweet blueberries, savory crema, and a million other flavors that she
could barely comprehend, let alone resist. She couldn't stop. She
could never stop. All he had to do was push the tendril into her mouth, and
the whimpering Snorlax would eagerly gulp every thick load of syrup that
poured out. No matter how fat she got. No matter how full she got.
No matter how huge she swelled.
Again and again the loads poured in. Bigger and bigger her belly stretched to
hold them. Fatter and fatter she swelled. Poor Jenny was already enormous.
Her weight had already ballooned into the quadruple digits, and now the
scales were starting to read in tons. The slow spread of Cass' tendrils across
her vast frame was a terrible reminder of just how huge she'd become. They
pushed between the thick love-handles billowing out across her quadruple-
wide hips. They slid over the curve of her gigantic blubber-butt, wobbling
and quaking like a dumpster full of gelatin behind her. They wrapped around
her useless and fat-coned limbs, mocking her lack of mobility with their own.
But that was not where Cass' true attention lay. As always, his focus was
centered on her belly.
"We've been at this for hours, you know. Over an hour since I said you could
stop. And yet here you are, still gulping away like a hog. Don't you think
you're pushing your luck, piggy? I can feel it. I know you can feel it, too.
You're getting awfully full... dangerously full..." The femmy male's
patronizing tone dripped with self-satisfaction. The false Salandit lay
sprawled upon the massive spread of her belly, indulging in it like the
overstuffed mattress it had become. Jenny's gut was jam-packed with syrup
and fat. Hundreds of gallons of syrup, within thousands of pounds of
blubber, within an aching pelt stretched to its creaking, groaning limits.
Cass didn't even try to contain his glee in how huge she was. The
femboy lavished in Jenny's turgid hull. His paws pressed into her taut
curvature, testing the little give she had left. His devious tendrils snaked
under the sprawling tummy, hefting the wobbling flab as it slowly,
inexorably swelled out before her. He was enthralled. As addicted to her
body as she was to his. If there were any doubts of the sensual, sexual bliss,
his rock-hard maleness against her flabby gut dispelled them. His thick,
meaty steed pulsed against the creaking dome of her gut. So huge. So hard.
Pressing so powerfully against her achingly taut belly. Jenny whimpered. Her
flab wobbled ponderously, lard-buried limbs writhing within the immobilizing
bloat of her vast corpulence. But still, she guzzled away...
"Come now, Jenny... I'd hate to see such a wonderful body, ended by just a
bit too much gluttony. Just fight the urge to guzzle the next load, and this
will all be over." Cass' eyes glimmered like cold fire as he watched the panic
spread across the fat-bloated features of her face. The twisted male loved to
play this game. To keep up the lie that Jenny was just another Tanker,
meant to hold the excess syrup that his body produced. To pretend that this
was all just a job to her, and she was simply oh-so-eager to over-perform.
But Jenny knew better, now. After months and months, the truth was all too
plain to see. She wasn't a Tanker; she was a plaything. An expendable toy
for the twisted Salandit to pump full and tease to his hearts content. And if
he played a bit too rough? If he went too far and splattered Jenny's blubber-
stuffed innards all over this room? Oh well; That's why the room had a drain
in the center of the floor. As a Lieutenant, he probably wouldn't even have to
clean the mess once he was done with her.
In truth, she had but one job: resist him. And she was failing at it.
Cass licked a little kiss on her bosom, then nuzzled into her soft chest. He
looked up from her hefy cleavage at her with those gleaming eyes, feigning
innocence. "Oh, don't give me that look... it's as simple as saying no, isn't
it? After all, you're soooo full already. This belly is so jam-packed, so
achingly taut. It should be so easy to stop clogging your innards full with
more, especially when you know what'll happen if you don't..."
The sprawling net of tendrils squeezed her. Not hard, but it didn't need to be
hard. Just a little prod was all it took for the piercing ache to shoot through
the vast sprawl of her belly, crackling within her overstuffed innards. She
was so full. So. Fucking. Full. Every churning organ; every inch of her taut,
creaking belly felt ready to give out. To buckle under the pressure, then
burst open in syrupy detonation. Her eyes blurred as her body thrumbed
with that oppressive ache. Her blubber-shod limbs quivered, fatty paws
flapping at the ends of useless, conical arms. But still, she guzzled away.
"Mmmhgff..." a soft, desperate moan. The only sound that could escape her
throat. The only voice given from the Snorlax's body as it billowed and
bloated, pulling taut around thousands of pounds of sloshing syrup and
blubber. Tubby little toe-paws curled around puffy foot-pads that hadn't
known the feeling of the floor in months. The only movement she had left.
The only mobility allowed to the ruined, bloated lardspill of a body she was
trapped within. Only... this prison was of her design. This pig-blimp pile of
quivering lard, fattened up as much by her traitorous tongue as the sadistic
Ditto before her. A fact that gleamed triumphant in Cass' eyes as he leaned
in close, paws pressed against the bulging throat that refused to cease its
damning gulps.
"No? Just going to keep at it? Just keep slurping away, gallon after gallon,
edging closer to detonation? I know I'm tasty, but I can't be that irresistible.
Perhaps... perhaps it's not the flavor after all... perhaps you're enjoying this
some other way... perhaps... you're getting off on this..." The tendrils closed
in again. This time, they did not squeeze her. This time, they indulged her.
Syrupy appendages slithered over the cascading rolls that spilled out all over
her vastness. Across her tumescent belly. Down the wobbling curves of her
blubber-stuffed ass cheeks. Hefting the meaty swell of her fatty udders.
Squelching sounds filled the room as they penetrated her fat-folds and
slathered her curves in glistening slime.
Ecstasy flooded her. Searing, penetrating bliss, burning through her
quivering flab everywhere he deigned to touch. They went all lver, sparing
not an inch of her tender, aching flesh. Jenny moaned, slurped, gurgled,
then moaned all over again. Viscous blue syrup spilled down the fat-folds of
her jowls and pooled in the flabby crevices of her countless chins. With bliss,
came need. A firey craving that compelled her to guzzle faster, swallow
more, stuff bigger. A craving that had been fed day in and day out, growing
as she grew, until its need consumed her as completely as the thousands of
pounds of billowing flab. This enormous
This enormous body was her prison, but it was also
her pleasure pit. Every foot of her sprawling, oozing heft was tantalizingly
sensitive. Every inch begged to be fondled and teased. She was slave to that
pleasure. She needed it. She ached for it. She would fatten herself like a hog
for it, just for a few more fatty folds for Cass to indulge in. He had made her
this way. Arceus, she had let him make her this way. All for the only reward
he ever promised:
"It's okay, you know... to indulge. To give in. To admit that you delight in
this little deal of ours, even more than I do..." He stroked her flabby cheek,
paw-pads sinking deep into the puffy, syrup-smeared flesh. His soft words
were met by gurgling moans, uttered between the tendril's pulsing loads.
She was helpless to stop herself from moaning for him. Not when she knew
what was coming next. Not when his tendrils were already slithering beneath
her gargantuan belly, pushing between her hammy thighs. By the time he
