
Goddamnit I put the title in the wrong place
Can we get some more Fox?
>>3822 @PentagonRound on Twitter and Wenisberry
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Not enough Windwaker Darknuts for my taste.
Can we get some Dedede and King K Rool?
Nice. More of that please.
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Kayakazan is one of the only artists that make Fat Metaknight sexy XD
Can we get some Dedede?
Yeeesss, I need more of this
Hey, does anybody have those pictures of a Birdo-peach and Sledge-bro-daisy? I’m pretty sure they go here
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Artist is UsernameTakenB on twitter, deviantart, and insta
Can we get some more Bowser since no one posted any during Bowser Day?
Star Fox has always been a favorite of mine
Anyone have an archive of Fayker's old stuff?
More please my man
Bump for K Rool, Bowser and Dedede
PentagonRound deleted their twitter!!
Does anyone have the rest of their art saved somewhere!?!?
More Bowser
Anyone have some Birdos!
More of Kass' mass
Can we get more Bowser and Star Fox?
Bump, we need some other Nintendo fatties up in here
Agreed, super gay
Bump for Bowser
Bump for K Rool
Cry about it lmao
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made the phantamanta from super mario sunshine into an anthro fatty

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