
captcha and R9K were being a collective little bitch so there's only 3
>so there's only 3
it's almost like we already have a deltarune thread or something.
Just use the actual deltarune thread then
That thread may as well be the catty thread, I literally never see anything else posted there
be the change you wanna see in the world anon
maybe that's because people keep making one off threads that die off instead of actually posting other characters in the thread...
Also literally the last three characters posted there were Undyne, Susie, and Temmie?
(367 KB, 1539x1285, s1.PNG) (607 KB, 1274x984, s2.PNG) (588 KB, 1101x725, s4.PNG) (1.9 MB, 1333x1281, s3.PNG)
Oh my fucking god, shut up. Post art of her or don't.
(912 KB, 1450x1280, s5.PNG) (1.2 MB, 894x1196, s7.PNG) (1.2 MB, 1600x1186, s6.PNG)
(165 KB, 1159x627, s8.PNG) (731 KB, 1279x997, s10.PNG) (1.7 MB, 1418x1224, s9.PNG)

Also, I'm not MUCH of an artist- but I draw for fun. If anyone reading this has an art request related to Susie, tell me, and I'll do my best to draw it.

In the mean time, stop arguing about how no one cares about Susie and this thread is doomed or whatever and just post fat drawings of her- there have to be more out there than the 20 I just posted.
Honestly, if at all possible, just Susie trying to eat herself out of a doughnut ring, can choose if it's plastic or actual food lol
You mean like, she's trapped inside the hole of a giant donut and has to eat her way out?

Yeah, I could do that. Or try to anyway
Well I was also thinking of her just being at a waterpark with Kris, or Noelle, or like, Ralsei, and tries to put one of those Inner tubes over herself, only for her massive body to get it stuck on herself, and then she just eats the fucking thing. Nozzle and all.
But thanks dude, I can't wait to see it!

- the artist
Yeah that line of thinking peeves me as well. Just a good thing she draws decent looking 'on-proportion' Susies (though I really like the voluptuous "off-proportioned" ones as well).
(1.1 MB, 960x934, sd.png)
Had to resize it. R9k was causing problems for some reason.
(482 KB, 1920x1080, s21.png)
The darn site went down for a few days- but it's back.

And, here! Sorry if it's not EXACTLY what you requested, since I didn't include the act of her eating it- but I promise she's trying to eat it~

If anyone else has any Susie-related requests, please make them! I'd like this thread to not die, haha
Honestly, I would love to make some more requests, because I absolutely love this so, so much. But honestly, it was worth the wait, and thank you so much for this!
haha- Awesome! I'm glad to hear that you do

And please, make all the requests you want! I can't promise I'll do all of them, but like I said- I'd like this thread not to die, and I'm actually willing to put my money where my mouth is on that point, instead of just whining about how the thread is pointless and we should just use the Undertale thread, like an unproductive loser.

haha- But yeah, request all you want!
Well, if you don't mind how short these are, I don't know how detailed you want all this.
But, Susie trying to get herself clothed as her feet are just either too big, or she's too fat to do anything with it.
Kris helping her eat when it's lunch time, or Noelle doing so.
Susie just walking to class, only for her own steps to break every thing under herself.
Or just Susie eating!
If you wanna talk about them more, lemmie know lol, you're the guy drawing all this
Uh may I request something of Susie teasing and maybe even playfully bullying noelle with her fat
I don't really like Noelle, haha. Sorry.
Oh yeah, totally fair, will keep that in mind for future requests lol
Ah ok maybe someone else then?
The scent of a woman's large ass must be unforgettable
someone else would be fine! I could try Ralsei if that's okay

And of course, these all sound fun too!
Oh ralsei works yeah
Oh yeah, Ralsei would totally fucking work. Such a good gote boi
You know, as great as these are, I just wanna see more shit from that one guy who drew something from my requests. I know who he is, but like, was just happy to see something from him. But like, why does he always disappear, and just keep quiet about shit? Does he actually think that nobody wants to hear from himself?
Does anyone have all the images of Susie made by faxwen?
god, fucking, seriously, dude, wherever you are, I'm still thinking about you, and if you ever need to reach out, I know that we can talk shit out.
bro, let the guy appear on its own, he might be doing the request or something else
Gosh- I'm really sorry. It's me, "the guy" from before- I've just been really busy lately and things have gone from bad to worse, but no one cares about all that.

