
(68 KB, 600x402, 600x200 (1).jpg)
post art by them. fanart is welcome.
Why do I think that these "fawxen" threads are done by the same person
Go back to /furry/
I enjoy Fawxen's art as much as the next person but he's a predominantly furry artist, a thread dedicated to him has no right being here when there's a seperate board for furry content. Somehow you navigated to alt but at the same time didn't notice the furry board, like jesus fucking christ are you actually stupid?
What in the hell are you talking about? This is bbfurries.

Did this thread get transferred from another board? Can that happen?
I think transfers can happen because I distinctly remember this thread being on bbwalt first.
120 images! 🎉
What’s 120 images mean?
That's a he bruv
What does this even mean
Merging of characters.
American's art doesn't suck. It's actually good.
Wonder if it'd be a good or bad idea to take suggestions.
Maybe requests, I dunno I'm bad at actually doing them when/if I feel overwhelmed about it.
More animal crossing is always a good suggestion
Which ips do you want to focus on.

Have you considered doing plant or bug people?

It HAS been a while since I've drawn bonbon. Also it really depends. A lot of plant and bug characters tend to be super unappealing to me.
Weirdos who obsess over bug characters turned me away from the niche.
Then just do plant characters if you can. Not nearly enough weirdos to obsess over them.

Make a plant or bug oc so you have free reign to do whatever you want and weirdos can’t be like “hey, she wouldn’t be like that” because you decide what they’re like.

Might I suggest a carnivorous venus flytrap to be best pals with your hypocrite hippie girl, Iforgethername?
Oh wait, I didn’t read that right. That’s fine if you don’t really want to do those kinds of characters after all, even if you make your own ocs of them.

And on the subject of ocs, would you be willing to draw the ocs of others like Mintrimo’s Princess Marinade?

We have to focus on what you want first, but unfortunately no one knows what theg want until it’s presented to it. I want to help you find something as obscure as possible to do too.
Plant characters I might be more inclined to do. There's that sunflower gal from plants vs zombies (I think) that I've seen around. She's cute.
Or the sunflower from mario sunshine. (Why is it always sunflowers lmfao)

I prefer not to have anything to do with miro due to personal matters. Since this stuff travels I won't say any more.

I've got my own princesses anyway that cover a lot of bases. Well aware not everyone's a fan of Lynn, the noelle "clone" but I know a lot are fond of Rynn.
(24 KB, 548x380, IMG_6452.jpeg) (205 KB, 890x762, IMG_6453.png)
I can see why weirdos would put you off, you picked a good bug to draw. But I digress, if you want to draw bonbon again, then have her at the beach since summer is almost over.
YAY, either of those two eould be fine please do so

Oh shit, never mind. Don’t want drama, just wanted more of Marinade

But your Princess Lynn is sufficient enough. I honestly like her better than Noelle, but that’s just because I don’t like Undertale/Deltarune as much as I used to anymore.

Please focus on the PLANT characters (or any) you want now.
I keep forgetting hornet is a character I like.
The beetle gal I should draw again too.
Seconding this, would love to see Sable from you
That would be fantastic. Again, if you can, go for something beachy.
Has he done Sable before? She’s nice too
(438 KB, 1200x750, 141550995373.png)
Can you make her fat and her butt is covering up a chair she is sitting on while working?
(36 KB, 306x221, image-493.png) (3.5 MB, 465x659, eurobun_dance-min.gif)
I should note that any suggestions I take will probably be done over the week so I have things to do after work.

I've mostly been making vrchat content cause I had the bug to.

The tick stuff is what I have going on currently
How adorable, I want that exact Sable fattened up, lol.

So far we’ve got bonbon and sable from animal crossing, sunflowers from Mario and PVZ, bugs from Hollow Knight, and now this. Anyone else want to suggest anything?
Fucking kek. Yes, please. Is there anyone else from that broccoli’s lineup you’d want to do too?
The Rouge was enough attention from the guy already I don't wanna make a scene again lol
Right, we’re avoiding drama.