was half-way up the flabby pile of folds that caked her inner-thighs, her
moans were little more than choking gurgles of bliss.
The tendril paused. Halting, mere inches away, like a snake ready to strike.
The femmy lizard leaned in, and purred into the Snorlax's ear. "Go on,
piggy. Moan for it. Let me hear how much you love this..."
"Muuuhhh-*gllrrgllee*-hhuuuhhh..." Her greedy throat guzzled and moaned,
her traitorous body desperate to show the sadistic Salandit how much it
craved this. Cass' smirked down at her.
As if he didn't know how much she needed it.
As if he wasn't about to feel for himself.
"Good piggy..." he whispered.
Then the tendril plunged forward, into pillowy fold that hid her vag.
The syrupy tendril pushed slowly, inexorably, into the thick fat-pad that hid
Jenny's vag. That swallowing fold of pillow-soft fupa flab, which had
swallowed up her quivering vag over a thousand pounds ago. Now, that pad
was enormous. A hundred-pound hood that buried her juicy lips
in soft, swaddling warmth. She felt every inch of Cass's tendril pushing
inside her cock-sheath. Every warm throb. Every pulsing ripple. Every
squelching, sucking spurt as Cass' appendage leaked hot syrup inside her.
Cass was questing for her shaft. Rummaging in all that gelatinous flab,
looking for the only bit of hardness left on a female buried in so much soft
"Mmmmm! MmmmMMMmmm!" Jenny lost control. She gurgled and moaned,
hips thrusting of their own accord somewhere beneath the mountain of
blubber that imprisoned her. Pumping her fat clit into her own fat-pad,
leaking hot gouts of ejaculate into the floor. No amount of shame or
self-control could keep the yearning at bay. Pulsing. Moistening. White-hot
need, buried in that ocean of flab, aching for the only one who could reach it
anymore: Cass. She could feel his pulsing appendage filling her fupa.
Clogging it, spreading it out, rummaging in her fold for her needy lips.
Deeper, closer, until finally-
"There you are, piggy..." Cass purred as his tendril brushed the tip of her
clit. The helpless Snorlax moaned and gurgled, spilling thick loads of ejaculate all over the warm, wet tentacle. Cass chuckled softly. "So pent-up... so
achingly. Fucking. Needy. All this whimpering and whining... all these
forlorn little looks you give me with those big doe eyes, as I remind you how
close you are to exploding... and yet every time I find that lard-buried vag
of yours, you're as wet as an ocean... naughty, naughty girl... greed is bad
enough, but lying?"
The Salandit leaned in. "... Lying is so much worse. Especially lying to
yourself. And you can lie all you like, but I know the truth: this fat, juicy
Vag of yours only gets wetter, the closer you get to bursting..."
Then, he began to enter her.
Her blubbery fupa squelched and wobbled as the tendril worked its way in and out her lard-buried lips. Sating her need, and at the same time
making it shamefully clear. She wanted to deny it. To tell herself that this
pounding erection was because of any reason other than the viscerally,
painfully obvious one: her body ached for release. It burned for it. It tore
her thoughts apart, leaving only the single desire left. She craved release.
Ecstatic. Orgasmic.
"That's it, isn't it... getting closer and closer, insides creaking taut beneath
these thousands of pounds of fat-caked rolls... it excites you... it makes you
want to keep guzzling, load after load after load... oh, don't look at me like
that. I can hear those soft little moans, coming out between the swallows.
You know exactly how close to the edge you are, and you... you can't resist
gorging yourself right over it..."
"-HNNFF! Hmmm-MMMPHHhhh..."
Jenny melted. Hips thrusting, eyes rolling into flitting lids, she drowned
beneath the ocean of bliss. Deep within the smothering press of her fupa,
her pounded lips surged so hard she felt they might explode. Whatever
vestiges of self-control she once had fell away, leaving her for what she had
been turned into: gluttony, incarnate. A gargantuan vessel for Cass to pour
every ounce of himself into. Not just his slime, but him. His lust. His need.
His twisted desires to bloat and fatten her to the ruinous limits. Jenny craved
all of it. She needed all of it. And when she thought of what it might cost
her, it only made her need it more. Her throat opened and the tendril poured
inside her, pumping right down her throat.
"Grlrrrgllee... gwllrrRRRGGHLLllleee..."
"Atta girl... drink it all down... feel your pelt tighten and creak... let's see
just how much this lard-bloated body can handle..." Cass' smile turned
absolutely carnivorous as he leaned in, pushing the tendrils down into her
gullet. His cock swelled against Jenny's surging belly. Thick globs of pre-cum
pumped from his tip, pouring over her white fur as it separated, revealing
the lurid pink tint of the skin beneath. The helpless Snorlax gurgled, and her
body gurgled with her. A churning, groaning sound, suffusing her entire
body and pouring out as the orgasmic moan it was.
Tears welled in Jenny's eyes. 'Please... no... I don't want to explode...' Pain
lanced through her gurgling guts. Fear rumbled beneath the roar of
wretched, depraved pleasures. She was trying so, so hard to stop. To cease
the heady gulps that would surely bust her guts, if she did not fight the
urge. But she couldn't. She couldn't even slow down. All she could do was
whimper and whine as her turgid gut swelled, and swelled, and swelled.
Tumescent fur bulged out inexorably before her, rising beneath the twisted
Salandit as he slowly ground his thick length against her. Her panic-stricken
mind repeated again and again, 'I don't want to explode... I don't want to
explode... I don't want to exp-
"Yes, you do." Cass' soft voice made her start. Jenny started, eyes wide. A
brief note of terror, as she wondered if reading her thoughts was amongst
the countless abilities the monstrous male hid within him. The Salandit
chuckled when he saw her fear, and caressed her cheek. "Come now, my
piggy plaything. Does it still surprise you that I can read you so well? This
face of yours has always been an open book, no matter how much the
swelling chins and jowls distort your pretty features. I became a Lieutenant
at team GAIN by knowing exactly what mons want. And you? You, my
succulent blubber-blimp, are positively begging to pop..."
His cock surged as he growled the last words. His rigid steed, as hard at the
thought of her belly bursting open as her's was. Pre-cum dripped like hot
wax over the surging swell of her gut, making her gurgle and squeal with
forbidden bliss. No. He was wrong. This wretched need was something he
was doing to her. Some infectious, addictive perversion that he'd pumped
into her, making her body crave it's own destruction. She didn't want to
explode. She didn't want to guzzle her way to a violent, messy end. She
didn't to be pumped past her limits, guts clogging and pelt separating,
before finally rupturing and-
"Hnnngff?! HmmMMMmmmggg..." The flood of pleasure made her clit surge. Fat ropes of ejaculate painted the inside of her fupa as she nearly
toppled over the edge into climax. His torment, infecting her. She gurgled a
sound of pleading, begging him to stop tormenting her with... with...
"Hmmff?!" He'd stopped. The warm tendril wrapped around her buried pussy
held it, but did not rub it even an inch. He'd milked her throbbing clit right
to the edge of climax, only to keep it from her. She whimpered and thrust,
desperate to claw back that stolen release, but her lard-blimped frame was
unable to thrust her hips so much as an inch.
"Oh, I'm sorry... were you trying to cum?" Cass tilted his head. Red-hot
shame flushed Jenny's wobbling cheeks. She tried not to let the Salandit see
her need, but there was no denying what he felt between her hammy thighs.
As if to remind her of that fact, the tendril around her clit pulsated gently.
