
>>34591 (OP)
ey my edit! thanks for using it as the main piece.

also no ai please i swear, i don't wanna see anymore ai art here.
(170 KB, 1600x1200, 71krcafG3fL._RI_.jpg)
Your rendition has a very vintage cartoon/anime look to it. I like it the best due to that, and also the fact that it's a really appealing design in its own right.
Can we have more? What about butler ralsei?
>What about butler ralsei?
What if... maid ralsei?
Black or white, anything's fine.
I just thought he'll look cute in a maid getup.
(376 KB, 1659x1840, Ralseimoonsmallh.png) (265 KB, 1317x1704, NoirRalseih.png) (231 KB, 1416x1997, RalseihnoCastpng.png) (409 KB, 1416x1997, RalseihCastpng.png)
I appreciate your comment, Ralsei is a character that most artists take plenty of liberties, some even get popular by their unique designs alone

it makes me really happy when people acknowledge this kind of stuff about my design!
Yeah, even a cop ralsei would look good
>I appreciate your comment, Ralsei is a character that most artists take plenty of liberties, some even get popular by their unique designs alone
Yeah, and I find yours appealingly distinct (and fluffy) enough to stand out on its own merits. Like, he's the star (or heart) of his own au thing.

His true potential also comes out as he gets more "fluffier", however; growing more and more into a huge fluffball
(180 KB, 1697x1140, Kingsized goat.png)
that's mostly me trying to find a sweetspot for my gote, don't expect anything crazy, I want him to be the definition of comforting, and I think I found a good spot for him in my latest pic, perfect for hugs!

but sometimes I do find myself in the mood for *big* so if that's your thing hopefully you might enjoy this!
That one's definitely among my favorites. Huge belly, nice cleavage, sultry look; he has it all!

I even like to think to myself this might be him a few years down the line even; judging by the larger horns and slightly longer snout, and the more relaxed, narrower eyes compared to his younger self's wider, youthful-looking ones. Again, that's just me though.
Reminds me of a classic Disney dragon a bit. Looks really cute.
Heh, Dragonsei
Do you have a furaffinity account or smthn??
nah i dont, plus people finding out i drew fat ralsei would be kinda bad for me lol
You could keep it a secret tho.
(51 KB, 463x763, E131v__XIAEwSd3.jpg)
I see what they mean, as much as I love their artwork, its better to respect their decission, I'm completely okay with them staying anonymous and only posting that kind of work here to avoid problems
i appreciate it, I just don't want the twitter police on me for drawing things i personally like doing
Twitter wont cancel your ass over something primate you do. Just relax, its ok. Youre literally on (something similar to) 4chan, you should already know how to be anonymous
yeah, true. anyways back to posting some fat fluffy goats
(519 KB, 1500x1078, d58bc46ed6e9d577215f4abd7707991d0133a8112312cf3b9f821d9f7319462f.png) (291 KB, 2271x1306, 0b8742f0d53bd92321a6a3da84a187f3d2a7dfe96eebc5da0db56e7c1e13db7b (1).png) (176 KB, 1280x980, ceaa97f1565b843a8775adf03ab32e73f3430040c235645cc87addf483e1ece7.png) (165 KB, 1280x1111, 0b6f02ebdc4e4f75016265fd302226f2dbed9cf442c15dd2fab5d61cd596296e.png) (198 KB, 1280x959, 26377263ce77013e508b22e3eea74a081cbdb1d04d79500072f500b1e7007824.png)
From the old thread
I can agree, but it's still fucking hot as hell
(163 KB, 1730x1769, FAe4n7aWQAs2zdw.jpeg)
Agreed. The navel still gets it first.

Honestly I also love the idea of otherwise sweet characters having a naughtier side to them; especially when they can telegraph it in a certain manner, like an expression or something.
oh damn this board's super active, i've been scrolling through the old on this entire time XD
oh damn this board's super active, i've been scrolling the old one this entire time XD
i know this is selfish of me but i get really sad when i see this person's art because they're so good at drawing fat bodies but they've gone on record multiple times saying they hate horny people (especially fat fetishists) with a burning passion
(257 KB, 1179x1056, sketchieroundlsie.jpg)
Those types are annoying, it's no wonder they aren't popular despite how good their art is.
Also they made a really dumb ruleset of what's horny for furries.
It's all normal character design stuff like fluffy tails, feather fingers, digitigrade legs and so on.
That's a really nice sketch
who's that artist? i've never seen these drawings but i love them!
Isn't this NekoCrispy's work or am I a dum dum lol
(297 KB, 825x1050, 111695.png)
Nah, though I can see the resemblance (or maybe even influence?). I mean, just look at how NC draws Toriel here and compare.
Sneak him a piece of pie or two that'll cheer him up.
Forget slices... why not entire pies? Look at him, he must be starving!
And why stop at just one or two anyway when he should be having several dozens
Look at those hips, gaw damn!
hey i made that second one! i honestly thought i lost it but thanks for reposting it!
You did a really good job, mad props
Would be extra hot if he also tried covering his chest in mild embarrassment.
Someone should commission this guy for a sequel, maybe a nice ass shot
goddamn, sauce?
So basically theyre in denial?

