
stop with the stuff from CHILDREN SHOWS!!
There are children on this app!!!
Two things:
Why the hell are there children on BBW chan and WHO THE FUCK KEEPS MAKING THESE AWFUL THREADS!
>>36910 (OP)
And this time, please do the grown ups!
Excellent! Let's get cracking!
who lets their children on bbwchan!!
They are just children's show characters. There is no actual children stumbling on the site.
Bullshit dude. There's been a huge influx of people speaking in broken English with childish mannerisms these past few months. As well as threads like this which only appeal to children with no taste in good art.

Jannies have all but given up trying to keep this board mature it seems.
Don't criticize me and how I talk with that language. Besides, I'm not like anyone who speaks this way.
unfortunately, I still remember the one time someone spammed on the chikin nuggit thread a bunch of memes and incorrect topics. I believe that they weren't getting a single hint that this site's main focus is on pornography, and continued to spam nonsense and memes, claiming that they've "done what we asked for". Also, some users here have a bad eye for art, specifically those created in MS Paint.
😒 I feel like I don't care at all.
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Why is everyone arguing about whether or not we're degenerates on this fucking forum of all places?

You're aware that bbwalt exists, and they SPECIFICALLY have Loli boards?

Just post porn of Chili and Bandit. Who fucking cares what they're from. People on this forum are within their rights to make a goddamn Paw Patrol board if they so wish it.
Where is this comic from?
Any chance for source please?
(34 KB, 450x602, IMG_1221.jpeg)
Any y’all got pics of brandy?
Source please!!!!!
fuck off with this autistic shit
kys if you like this stuff

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