Jenny squealed. She spasmed. Her throat gagged as the moans coming out
met the thick loads of slime coming in.
Cass leaned in, chuckling softly as he watched the unwanted pleasure tear
her apart. "Naughty, naughty piggy... more lying? More telling yourself you
don't want to explode, even as the thought alone is nearly enough to dump
a load into that blubbery cock-sheath of yours? I've seen a lot of piggies
pop, Jenny. I can tell when they want it, and when they don't. You, my
overripe blubber-blimp? Why... I don't think anybody has wanted it more
than you..."
His slithering tendril poured back over her pulsing clit. Not letting her find
release, of course. Merely stoking her yearnings, driving her wild with her
ruined body's aching lust. Jenny loosed a sound caught between a moan and
a sob. Her traitorous throat guzzled like mad, as though she could make
herself cum if she simply pumped enough slop into her guts. But she
couldn't. She knew she couldn't, because she knew he wouldn't let her.
"Ah-ah-ahh, piggy... you don't get to cum yet... not until you admit to
yourself just how much you want what's coming..."
'What's coming'. No maybes. No silly games. Cass was done toying with his
prey. Done pretending there was any way this was going to end, other than
with her vast corpulence bursting apart in ruinous detonation. Jenny
watched as her thinning pelt billowed out beneath him, filling more and more
of her her vision with creaking, thrumbing flesh. So huge. So achingly...
dangerously... tantalizingly huge.
"MmmmMMMPFfffnnngg..." The wet, sloppy gurgle was pregnant with more
lust than any moan could have been. She didn't want to burst. That's what
she told herself. And yet, every single inch closer to this oncoming disaster
was orgasmic. The addictive bliss of his filling slop. The ecstatic caress of his
tendril up on her pussy. Even those wretched, wicked words he poured into
her ear, tantalizing her with her own ruination. A ruination he wouldn't stop,
on her account. A ruination she could not stop, no matter how hard she
tried. And by now, she wasn't even trying.
Detonation was coming. The only question left was whether whether she'd
be in ecstasy when it came...
"That's right, piggy... you know where this is going. You can't stop. You
don't want to stop. You want to glut yourself, bloating like an overfed tick
upon my delicious body. Groaning... stretching... creaking taut over every
inch of this tumescent flesh..." With every word, her fears melted away.
With every touch, her growing pain swelled into agonizing bliss. He was
preparing her. Readying her body and mind for what was coming. Leading
his fattened piggy to slaughter.
"Bigger and bigger... tighter and tigher... your time is running out, my
greedy little burst-pig." He inched closer, letting his muzzle nestle against
her fur as he whispered into her ear. His paw slid over the ripening bloat of
her belly. Claws extended, sharp talons parting her thin fur as they combed
down her explosively primed hull. Jenny's eyes clung to the gesture. Her
gulping was cut through with soft moans as the searing lines of pain slid
over her curvature, followed by a wake of shivering ecstasy. It was then that
she realized just how close to the end she was. All it would take is the flex of
a paw. An errant knick across her overtaxed skin, and she would blow open
right there on the spot. She was so tight. So huge. So achingly
fucking close. Jenny's breath caught. Her clit surged, drizzling fresh pre all
over her feeder's tentacle. She tried to tell herself she didn't want to
And she was lying.
Cass leaned in. His voice grew soft, as if he were merely whispering sweet
nothings into a lover's ear. "I'm gonna splatter you all over this room... Not
because I need to; because I want to. Because it gets me so. fucking. hard,
thinking about the mess you're gonna make when I burst these greedy guts
wide open. So tell me, my piggy... my turgid, groaning, overstuffed blubber-
balloon... tell me the truth. Tell me how badly you want to explode, and I'll
give you exactly what you want. I'll make sure you're cumming, from every
second from now until this fat gut blows wide open..."
The pumping stopped. The tendril began to slide from her throat, wriggling
and pulsing and sending gurgling slime spewing all down her vast front. He
was giving her a chance. One final moment without the tendril in her throat,
so that she could properly refuse this coming fate. The tentacle slid up to her
muzzle and began wriggling its way out, clearing her windpipe for the first
time in hours.
She didn't want to explode.
She didn't want to explode.
She didn't want to-
"I wanna eshhploooddeee!" she cried out. She begged. She pleaded, tears
welling in her eyes, tongue lolling as she panted like a bitch in heat.
"Burrrsshhht mmee... plleaashhee... ffuugghhinngg... make mee
exxsshplode... shh-splliit m-muhhh bellehh and shhplatter myyy gutsshh..."
She wanted this. More than she wanted anything. More than she wanted life,
Jenny wanted to explode.
"Good girl..." Cass purred. He nuzzled her chin-folds. He stroked her hair
softly. He lapped at a stain on her cheek with such saccharine affection.
Then he slowly, mercilessly pushed the tendril back down her begging
*GLRRK... gllrrggllee... gughrrrgglle*
The tendril slid inexorably down Jenny's gullet. Neck-folds squelched and
rippled as the throat beneath them stretched to take the undulating girth.
Gagging, slurping, gurgling sounds bubbled up from Jenny's throat. Sounds
of her body, straining to take this damning girth. Jenny herself paid her
body's protests no mind. Her chins and jowls wobbled as her head bounced
up and down, needily working the throbbing appendage down her throat.
Her tongue slid all over it, coaxing it to dump out its delicious loads. Her
efforts were rewarded. First, by the soft sounds of Cass' pleasure as his cock
surged fat and rigid against her. Then, by the first load of sludge.
Jenny sucked and swallowed like mad. Orgasmic flavors flooded her mouth
and poured down her throat as the Snorlax began to eagerly pack her guts
full once more. Her belly ballooned. The massive wall of blubber surged out
in all directions, pouring over the cold tile floor and filling up even more of
the room. Jenny garbled a moan of bliss as she watched the meaty blob
swell and creak. There was no give, anymore. No softness to be found,
anywhere across the tumescent swell. She was growing taut. Stretching to
her limits. Priming, soon enough, to blow...
"Yes.... yeesss... guzzle it down like you want to burst... think about every
single swallow, and how much tighter it will make this creaking gut-
balloon..." As his words poured into her ears, his tendril flowed around her
cock. Spiraling over her length from tip to base, slathering her lard-buried
mast in hot, sticky syrup. Jenny came undone. Vast swathes of blubber
wobbled oceanically as she tried desperately to hump her fat clit into his
slithering tendril. Lard-clogged limbs and long-buried muscles, wobbling
uselessly in the cones of blubber that held her trapped within herself.
Her clogged throat gurgled sounds of desperate need as her body begged for
"Come now Jenny, you know you're too fat to move. Too fat to do anything
other than lie there, gulping your loads, waiting for the end... but don't
worry, piggy. I'm here for you. You've been such a good girl, after all,
turning yourself into my perfectly helpless burst-piggy. I can reward you. I
can help you feel good, just like I always do... all you need to do is keep
stuffing your guts full of my sweet, delicious slime." The slow pumping
picked up pace. Up and down, squelching and slurping luridly inside the fold
of her slick puff-pad. Jenny melted to his touch. Lard-buried muscles relaxed
all throughout her body as she let him take control. Her throat relaxed too,
allowing load after load to pump into her gurgling innards. A tender paw