(229 KB, 849x964, 9bea7b4f3b50050bb67af3d5bf9059e1178dbfa88e7ea9cb115bbcb9cb2e6773.jpg) (390 KB, 1567x2005, a2ac8792dbbd9fcd78ebd7ecff93eb27cc0fe4294848c2cfb4784c2a0c7cba5c.jpg) (637 KB, 1297x1309, ada1117dd7ada64673baccdfe0cef07d087096aaac4ab2ba97f71800f6b48aa3.png) (297 KB, 1280x1117, fd690da5b8c054fe44e22f7ef1d3302120bc1ca116e8bef627fec72c1273ed86.jpg) (905 KB, 1280x1280, 53f08e6bd5346e4f10f05ca1f06007379e5aa70c2b4acc1d244fdd1e0ef16aba.jpg)
>Lower res for no reason.
Damn, I fuckin wish WolfyGoofyToons did more stuff tbh
(1.6 MB, 1749x2106, 1672431374.eternazrael_untitled1668_20221230144914.png) (1.4 MB, 2068x1781, 1672431509.eternazrael_untitled1674_20221230151212.png) (1.4 MB, 2064x1786, 1672431621.eternazrael_untitled1670_20221230145916.png) (1.6 MB, 1749x2106, 1672431810.eternazrael_untitled1668_20221230145736.png) (1.7 MB, 2068x1781, 1672431916.eternazrael_untitled1672_20221230151111.png) (2.0 MB, 2136x1725, 1672432060.eternazrael_untitled1671_20221230145946.png)
Same, their work is great.
Yes that's it, thank you!!
just came across this board amd holy fuck have i discovered gold
(1.3 MB, 1500x1500, Ralsei fatty!.png)
Drew some Ralsei just for the thread!~
God you just captured what makes this goat boy so god damn attractive and poundable...Absolutely just wanna snuggle with him and watch him blush as he just gets it right from behind...Wouldn't hurt at all just to keep on going with making him bigger...and then never stopping, even when he's absolutely going to smother everything around in the universe...
I might tomorrow, it's a bit late here now
My WORD you've described exactly what I want from Ralsei, hhhhhhh
What, that he's absolutely perfect in every sense of the way? that we should just pound him a new one and just keep on going? to make him feel so much love from giving him fattening treats and everything else in between as he just doesn't stop growing at all. Never even considering a single second as he just becomes the biggest thing ever to live at all.
mmmmphh exactly! make him bigger and softer and fatter and fatter until he literally becomes the ground you stand upon
Soon even the sky above yourself?
(701 KB, 2298x1411, RalD (5a).png) (125 KB, 1000x1000, RalD (1).png) (71 KB, 1280x1280, RalD (2).png) (41 KB, 1200x1000, RalD (3).png) (94 KB, 1440x1280, dfwp8k0-323f175d-cd85-4f70-b3c4-4d5b90804728.png) (79 KB, 1440x1200, dfwp8ll-4bc27f5f-ecc6-4fdc-9897-24a7d0023820.png)
First image in this batch was posted alongside a story @ https://www.furaffinity.net/user/thamestink. The image has been reposted elsewhere, but the story has not. Anyone here might have it?
Oh fucking christ. Hey before anyone goes to that first link keep in mind there's just scat right on their front page.

