
Now THIS is a thread that belongs
>>35223 (OP)
Sure do!

Nice, thanks for #3! Wasn't in my archive and isn't on the Internet Archive.
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Study the growth cycle of a Cheetah


I started Brittany out at weighing about three hundred pounds at 7 feet tall. This would make her a little overweight at 350 lbs. A slight belly and a rounding of the backside is about all that one would be able to see.
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The next weight shows her at 420 lbs. She's a little chubbier, but not very big ... yet.
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This is the first picture I drew as a sample of my creative talents. Brittany is 490 shapely pounds here. It's all uphill from here.
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Brittany's favorite snack, according to her creator, is Chocolate chip cookies. This gave me a lot of fuel to add poundage to her werecheetah frame. I thought to myself, what would happen if this girl went on a serious cookie binge. The results added to her weight of 560 lbs?
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One size does NOT fit all. Brittany, after several months of hard core bingeing has gained 80 pounds to grow to weigh 640 lbs. And this fiesty cheetah does not have any intentions of stopping. Before long...
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...Brittany has gained another 60 pounds to round her out at 700 ample pounds. And though she eats heathily too, those cookies are her downfall. By the time she makes a trip to Japan...
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...she's gained another 70 pounds. Though packed tightly, Brittany's kimono manages to contain her huge belly and other atributes [sic]. After a long, cold winter back in the states,
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...Brittany couldn't wait for summer to show of her shapely body. At 840 lbs, there was a lot of shapely body, and it was getting bigger still.
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Bigger and bigger, though hundreds of pounds of Chips O'Joy cookies, until the upper end of three digits appear. 920 pounds, her heavy duty scale reads. And yet she has seriously begun to waddle, this not-so-little kitty indulges herself to the point below.
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Brittany knows she's more than a thousand pounds, but is quite content with her fleshy frame.
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Roxi Foxx


Now, you ask, why the hell I wanna be so fat? Well, lemme tell you. When I was a kid, I was chubby. Not fat, just a little overweight. Well, my mom constantly nagged me to lose the weight and I did, nearly becoming a full fledged bulimic in my quest to please her. Then one day, I said, Hell no! I'm not going to deny what I want just to please her! From the day I moved out of the house, I began to pack away as much food as I could. I didn't have a big capacity at first, but I finally built up to over 20,000 calories a day and I'm getting so fat, my mother can't stand to be anywhere near me. Good. That's my defiance of her. I don't want her to be a part of my life. I want to be a fat woman. I want to die in my sleep when I'm old, lying on my many rolls of fat, my loving husband by my side. When I begin to have difficulty with my weight, then I'll be finished and might even slim down. Until that time, pass the grub and get the hell outta my way or you might be dinner.

Wow! Check it out! Roxi at 160 skinnnnny pounds! Heh. This was for Senior Prom. My date was a loser and I remember how beautiful this one fat girl looked and how much she and her boyfriend were in love. I wanted that. It wasn't really a conscious effort to fatten at first. It just sorta happened. Then, I decided I like what I saw and felt.
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Over the course of a year and a half, my weight has creeped up to 235 pounds. I kinda like the way it feels. This is how big I was when Alexander Veranovich asked me out on a date. Little did either of us know where that first date would lead us.
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I've gained up to 270 pounds after a few months with Alex. That man loves to feed me and watch me eat. He loves my growing self and with him by my side, I'm wanting to grow fatter and fatter. And this is where I made the active choice to grow.
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330 lbs in just over seven months. Wow! That's almost a hundred pounds of fat! It feels so wonderful to have Alex massage my growing gut. I find I'm getting hungrier sooner and that it's taking more to fill me up. I guess my stomach is gaining capacity. Hmmmm. Yay!
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It is I, Roxan Micha Foxx, enjoying a nice dip in a paradise freshwater spring. Alex says I'm sassy for sure, and a definite feedee. I love the way I look and feel and can't wait until my next yummy meal. I'm 5'8" tall and around 380 lbs of sexy vixen here. I dyed my hair a more normal vulpine color but I think my flamingo heritages (yeah, my dad was a flamingo) means I should have pink hair and I'm gonna grow it back to it's natural color.
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Meet Alexander Veranoff. This is MY hunky guy. He's a feeder of the ultimate persuasion. He can think of nothing more enjoyable than watching me grow fatter under his diligent care. He met me when I was a mere 200 pounds and under his astute and loving hand, my weight has soared faster than I had ever dreamed possible. We'd both like me to hit 1000 pounds of wonderful foxy flesh, and the way I can pack it on, there's no doubt we're both going to get our wishes. I'm about 420 pounds here.
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"Chocolate cake? Did somebody mention CHOCOLATE CAKE?" I love sweets and am particularly fond of chocolate cake. In fact, I have more than once devoured a full sheet cake by myself in about three hours. I can eat so much, my tummy actually distends and pokes out a little bit. My thing then is to brush these pretty teeth and go take a nap, slowing my metabolism and increasing my weight. Here, I'm a lovely 460 pounds and definitely looking for more weight to settle on my frame. I'm just too skinny! When my hip measurement reaches 100 inches, then I'll stop.... maybe.
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Hmmm. Lookit that belly! Wowww! Five twenty. What a growth spurt! I think I'm getting prettier as the pounds go on. And on. And on. My hair has finally grown back out to it's naturally beautiful pink color. I'm never gonna do that again!
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I got snowed in with Alexander and since there's always plenty of food on hand, we made good use of it to further enhance my heavenly body. I'm just a growing girl, you know. I can't wait until my belly slips past my knees. It won't be long the way I'm going. I hope to be the fattest woman who ever lived. I'm a beguiling weight of 572 luscious pounds.
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Since I still work in a public environment, I have to dress conservatively, here in a suit by acclaimed large fashion designer Natalia Daski (who incidentally is 450 delightful pounds of Venison). I started at the CPA firm when I was 160 trim pounds and quickly got promoted to a partner when one of the senior partners retired. As the years passed, my weight increased, but "her beauty, intelligence and her kind nature have won her the admiration and respect of all with whom she works." Not my own words, mind you. That's from my co-workers. Alexander was a client of mine before we got together, and when he saw me growing bigger, he knew he had to marry me. I weigh in at about 593 pounds in this picture. I love this blue suit. It'll be a shame to lose it.
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Once I got my sisters living with me, Alex and I took them out to Washington state to meet Alex's parents. I think they were a little shocked at my size, but they're wonderful people and respect me for who I am. Anthy and Cici are so happy to be with me and Alex. I love road trips. It give me a chance to chow down on the road. All that riding and eating with little activity ... I gained about 25 lbs on this trip. Man. I'm 618 pounds now and I just can't keep my tiny tummy full. Keep it growing, Roxi!
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I love this picture. Thanks to Anthy for taking it. Look at how happy Alex is! Not to mention how darn big I'm getting. This was about 4 hours of straight feeding and I could barely move, I was so stuffed. I rolled over and went to bed not long after Anthy snapped the pic. I weighed in at about 658 pounds here. I can't help myself anymore. I just can't wait to get fatter and fatter. It's so much a thrill to have Alex read my weight to me. I won't be happy until it's four digits instead of three.
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"She wore an itsy bitsy teeny weeny fuchsia polka dot bikini ..." Those long winter nights of gorging myself on everything that Alexander feeds me has paid off. I'm getting so big that Alex has to lay on top of me just to find room in the bed. I'm still going strong though, and I ain't gonna stop until walking becomes a major production and then, I'm off to the bedroom and there, I'll just gain until the bed breaks. I love to be fat and will not be satisfied until I'm as fat as I physically can be without exploding. This is called, "The Low Rider" ...for obvious reasons. Weight of 708 pounds, give or take. The scale broke when I stepped on it. =BLUSH=
I hope you find them all?
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June 1994