ruffled her hair softly, and a forked blue tongue slid up the side of one jowl.
Cass leaned in, purring with delight. "You've been such a good girl... months
and months, fattening yourself up for me... getting so ripe and round for
me... and soon, my delicious pig-blimp, you're going to explode for me..."
His tendril brought her right to the edge. His words left her teetering on the
brink, gasping and shuddering with need. She would have begged him to let
her cum, but her throat was too busy with the far more important task of
gulping back his loads. So she made her guzzling into begging. Every heady
slurp, an incoherent plea to her master. Her feeder. Her destroyer.
looked up at him with pleading eyes, her pussy throbbing beneath the
avalanche of lard he'd pumped into her. With those eyes that once begged
him for mercy, now she begged him to let her climax.
"... now, my precious hog..." Cass smirked. "I want you to cum for me."
His tendril tightened into her lips, and Jenny obeyed with glee.
Climax. Hot, wet, pounding release. Jenny's blubbery puff-pad quivered like
mad as her clit surged inside it, pumping fat ropes of cum out her leaky lips. The Snorlax moaned and shivered with mind-rending bliss. It felt so
good. So deliciously, deviously good. So good to just sit there, floating in a
sea of lard, giving her entire body to his wicked whims. To stop thrusting,
stop even moving, and let him milk her blubber-sheathed pussy. She relaxed
her throat, and let him pump her guts as full as he wished. She would
submit to him. She would explode for him. And in return, he would grant her
"Doesn't that feel so good? Don't you love giving in, and letting me show
you the pleasures this body was made for? What I've made you into?" Cass
growled with glee as his tendril milked her desire. Jenny gurgled a sound of
dreamy affirmation. She was still cumming, she realized distantly. The
orgasmic release went on and on, load upon load, each one as blissful as the
last. Her throbbing lips flooded her fupa with hot ejaculate. Thick, hot, juicy
juice that filled her pad and began to ooze out onto the floor beneath her.
Cass leaned in, tenderly stroking her cheek. "Fuuuckk, Jenny... that fupa of
yours... So soft, and plump, and
sopping wet with your desire. It gets me so hard, thinking that this is what
I've done do you..."
As if to remind her, he pushed his massive cock against her sprawling hull.
Rubbing his thick steed back and forth, dumping thick loads of pre-cum all
over her ever-swelling belly. Jenny crooned with bliss. Her overripe hull
shuddered at the thought of what a sexy blubber-blimp she had become. Of
how much sexier she would get, before the end.
Cass pushed his paw down onto his cock, pressing his heft against her and
making her taut flesh squeal. "So many months and months, ripening your
body. fattening you up into my immobile plaything. Flooding your body with
my essence, filling every part of you with lust. I've made you into my prime,
perfect hog... my biggest, fattest, sexiest burst-pig of all..."
" 'burst-pig'. You like that, don't you..." Cass chuckled in that wicked way of
his. The soft laughter that that used to fry her nerves, and now merely
turned her on. Jenny moaned and guzzled and moaned some more, showing
him how much she loved the name in the only ways left to her immobile
"Months and months and months, and now you've only got minutes left.
Minutes to guzzle... and cum... and grow so achingly tight..." Cass
punctuated the final word by pushing the feeder tendril a few more inches
down her throat. Jenny gagged, then moaned, then squealed as her belly
surged again. Cream-white fur bulged out before her in all directions. Her
spine arched and her lard-coned legs spread wide as her middle rounded
out, forming a singular dome of overstuffed flesh. Lurid red stretch-marks
drew tiger-claw rifts down the vast curvature of her hull, slashing their way
through the purple hue spreading out from the upper part of her gut. Skin
creaked. It seared. It throbbed and quivered. It should have been a warning.
For Jenny, it was quickly becoming something else. For the burst-pig, it was
becoming foreplay...
"Listen to those gurgles and creaks... all the ominous sounds your body
makes as it inches closer to the end..." Cass sighed, shuddering with bliss.
He was pleasuring himself in earnest, now. Both diminutive paws, pumping
away at his massive cock as it surged out before her. Thick globs of pre-cum
pattered down on her oozing mass of chins, which rippled as she moaned for
him. "My playthings always think that bursting is a quick affair... just one
gulp too much, and boom! Nothing but a smear on the walls. But thats not
what it is... not really... in between now and then, you will feel your body
giving out in so many deliciously ruinous ways..."
He was right. Arceus, she could feel how right he was. The snorlax could feel
things... changing within her. The tightness of her innards veering over from
the merely painful to the truly catastrophic. Already, her clogged innards
were starting to burn themselves out. The heat of churning digestion
became infernal as her guts bloated with far more syrup than they could
ever hope to contain, let alone process. Her insides grew hot. Her fur grew
damp, sweat glistening all across her burgeoning folds. Her labored heart
pounded in her chest, fighting to keep her ruinously obese body going for as
long as it could.
"Hnngg... fuck... just listen to your belly... your churning insides, begging to
pop..." Cass ground his hips against the gurgling bloat, fat cock thrusting in
his paws inches her face. Riding Jenny's doomed hull, as though straddling a
lover in the throes of passion. Tendrils slithered all over the undulating swell
of her belly. Their touch was hungry, prodding and caressing, indulging in
every inch of her tightening flesh. Jenny crooned with bliss at his touch.
Load after load dumped from her lips, into her wobbly fupa. She guzzled
faster and faster, desperate to please the slithering tentacles with the
sensation of her belly's building pressure. But the pressure was slowing.
That inexorable tightness, gathering at the apex of her gut as it primed to
burst, suddenly seemed to dissipate.
Or rather, it seemed to spread...
All over her body, the aching tingle of stretching skin flared up. It pushed
out through her hips, bloated her waist, and crinkled down the thick folds of
her back-fat. The Snorlax moaned, pleasure and pressure alike swirling in
her head. She was swelling. Not just her belly, and not just with fat. Her
entire body was beginning to bloat!
"Closer and closer, my succulent burst-pig..." Cass purred, a knowing
glimmer in his wicked blue eyes. His tendrils slithered over the vast and
oozing piles of her folds, caressing with eager anticipation. The thick rolls
slowly, inexorably unfurled before his caress, bloating out from within. It
was no longer mere blubber that inflated the helpless Snorlax. It was his
slime. His thick, viscous syrup, filling her like a balloon. Something had gone
wrong inside of her. Disastrously, catastrophically wrong. Somewhere, or
perhaps everywhere, her churning innards had begun failing. Begun leaking
his fattening sludge into the rest of her body, bloating her whole flabby
frame with slime.
"Oooh piggy.... you're filling out. All this juicy flab, bloating out nice and
round... your entire body, a dumpster for my syrupy release..." Cass'
snarled. His tentacles embraced her body as his excited sigh met her ears.
They shared the sensation of her countless flabby rolls unfurling across her
body. Bloating, tightening, rounding out into vast and quivering curves. Cass
moaned. His cock surged in his grip. Fat wads of blue cum gushed forth and
splattered her fat face. Jenny gurgled in bliss, then dumped fresh cum all
inside her syrup-slick pad as she watched him stroke his powerful steed.