Didn't think that needed a heads-up anon?
Could you do that for the diaper posting also??? (4th pic)
(674 KB, 1462x2037, Ral11b.jpg) (208 KB, 1581x2388, Ral11bb.jpg) (170 KB, 1729x1857, Ral11c.jpg) (302 KB, 2456x2257, Ral11d.jpg) (169 KB, 1280x1113, Ral11dd.jpg)
Yes, I'll do that in the future. I don't have any more of those that happen to fit under the BBW umbrella, but I'll spoiler tag them going forward.
>>37397 You're the best and so you deserve. Btw, that girl's got what appears to be a tiny penis between her legs. Goodluck.
>>37582 (Cross-thread)
Oh the first two are made by ohwhatamidoing- Unfortunately they deactivated their account :/ But had lots of good Ralsei inflation pics
yeah i grabbed them from the old FA archive of their account ages ago, there was a Susie one too that i posted in the main undertale thread
(2.4 MB, 1800x2131, Ralsei.png)
I'm doing my part!
a certified torj classic
holy shit anon that's fantastic

always wanted to see some of ark's sketches in color, incredible job
You think it’s possible that you might be able to color more of arkveveen’s asriel drawings? I know that there’s a few more on this thread.
Definitely I want to.
(672 KB, 1080x1760, 5.jpg)
(699 KB, 1280x1117, 2_e.png)
I made a fucky wucky. I used the wrong resolution.
Now it's fixed, and also the other image was touched up.
jesus christ anon, this is primo

we don't deserve you i swear. thank you so much for doing these
I'd like to see the colored version of that one drawing where he's eating pies and is constantly weighing himself. It's the one that has the text where Toriel says that he'll be "mommy's little piggy."
ooh, this is nice. sauce?

I'd love to see that too but I'd get if anon doesn't wanna do that one given how busy of a picture it is and how much work it'd be
God i cant find the link to sauce, sry
The artist is mintoyatsu
(441 KB, 849x964, asriel_500_e.png)
Another one.
>I'd get if anon doesn't wanna do that one given how busy of a picture it is and how much work it'd be
Coloring takes like 2-3 hours at least in general, so it's not a big deal. It should not be a problem, but I admit may be definitely the hardest to color because of some sketches being more unfinished.
I dunno how people find art like this cuz from what I can see their art is nowhere lol. one post on pillowfort, an empty DA, deactivated FA with only one asriel in the furarchiver... teach me your ways

Holy shit. saw this just as it got posted. you spoil us anon thank you so much

if you truly are going to tackle the larger image then godspeed and I cannot wait to see the end product.
Holy shit, amazing job!!!
fucking LEGEND

that looks like it was a pain to do. you're a real one for putting in all that effort for our enjoyment
>"N-no! I WON'T 'lay off the cakes'! They keep me cute, a-and fluffy!"
Backside shot next?
Did you know? Theres a spoiler button.
i was a normie fur until i stumbled upon this thread a few days ago. what an awakening...
"Cuddle time" must be really amazing with the amount of 'fluff' he has.
Anyone got any ballooned up Ralsei or Asriel?
you're incredible you know that holy shit

ty again anon
That Wink holy shit dude. Im further in lovd.. More god of hyperdeath azzy deeuggh..
Gosh college azzy is just so good man
so we're just going to ignore how good this one is?
I nearly didn't see that (⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠) it's so good
Can we get the rest of Keno9988's Asriel? I can't scroll back far enough on his Twitter because of the retarded rate limit
I might be a moron but uh, source?
Do you have any more Ralsei inflation
You are a godsend for this, anon.
(103 KB, 1256x1146, fat asriel.png)
He is really chonky here
I did it myself
that's real good anon, do you have a place you post this stuff? FA, twitter, etc?
He’s drinking from a sippy cup…
(1.2 MB, 1280x1280, unknown.png)
CW: Spicy content
>>41634I >
I don't really have a twitter or FA, i'm still deciding what to do, these 2 drawings of Asriel are mine and i'm planning to make a sequence of how Asriel got obese. Talking about a social media, i don't know where i can post these kind of drawings and if this kind of content has some public, can you recommend me what to do?.
Just make an FA in that case, less chance of it ending up on someone else's feed that'd make a fuss without them making an effort to find it.
FA and DA are the biggest names in art but run the risk of ban for Asriel art.

Twitter reaches the largest audience faster but it's Twitter and its not the best at art archiving.

Inkbunny and pixiv are the safest choices, but you'll get the least amount of traction. Pixiv especially since images can only be viewed if logged in (if set to that setting)

Here keeps you almost fully anonymous but only those visiting this thread will be your audience.