This is where I began. I was 125 lbs right out of college. I look so scrawny! I landed a good job working with computers and it was basically a sit down job with little movement or activity. I love it. Well, it didn't take me long to fall out of my running habits. I met Todd here. From here on out, you'll see my personal growth.
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August 1994

I could easily shoot Todd for taking this picture! I look horrible! It was the day after a big family reunion, on my side, and I had eaten everything in sight. My family is a little on the husky side, so it wasn't anything out of the ordinary for us. I didn't even notice that I ate more than I usually do. I'd been given a new medicine for my allergies and I thought that it was just a little water-gain. Life went on as usual for Todd and me. We were getting serious, and I was happy that he was my boyfriend. Life was great! Oh yeah!
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October 1994

This was a 30 lb gain from August to October, bringing me up to 180 lbs at a height of 5' 10" tall. I noticed my favorite shorts were fitting a little too snug after a nice dinner. Todd grabbed the camera and snapped this shot of me. It's such a little, tiny, jiggly tummy, isn't it? It's got grand plans though. I'm 22 here. No ... my butt's not fat (yet) I was a runner in high school and I've got a developed set of leg muscles (and a good thing too!) This was when I began to start eating more without really realizing it. I remember we had barbecue and I had a lot of it. It's hard not to eat when you're just so hungry. That BBQ is Todd's specialty. Yummy!
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January 1995

This picture shows a 40 lb gain over the Christmas holidays, bringing me up to 220 lbs. Another pair of jeans growing ever tighter. My friends and I all kinda joked about my gaining. My appetite was growing stronger and I was snacking more frequently. Todd had fun here. He'd knead my belly to "keep it soft," he said. I didn't mind then, and I certainly don't mind in now. The jeans are a size 16. Five months before, I was a size 10. I could still wear the jeans here, but they definitely showed off my legs and butt, and they had begun to bite into my belly. I'd try to squeeze into tighter jeans and laugh as my tummy spilled over and out of them. 95 lbs gained and Mindi was bigger and better than ever. But wait! Mindi's still GROWING! Here's another pic that Todd took after I fastened the jeans. I hated to lose these jeans!
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Nice and tight, aren't they? I had to lay back on the bed to fasten them and it wasn't long before they were too tight.
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March 1995

I love surprises. This was a surprise to me! Pants I'd made just two months before for a costume party were too small. WAY too small. I wasn't going to go to the party, but Todd talked me into it. Everyone complimented me on my "fat costume." Nobody noticed that the flesh was really my own. My appetite kept increasing and I was eating twice what I'd normaly have eaten. I didn't think I was eating that much but in retrospect, I was eating like a woman starved. I continued taking my allergy medication, delighted that my symptoms had vanished. I had gained another thirty pounds, but this time, I'd gained it in just over a month. I was getting fat.
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May 1995