Sorry I don't have a new drawing this time- I still wanna do them, I'll just be slow.

Also- if you do think you know who I am, then you probably have my discord, right? You can DM me anytime, if you want to. Or you can reach me through any other platform I'm on- if you really do know who I am. I'll try my best to respond.

Sorry for disappearing. Again, I still wanna do the drawings, just, it's been rough lately.
Not the guy who complained but I still asked for a res quest and it's fine man
Thank you, I am appreciative
It's a bit silly you may know who I am, but, if you know that I know that you know that I know who is who, then, maybe expect a new message from someone here soon...?

Never really wanted to force you through anything dude, always am thinking of you, beyond anything, and, really just want to help you through anything that you're going through. Fuck the drawing, I'd rather hear from you, than anything, but again, I'll try to keep this short.

So yeah, sorry if this gets weird, but, it's hard to really be normal most of the time.
Sauce on that last pic?
Are these new? I haven't seen these before
They're from around 2018-19 or so I think.
Darn, I thought Fawx had finally gotten the balls to do more Susie and Noelle for a sec
(597 KB, 900x1600, Sus.png)
Torjen before you post and vanish, can I make a request?
A fatass Susie being force-fed by Noelle, or Susie breaking a scale
Thank you Torjen!
absolutely nice, the way you do rolls and lumps always look great on susie
(2.5 MB, 3000x3000, Susie.png)
bad monster
Who is this artist, i love it!!!.
(102 KB, 634x664, Obese Susie.PNG)
Hey guys, what do you think of this sketch
I dig it! I love how stocky you made her
Thank you, any feedback you have, will be preciated.
I thought she was holding a cane for a second because she looked old to me for some reason. Good stuff though.
(4.1 MB, 4224x4800, Sus.png)
(2.8 MB, 2251x1636, 1684803766.joe-anthro_43e1ec0e-1cd1-42ab-90ac-c820952fdd93.png) (2.7 MB, 1970x1870, 1683498500.joe-anthro_1d4135b4-07d7-4b89-aeaa-e1bad15a9fd7.png) (271 KB, 2225x1656, 1683139347.joe-anthro_0bc8d385-3e5c-4b12-83f0-0c8ce4f98096_jpeg.jpg) (244 KB, 1657x2048, 1687672446.joe-anthro_img_2567_jpeg.jpg) (181 KB, 1280x1114, 1655611654.joe-anthro_45a94985-b3d8-4b83-90f2-cec198fbd9fd.jpg) (134 KB, 1280x827, 1655610339.joe-anthro_543d0910-039b-4db2-b46a-b2d537318868.jpg)
I actually based this Susie on a fat girl named Laura Fatty, i'm not very good at drawing fats and furries too, trying to improve, so i'm doing my best on this drawing.
Hehe, she is out breath so she is trying to recover holding on a school chair
But you are not that far, my drawing is inspired of one episode of Hey Arnold, where Harold, one of Arnold's bully, came back from a cruise even fatter.
But i'm not even satiesfied, i feel i didn't capture the essence of Susie getting fat after months of eating.
You’re getting there

That episode was so far out of left field. Is that what happens to fat camp kids irl? And then there’s the Arnold nightmare where Harold is singing about his fat woes.