Choice on where you want your art to be is yours, though.
If you use the god of hyperdeath asriel design you usually get away with fetish art
yeah but HD asriel isn't as cute

I have literally never seen anyone banned on either FA or DA for asriel art unless it's like. EXPLICITLY cub-coded. Like, "this is designed to look like an actual human child but an animal" rather than just cartoon animal. if that makes sense.

based as hell anon, excited to see the rest.
I got it, i can do fatty Asriel SFW on twitter and FA, i have no problem with that.
Yes HD is no that cute and you are right.
I've seen a couple of Asriel and nothing happened on FA, the good part is i'm not that kind of artist who do hardcore fetish art, I would like to stay for a while here just to interact and receive feedback on my drawing, it will be fun,

Thank you so much, i'm always open to interact, any commentary you have in mind about my Asriel please tell me, i'm planning to draw other fat shotas.
god this is so good. cant wait to see that butt get huge.
(22 KB, 1400x1400, 1691360190190.png)
Pixelart apps tend to have gold sometimes
you replied to yourself? aren't you the artist?
He’s psyching himself up
(49 KB, 1200x1800, fat asriel part 1.png)

Heh, yeah it was me, i was joking but at the same time self motivating XD, but there is actually good news!!
hellll yes. keep up the good work anon. wanna see this goat get HUGE
42166 were is this from
Punkcrowley on fa
(79 KB, 858x931, ralsei_doodles_by_juicefulmoth_dfp37kf-pre.jpg)
>This is the story of McDeltanald's
Then ralsei starts to speak about what he ate today but nobody listens because susie doesnt care and the soul is focusing on ralsei's belly which is sticking out of his cape.
(255 KB, 1251x1080, image_2023-08-14_104114990.png)
This Facebook account called "Inflatable Scalies/Furries" I came across while searching for art has a BUNCH of furry inflation and weight gain pics archived, including ones that are otherwise gone, going back to September 2013 (They no longer update though). It's where I found this
When's the next part?
>>42721 Working hard, it will be soon.
He’s getting drunk?
cute goteboi lashes
goddamn anon that's an adorable belly peek

keep up the awesome work
(41 KB, 1200x1800, fat asriel part 3.png)
Thank you, i made some fixes to the last drawing i did, i really want to make commissions someday, about furry or non furryl shotas.
wait i meant to type sorry-
i was gonna say nice job (and also it's probably a miss type but are they genderbent in this? sorry btw if it's weird)
Oh yes, my bad XD
(43 KB, 1200x1800, fat asriel part 3.png)
I know i posted this so many times, but i wanted to fix him and i think it came out pretty great.
Well I'll definitely take you up on that offer should the chance come up, along with me having extra money
Yeah and i need more ideas of what shota characters draw.
Dunno if you would do ocs in a private sense but I'd probably ask for my oc, mainly for something me and a friend are doing
If the character is cute i could think in a commission
I dunno how but you keep improving on perfection this is amazing
Do you reallyy think so?? i do my best drawing these fats!!!!.
You do REALLY good. Can't wait to see this goat get so much fatter
VERY good... couch breaking fatass... keep it up!
(55 KB, 1072x409, wide gender goat.png)
sprite of an collage/older azzy getting big lelz
Those sprites are amazing
Some guy used to make a bunch of AI art of him. Anyone knows what happened to him?
Sorry guys, my Asriel is taking time.
It's perfectly fine, just take your time and do your best, we all really do love every bit of what is going on in this sequence!

Take your time!
it's on the old thread. people understandably didn't want AI flooding the art thread so we moved here
I am starving for new content...
And also Ralsei and Asriel inflation art, I haven't seen much of that.
(68 KB, 1261x536, IMG_20191105_003248.png)
Asriel and a bunch of others being fat being enabled by Isabelle. Forgot I found this.
If anyone could I'd really love to see a drawing of a fattened up ralsei plushie. I got my no hat rals plush and adore it and keep imagining it with some blubber. I don't have the artistic skill to bring it to life though sadly
By the way guys, if anyone was wondering where i post my stuff, now i have a place