For my birthday, Todd surprised me by picking me up from work and taking me to a nice hotel for a romantic weekend getaway. He had my bags packed for me and everything. He snapped this picture of me as I was walking out of the bathroom after changing into my size 24 swimsuit. When did I start buying size 24 anything? I was getting fat. No. I wasn't getting fat . I WAS fat and it seemed I was getting fatter every day. It was at this weight, a year later and 160 pounds heavier that I began to get self conscious about my size and my body. When had I gone and gotten so big? A year had flown by and my size had grown accordingly. This is where chubbiness ended and fatness began.
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September 1995

My appetite is still increasing. I just can't seem to help myself, but at this time, I didn't want to go to the doctor because I'd be embarrassed to have her see how fat I'd gotten. And fat is the right word. Todd brought a very heavy grade scale. I weighed just over 325 lbs. In the time since I'd graduated college, my weight had soared by 200 lbs. I began to grow depressed and I wouldn't leave my home for weeks at a time. I was afraid of what my body was becoming. I'd heard the words as a child. Obese. Corpulent. Morbid. Fat. Todd was the only person who could have helped me and he did. He encouraged me and loved me and was my angel. I fell deeper in love with him. I wanted to be married to him, but not in this obese body, so I began to diet.
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January 1996

As I said, I began to diet. Biggest mistake I ever made. Not only did I not lose weight ... I gained it. 50 pounds in about 8 1/2 weeks. "My god! What is wrong with me?" I thought then. I couldn't keep my stomach filled. I couldn't keep my insatitable appetite under control. I'd constantly be looking for something to nibble on. I outgrew my clothes faster than Todd could get them for me. I asked my manager to allow me to work from home given my condition and once everything was set up, I didn't leave the house much at all. There were days when I would just eat from the moment my paws hit the floor until the moment I shut off the light. Todd constantly reassured me. Then came the big surprise. Todd asked me to marry him. I told him I couldn't. That I wasn't the same person he fell in love with. He told me, "No. You're not the same person I fell in love with. You're someone much better. I don't care how big you get. I'll always love you because of who you are. I know what you're going through. Before you met me, I weighed almost 800 pounds." I couldn't believe my ears. My beloved Todd had been what I dreaded I was becoming?

"It's not so bad, Mindi. It's not bad at all if you're strong and someone loves you. And I do love you, Melinda Renee Hruskey."

I stopped worrying about my weight that day and just let nature take it's course. I ate when I was hungry and stopped when I was full. I didn't eat sugar or candy or anything sweet and my body just did what it thought it should do.
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May 1996

By the time two years had passed, I'd gained 215 pounds. My wedding dress was a size 36. Thirteen sizes up in that time. For the wedding, I was given an entirely new "look" by a stylist who specialized in styles for the larger figure. Mine was pretty large, but so was the stylist. I emerged, not as a fat and dowdy girl, but as a beautiful woman of size. As my body grew bigger, I realized I was coming to enjoy the feel of the weight on my frame. The way my belly was beginning to push against my thighs when I sat, the gentle rippling of my tummy as I laughed. I stopped trying to buy clothing from the regular stores and shopped exclusively on the internet, finding fashions that were flattering to my fattening figure. I was just happy that my allergies were still being kept at bay by the wondrous medicine I'd been taking. It's funny. There was a song I remembered from my younger days by Lionel Ritchie. It was called "Three Times A Lady." Todd made it our song, singing it to me and singing it , "You're once, twice, three times the lady." He meant that he had more of me to love now. Come to think of it, give sixty more pounds and I'd be four times the lady.
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November 1996

This past November was the first time my family has seen the new and improved Melinda. I couldn't tell them that I was nearly 500 pounds. They just had to see it and accept it on their own. They were surprised, but everyone was wonderful. If there was a time I ever made a total pig out of myself, this Thanksgiving was the time. I can't believe I ate two whole pumpkin pies by myself!! I was so embarrassed!! But Todd and my family just smiled and said I was a growing girl. Heh. No kidding. At first, I'd been afraid to go home, but the family has been great. My nieces and nephews are so happy I'm getting so fat. They love to watch me walk. My belly's hanging over my thighs now and it jiggles a lot when I move. I think everyone was a little surprised at how much food I was able to consume ... including myself. I think I ate half of the turkey. But you know, I've not been getting fat of my own accord. Gosh! I'm not just a big, fat pig? The reason was the allergy medicine I'd been prescribed. It seems that the pharmaceutical company had released the drug even though they knew it caused massive appetite increases in a good majority of the case studies. It had been recalled, but not before about 120 of people just like me had been on it for two years. I was a victim? I became a part of the class action lawsuit against the company and the 92 of us who were still alive were awarded 5.7 million dollars each. We were rich! I was obese, but that didn't matter now. The doctors who examined me said they didn't know how long the drugs would take to completely disappear from my system, especially considering that I was 495 pounds. That meant I'd be getting fatter. Probably way fatter. Strangely though, I wasn't adverse to the idea. I was growing to appreciate my huge belly. The only thing I had trouble with was that I kept getting too fat to wear my favorite outfits! I loved this purple suit. Ah well. On the night before we were to return home, I told Todd that I wanted to enter our new home (specially designed with my ever expanding frame in mind) and December in a new hundred pound mark, so I asked him to go out and buy me a nice big white cake with lots of buttercream icing. Not only did he do that, he ate with me, and fed me. When we got home, I rushed into the bathroom to weigh in. The scales showed me my new weight. 506 lbs. I felt a little tingle run up my spine. I was happy! I was getting fatter and fatter, and I was happy about it! Well ... the only watching of my figure I had to do was watch it get bigger. Besides, it was fun to have Todd give me an all over body massage.
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May 1997