Deep in the ruined wreck of her lust-drenched mind, a delectable thought
flashed. She was doing this for him. Getting huge for him. Getting taut for
him. Soon enough, exploding for him. He thought that gave him control, but
he was wrong. The ticking time-bomb of her hull was so tantalizing to her
feeder that even his calm exterior was fraying, revealing the feral beast
within. She had already lost control. Already submited to his wiles, and gave
her body to him to burst open. Even if they stopped now, she doubted it
would do little more than give her a few more hours of whimpering and
whining before her belly simply burst open anyway. She would come undone
soon enough. She couldn't stop that. But perhaps she could unravel him, as
"MMMmfff... mmmMMMmmmm... mmmMMMM!"
Jenny's gulping became slower. Thicker. Greedier. Her blissful moans,
turning shameless in their tenor. Jowls quaked and neck-folds bunched as
she bobbed her fat face up and down upon his tendril. She knew he could
feel her. Her throat tightening around the tendril. Her tongue, sliding up and
down it's length. Her heavy-lidded eyes glanced up at him, expression
dripping with sultry allure. Tantalizing him with words that her clogged
throat could no longer utter. An offer. A challenge. A tease.
'Cmon, little Salandit... if you're gonna stuff this fat piggy till she pops...'
Her eyes drifted down the soft curves of his body, then settled on his rock-
hard cock.
'... why not give her a real stuffing?'
And oh, how easy he gave...
"You... greedy... SOW." He snarled. Something snapped behind his eyes.
The tendril wrenched itself from her mouth mid-pump, splattering her
creamy jowls in hot slime and spewing syrup down her stacks of chins. She
blinked up, just in time to see the little male crawling up to her face. He was
growling. Thick strands of syrupy blue saliva dripped from his panting
muzzle as he slavered over her.
He grabbed her with one paw and wrenched
back her head, making her see the absolutely feral gleam in his eyes.
The words that snarled up from his muzzle sounded like they came from a
dozen voices at once. "You're gonna choke on this dick till you burst."
Then, he began forcing himself down her throat.
Cass was not calm. He was not kind. He pushed his way into her open
mouth, snarling and humping away. She gagged on his heft, syrup spurting
from her lips as her muzzle parted achingly wide around his cock. But Jenny
was a greedy, greedy piggy. She needed that juicy cock inside of her.
Needed to taste his lust for her body as it pumped down her gullet. She
relaxed her throat for him, easing him deeper and deeper with every thrust.
Her eagerness was rewarded. His sweet, delicious pre-cum flooded her
mouth and gushed down into her churning stomach.
"MmMmmmppphh!" She moaned, ecstacy rippling through her body as she
tasted him. His cum was his essence. His flavor, heightened to new and
irresistible peaks. She gulped and guzzled and gagged, desperate for as
much of his jizz as she could swallow. Desperate to make him cum, so that
he would give her all he had. Desperate for more, even as what he gave her
was already far too much...
"Hnnngg-fuck! You're s-so fucking tight..." he snarled. He meant all of her.
Not just her tight throat, but her entire vast hull. An awed statement at the
magnitude of the looming disaster that was Jenny. His cock surged as he
pounded it into her fat-bloated face, making her lard-laden jowls quiver. His
meaty balls collided with the jiggling folds of her chins as they bounced
along to his throat-bulging pumps. He was coming undone. Raw yearning lit
like fire in his eyes as he loomed over her, pounding away into her gullet.
His cock bucked. His balls throbbed. Every muscle, every tendon, every
tendril tightened as he gripped tight to her. If Jenny's mouth wasn't wrapped
around his cock, she would have smiled. Of course he wouldn't last long.
That's alright.
After he came inside her, neither would she.
A flood. A surging explosion of hot, steamy cum, dumping by the gallon
down her bulging throat. The Snorlax could do little more than tilt back her
head and let him pound inside her, load after load. He made a mess of her.
Every thrust squelching in with a splatter, then dredging up gushing rivers of
spunk as he pulled out. Hot blue seed poured all over her fat udders and
oozed across the gurgling bloat of her gut. She moaned. She guzzled. She
basked in his powerful pumps.
And by Arceus, she fucking ballooned.
The Snorlax's entire body surged as Cass used her like a condom. Legs
blimped round, then wrenched out to the side. Arms bulged, sockets
straining as blubber and syrup bloated them out into turgid cones. Back-rolls
rounded into a single cast curve, spanning around her to connect with her
belly. And her belly itself... it was priming. Creaking, groaning, readying to
blow. Her deep navel popped out into an angry red fist, dotting the center of
a spiraling lattice of stretch-marks. Flesh turned pink, then purple as her pelt
separated and the churning mess just beneath came to the fore. Tighter and
tighter she pulled. Closer and closer she got. With only a few more failures
in between...
All over Jenny's body, a disastrous new development began: leaking. Thick
blue globs syrup spurted from her turgid udders, spraying down her ripening
belly. Her endless climax grew hotter, heavier, stickier, as her pumping lips
began to disgorge Cass's slime into her fupa instead of her own cum. Even
her sweat became viscous and thick, forming a glistening blue sheen that
shimmered as her doomed hull quaked. It all hurt. It all throbbed with
wretchedly blissful pleasure. When the syrupy blue tears streaked down her
face, she didn't know if it was pain or joy.
Perhaps there was no difference, anymore...
"Yesss! Take it, my greedy burst-hog! Take it all, drink it all! Drink and
guzzle and swell till you pop!!" Cass snarled. She could barely hear him. She
barely cared. In that moment, she was his. Entirely. His to fill. His to bloat.
His to burst. Her entire body surged along to his every thrust. His every
load, slamming in like a bike pump to bloat her bigger. Rounder. More
disastrously, deliciously taut. Her quickly-ballooning heft bulged out, every
curve and roll and fold swelling together around her. She was becoming truly
Jenny squealed, ecstatic to feel her body round out. The realization could no
longer be called a thought in her ruined mind, but it didn't need to be. It was
sensation. Blissful, wonderous sensation. The orgasmic ache of overtaxed
flesh spread out across every inch of her creaking hull. Flesh bulged up
around her face and neck as she filled the room, consuming herself within
herself. All the while, Cass kept pounding. Thrusting into this quivering orb
of jizz-blimped blubber, dumping every ounce of his sadistic desire into her
doomed mass. Every powerful pump inched the ticking Snorlax time-bomb
closer to ruinous detonation. She could hear it. She could taste it.
And ohhhh Arceus, could she could fucking feel it.
Everything was failing. Insides gurgling, churning, then giving out. Flesh
creaking, stretching, pulling apart. Jenny gurgled a wet sound that might
have been a moan, had her body still been capable of the act. She was
coming undone. Coming apart. Cumming again and again, feeling every
vivid second of it. Paper-thin flesh bulged and rippled, but no longer
expanded. There was no more room left. Just pressure. Disastrous pressure,
building like water behind a dam about to burst.
She glanced up with bleary eyes, to see him.
Her feeder. Her addiction. Her destruction.
He smiled that captivating smile of his, fangs gleaming and tongue slavering.
Gorgeous. Predatory. The last sight she'd see before she-
"Goodbye, piggy."
He slammed home.
Jenny's body erupted. The Snorlax exploded from the middle out, tearing