Go follow me! if you want more, i think i post more there, but i will try to post here too.
What kind of plushy?
(20 KB, 480x590, my fat bun oc.png)
I know is not Asriel, but i just want to say hi to everyone who likes my art with my oc.
this is REAL fucking good. he's getting so HUGE...
You can follow me if you want,
Got a link to it?
(472 KB, 818x789, 5581327.png) (212 KB, 600x600, 5581328.png) (142 KB, 500x531, 5565506.png) (21 KB, 206x279, 5565504.png)
>>34591 (OP)
I do not remember the artist. All i remember was finding these long ago on tumblr before it's mass twitter migration. A source would be nice.
you are getting too cocky
(20 KB, 804x554, imageiu.png)
Seems like minto is retiring
>Global Rule 4
Did he get harassed or something? Regardless, if he have to choose this way, as long as he's okay.
he made great asriel art, but you know, the internet found out and he's gone now, hope he's okay though
minto seems to come and go a lot, and i hope theres at least 1 other art archive cause they explicitly blacklist themselves from web archive
i dont get why, thats just how tech nerdery/amazing art works
I do have some of his asriel fats though, if not all of the ones he did, I can post them if you guys want
sure go ahead. thanks btw.
Forgot to spoiler the last one, sorry!
that's a shame. their art is fantastic, too bad they're such a schizo about coming and going.
source for 3rd and 4rd pic?
Let's keep this thread alive!
What’s y’all’s favorite Adriel or ralsei?
Ralsei is da best, love his dorky glasses and robe.
dude what the fuck
come on man at least tag it
Who made that animation??
(47 KB, 1200x1800, fat ralsei .png)
Trying to save this thread, with Ralsei this time
Looks like they’re outgrowing his robe UwU
Now make him couch sized
i like this idea, somebody should draw him outgrowing it
That could be great.

I like the idea too, but i need some references, i can't find something worth to help me draw this idea.
A softer green would be good, heck just eye dropper the color from the sprites
>>45490 Ralsei eating 400 CD bagels
(21 KB, 372x323, IMG_1158.jpeg)
Also, fatten him up in this outfit sometime.
Do you think you can put more weight on his lower half?
Very nice work.
That said I honestly didn't mind the hourglass-ish proportions of your first sketch either.
hey dude, your art is good, do whatever you're gonna do requests be damned, i've got faith
I wanted that but i think it was something off in his distribuition of fat.
I think so, i think i failed the hourglass shape
It could be great!, i will try.
Shame, I was really excited when they had posted that last one. Not enough morbid/healthplay for cubs, let alone Asriel.
Nah, you didn't, at least if I could still identify it imo. Mixing a bit of 'apple' onto his figure however, was a pretty nice decision on your part, I will say.
Anything new anon?
love big puffy cheeks.. <3
Oh my gosh I love it, have any socials like a Twitter or discord?
Hehe, glad to hear it. I like putting them here and keeping it completely anonymous. Im considering just starting to work on all the chapter 2 sprites, Lynx never uploaded their mod so, Gotta pick up the slack,(which means i have to get good at pixel art..) Have some scuffed hatted fatsei
Big boi! :0c
Pretty nice work drawanon!
(9 KB, 448x656, IMG_1499.png)
So uh.. dylans0123495 just posted an edit of the same sprite I edited on FA. (But better!)
(64 KB, 852x527, deltarune_ralsei_fat_edits_by_wojti2000_ddcluij-fullview.jpg)
Yknow what would be cool? A fat ralsei deltarune mod, given that ch1 and ch2 use different sprites you could give off the illusion that ralsei gained weight in-bewteen chapters, theres also a lot of cool interactions i think would be pretty nice:

(After recruiting Ralsei in ch1, if you hold X to run through the city. Basically the opposite of ralsei telling you that you can run with x.):
>"huff... *panting noises* wait, kris... did you... know that..."
>"If you DON'T press X, you can walk normally to not get tired?"

Also, no matter which party members are in your party, ralsei will always stay behind at the back of the party, because he struggles to keep up.

Btw, Ralsei could also be open to doing food-related activities (ch1, when you interact with the tree stump he'd say that he would like to eat whatever they give him, but wants to what you want first. Ch2, in the boat ride, ralsei says that he likes bananas and asks you to go get it.), and of course, actually point back to ralsei being fat every now and then (examples: lancer calls ralsei "chubby boy" instead of "toothpaste boy", the clover darkner wants to use ralsei as a pillow or anti-stress ball, in the boat ride scene the dialogue could be about ralsei feeling insecure about his weight but you would obv have the option to tell him that you love him the way he is, etc.)
imagine seeing his back sprite and watching his large butt jiggle and wobble, and possibly him getting stuck in something like a doorway
We need someone to make that now you've put out that genius idea
hehe I hope someone makes it~
say, do you have Discord?
maybe we could roleplay about this?~
God i love the idea of clover just feeding him between chapters~
>Not actually asriel
>Not spoilered.
>Not spoilered
are you one of those autistic children whose entire day is ruined because you saw something you aren't into
Just thought they’d delete it.
So yeah sure I am.
are you guys saving everything right? there's news about the site shutting next year 1/29/2024 so you all be losing your favorites ralsei/asriels
there's an announcement on bbwalt that they're gonna switch to lemmy or discord, i just wish there was a place like this besides 4chan /trash/ to just talk with random anons about cute goats
Looks like all that cake got to his figure... Feed him more
Yo if anyone wants to add me on discord it thefatfur