I've been off the allergy meds for six months now and I've noticed a decline in my appetite somewhat, but I'm still packing on the pounds. My feet splay about three inches now. My thighs are getting pretty big. Don't ask about the chartreuse suit. Todd picked it out and he said it made me look thinner. I didn't buy it. I was not thin, nor would I ever be thin again. And as I look at myself, I see that I am beautiful. I like the way I look now. The feel of my fat tummy in my hands is delightful to me. I distinctly have begun to waddle. When I sit down on the sofa, my belly hangs over the edge and we've had to get a custom bed for Todd and I to share. I've gotten a little too big for the king size bed we had. I am definitely going to get much bigger before these chemicals are out of my system. I think my belly drop is about 32 inches now and it's promising to droop lower. I've got a peekaboo belly as it is now anyway. It peeks out under my shirt no matter what because of how low it's sagging. :))) When my body decides I'm fat enough, I'll stop gaining, but until that time, keep watching Mindi's body growing even
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November 1997

I want to kill Todd for snapping a picture when I'm in my underwear!! Look at me now. I'm just getting downright enormous! I have some challenges now, like fastening a belt around my waist or pulling my pants up over this huge sagging belly, but I think I would like to see myself even larger. I am so happy with who I am. I'm soft and jiggly all over. My nieces and nephews adore me more than ever. They can't wait to see how fat Aunt Mindi is each time I go home for the holidays. Mom and Dad bought a special sturdy chair for me seeing that if I'm not careful, I can easily break normal furniture. My family has been so supportive of me. What's funny is that Richard Simmons approached me after our story aired on the news and told me he'd help me lose weight. I told him I appreciated it, but not all fat people were unhappy. In fact, I told him that I couldn't wait to gain more before the medicine worked out of my system. Boy, did that leave him speechless. He hasn't bothered me since. I'm not eating as much as I was, but I still have a ravenous appetite and can out-eat most people in my family. Oh, I can tell my stretch marks are gonna have stretch marks. But I love my body. I don't want to be thin again. Doc says I'm in great shape considering I'm over 600 pounds. She recommended I drink lots of milk and take a calcium supplement to keep my bones and joints strong. Carrying around the weight I am, I've gotta be careful, you know. :)) So far so good. Todd and I go for a waddle three times a day. Everything is perfect. Bring on the weight! I'm ready for it!
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April 1998

The main problem with weighing 660 pounds is that these tiny towels just don't fit around all the rolls! Bathing does have it's challenges, but I've learned to manage. Thank God that both Todd and I now work from home and make a good wage. I'm just way too fat to try to work anyplace else. As you can see, this is a long, long way from the 125 pound girl I was 5 years ago. This is 660 pounds of fat. Not water. Pure fat. My appetite is slowing down now, but I'm still gaining. I imagine I'll reach at least 800 lbs before I'm done, but when I look at myself in the mirror ... what I see delights me. You may think I'm deluded, but I'm not. I am an extremely fat woman and I think I am attractive and desirable. So does my husband. Yes my belly is immense. Yes, it hangs almost to my knees, but with me ... my vast body feels more like a blanket than a burden. I believe in my heart that this is how God meant me to be and I'll embrace each pound and inch fully. Todd still kneads my belly ... it just takes him a lot longer. :))) Todd and I love to go out to the malls and watch people stare at us, obviously and so totally in love. They can't imagine what a trim delicious looking fellow with a body-builder's physique would want with this enormous woman. Well, we won't share our little secret. And ... you should see me walk. Imagine Jello. That's me. Enough of this for now. I'm hungry. Gotta get bigger, you know. :)))
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September 1998

I went to the doctor yesterday and weighed in. 705 pounds! Funny, but I don't feel that fat. I know I look it, but I don't feel it. Doc also says ... I'm going to be a mother. I may very well be one of the fattest women to ever give birth. I've got to go back to the doctor once a month to have an ultrasound to see how the baby is doing. I've got to be careful too. I'm so fat that I've got to watch what I'm doing and not bump myself around too much. I'm ecstatic! It give me a chance to overeat again. Ahh ... just kidding. I'm still getting fatter, but the gain is much slower now. I think I'm gonna be over 900 pounds before all is said and done. I'm moving slower now and I waddle so, I imagine it's funny to see Todd and I hand in hand, him with his long strides and me waddling along like a weird wind-up toy. I am just so wonderfully fat now. I can't see my feet when standing and barely when sitting. I'm a perfect sphere. I look like Violet from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. I don't ever want to be that skinny girl again. I'm how I was meant to be and I'm going to enjoy life as fully as my tummy.
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May 13th, 1999