apart in an earth-shaking blast. Paper-thin flesh ripped, tore open, gushed
forth in a syrupy torrent. Walls. Floor. Ceiling. All splattered as Jenny's
slime-blimped innards popped open and sprayed out of her ruined hull. All
gushing out from her body as it's catastrophic failure sundered her into
nothing within seconds.
Jenny felt it all. Every tear. Every rip. Every achingly orgasmic millisecond of
unfathomable release. A climax, unmatched. A blissful final ecstasy, opening
its maw and swallowing her whole as she liquefied in the span of a
heartbeat. Jenny closed her eyes as she felt her body separate all at once.
Exploding, in bliss.
Darkness. Void. Nothing.
Then, a shimmer.
Then... a flood.
Before there was thought, there was sensation. Ecstasy, so powerful that it
veered into pain. Her body was on fire. Scalding, crackling across every inch
of her flesh, burning inside and out. The pleasure flooded up from the tip of
her ears, down to her footpads, before centering again. Centering in her
middle. Her groin... her... ooh, yesss...
She was cumming. She didn't know when she started climaxing; hadn't even
noticed, until she felt the rhythmic pulse of her turgid pussy. The body-
wide ecstasy seemed to drain into her groin as the orgasm thrumbed
through her. The flood of rending climax, turned to a low and blissful
simmer. She let it wash over her. Let her body and mind settle on the slow,
sensuous warmth wrapped around her throbbing girth. She slowly rocked
her hips into it, and sighed with bliss.
"Good morning, piggy..."
Her eyes snapped open.
And there he was, leaning over her once more.
"Cass...?" Her voice was raspy with disuse and quivering with bliss. She
blinked, and her eyes focused on an all too familiar scene. Soft pinks and
reds. Rows and rows of huge, empty beds. She was in a Pokémon center.
... fuck.
"Looks like I win again..." The smarmy little shit purred, leaning down over
her with that infuriating smile of his. "I told you, Jenny: I know you. I can
see that glimmer in your eye, every time your control starts to slip... every
time I gets too hard to stop, and your desires take control... once I see that,
making you give in is as easy as a few words..."
Jenny's face flushed with embarrassment. He'd bet that she wouldn't last the
day. He'd said it when he first laid eyes in her that morning as he salivated
over her flabby curves. She thought she could resist his wiles. His touch. His
pleasures. She thought she could keep herself from letting -no, begging him
to pop her. She'd thought wrong. She'd bet wrong. And she'd lost. A lot.
Jenny glanced down at herself. No longer did she ooze out across the floor,
thick rolls spilling in all directions. No longer did her vast, luscious form fill
the room, consuming it, and swallowing her body in the process. The body
atop the bed must have been a pathetic quarter-ton, maximum.
Her limbs were no longer pinned. Her breasts were barely larger than
melons. The paltry spill of gut-blubber hardly even managed to crest over
her fat-dented knees. The revival had reduced her to barely a fraction of the
weight she'd been. At this size, she might well have been able to get off the
bed of her own volition.
What. a. disaster.
"I'm sorry, dear. I know you hate starting all over again. Arceus knows I'm
no fan of seeing you wasting away like this, either. But I suppose we all
make mistakes in the heat of the moment..." he purred. From the glint in his
eye, it was clear he was hardly regretful. She'd gotten big this
time. Really big. Cass had been begging for weeks to burst her before the
fateful day had come. She had no doubt that the male's girth was starting to
swell to turgid life, just thinking about what a mess she'd made when he'd
burst her open. But he was a gentlemen... sorta. He knew he owed her one.
In fact, he was already paying her back...
"Mmmm..." A soft moan down near her groin brought her attention away
from the smiling shiny. She peered over the rise of her gut to see a hefty
scaled rump, jutting up from between her spread thighs. Another Salandit...
sort of. More likely, one of Cass' clones. The oozing blubber-butt quivered
slightly as it's owner shifted her weight, pushing herself deeper beneath the
sprawling apron of Jenny's belly. A forked tongue dragged up the Snorlax's
thigh, back towards her groin, and...
And drew itself back up the length of her slit...
"Oh, how I missed being able to taste you like this..." Cass purred, lapping
at his muzzle as though tasting her pulsing pussy for himself. Jenny's
answering moan wasn't particularly coherent. Her clit had been buried in
lard for months, suffocating in a fold so deep that only Cass' tendrils could
find her. Now that her plush puff-pad only engulfed half her clit, she could
finally enjoy cumming in places other than her own fat-fold. The feeling of
the Salandit's warm mouth and eager tongue upon her girth was enough to
make her feel light-headed with bliss. Jenny used her newfound mobility to
rock into the bobbing muzzle of the clone, letting her lips moisten back to aquatics.
"Wet again? Already? How greedy..." Cass crooned. He leaned his elbow on
the bed, then planted his muzzle upon his paws, imbibing the soft sounds of
bliss that escaped Jenny's throat.
"F-fuck off, Cass..." Her voice was a soft exhalation. The first day or so after
a pop left her whole body achingly tender. Sensitive, to the point where any
amount of pleasure or pain were heightened. She wasn't gonna let the
smarmy male ruin this.
"Y-you ruined my figure. Again. I don't wanna hear anything from y -oh,
fuck... f-from you except 'yes ma'am' until I'm at least a half-ton again, got
it?" She grumbled, giving him a glowering side-eye. If either of them was
greedy, it was the Salandit who couldn't resist bursting her every time she
started to get back up to the tonnage she enjoyed so much.
"Yes ma'am..." He nodded, a bit too eagerly. She'd probably been out for a
few days, meaning Cass had been without his most prized blubber-
dumpster. The soft roundness of his cheeks and figure spoke to just how
pent-up the male was. Jenny sighed. He was doubtless very eager to offload
his new heft. Fattening her up wasn't exactly a punishment for him, but at
least she wouldn't have to hear his infuriatingly enticing teasing for a bit.
"Good. Now, bring me some real food. I haven't had anything but your slime
in a week..." she ordered. She savored his dejected look for a second, before
adding nonchalantly, "... oh, and if I'm going to get back up to four digits, I
suppose I'll need something for the other end, too..."
"Yes, ma'am..." he repeated. The hungry gleam in his eyes made her heart
skip a beat. No sooner has she spoke than she felt a tendril, sliding across
the mattress. It snaked under her leg, slid between her inner thighs, then
softly pushed into the crease of her rump. Jenny stifled a moan. Her slit
bucked in the clone's mouth as her body anticipated what was coming next.
Jenny heard her breathing grow soft and shallow. She felt her heart begin to
flutter in her chest. It would take months before Cass' favorite burst-pig
would be ready to pop once more. Months of filling, fattening, softening
bliss. Months of ever-intensifying pleasure, visited upon her ever-swelling
frame. She would lapse again. She would give in to the lurid desires he
would whisper into her pleasure-wracked mind. She would beg him to pop
her, then guzzle his syrup till she burst apart once more.
But between now and then, she would grow so ruinously...
deliciously... orgasmically... huge.
The thought was enough to do it. Enough to tip her over the edge into the
second orgasm in as many minutes. As her pulsing steed pumped fresh
loads down into his clone's throat, Jenny whispered an order that just might
have veered into begging. "M-muh... M-make me huge, Cass..."
"Yes, ma'am..." That captivating smile spoke.
And once more, the tendril pushed inside...