Keep drawing
Thank you

Yes you are correct, thank you i will keep drawing
Oh thank you, a response coming from you it feels amazing!!!
I love how wide she is, the double chin and the way the shirt rides up just enough to show the belly bottom. Perfect.
I swear wasn’t joe anthro outed for being a pedo or smth?
We're already skirting the line on a character that hasn't even had a confirmed age. Who's in highschool. That hasn't been mentioned being dropped out for a while. Nor what grade she's in. So at worst, she's 14, and at best, she's already over 18, but, is that a bet you'd be willing to take in public?
(1.3 MB, 3300x4045, ses.jpg)
>that fat as hell fupa squeezing out her jeans and under her gut
>tried uploading various Susies to not no-content bump
>they've all already been posted
try screenshotting them and then uploading the screenshot.

It's not a bad thing to do if the dumb system is broken already, since it's recognizing recursions that aren't even real.
Thank you so much!.
If Torjen is around, can we get a 600-800lb Susie?
Also how did I not notice this whole ass romance novel being played out between these two
Romance novel? I mean, I really care about people, but I doubt it's love to the extent that is written about in romance novels. It's just a complicated relationship.
Honestly would fucking kill just to even have a single second with that ass, and, many other assets
it’s just a drawing
It's just a drawing he says,

Yeah, no fucking shit, but as if I'd actually find a woman like her in the world.
Sharp teeth, eats literal garbage, literal fucking gremlin, could probably eat a piece of me in one bite and couldn't care. Like dude, come on, COME ON.
Sauce on the 2nd one?
she's so erotic
I know this isn't the lost art thread, but I figured I might have better luck asking here.
Does anyone have/remember this drawing: posted on DA not too long after the original Ch. 1 demo (either 2018 or 2019), and involved Susie in the dark world stuffing herself on Ralsei's cakes, or maybe one of the other sweets-themed items.
Pretty sure Kris and/or Ralsei were also in the image, and I don't think Ralsei was fat if he was in it. It may have been black-and-white, not multiple panels thought. I don't think Fawxen drew it.
Torjen, are you still lurking around here? If so, please lemme know, I got a few ideas.
We need more Susie in our lifes
Who made these they're incredible
(17 KB, 1421x1231, canvas(1).png)
edit of last pic here to remove fart/ make more game accurate
Anti-based, fuck you.
They took out the braps which is the worst part of any pic
If you don't like something then don't look at it

Begone from this place, wretched fartlikers, go back to bbwalt where you belong and leave the civilized posters alone
Go back to your mom's basement, li'l bro
I'm gonna need the source for that chief
Gonna need to sniff her armpit on this one, cheir=f
I hope we can find more!.
I want her hug!!!
God I love it when joe draws Susie, or any lady that's just a bit different, he just gets it right so much.
Tell them put me in the fucking office then.
Sauce my good man?
not torjen but can you share with us which ideas you have?
We need more
Susie trying to bully Kris but Kris being into it
Susie being fed way too much by Toriel
Susie being fed by Noelle
Susie and Noelle getting stuffed by Toriel
That's all I can think of for now
no die
stolen from 4chan
I love this one
I just don't want this one to die
No one’s interested anymore
Honestly same Susie deserves a whole lot more fat art of her.

Stfu, I'm interested.
I think I need more fat fuck Susie in a suit...
The hell you mean? Noelle looks fine
(74 KB, 1024x1091, suswhatever4.jpg)
Tubbytoon can be hit or miss, but you're kinda right that suits are a fun addition to fat art
Theres a version with noelle, where did ir go?
If anyone’s got it, put it the deltarune thread for me.
Put a lien on their house since its theirs lol
A version of what with Noelle?
Became roomates.
This ain’t the Noelle thread
He broke into the car. Bedroom next.
Oh shit you're right, I didn't even notice how shit that looked- Thank you
Damn that isn't half bad for AI
Really wish there was more art of Susie tbh
(2.4 MB, 2351x1567, s33.png)
It's always great to see a new one of her appear
(2.1 MB, 4860x1200, s37.png) (1.7 MB, 2035x1810, s36.png)

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