Please welcome Tabitha Brittany Vulpes!! 6 lbs11 oz. 17 inches long. Hard to believe something so tiny could come out of a body this huge, eh? It's official. I'm 780 pounds now and I'm still gaining, even though the drugs are completely gone from my system. Residual effects, I believe. Oh well. So long as I can still waddle around, I'll be happy. I'm gaining slow, so don't expect a hundred pounds in three months. But ... there will be more Mindi to come it seems. :) Doc says I shouldn't try to have any more children because of my weight now, so Todd and I decided to adopt a couple of children. There's two, Amanda, age 8 and Nicholas, age 6. Amanda was extremely overfed as a baby and toddler, and now, she's 400 lbs and has way too many extra fat cells to ever be thin. Nicholas was on Duohist for ten months, so he's a little overweight too. He's 300 lbs. Todd picked them without my aid, but he did an admirable job and the children, who thought I would hate them because of their size got a real eye opener when they got to their new home. ::Grins:: You'll get pictures of the new additions as soon as I can get them developed. :)
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Greetings. My name is Aida Johannes and this is my tale. I come from South Africa and have lived here all of my life. This is me at two hundred and thirty comfortable pounds at the age of eighteen. I had just graduated from high school and was getting ready to enter the university.
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In the summer of my 19th year, I met a friend in the university and she, in turn introduced me to a group of people who called themselves "The Children of Dionysus." It was their goal in life to live well and grow into extreme corpulence. As I love to eat, it was natural for me to join the group. I was one of the smaller members, but I was given an award for the most weight gained within the year, seventy-two pounds. We wore togas and clothing that allowed for comfort. It was a satisfying group of which to belong. I was a weight of three hundred and two pounds.
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I have been a member of the Children of Dionysus for two years now and my weight has climbed steadily to four hundred and twenty one pounds. I have risen to the rank of high priestess and it is I who guides the Feasts of the Gods and welcomes new members. Our clan has risen to forty-three members and our ranks are increasing. By day, I am a valued student teacher. By night, I am the priestess Aida. I've noticed a new member and his growth is nothing short of delightful. I would like to see him as my husband.
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I have just turned twenty three. We number one hundred and five members. My weight is five hundred and one pounds. With Alain's help, I am attempting to stretch my stomach to house more food. I am disappointed with my lack of steady gain. I should be closer to six hundred pounds than I am. If I do not reach seven hundred pounds by my twenty fifth birthday, then I must step down as high priestess.
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I am now twenty-four and my weight is six hundred and nine pounds. Alain has been instrumental at helping me grow larger than ever. With him at my side, I will remain high priestess for a long turn. His own growth is incredible. He is now over six hundred pounds himself and I do believe he will be a mammoth high priest himself. He gives the other men in the clan encouragement.
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Hello. I'm Erika Marie Short. You don't know me, but I'm the richest girl in the world. I don't want to be, mind you. I hate my parents. They didn't want me and they use me as a pawn to try and out-do the other. Well, my mother's a fashion guru and my dad runs the NYSE. They're intolerant and disgusting. I live on my own in Chicago and I decided to become something they both hate ... obese. I'm about 170 pounds here. Not fat, just pleasingly plumpies, as Dad puts it. Eh.
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I met a nice guy, Nikolaus Vulper, and he's helping me to gain. Over the past nine months, I've brought my weight up to 250 pounds. I'm gaining belly and buttwise. Not bad. I've decided to let my hair grow out it's normal color too. Before long, I'm gonna cut it. I want to be so that my parents wouldn't recognize me.
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Wow! Look at the results! Nikky's a great cook and I've found that I'm falling in love with him. He's great. He's encouraged me and over a year, I've gained over a hundred pounds. My goals aren't set completely. I think I'll stop in the six hundred range, but I'm not sure. Keeeeeeeeep watching! 360 pound mousie on the prowl! Here kitty, kitty, kitty!
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I have gotten very fat now, weighing in at 470 lbs. Nikky's been great at keeping me fed. I don't know where I'm gonna go from here because I like to eat. We'll see. I don't mind getting bigger, so long as I have my Nikky.
>>36236 I see that. Nikky's got dat ass. Nothing wrong with that shit.
Can someone get one of saffy.
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My name's Saffron Elisabeth Harrengton, but you can call me Saffy. Here I am. 140 pounds of Miserable me. I'd come from a broken home. My dad was a mean drunk and my mom was into drugs. I ran away and finally got placed in a good foster home. These people were wonderfully fat and warm and I knew I wanted to be like them. In six months time I went from weighing 140 pounds ....
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(Not entirely sure where I got this one from)
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... to a wonderful 215 pounds. Look at me. I gain mostly in my belly and as I looked in the mirror and my pants gently biting against my belly, I loved it. I was 16 when I decided that I wanted to be fat and I did all that I could to start the scale needle moving to the right.
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It's summer time and over the course of the school year, I've gained up to 275 lbs. I'm happier than I've ever been, and I'm getting delightfully paunchy. I eat all I can, trying to put on those pounds. Guys tease me a little, but mostly, people like the new Saffy.
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Here I am at Graduation. I got the car as a gift from my foster parents. It's kinda funny to see a 370 pound bunny squeeze inside, but hey ... there's funnier things on TV every day. I'm looking for a guy to help me grow as fat as I can be. I want to waddle so much that I look like a wind up toy. Know anybody who wants to help?? Of course, I want him to get fat right along side me. It's only right, ya know?
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Two years of college and I'm almost too fat to sit in the classrooms. They had to bring in a table and a chair for me. Look at that belly! I am soooooo fat! Hey, but only 480 pounds worth! I haven't reached 700 yet! I want to be so fat that I waddle into work, do my stuff, waddle home and gorge, rubbing at my bloated belly as I waddle off to bed, happy and wonderfully filled. I've got guys hitting on me moreso now than when I was 140 pounds, but they're all so skinny! ICK!
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Seven years of intense gaining and look at me now!! This is definitely how I love to look! Oh, the feel of so much flesh hanging from me is so wonderful, I'll have to see just how much bigger I can get! I've got a wonderful job and I'm gonna waddle into work, then waddle home and gorge myself until I'm a fat match for miss Roxi. 680 lbs, so there's a long way to go yet!
>>36353 Who's the babe?
Said can you find all pics of Fat Yung-Xu?
can someone get the Fat Yung-Xu one please.
i hope more is coming soon?
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http://fatopia.org/ Fat Yung-Xu