And this was my attempt to detransition the story. I hope you enjoy it better than the original
" Trannies ,the story is ruined, wahhhhhhhhhh !!!! "
Go take some cope pills next time, alright ?
Sure, and you can take tranny dick up the ass next time too
>rewrites entire story in autistic sperg because trannies are living rent-free in your head
>doesn't even edit out every girlcock

take your meds
Never understood why folks got pissy over trans women, I thought they loved chicks with dicks
Does someone make these?
Yeah but I don't know who, found these uploaded anonymously on a Google Drive from 4chan's pokemon fusion thread
(2.0 MB, 2432x1515, IMG_0210.png)
Never expected to see this
(322 KB, 2990x3015, Source?.JPG)
Who cares? Snorlax is peak obese pokemon.

Can someone hell me find the source to this pic?
(119 KB, 1152x1152, IMG_0766.jpeg)
Rare IRL snorlax from Pokémon Center Mega Tokyo
I agree Snorlax inflation is 🥵
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You know it wouldn't be hard to stich on some tits and hair and Maybe a pocket pussy into one of these things 🤔. Not to mention when you buy them alot of times they come as flat skins you have to fill up yourself. So modifications would be pretty easy to make a female Snorlax.

To even go further you could make a inflatable insert or fill it with a giant balloon and you now got yourself a inflatable sex doll Snorlax that can get as far as you're lungs allow it! If any anons run with this idea please do keep this thread or bbfurries updated.