Speaking of which, the Fenneko USA sequence finish isn’t happening either, is it?
If I'm remembering what I've said about it before, it's a pretty big thing to fulfill without disappointing and/or disgusting people.
It could happen sometime but I haven't been 100% feeling it.
It’d be better to do the other requests first I think
Ehhh I don't know about that, I'd prefer if her face was drawn more "serious" rather than as a joke like that
An edit for both faces?
Eurobun trying to dance with her new body, realizing she may have overdone it.
(203 KB, 864x730, Screenshot_20230820_023029_Clip_Studio.png)
The idea of Emma and Valorie meeting up one day maybe on accident (her fat ass buying blue flag ice cream at a store Emma happened to be at)

(Unrelated to suggestions, did this the other night)
That’s cute. Thanks for sharing.
If you're up for it, Fawxen, it'd be great to see more fat Katt from you.
Way to be, Fawx, thanks so much but is that it for plant characters with you?
Actually, don’t worry about that

You did a great job. Was it your first ever plant character?
I think so too, thank you so much. I actually have another character in mind, but I’ll share her with you after you rest and finish other requests
All I’ll say about it today is, have you ever played Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg?
i don't really feel like drawing captain glur
don't care for the design
(68 KB, 776x708, 1.JPG)
Aw damn! Well, that’s your right to refuse and I respect that you have limits. Was it that obvious?

I’m actually more disappointed in the lack of more obscure requests from others. There’s got to be hundreds of fat arts for Animal Crossing already. Not that that’s a bad thing and I can understand why they’d want more bonbon from you, but there’s got to be something else out there that no one has even touched yet.
Fawx get off of 4chan
I know there's already a thread right below this one about them, but MOOT would be great to see...
I like how you already knew
I don't know what that is.
I've seen the thread but what's the rundown?
I recall the same request when I held that "mystery artist" thing in /trash/ a while ago.
And then smokii ended up taking said request at another time.
Sorry for being greedy about it. I wanted to get as much r63 of him as I could. But maybe I should stop with it now when there’s much more obscure characters out there waiting for their fat fetish art.

Have you considered Mrs. Puff or do you have similar issues?
You should have her promoting her product as well. Good find, anon.
Yeah,I'm pretty good at finding things. Pretty much they thing I do best.
I wouldn't mind this either.
Good for you, but I’ve got my pride as an obscure character finder too.

How about this fish lady, Aria from I-ninja

>Aria is a large and lovable Guardian who loves her fish almost as much as she loves Ninjas who come to her rescue. She was last seen investigating the bomb in the center of the bay.

>Ninja arrives at Bomb Bay and saves it from many of the dangers the Ranx have set up. Ninja then finds a submarine inside a giant bomb and fights the mechanical fish, Ventis for the next Rage Stone. Ninja then meets the guardian of Bomb Bay, Aria. If anybody saves Aria from something, she always rewards the hero with hugs and kisses, with Ninja being no exception. She then tries to hug and kiss him, while he struggles not to harm her with the rage stone's power. Ninja opens the gate and gets away from Aria, not before calling her a "fish girl" and walking off.

Don’t have a pic yet
(120 KB, 905x846, Quid liq.JPG) (102 KB, 905x788, AD78356A-98EE-49C6-AA00-D98752DC0355.jpeg)
>Namie becomes irreversibility addicted to spiked sugar water
>It gets so bad she becomes a bit fat (sugar) water bed
>Ironically this attracts ants
>So nothing is value wasted
>Elise and Whitey try to get her off of the stuff
>They begin to interject her sugar water with lemons and salt
>Only makes it become lemonade, which in turn makes it more addicting for Namie
>Eventually they're forced to starve her off with only the driest Crackers and Jerky to eat
>Luckily she's so water logged it neigh impossible for her to die of dehydration during her water fast
>When she's finally "rehabilited" and back to a reasonable roundness they let her have a couple sips every now and then if she doesn't spaz out
(130 KB, 625x916, 1691678392349146.png)
What the hell is going on? I just want more of his fat characters.
closing suggestions/requests right here until i get what i pick here done. if i feel like doing more after, that is.
(283 KB, 2048x1371, rynn_trade.png)
Just got this from batspid as a trade
Choose wisely, young Fawx, you’ve got all the time in the world
(210 KB, 878x1267, Fawxen for BatSpid2.JPG)
I like your piece for him. But I fucking hate multiverse stories to death. She’s cute though.
(481 KB, 954x1630, spider_may_panel.png) (1.8 MB, 2048x1536, ock_emma.png)
I was gonna have them draw my own multiverse bullshit but i don't have proper references made.

he has drawn the doc ock emma before though
Kek, is it possible for a mechanical arm to have its joints worn down by the user’s obesity?

Godspeed with the requests, Fawxyboy
Bro, how long is your request?
rather subjective no?
Most requests are one and done. You needed four when the bump limit isn’t very high.
It wasn't really a request. More so a tangent.
There she is at the beach, good one. What’s next?
she pretty cute
(25 KB, 680x407, We’ll see.WEBP)
Good stuff

Hey Fawxen. No request but what’s stopping you from becoming like Andrew Dobson? Which traits specifically do you want to avoid?
first, why is that a webp

It was just a thought i had last night when drawing stuff of my sona. There's been times where i've brought up subjects regarding art where while I'm not necessarily WRONG, the way i phrase and visualize things ultimately does more damage to me and others than good. Art is something I care a lot about and certain things people do tend to piss me off, so I like to start discussions on the topic of those things. as for the dobson comparisons it's mostly a thing i notice and loathe because he portrayed himself with a short character, and so do i.
Only his takes on media and art, the (act of making and consuming) are ultimately wrong and just plain stupid.

