
Thanks! Any more short furries lying around?
I absolutely fuckin adore Tulin, anyone have any more of him?
We need more fat gamer fink
Send more moon rabbit
Imagine how massive her rabbit form must be
hello i am that person holy fuck this is great
Honestly fucking wish there was more stuff like this. WG pairs surprisingly well with AR tbh.
(22 KB, 1083x551, imitation rabb it.png)
something inbetween the site being down and now made me really really obsessed with this first one and the thought of him just being pumped full of milk forever
God only if the game actually had something like this...I could imagine that just growing to a specific size would trigger an ending to which link just grows so far beyond Hyrule that all timelines are collapsing in on themselves, just to make this little boy bigger than everything!!!
Fat fink is always amazing Mann (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)
>>39017 Nice Emoticon
You're very welcome.

Thank me!? No. Thank you. I should be the 1 thanking you.
sauce on the first two images???
I think they’re from one of whiteraff’s sketch pages
Oh my gosh this is adorable!!!
bumping because the statement still stands and i wish to be the little kitty blob

also hey, if that old dumb rush drama in the other thread apparently makes us shota central, might as well turn those twitterfolk on >:3
I mean, honestly that would be great...Just gotta make you so small that a whole entire wedding cake makes you fatter than a whole bed...
So doughy, so pillowy and so, so tiny... Might just hook you up to the whole cake factory you cute lil fat kitty~
Knowing the artist, yeah.
Can anyone post more fat art of tulin from tears of the kingdom?
How come people usually draw moon rabbit as blob art and not like this?
Because it's obviously hotter, anon
(59 KB, 1280x800, 1514070513.lyke_creamy_cream.png)
i'd say that, but also with the hot juxtaposition of smol characters getting really huge/it just kinda being the default size people love
even if i really really love the blob stuff, there should definitely be more on the slightly chubby side
Okay, fair tbh, but like, we need more of them showing off the goods. just full on lewd stuff with minor characters would be great tbh plz
im all for that if no one else here minds, would absolutely love to see more cute creatures breaking teasy taboos and god i wish to be the little blob and get milked and humped
Maybe you should just be a tiny little thing, humped and fucked like the little cum slut you deserve to be treated like~
I dont wanna burst your bubble but i think the main reason people don’t do that is because they don’t want to draw too much attention to themselves and aren’t labeled a pedo
Pedophila is a fetish, so I mean, yeah.
understandable, and there's still the whole fact it's a social taboo to explicitly go all out like that, and even if someone does it in secret here it's probably easy to tell who they are based on how they draw
but still, would love to see some mountainous minor blobs get milked
I mean, to be fair I would rather fuck a shota than most characters people like tbh
Like this guy.
(6 KB, 841x554, finkfacefucc.png)
jidfpogkjlsldfglk this is really really hot,,,,
i definitely like a lot of characters others like if they're cute, but i absolutely agree
i should probably draw moon cookie at some point, and while i can't guarantee anything drop some cute smol characters and i might draw em
"Honestly, it would be VERY cool if you could draw them just guzzling down their own cum!!"
ABSOLUTELY seconding this
so fuckin HOT
Okay, this is adorable!
(801 KB, 1280x1107, 1403afcce502aebb89a2c6bb3d672d1978982b8c384d37801631312944fee3e7.png) (640 KB, 1280x828, 74f0d0c6d08b53771163a85499c977df091954cbd8a3a91e9fc3a4a5914e0433.png) (661 KB, 1296x1280, ada1117dd7ada64673baccdfe0cef07d087096aaac4ab2ba97f71800f6b48aa3.png) (1.9 MB, 1566x1012, e5ac0c8fcc96d75dcb1876ff628dbf55fc7e0b77301dc4dfb133ecb4b9809892.png) (2.1 MB, 1280x1271, ac056376bf87d5e937e25a9472581d78d95259e9b001f876f99425cbf5bd30f9.png)
I was talking about the coloured version
Genuine question, What Pokémon would you classify as a loli/shota
Genuinely anything smol, and most likely a first evolution of a pokemon. Something that looks like it just came out of an egg most of the time. Riolu, Ralts, Kirlia, pokemon like that.
Loli: kirlia, steenee, brionne, braixen, gothorita, ogerpon

Shota: raboot, drizzile, floragato,
I need your rarest riolu pics right now
We need more moon rabbit cookie, she just got a cute costume
I wanna feed her so much rice cakes and rub her belly while fucking her navel
Now do Unikitty, and make her even bigger
I used dullpoint’s bigger unikitty instructions as a basis
Source for both of these?
literal circle tool shit lmao

autistic or underaged?
I wanna feed him so much pizza…
Probably both lmfao
Fat chopper holy shit :0
Idk if she can be considered that but hell yeah bloody bunny!!
Needs a bigger belly
(3 KB, 100x100, 3A48C6F8-92B0-41F8-9591-531D2A80241E.webp)
Honestly its pretty weird how nobody has really drawn her rabbit form, considering it’s basically her but hungrier, bigger, flabbier, jigglier, and rounder
Requesting any butt focused moon rabbit fat art
>>47318 never been a fan of Loli or cookie run but this character is extremely cute
(2.0 MB, 1306x1176, mary judas and jesus short cartoon sheep goat blob morbidly obese vanilla ver.png) (2.6 MB, 1306x1531, mary judas and jesus short cartoon sheep goat blob morbidly obese fart ver.png)
[Spoiler pic has a fart alt]

Artist here! Figured you folks would appreciate this pic; knowing about the imageboard's current fate.