Greetings and salutations. My name is Fat Yung-Xu, or as westerners would say, Yung-Xu Fat. I came from China when I was seven with my mother and grandmother. My father had died in an accident when working on a building in Shanghai, so with our saved money, we came to America to become citizens. Grandmother opened a market and my mother and I, along with three cousins who had already come to America, ran a restaurant. We found that Americans like to eat well, so we began a buffet that brought in many customers. At the end of the night, we would eat the leftovers for our dinner. Mama would let me have the most, and I would earn money waiting on tables. Down the street from our restaurant was a place called Ice Cream Parlor. I visited there often., buying goods with the money I earn. With the ice cream and the leftovers at the restaurant, it did not take long for my young body to begin filling out. By the time I was thirteen, I was quite fat, about 200 pounds.
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I did not worry about diet like American girls did. I ate what I wish and did not make any attempt to slow down. I like to eat and so my body shows. By the time I am sixteen, I have gained foot height and more weight to be 300 pounds. Some girl tease me but I say that girl are jealous of my pretty face and nice round body. I do not feel bad for getting fat. I am happy to have my body and family name match.
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I still love to eat and by the time I enter my senior year of school, my weight is 375 pounds. I am getting so fat. I do not mind. I do like the fat. It's nice. See how tight my clothes have gotten. I am gapping at my shirt buttons. Off I go to school soon! I am excited. I am first in Fat family to go to college. Wish me luck!
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I am graduated and going to college. I learn restaurant manage. Then I take care of restaruant and mama handle grandmother's shop as she is getting quite old. (My grandmother, not the shop) I have gotten some homesick and when I eat, it make me feel more at home, so I gain much weight here. By time I am going home, I am 450 pounds. I am quite big panda girl.
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>>37539 (Cross-thread)