I just fear coming off as that to others even if it isn't the case or my intention.

for context the times i've made an ass of myself when talking art are when I heckled the act of using an upside down M as a parody of McDonalds and said it was stupid, made a comic about people who make a big deal about not making it as a "normal" artist in the animation industry because they draw porn (it's the most irrational fear an artist can have cause the animation industry is full of fucking perverts)
and razzing some "sfw" artist (who wasn't a minor) for getting upset over nsfw accounts interacting with her because her fursona has huge ass tits. like, bigger than the head of the character.
Plus there's the whole catty N thing where the guy is too much of a coward to admit he used to do fetish art. His normal art career took a dive because he's an idiot.
I don’t know, is it a problem to use webp?

You had a lot to say about it. Yeah, I don’t understand it either, you and the Dob don’t have any similarities at all except for a short sona. All artists have some kind of cringe associated with them, but I respect that you want to improve and not become like the worst examples this industry has to offer.

Keep going, looking forward to your next piece.
Would you want that r63? I don’t think Fawx is taking anymore requests either
(670 KB, 1339x753, image_2023-08-25_012102709.png)
Hello Fawx
I dunno if you are still taking requests, but since i saw your drawings of Mina The Hollower recently, i figured it was worth a shot.

Do you think maybe you could draw Mina inflated in a way similar to this picture? (spoilered because its not one of yours, just a reference image)
Maybe also she has her flail or morning star or whatever wrapped around a pole or something, trying to keep herself grounded, haha

hopefully you will take this idea into consideration, and if not i understand
thank you
Fawx, I came back from /co/. Lackadaisy has earned over 2M for her project. I say we celebrate. Pick any of her characters and go nuts with fattening them up. I don’t even remember the show’s name. It’s about prohibition with kitty cats.

If anyone has a specific character they want let me know.

Even though he might not be accepting requests now
Maybe Fawxens BF will show up in this thread
Before someone comes here to complain about being kicked from a server and ruining this thread.

(I'll be back to posting "owed" suggestions soon)

I do not tolerate patreon leaking even if I don't have one myself at the moment. There are ridiculous patreon practices some artists have but if it makes them money which they most likely need, then deal with it and don't leak their content. Generally some wait times are like 2 weeks to a month and that's a reasonable time to wait for a pic between regular posting.

Not gonna argue about this, just shut up and learn from your mistakes.
It’s terrible that that happened and I hope it doesn’t put you in too much of a sour mood. I want to try to find obscure girls suited for your artstyle, maybe something sanrio related. But first, what do you have lined up thus far?
ok cool I'm just here for the funny art.
(478 KB, 982x578, Namwhite extra.png)
don't take that as me being rude or hateful I literally mean I don't mean any harm. Banter here is there is dandy but I'm not here to stir up fecal dooky.
the pink panther lady is a maybe
same with the futurama comic cat woman
more hornet
and the inflated mina the hollower
>4 characters
>and 2 are maybes
Alright, I can see that your list is somewhat lacking. Definitely do more Hornet, but would you like some more suggestions from us or is this enough already. Thanks for being honest.

You definitely specialize in certain kinds of characters but I’d like to help you out of your comfort zone.
(835 KB, 474x921, Its-always-blue.PNG)
I like the endearing uncannyness of the Lola pic. Reminds me of early 2000s Pixar/Cg Disney where they were still trying to ape Dreamworks while desperately clinging to the dreaded “calarts” style. The make John K shit and fart reverse msg for the eyes one.>>43878 anything on the lowdown pally?
(279 KB, 1424x1198, lol.PNG)
bonus silly doodles unrelated
(127 KB, 905x765, Lifeakdmr.JPG)
Do I look what a "vinluv" is? All I want is some pictures of fat cartoon animal people.
Quit stalking artists and shitting up threads you stupid nigger.
He’s an obnoxious and possibly autistic spammer that gets blocked and suspended everywhere he goes before pissing his pants and begging to be unblocked and unbanned from discord servers
Nigga who cares? There are far worse people to be obsessed with. You aren’t going to be put in the history books and given a medal for valiant efforts stopping this national nightmare ya big willy. put the damn harpoon down Ahab.
(84 KB, 905x818, IMG_7772.jpeg)
Good quote. I’ll use that more often. Agreed with the bulk of the argument none the less.
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fawxen if you’re still there,please do bronwyn from adventure time!
tf happened to the rushrabbit thread lol
People on a chan based board were mostly themselves tbh.
Ok theoretically, couldn't we reverse engineer Fawxen's Noelle replacement? Like edit the fat art of princess lynn with actual Noelle?
You could if you give a shit. I do not.
Does Brutus even post anymore???? I might just start claiming his Slot Head bitches as my own and say he gave me them
Check his Twitter and find out bozo
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I think that Fawxen guy's a pretty great dude. known him for an obscenely long time.