Here's the young version of Mary from the 2009 Judas and Jesus animation short. Was in the mood to draw her obese. I wanted to add more to it (e.g. Judas being surprised, a human guy cumming on her butt, Jesus getting stuck under her massive ass, etc) but was too lazy to do so. That and I mainly just wanted to whip it out ASAP as practice.

I'd love to take on commissions for the stuff but IDK how the hell the payment process would work w/o resorting to crypto or trust (e.g. giving out the payment info, like an e-mail, in DMs).
Do you have any form of social media where I can follow you?

Not really. There's UmbraVeil but I havn't posted much on Inkbunny.

I don't in the usual way but I'm all for ideas and suggestions. I've wanted to draw more of such characters.
Some moon rabbit cookie would be neat
why is she so tall
Probably an attempt to "age her up"
Honestly, I know this artist, and they just like drawing fatties getting taller the fatter they get, so I'd just say it was just an illustration choice, if anything.

I know it's not needed but figured I'd give my perspective.

It's common for artist to draw characters fatter but a bit taller. There's a few (purely observational, opinionated, and sleep-deprived) reasons but the ones I can think of here:

1) A way to show how big a character is without them being too saggy/blobby. Mostly for aesthetics and taste. Maybe they want the character to have more curves (almost to where some of it resembles hyper bodyparts).

2) It's usually easier than trying to keep the fat """anatomically accurate""" and condensed. Most times when drawing arms on blobs, either the artist will keep the arm/shoulder location intact or they'll slightly move it outwards. For the thighs/legs, they'll just have that shit spread out lol. It's possible to keep things """accurate""" but this isn't a rule; just a personal preference thing. In that Cream pic, they just shrank the head and arms/legs and adjusted the length of the limbs. Boom: they're a lot fatter but still look like they can waddle to the nearest fast food joint.

3) Might be related to an aspect of macro or toony antics. (e.g. King-Size Canary or Sang 'Em High shenanigans; or just naturally "big" characters like King Gator from ADgtH)

4) Maybe it's related to some "dom" aspects. Think about how folks reacted to Lady Dimitrescu. You're more likely to play around with a character that has a larger-but-mobile body.

5) Maybe it's to play around with the personality of the character (especially if they're shy, timid, cute. ESPECIALLY if they're loli/shota).

Like I said, this is just my guess. These are deff' not why everyone does it and it can be a mix of the three or something else I didn't mention.

Personally I'm not too into this shape type, most times; it depends on the mood. Though as someone who grew up when it was more common drawing these, there's a bit of a nostalgia factor to it.

Source: I'm the artist behind >>47338
>It's common for artist to draw characters fatter but a bit taller.
Yes and it sucks.
So many fat "artists" just draw the same proportional belly and tits but shrink the head and limbs to appear "bigger" and it looks fucking retarded.
Like geniunely, it unironically be considered a separate fetish from regular fatshit and be sequestered off into its own corner like circle tool and pear shit.
Can we at least both agree that Cream being this huge is pretty fucking hot?
Honestly if creff still visits this thread i’d love to see em doodle puppycorn
Oh my gosh, are you the same one that made the slobby Chester the Cheetah picture?
i think the macro/fattening is nostalgic for me thanks to fmsu's art, and i also have nostalgia for bottomheavy shapes cause of virus-20 and a lot of sonic fat art
but either way it's still a really cute cream!! and id love to see her as a shy yet huge blob,,,
on one hand it is comedically obvious that i draw these and i hope no one minds, on the other i think he's cute and id love to draw him!! no guarantees on anything but id love to draw more cute obscure smol blobs
if you're talking about me im not, unless you mean someone else in the thread
bro you're like 17
You better be 18
i know some of it's for good reason but all your usertag has done here is complain
god i wish i were -9999 years old
If you’re a minor we’re gonna have to oust you from the community

For me, it's mainly Two-Ton-Neko's old art. I know they still make stuff but I was a fan around 2006-2008; sometime around where they tried doing non MS-paint stuff with some line width variant.

Like I said, nowadays it's a mood thing.
yeah, understandable and i still think those artists draw cute stuff!! i relate to having those eras you love/artists that have just existed for a while that havent changed
this is still adorable and the perfect shape for a cute lil blob
This is why cookiewars shut down, moon rabbit cookie single handedly stopped the jelly walker infection by eating all the jelly
Didn't know where to put it on the cream or coco thread so eh..