Bonus if you have a flattening or deflation kink I apologize the following images are probably gonna make you gigantamax erect! I'm am no responsible if you get a heart attack 😂
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That’s a good idea, if a bit creepy. In other news, Arakasa’s Bella is back with a hat
> I meant grow as fart as your lungs allow it.

My apologies. But my point stands firm heck you could probably make female Snorlax skins from scratch and sell them at conventions and Etsy. All you have to do is make the templates and fill one up to make sure your proportions are perfect, then since and repeat without the polyfill and you could flat ship them out for $100 maybe $200 a piece. Save shipping. Customer saves money. The build a bear deflated plush skin strategy is a very smart and cost efficient way to make sex plushies! Or just HUGE MASSIVE FAT PLUSH. In general! If you stuff it yourself both customer and seller saves money and costs on shipping and stuffing supplies.

That or again make inflatable squeak inserts strong enough to ride on. Again all you have to do is make sure your templates are full proof perfect with no errors or filling could lead to massive errors. Although I suppose you could use one of those inflatable inserts as a test filler for the polyfill versions 🤔.

Either way I know somebody could find a method to the madness and I hope this helps someone in the furry plush markets somewhere!

>Big plush, deflated and made flat, save costs both ways, everyone happy!

>Million dollar idea!
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>A bit creepy

What you smoking anon I honestly don't see how? There's entire sets of markets that exists particularly furry based even one that makes sexual related plush dolls and the other inflatable pool toys. (I know not always for sex purposes but it's definitely half and half!)

Honestly it's as tame as it gets.


FOR FUCK SAKES... Im.. I'm going to go take some aspirin now!. My point Have fun anons! Take my Golden ticket and run with it!
All pictures of Snorlax are weight gain...
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It’s built in to the archetype. Hope I’m not reposting
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>Guess ill share my massive gal, Samantha the Snorlax. you can also call her Sammy as a nickname. Loves cuddling and hugs, but do ask her first. she is usually chill. loves taking walks on beaches and boardwalks (mostly to scout out any new food trucks/restaurants lol). (alt color too) #ssbbw #bbw
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From the /SDBBW/ thread 64263172
Yeah. The problem is that thay all suck and are being made by like one guy.
Just hold on to the threads you like, expel the ones you don’t, and have a good image for your favored threads more often or not.

Or discuss them sometimes. Do you like snorlax too? Which ones are your favorite?
Suffer and burst inside you're claw machine you big ball of tons of fun. Don't make me call caseoh to eat you! Speaking of can I get a caseoh Snorlax?
Ill send the devil to take everyone. No worries
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This technically has Snorlax in it
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How many of you love Snorlax because they make you feel better?
Poor blobby baby. Someone get her a switch.
Youre going because you're mortified.
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How many snorlax fusions are there?
Does anyone have any vore pieces with snorlax?
As of version 6.0, there are 465 pokemon in the game
Assuming that swapping the head/body results in a different fusion and that snorlax can only fuse with itself once, there should be 929 possible snorlax fusions
Sam said no snakes on this god damn plane
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More of this adorable snorlax. What would you do in the same situation?

Fucking marry her, that's what I'd do
Dont. It will only get worst. Marriage dont fix anything but less sex & less morning head.
From Homemosaco
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I have no idea what the lore between Protonjon, Butteryinkling, and snorlax is
Buttery watches Jon's streams, Jon is into TF. Buttery's sona is a snorlax. Buttery drew Jon's character Rosajon TF'd into a Snorlax.
Question why is no one posting art od Munchlux hes a pre evolveution od snorlax
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You can if you want. But honestly, who gives a crap about munchlax?

Someone made this sketch
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More snorlax girls getting fucked please.
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Anyone else have ideas? I’m running out
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Hey! That's very rude!
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>My oc Bawowna-chan as a Bellossom/Snorlax fusion.

That’s what I’m talking about. An excellent OP image for Fat Gardens too.

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