
I wish we got more Ember bigness
Theres plenty at shinysteel furaffinity
Does anyone have the Cynder and Spyro pictures that "Krown" on Furaffinity made? They seem to have taken them down. One of my favorites was a blobby one of Cynder titled "Trapped" or something. It had a small story in the description too. I'd be really grateful if anyone had it and could send it here. Thanks
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You dorks need fauns!
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Working on something, for the thread. Look familiar?
Who drew these?
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Not sure if my idea is good or not but how come no female Ratchet and Clank weight gain characters?

Especially Helga and Cassiopeia, they're both my favorites. Even though they're not furries, I feel like we could used that as a thread or thicc robot chicks somewhere else.
There used to be a robot thread in /bbwalt/, might still be up.
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Man, I remember seeing a lot of these back about 10 to 15 years ago, really hasn't been a lot of stuff in the interim, has there?
I'm surprised Bianca and Elora didn't get a lot more after Reignited
Is there more of this thread?
I love how a ton of this is Shinysteel's art, cause man its awesome
tell me you got more of this
... hypothetically, If there were more, what events would you most like to see depicted in it?

(I am still in the discord server where it was posted. If you tell me what you want to see, I'm sure I can find more.)
from the looks of Spyro's hips between images Cynder's quick on track to make him as big as she is, maybe even larger. would love to see him blob out like mad as he quickly transitions from shock and surprise into loving the situation, with plenty of growy lewdness between the two afterwards, maybe even continuing to fatten.

... hypothetically, of course. any sorta followup/sharing of other spyro pics they've made is more than enough for me. the more spyro expansion pieces I can dig up from the internet the better
That's not what's happening. I'm sorry but you've misinterpreted the premise of the drawings. The point is that Spyro's expansion is limited to his ass while Cynder is the one getting fat all over.

The artist really really dislikes mutual gain.

Cynder making Spyro "as big as she is or bigger" would fucking suck, it'd ruin the whole fun.

Sorry. There aren't any more. Not like that.
understandable, just giving my own interpretation of the photos

if the artist ever does draw anything else spyro/cynder related again I'd love to see it posted here
MAN I wanna see Krown commission more Spyro dragons like these~
He considers them to be underage, funnily enough. Had a journal about it a few years back.
Would muscle gain be under the same umbrella for this situation? Or just something completely different? Still with spyros ass getting lots of weight, but getting more muscular from just constantly looking around with all that fat mass on his ass and probably having to look under cynder as well
Though also a bit unrelated, but not entirely, was the artist the one who drew cassie, from that dragon show, with really big feet? It's a great image and I'd love to talk about it and see some more if at all possible.
It's something completely different, muscle growth and weight gain are two different categories. I think they wouldn't mind if muscle growth happened to Spyro as weight gain happened to Cynder, because it wouldn't count as mutual gain.


Also, Cassie? Do you mean Dragon Tales? I don't know for sure, can you please post the image you're talking about? I'd be interested to see it if possible.
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Oh pog, just thought since they'd both technically be "gaining weight", that it'd count under those specifications. But that sounds p. good tho lmao

Though here's the image, I don't know where else to post it, and creating a whole knew board for it would just be, kinda dumb? I dunno. But here, I was mainly thinking about this one. Kinda just thought about it when in here cuz dragons lol
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Oh and, here's an image that I thought to have as maybe a reference for what Spyro should be like if he gets fucking RIIIIIIPPED. First thing that came to mind when just thought about it.
Oh wow- hah! Gosh, I'm surprised you have that. I wouldn't have felt like it's...worth saving. Yeah that's the same person.
Hehehe- and those are some fun proportions!

Yeah, I'll see what I can do! Or...see what I can get them to do, I guess. Whatever, lol. Maybe I can even convince them to do Cassie again, she seems fun.

...no promises.

(You're not the same person from the Wendy thread, are you?)
lmfao, I fucking LOVE it. It honestly kinda flipped a switch in me, and it's just something I really do enjoy =w= She's just super cute, and something I would LOVE to see more of!!!

Though yeah, of course, I wouldn't expect them to do anything if they're not up for it. I've seen what they've been through lately, if we're talking about N&W right now, and I just want to have some fun with them and just help cheer them up.

(And yeah, I am. Dunno if that's a bad or a good thing, just wondering if we could talk some more some place else. You seem like a fun person to talk about stuff =w=)
I'd be happy to talk more!

How, though? I'm a little hesitant to post something like my discord in here. How do you propose we get in contact?
Do you have a twitter? That'd probably be a good place to start =w=
And it'd probably be a win win since they you could have people just check it out if you wanted people to lol
Or maybe just your steam account, if you have one?
I have got one. But I'm hesitant to put that here too.

Could you put yours down, since you seem fairly unbothered, and I'll send you a message?

Awesome, thank you!

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