
(1.1 MB, 945x1050, B98A234A-3655-44A6-8EE6-90D6FC80FB18.png)
When making an OC, everyone here has their opinions, and ideas, so make sure to include them!
The challenge here is that there can be only one OC everyone has to make together, not two or three or their own they made out of the blue.
I want this community here to simply make an OC together, how hard can it be? :D.
1: Don't make the OC underaged, because that is wrong and scary, and everyone is mentally insane if they decide the OC is underaged.
2: Mostly likely a furry.
3: everyone is welcomed to join in! Share their ideas, what they like and don’t like, any sketches of the progress of the OC, or what they want to add or take out, just anything!
4: this Also includes a personally you want to give the OC, a hight, a weight, if they have any fetishes or not, are they a He/She/They/No pronouns, what type of furry, if you decide to provide progress sketches/drawings, anything you think of!
4: Have Fun!
- AnonymousDude
Got any questions? You can ask me if you want! :D
Should be a giant black man with giant horse cock
Question it has to be full oc or can be a franchise oc like sonic or anything like that ?
Well 33976, it has to be a full OC.
You can have slight inspiration from franchises, games, movies, books, TV shows, anything!
Just don’t take too much inspiration, or it kinda ruins the whole unique OC that everyone has to make together.
Sorry, I meant 273ec0, hehe! Still getting used to this website lol.
This is maybe the gayest thread I've ever seen
Why the hell are you here then? Lol
Bumping because it’s my own thread.
You know, I really did think this thread would go a lot better than what’s come to it.
I had my hopes up too high and that I understand now. I was expecting this would be real the top, where most of the community here was working together to create an OC, having fun and stuff,
Near, real was a typeo.
Make him/her/them bi.
Make her biologically female
there is absolutely no way the character won't just be some generic furry bitch
in order for this to work you would also need to have a community. right now this place is just a loose collection of dickheads who don't care for one-another.
other imageboards only managed to do it because the sheer volume of people meant any stupid suggestions would be drowned out.
Oh..I see..
That's right. A character who's mother is a Nile Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius amphibius) and who's father is a Reticulated Giraffe.
And they must be self conscious about their figure, but otherwise a good egg.

Must.be in their early 20s.
And a fashionable individual.
Bumping because it’s my own thread.

(Wish people would just use it for how it’s meant to.)
What is even this thread?

It was meant to be just a project, a fun thing people would do together.

I was just hoping everyone that was interested in this thread would work together and somehow create one singular OC.
people having ideas, and discussing what they thought, and working together to make an OC.

It would also be a challenge as well, since you have multiple people making one OC together, it would make sense some ideas would clash and then there would be disagreements. But then again, people can work out how to solve the issue and come to an agreement.

I just thought it would be a fun thing to do.
ambitious plan anon, but you're forgetting the fact that this is a pornographic imageboard. people are here to jack off not think about making a character lmao
Then they can just make characters they can own so that they and others can make art everyone can jack off to.
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Alright, I'll start with just a face. Everyone can tell me where to go to from here.
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Bumping my own thread.
Now give her giant tits!
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And a big belly and butt! Also,, she should be a hybrid of a tanuki (Yo-kai) and a red panda.

Mother being a red panda, father being a tanuki.

References above.

So happy of the people who are joining this thread.
Bumping to save my thread.
Bumping my thread..again.
Just let it die

When there is people, there is hope.
Just takes a while to find the individuals who might be interested. 👍
Saving my thread from death.

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