Does anybody have the entire sequence of Cream and Coco feeding each other? The artist is XanderDWulfe.
(317 KB, 717x728, 47401c8922a138cda4ff2c0d9976b5a5ecc3ae9c1b9a2312d7b2491b1b66a90e.png) (221 KB, 597x589, 76401f4d20e84b672f65a2022fa1cb799f99c70617599436de589a24e59619f4.png) (150 KB, 719x648, be3879ed742ae4bd4b52324b8a308bd26c5c5c73c2ce1f86a9069c890153cd0b.png) (153 KB, 608x632, 310e77f63943327459f56357653a29da650579b14cbcb99ec3b10cde812035cf.png) (235 KB, 885x576, 35a6481c175bd5a4d66fccb7704e02b6f7afa903b0e9c0f1703d38abcd980fd2.png) (125 KB, 791x477, 8e4aad0ee4fa73306edb7d62adcce30b1c672c1a9aae5534cd254788b2f63f37.png)
Here you go m8, honestly am happy to share this around on the basis of just how good these are. Hope you enjoy Anon
Glad to see the love still being spread around for these
Source for last one?
(51 KB, 1280x704, 337.jpg) (208 KB, 1067x774, 544.jpg)
Health issues
this isn't loli lol
Any more Niko? :o
Oh yea, I wanna see more of this, hella better than my GFS art
Gamingmarko did another moon rabbit art? Fuck yeah!
Nice to see more moon rabbit cookie art
a lot of character choices here are more loli-adjascent, but i don't know enough about the character to say if it counts or not
i am curious what you mean and what art you have
agreed, i love the stuff of her before word-of-god hit like >>42630 (Cross-thread)
Ough i need more puppycorn content…
Wait, so did you do this??
(112 KB, 3106x1104, something something (You) asked for this.png)
ive mostly just been lurkin, but i still love all the stuff in this thread and all of these blobs are cute!!
i hesitated on posting this from the request being "draw this! also i'm gonna shoot you" but puppycorn is cute
Oh my gosh adorable!!!

Need more of this handsome little cutie...
no, that's Adorabat.
Also who's the artist?
Definitely would be great
i know this isn't what the sequence is, but cream is adorable and the face cam part made me think of this
>cream the rabbit tries to stream something and sets a donation goal to eat 1 snack for 1 dollar, forgets to raise it until it's too late and fills up their entire room with a good view
Oh, so not only is xanderdwulfe into rape, he’s also a pedo as well?
For the right price I’m assuming since they were both commissions I think
Was it not obvious?
It’s called fat fur art, stop trying to make everything so PC on here. By that logic, we should NEVER have any sonic character be fattened up because they would all be considered underage. That’s like saying never make Juno or Octavia fat because it’s “not right”. Plz, Blueberry Inflation fetish came out of a kids movie twice and Totally Spies still has people nowadays still having horny ideas with them. Just accept that all art is fair game and stop trying to be so PC.
(930 KB, 1308x626, 1706895429388932.png) (998 KB, 1200x1048, CnV.jpg)
Xander has always had a thing for Cream. Something about ruining that little bunny girl and turning her into an obese slut gets him off.
(854 KB, 2080x1454, 16b4c178af0c6877a7a962802485d0f9cb161591e8cfba0fab0445b14cbb1248.png) (408 KB, 1573x1072, 45fa2a79829b9baf53f62cf9491375bb2e020c0e2b0fa3ff84db45a777c662c5.png) (1.1 MB, 2239x1714, 9e57a89adc85a06933480b702e829939adc2776554c0e50316aaa3a2b6e86bb9.png) (2.4 MB, 4000x4000, 3f86bc7124bb44036450b058561822d61129a0c3f587d20a9ff28d9074fec737.png) (2.3 MB, 4000x4000, 908a1634222189a392e7b9bfad989e7c590d5c7a015ff3cf191a46a38c24f70f.png)
>widely considered a minor with no specific age confirmation
unless i havent been around much i think that's just us doing that instead of it being a big thing
i still find all the fat art of her cute and would love to see more, i just dunno how loose this thread's definition is and if it even matters that much because cute smol innocent blobs deserve more love and more fattening >:3
Who are these artists?
I wish my mom pampered me into being a fatty boy T_T
God I'd fucking love to stuff you like I was your mom
I'm pretty cute in real life...wished my mom and dad weren't so healthy and pushed me to be so strict with studies and with myself, being a pampered boy would have been the best.
Honestly imagine if I made you start to push you towards junkfood and making you stuff yourself silly, breastfeeding you until, well, never, actually, making sure you're pampered all the time.
This would be so good.
People called me "fat" in school because of my huge appetite even If I was always a fit kid.
i think it's just your shit taste tbh
Who made that first one?
artist? that's GODLY
I guess you were on the mobile version of the site.
Anyone find sauce for this?
Artist of both of these? :3
You can find the rest of this art in InkBunny.
More art of Nico?

Did you have discord so you can share this?
Any art of Anais from TAWOG?
Anyone got any Cutiemark Crusaders art?
Nice, any more?
(2.2 MB, 2048x1208, IMG_1352.png) (3.0 MB, 2865x2400, IMG_0975.png) (190 KB, 1640x1050, IMG_2049.jpeg) (237 KB, 1280x914, IMG_0292.jpeg)
Does anyone think that there should be more art featuring the Squirrel Scouts (not just Patsy, Nina, and Gretchen) or is just me?

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