I think very highly of him, and not just because he's drawn a lot of really awesome art of my characters. he's a genuinely good dude. He's been so much help to me on my own journey as an artist, and has never demanded anything in return. i think sometimes people get upset by the wrong things, or deal with how they feel in the wrong way. I think that's where the bad perception of him comes from. random little incidents nobody should really care that much about. he's always hung in there and not given up on making cool shit.

here are some particularly awesome pictures he's drawn of my characters
Hey, Rush, just curious, just how did Fawx help you n'shit? Was it just to help you come out as trans, or just help you find your niche with kinks?
They’ve really inspired and influenced my fat art yeah, and they’ve helped out a ton with projects pretty much unconditionally which is just super amazing of them!

Also no I was already trans before I met them, but they’re obviously cool with it and I have a lot of fun hanging out with them uwu
you’re both pedophiles
Looks like someone's projecting here.
Dawww, that's really nice! Honestly, I really look up to the both of you with what you guys do! Really!!! It's just so cool to see artist like you guys around! Kinda wish I could know more about it from you guys frist hand!!!
Gotta love some projection lol
It's really stupid too! It's like coming up to someone saying they're an embarrassment! They're the one who's acting embarrassing! So I guess that might just mean...
You’re still a pedophile
You type like you have no soul lmao
Can't believe one of the dumbest funniest things I've read is in the fawxen thread
what's the reason for it?
God I genuinely hate 'roons so much.
Shut the fuck up retard
Yo fawx love your characters especially Noell- I mean princess Lynn, also like Link- I mean whatever the fuck his name is I'll call him black haired link, and also like that spamton- sorry I mean um uh...
Do you have anything original to say? I swear whenever I see someone talk about this guy, it’s always the same thing over and over again.
maybe because most of his characters are clone oc's passed of as original?
"It is impossible to create something out of nothing, everything is based on something. If you were in a blank void you would not be able to come up with fucking spongebob squarepants"
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So like at most 3 out of 22 characters are "clones." How is that "most?" Do you even know what inspiration is? Did you know that link's appearance was modeled after Disney's peter pan? Go bitch to nintendo about it if you care THAT much. Stay mad. Let the guy have his fun. That "link ripoff" closer resembles a toriyama dragon quest design and some guy from a movie he's said he likes.
(199 KB, 1674x1404, a20.png)
Jesus Christ people, no one gives a shit about your petty dramas, either post art, or don't

Speaking of which, do you guys have Fawx's Susie and Noelle art?
Li'l bunny boys are always cute tbf
Where were these posted?
only for certified cool fellas™
>only for certified cool fellas™
Kek, no.
>only for certified losers™
(34 KB, 640x480, cursed image 7606.jpg)
Imagine making a post like this and being confused when people call you a pedophile
That's not fawx retard. What's even the proof that anyone mentioned here is a pedophile
(35 KB, 612x628, image-612.png)
Also just shut the fuck up about stupid shit and post art here. No one wants to hear about stupid false accusations.
I never accused him of being Fawx lulz
Didn't fawx have a secret private twitter account where he posted daiperfur content? I believe there are some screenshots floating around...
(336 KB, 969x897, image-599.png)
Are you actually stupid
Fawx has never had an AD Twitter. He's gone on record saying that shits dumb. The only other Twitter he has is a small sfw account that's been around since 2014. Literally what do you have to gain from making shit up.
Lynn looks like a borzoi tbh
(412 KB, 2324x1766, IMG_4073.jpeg)
She reminds me more of a certain Jack Russel Terrier.
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Sure there's stuff we missed, but here's the first pics posted on New Year's Eve 2024!
(868 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_5108.jpeg)
I wonder what Quinn would look like if he put on the mask.

Or what he would do.
Does anyone have that one invader zim x dib fanart that Fawx drew? I had it years ago but I lost it
Please don’t tell me it’s fat fetish art. Just knowing a piece like that exists puts all kinds of things about him into question

I adore it when Fawx and Rush draw fat chicks looking really exhausted or dumbfounded(?) as they've just gotten so damn fat from the excessive eating, i rarely see other artists do something like this
get laid vinluv

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