Our wedding day came and went without a hitch and I settled into a life of luxury and lounging at the Von Rechtenburg family castle. The staff found me a very kind mistress and they were happy to see my contentment to be a Von Rechtenburg wife. I would sit before a nice fire in the winter months, working on the cross-stich and embroidery I love so well when not writing my best-selling romance novels and the kitchen girls would keep me munching constantly. I knew they were only helping me. The Elixir relaxed my stomach muscles so I could stuff more than ever. Over the winter, my weight continued to climb so that by my birthday in April, I was nearing 495 pounds. Not only was my belly drooping lower, it was getting wider and wider. My legs were getting more and more "baby fat" rolls too, and there was no getting away from my thighs touching. Now my knees were continually touching when I stood. As you can guess, the reoccuring theme is the cow-printed clothes I'm wearing. I have always loved the markings of a cow and often wished I'd been born a cow, but I'll have to surfice with being a fat cat. I've learned to cope ... by getting fatter and fatter and fatter.
You want yo know my jobest opinion? I think the pmtrouble here's too much privacy. There needs to be less privacy and we needs to steal people's shit. They shouldn't be allowed to own anything because it's not really their's anyways that's just an illusion
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Hnnng, need...fat goat boys
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Hello there! My name is Alexsandia Matteo. I was born in Australia, then came to the States to go to college. Well, I got pretty blinkin' lucky and when I'd been here for about six months, I won the blinkin' lottery! Well, I went and did a lot of the things I always wanted to, but couldn't afford to do, including eatin' a lot of high class good food. When I won the lottery, I was 145 pounds.
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By the end of my sophmore year in college (yes, I still went!) I weighed 345. Now, I ain't sayin' I'm going to any bloody fat farm to lose these pounds. No sir. I've gotten used to them and I worked hard to gain each and every one. I'm stayin' fat. I think I might even let myself get some bigger. I think maybe a hundred more pounds and I'll be a nice fat dingo. The rest of me isn't too terribly big, but my gut is enormous! It's gonna get even bigger from caviar and other delightfully fattening yummies.
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I've just been eating everything I can get my hands on and I'm just getting fatter and fatter. I call this photograph a "Record of Personal Growth." Of course, the growth to which I'm referring is the size of my abdomen. I have decided that being fat is the best thing I've ever known and I'm going to keep getting fatter until I decide I'm fat enough. When that will be, I cant's say, but I'm going to be one of the fattest women in the world. This I vow. 458 lbs.
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Hi. I wasn't really sure about bringing my story to the world because I'm terribly shy, but Akia and the other girls here all gave me overwhelming support and guidance. My name is Misty Baer. You may have heard of me. I won the gold medal at the 1996 Summer Olympics in the high diving competitions. I had also won a gold medal in the triathalon and for distance swimming. This is me at my normal weight of 175 lbs.
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I was in a race to cross the English channel and because of the cold of the water, I gained 30 pounds to give me some extra insulation. Well, I won the race, but something strange started happening to me. I went on a low fat diet and increased my exercise to lose the extra 30 pounds, and I could not lose the weight. Here I weigh 205 lbs.
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Not only could I not lose weight, I started gaining. It was slower at first, but then it began to increase rapidly. I was embarrassed, despondent. I withdrew into my home in Texas and wallowed in misery, getting fatter with each passing month. I was 290 lbs when I took this picture.
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Three years later, I'd gone from 175 pounds to 375. I'd gained up to past twice my adult weight. I showed no signs of slowing down. I stopped going out at all. I created a secret life for myself on the internet. I was Miranda Baermann. I was just fooling myself and others whom I'd met on-line. Then, just by accident, I stumbled across the web site of a Melinda Hruskey and read the story behind her incredible weight gain. Something struck me as familiar. Then I realized that I had been on the same drug for allergies that she had been on. Braving my fears, I went to the doctor and verified that I was, indeed, on Duohist and was entitled to my share of the settlement. Empowered, I contacted Melinda and she flew down to Texas to meet me. My self doubt subsided as I saw this massive woman waddle slowly through the airport towards me. She opened her heart to me and gave me hope. I found a world of strength in her and her two adopted children, both of whom had experienced the same kind of situation.
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Hiyas! I'm sure you know my brother Ethan, but I know you haven't met me yet so I'll introduce myself. My name is Davidian Neychev. Don't ask me why I'm named that, but all my friends call me Dava so go ahead and call me that too. Now, I'm a little different than Ethan, because I was fat, lost the weight and decided I hated being thin. If you look above, you'll see me at my slimmest weight since I was seven. I slimmed down to 175 pounds at the urging of a school councilor and once there, I was very disgusted. I didn't like being thin. I was thirteen and I decided that it was time for me to once again be the person I truly was. I look pretty ticked here, don't I? I don't like SKINNY!
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So, over the course of the summer, I seriously began to pack on some poundage, much to Ethan's dismay. I reassured him that I knew who I was and that Skinny Dava wasn't it. By the time spring break came around, I'd fattened myself up to a nice, roly-poly 310 pounds. Pretty plush in anyone's standards, but not mine. This wasn't fat enough to make me happy. This picture was take at a camp that our school gang went to over the summer. Akia's been instrumental in getting these nice photographs. I can't thank her enough.
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At school's end for the summer, I'd bulked up to 370 and was feeling better about myself. I wasn't meant to be thin and I knew it. My daytime was spent down at the ice cream store, the candy store and the other great places to broaden my horizons. It was funny. Ethan loves apples and so here I am, in an apple orchard, and I sat down and ate and ate and ate until I swore I'd never eat another apple. Akia counted the apples I ate ... thirty nine. Look at my belly! It's getting big.
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But by the holidays, it was even bigger. I'd packed on quite a but at Thanksgiving, and t\at Christmas time, I sat my 420 pound frame down to dinner. On New Year's Day, I sat my 438 pound frame down to dinner. I love the holidays. ^.~ I wore the same outfit for comparison and Akia put me in the same orchard. Ooooo.... apples. Ooooof.
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By my birthday in June, it was a double celebration. I was 16 years old and 500 pounds. I was feeling like myself again. This is who Dava Neychev really is and take her as she is because she makes no apologies for weighing 500 pounds. I really am not happy unless my belly is so big I waddle. Ethan's friends have been great and they helped me gain my weight. Akia, who is normally against feederism, helped my cause with her wonderful cooking. She knew that I was in control. I didn't need to be fatter. I didn't need the food. I didn't need to be told what to do. I simply desired it. She realized that I never claimed to need anything. That's proof in her book that I'm not out of control. Besides, I set a goal for myself. I refuse to gain more than 600 pounds. And not only did I get up to 500 for my birthday, I got a delightful 550 pound boyfriend named Ryan Larson, who is delightfully known as Hog because of his occasional spurts of pure insatiability. In those weeks when he can eat and eat and not be satisfied, he can easily gain 20 pounds in a week. Akia says when they met he was only 350 pounds. He'd look incredible at 800 or more pounds, but I'd never make him get any bigger. Not my style. Anyway, if I get bigger, I'll let you see. ((~_^)
What's up with that mouse in the first panel.
And what does it mean?
Before we continue posting art about it, I must ask you, what is fatopia and who made it?
Millenials' gay the momma's boys generation. with your hidden messages furries thread stories bullshit. You've been called out before.

Suck a frog's dick and naruto's dick at the same time, poser. You're no angel of God.


