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Hey, anyone got that old archive file that had a bunch of Jelliroll’s paid comics? Maybe an updated version with some more comics, like a slob version of the first Blobin Hood comic?
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>>32830 (OP)

Here's what little of it I could manage to scrounge up. As you can already tell, it's missing quite a bit. But maybe we can do something about that. Now that Jelliroll is gone, things are going to be a bit more complicated, and I'm not very amused at the prospect of paying money to a dead person. From what I can tell, Jelli had a partner named Aurelina who wrote the stories for her packs, so it's likely that said person also recieved copies of her works. I suggest asking Aurelina for any works that she'd be willing to share with us.

Here's her profile: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/aurelina/
And a list of the content that needs to be acquired: https://jelliroll.gumroad.com/

If she says no, then we'll have to move onto buying/trading as the only last option. I'm willing. We can discuss my terms after that, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it...IF we get to it...
Best of luck to you.

Aurelina is a huge piece of shit so I wouldn't be surprised if she said no, and even more egregious I wouldn't doubt that if you bought content from Jelliroll's gumroad it would go directly into her pockets. She's THAT kind of person masked behind a very thin layer of fake kindness and sensitivity. A huge fucking snake.

She outright admitted that most of the fetish content jelli put out wasn't anything jelli was actually into, she didn't have a fat/weight gain fetish and only did it for the money/ and its also probably because aurelina wanted free art from her.
I understand your concern. Unless you feel like waiting for someone else to come along and dump what they have, the situation doesn't leave room for many other options. But I'm in no rush to secure this content. If a trade offer is made, I'll consider it, at least. This art is a low priority to me. Also, the 'dual packs' on the gumroad page don't seem to have the .zip file attached to them, I would advise avoid purchasing those.

I do happen to have the clean version of blobbin hood 2, though personally I feel I wasted my money on it since the pacing, sizes and shapes are super mediocre, in my opinion. A huge let down.

I'll post it when I get off work.
>>32830 (OP)
There's a slob version of Blobbin Hood 1? News to me.
>I do happen to have the clean version of blobbin hood 2
^It's already in the archive I posted.

I still do feel like someone should at least ask Aurelina for spare copies. The worst that could happen is she says no. It's not just about avoiding spending money, it's the fact that the money will literally be wasted. Since the artist is dead she won't collect it and "use it to fund further comics" as I'm often told artists do with the money we give them for such things.
Says so on the page,
"Clean and Slob Versions"
There's a lot of Pokemon stuff missing from this. Remember there being something with Delphox.
Wait I got it wrong, it was Braixen.
Here's the MEGA.


RIP Jelli. She was kind. Can't believe it's been four years.

Dunno why these threads always devolve into shit-talking, but then again I'm on a chan, so I guess it comes with the territory.

I guess this is where I reveal that I'm the OG leaker of Jelli's content. I usually tried to drop it a few months after release so her sales wouldn't be impacted too much. That's why the slob version of Blobin 1 never leaked; it really was not my thing and I deleted it before I did the initial upload.

Cheer up, lad. We're all going to make it.
Nice. Thanks, pal
>>33104 Don't mention it, buddy.
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Pretty neat. Saved us a bit of money, you did. Thanks.

I took the liberty of compiling a list of the rest that still needs to be leaked. See pic attached. Now, I usually try and go for a 1:1 ratio in terms of exchange rates (ex. If you trade something that costs $10, then I will trade something that costs $10 for it). But, I'm a generous pupper, so I'm sometimes willing to trade something for a higher value on my end, this is one of those times, considering the circumstances of the artist's death. In this case, I'd be willing to buy the Zootopia 3-Pack which costs $25, and trade it for the 2 other summer packs which will cost $20. If you take me up on my offer, I expect you to be the one who will post your end of the content first before I do. I'm a trustworthy pup, ask anyone on u18chan, I always fulfill my trades, so you can trust me <3

Please accept my sincerest apologies in advance; my terms of trade are non-negotiable. This is my only offer. If you accept, great. If you decline, it's all the same to me. Like I said, I'm in no rush to secure this content. Here's hoping to hear from you, or anyone else willing, soon. Have an excellent day, gentlemen. <3

Oh, and about that other missing comic, here;
(1.1 MB, 2880x1800, Border-collie-green-background_2880x1800.jpg)
Oh, so you bought the higher priced one. That was nice of you. Thanks. Here's your summer fun packs:


Another sucessful trade. A pleasure doing business with you.
By the way, here's my stash for this month, guess this is as good a place to post it as any. Not much in the way of BBW this month, but maybe you'll find something else you like;


Have yourself a fine day, sir.

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