
Why create threads for pokemon species when you can have one pokemon thread?
I understand what you mean with many other solo threads being dead on arrival, but Gardevoir is the one Pokemon that could get away with a solo thread.
>>34463 (OP)
the last one died due to inactivity
at least make it about the whole line(which i guess i mean just kirlia ralts is to young looking but would be cute sometimes, gallade can only be male so thats out and no iron valiant )granted you'll rarely see it anyway

hopes this one last
Does anyone have this specific pic of Gardevoir tracing thick fat? I saw it ages ago and havent seen it again since, it had like [Trainer Name]⭐️'s Gardevoir traced Thick Fat! as a text box. I've been looking for it for ages
Not that one, it had a background, the gardevoir was surprised, and i wanna say the trainer's name was like Blake⭐️, or something. Definitely remember it had the trainer's garde traced thick fat as a text box
How about a generalized Gardevoir thread?
Thread OP here. The fact that you were the first person to post anything here in almost a month and you didn't contribute anything tells me that this thread deserves to die. I'd rather that happen instead of people like you necroposting or suggesting we post art that goes against the nature of the thread.
you realize the site was on and off for a good amount of that time
granted idk why this and the lopunny threads are failing
maybe it might be a decent idea to merge them or make a humanoid mons thread since theres already is a feral mon thread
>you realize the site was on and off for a good amount of that time
There was still a lot of time during that where people could've posted stuff, but no one was interested.
>granted idk why this and the lopunny threads are failing. maybe it might be a decent idea to merge them or make a humanoid mons thread since theres already is a feral mon thread
Someone else already made a thread for Antro Pokemon, and it's not doing great either. >>37444 (Cross-thread) It's another reason why I'm fine with letting this thread die.
This is the 2nd Gardevoir thread I made and it's doing worse the the first one did. Artists don't care about Gardevoir anymore, so why keep a thread for her?
Why did you make it too specific?
A better question is why make solo threads for individual Pokemon and wast board space with unneeded threads? There is already a Pokemon thread. All this does is kill off good threads.

I mean... as long as he's not posting ACTUAL CP... I guess he's not too bad... maybe...
True, but Apollo is a guy, which is probably why no one's posted him here
Don't know anything about TheGuy being sketchy

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