Here now. I know many of you don't believe in Voodoo and the like, but down here in Creole country, Voodoo is alive and well. I'm testiment to that. In fact, I'm the grand-daughter of a well known and respected Voodoo priestess. Now afore you go get any ideas, let me tell you that voodoo is best left to the professionals. Let me tell you a little about my background. My family, the LeBrochs, were one of the first settlers down here in New Orleans. A family who tried to rival us were the Devauxes. What came easily or naturally to the LeBrochs, the Devauxes had to struggle or steal. They were sore losers and were irrationally jealous of the LeBrochs. So it has been a rivally between our two families, even to this day. My rival is Irmingard Devaux. She's a toady little shew, with stringy black hair she ties back in a severe knot on her head. Her eyes are very tiny, so dark a brown that it appears she has no true eyes at all behind her thick glasses. Her build is rather odd as well. She has moderate sized breasts, a barrel-like torso and legs so tiny it's amazing they can support her. She's very homely, as are all of her ilk. Jealous, resentful and very seedy are the Devauxes. We have been at odds since we started preschool and even now, when we are both adults. Thus, you can imagine my surprise to find Irmingard standing on my doorstep with a beautifully elegant cake. She said she wanted to make amends and let our families' bygones be bygones. I was a little naive, I'll admit, but I took her gift in good faith. I asked her in, but she declined, claiming an appointment. Three hours after she left the cake with me, my willpower had left me and soon a slice of that delicious cake was nestled deep in my belly. Then the pain washed over me.
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Here I am in beautiful Hawaii. I was born here and lived here until I was 16. You see me there, I'm about 110 lbs and pretty darn happy. Then Dad got a new assignment (he's with the Army) and off we go ....
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To ALASKA?? I can't do all my outings and activities that I used to and I notice I start to gain some weight. It's boring here! Nothing to do here but bake (and eat) cookies! Why did we have to move? Grrrr. I wanna go back someplace nice! I've gained 25 pounds since we've come here. I wonder how long we've got to stay?
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All right! Sayonara Alaska, hello DC! We've moved to Washington DC ... but funny thing is, I'm still gettin' paunchy. I don't think I'm eating that much, but oh well. I do like a good triple scoop of fudge ripple.
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We're staying here in Arlington, VA now. I'm gonna finish school this year and I've hit my highest weight ... 200 pounds. Oddly enough, I kinda like being fat. My gut's all soft and sweet. I've even met a really cute guy name Kurt Anura. He's had some troubles with his legs and is kinda shy cuz he wears leg braces sometimes. That don't matter to me any! He's adorable! Hey, Don't tell anyone, but we've made a little pact. He's gonna feed me. I'm gonna try to bulk up some in college, and where I weigh when we graduate is where I'm gonna stay. We're makin' lifelong plans, Kurt and I. Can't see myself with anyone else. He's my prince. :) Appapro, ain't it?
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Sophomore year spring break found Kurt and I in Daytona! Whoo hoo! And look at me, huh? Three hundred and fifteen pounds! I'm wearing a size 30 jean now. We're so happy! Hey, watch for more posts. Next time, don't know what my measurements'll be.
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So I was given the holy grail today

There's stuff in this archive I've never even seen.

I'll share it with you once I've finished my work.
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Emma, 18 years old.

Lives in Providence, RI.

History in her own words:

I lost my mom at an early age and my father did as fathers are wont to do—he remarried. My stepmother was beautiful and she brought with her two lovely pixie-like blonde haired, blue eyed cherubs with her. I was nothing like them. I was nothing like her. I didn’t know how much she disliked me though.

I was only a year or so older than her two girls, Sasha and Natalia, and I thought she was being really nice to me. Mother, she insisted I call her (but I only did so to her face), was every young child’s dream come true. She was constantly baking cookies and cakes, and constantly bringing home candies and goodies for me. Sasha and Natalia weren’t allowed to have the number of snacks that I was. Stepmother encouraged me to snack between meals, and to finish all my food because she’d give me treats galore afterwards. I was a happy child then and I didn’t realize what she was doing to me and my father was too much in love to notice. As Sasha and Natalia were growing willowy and tall, I was growing in a much different way. While the twins outgrew their clothes by getting taller, I was outgrowing them by getting bigger. And when I say bigger, I mean, I was getting fat.

By age 7 I was 75 pounds. By age 10, I was 125 pounds. I owned only stretchy knit clothing and my stepmother was very pleased at my appearance. My eating habits set, I continued to grow heavier and fatter with each passing year. At 13, I was 260 pounds and gaining faster than before. When I was 14, for my birthday, Stepmother fixed me a grand feast with all my favorite foods and a gigantic cake that was for me. Sasha and Natalia didn’t get to eat any and my father only took a small piece. Mother ate none herself. When I finally rolled up to my bedroom, I stopped at the mirror and looked at myself. I realized what she’d been doing. I stared at myself in disbelief, as if noticing the changes in me for the first time.

The girl who stared back at me was over 400 pounds and probably closer to 500. My shirt didn’t meet my pants and my belly hung low and broad over my thighs. My knees and calves were dimpled with fat and my arms were absolutely flabby. My face was full and round, and I had more chins than a Chinese phone book. I was appalled. But something clicked inside of me and I knew I was going to have to do something drastic.

When everyone was in bed asleep, I crept back downstairs and started to stuff myself. I ate until I was so full I thought I was going to explode. It was a new goal for me. I was going to get myself so big that my dad would have to notice what had happened to me.

Each night, when the house was asleep, I’d creep down to the kitchen and binge. The first week was very hard, but the ones following were easier and easier. It didn’t take long for my added eating to start registering on my already huge frame. Eating was natural to me ... or should I say, gorging was natural to me. Stepmother had made sure of that from early on. Month after month, I measured my growth and found myself waddling more and more. At 17, I’d gotten too big to fit into normal desks at school and they brought in some special chairs and table for me. Everyone assumed I had a medical condition, and didn’t know that I had been forced into this corpulence at an early age by someone who was supposed to protect me. Still I gorged, getting fatter by the day. At 18, I stopped and took stock of myself. Two years prior my belly had hung mid-thigh. Now it brushed my knees. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I cringed, but I needed to do something .. to say “Hey Dad! Look at me! Look at what I’m turning into!” However, my dad never noticed. He never got that his daughter was pushing 750 pounds. My stepmother had been delighted, of course.
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Tabby cat, Tabby cat, watch her grow so round and fat

See her eat so much more until her belly meets the floor

Watch her rump grow rounder yet, how much fatter can she get?

"When my own goal weight I top, only then shall Tabby stop."

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