I've been looking for someone who can right long and expressive responses in roleplays with asriel and ralsei
(425 KB, 2314x1642, IMG_1889.png)
Azzy from veiukkets art archive.
Does anyone have an archive of the previous Ralsei threads? I’ve tried finding them on archive.org but because of the time bbw-Chan was experiencing funding issues and changed the domain name it doesn’t work anymore.
Either a.architect.coffee or search again in archive.org for the old link (.nl) only. But architect just keep the post and thumbnails, not the full images I'm sure.
Also those were >>/22452/ and >>/2208/ specifically.
That second sprite, does anyone know the creator of that image? By that I mean can you get in contact with em and ask em for more
Got anything more?
This is fantastic thank you.
But could he perhaps be bigger? And heavier? And more exhausted and (insert 2000 other words here)
Sauce? And more please, this thread is slowly starting to die and we can't let that happen
Also can someone color this?
(532 KB, 2297x1487, ralsei_bed.png)
hey, didnt the artist of this and many other ralsei pics post here at all? Just curious because im here to say thank you for all the fluffy boys you have made us here in this thread :)
I believe he did a couple times.
This looks amazing! Is it based on previous fat ralsei sprite edits posted before in this thread?
No actually, this was just something I made on a whim to compensate for the request I made earlier. (I was IDs 8c6976 and c44fdc)
Thank you for the kind words though!
Do you have a furaffinity/Twitter to post that gif in?
No as I would prefer to remain anonymous, but thank you for your curiosity!
If you're worried about the loss of the gif when the site shuts down I'll still have it saved for when the new sites are made.
Thinking about it more I might make one later down the line if I make more of these, but it's more so unlikely.
Didn't the site get funded for another year?
Oh I was given word that sometime around 2024 the site would shut down and transition to another domain. I may be incorrect about that though, and it's hard to check because the news was on a redirect when the site was temporarily down.
Oh that's great to hear! Thank you for the info.
Glad to know we can enjoy our soft boys for as long as we want!
Itd be a good idea to archive this thread somewhere like in the waybackarchive or smthn
Do you remember the Artist's name? I know they had a furaffinity, which means all of their work should have been saved via FurArchiver.
ooo I haven't seen this before. Sauce?
Well that's the issue, I know them from Deviantart. They go by "MemeTema" on there but I couldn't find any trace of them on Furaffinity. Either they went by a different name, is completely gone, or the drawings you saw were now deleted reuploads. I attempted to scour Furaffinity for the specific sequences but couldn't find them either. There's an internet archive of his gallery but it's unfortunately having a 404 error preventing me from viewing it. If you'd like to give it a shot do tell if it works.
I love this one
Damn- I'll do some digging and see if I can find anything out, if we're lucky I might be able to narrow it down.
Oh that’s perfect! Unfortunately the last one I believe is permanently gone. It was an independent post by the commissioner and their account was promptly deleted without explanation not too long after. Unless someone personally saved it I doubt we’ll be seeing higher resolution anytime soon.
Being proven wrong in the best way possible.
Great find! Was it a personal save or is it still up somewhere?
Can we get more Ralsei and Asriel inflation?
HOLY SHIT this presses my buttons…
(77 KB, 688x867, IMG_3054.png)
Spoilered for weinor
It was, not spoilered.
And thus, Anon's eyes were ruined. Forever scarred by the sight of Shota cock.

May they forever rest in peace.
This post must keep going, i hope i can finish my last fanart someday.
After this thread i hope we get another ralsei-asriel thread
That artist is back?!

I guess, latest artwork from website
There are images in the gallery that are commented out, but the data is hosted and you can see the images if you edit the html.

I'm not sure why this is.
I like the last one.
New thread pls, lets also include the rest of the dreemurr family to avoid reposting the same pics over and over (maybe we could make a "Boss Monster" thread if we include kanako and chujin from uty)
mannnnn I'm *so close* to finding it, I know it was a three-part commission sequence titled "Comes Back To Bite You" but any trace of the other two parts seems to have been nuked
Sauce? Also more

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