
(945 KB, 1280x591, 1600179158.herbertbleary_blob_bleary1c.jpg)
Aliases: Iggy Hazard, Havoc Hound, Bloofy-Woo Blibbick, Bean, et cetera. "Oh! I have so many names!" (Kudos if you get that reference.)
deviantART: https://www.deviantart.com/iggyhazard
YouTube (one of two): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf.....bB5SbEkkpVutyQ
Generation: XENnial (the Half-Life generation)
Blood type: A+ (the nerdiest blood type)
MBTI/16P type/archetype: INTJ-T, architect (aka "dungeon master")
Enneagram type: 5w6, tritype 514 (PASSIONATE and ANALYTICAL at 100% MAXIMUM POWER)
Big Five type: SLOAI (too "Open to Experience" to be conservative, too "Conscientious" to be liberal)
Classical temperament: Melancholic-Sanguine (textbook bipolar combo)
Hogwarts house: Huffleclaw (Hufflepuff primary, Ravenclaw secondary)
Neurometric balance: 48% L, 52% R (both ANALYTICAL and INTUITIVE at 100% MAXIMUM POWER)
D&D alignment/archetype: Neutral Good w/Lawful tendencies, Bard/Sage hybrid (aka "emo nerd")
Cultural background: rural Midwestern American of Southern heritage (complete w/podunk hick accent)
Work style: slow, steady, organized, planned, mindful of detail, obsessive, maybe a bit paranoid (textbook Melancholic traits)
Obligatory psychological issue: bipolar w/non-Cenobite-style masochistic tendencies (hence the recurring theme of pleasure combined with humiliation)
Phobias: drowning, suffocation, heights, loss of identity, being subsumed into a hive-mind, being vivisected by clown surgeons, etc.
Orientation: hetero
Gender identity: cis male
Political identity: "wingless" civic nationalist, anti-imperialism, pro-classical republicanism, equally critical of auth-left and auth-right, opposed to both master morality and slave morality (and thaaaat's politics!)
Socioeconomic identity: Anti: globalism, collectivism, authoritarianism, parasitism, coercion. Pro: autarky, independence, freedom, symbiosis, volunteerism. [[cue 'Spear of Justice' theme]]
Gamer identity: Determined Tactician (which is also my favorite class mod for Axton, especially since it has "Synergy" w/The Bee), remnant of '90s LAN party culture

What I do: fattening, pampering, teasing/humiliation (sometimes tender, sometimes ornery, but never mean-spirited), stuffing/force-feeding, forced weight gain (aka "corpulent punishment" or "ironic punishment"), "reverse slob" stuff (emphasis on public humiliation and sweet-smelling uncontrollable flatulence that attracts rather than repels which makes it even more embarrassing since the blubber blob is always a bashful hajidere type, and yes, a hajidere can be male), "spa treatment" (public pampering by way of being massaged, caressed, and sometimes tickled by cuddle-crazy caregivers, sometimes entire hordes of them), and sometimes that might incorporate sponge baths if I'm willing to put forth the time and effort (since that involves a lot of detail). Any and all of these can take the form of poetry, stories, and/or digital or hand-drawn art. Oh, and gender and orientation don't make me no never mind. The way I figure it, EVERYONE needs to experience TLC ("Tango Lima Charlie" as Axton would say) and they're lying through their teeth (or beak if applicable) if they claim otherwise. So my art tends to be "equal opportunity," though most of the blubber blobs do tend to be male and the cuddle-crazy caregivers tend to be female. After all, one can enjoyjoy variety and still have their preferences. Btw, I classify all this stuff as a form of "body horror."

What I don't do: V0re, scat, diaper/infantilism, preg/mpreg, popping/exploding, RP (not against it, it's just not my thing), "watersports" (what a dumb name for something that has nothing to do with that!), ultraviolence (some of my DA stuff features that sort of thing, but it's not anthro, and is mostly inspired by body horror-themed movies and anime from the VHS era like Lily C.A.T. which is a masterpiece), evisceration (which might have had its origins in feudal-era Japanese folk art), anything blatantly risque. Taboos will be broken, sure, but that's what art's all about. In my domain, it's all about cuddles, snuggles, tickles, jiggles, uncontrollable flatulence, euphoric bliss, perpetual pampering, and bashful awkwardness. In this world, it's PAMPER or BE PAMPERED!

What I might consider doing: inflation, transformation, blueberry, macro/micro, etc., especially a "bigsmol" situation where the tiny character is festively fattened up to ridiculous proportions and publicly pampered and constantly cuddled by joyful giants. The "victim" will usually be a bunny and the cuddle-crazy caregivers will often be cats or dogs (often naga-fae hybrids who use their tails to tickle their "victim" tenderly...or mercilessly). If I did inflation, it would never involve popping because that's kinda mean-spirited. Instead, it would probably involve cuddles, snuggles, massages, and tickles, most likely with the bloated blimp on display for an entire crowd to gawk at, poke, tickle, and tease (in a non-mean way), with a "primary pamperer" close to their head, tenderly rubbing their shoulders and upper back while complimenting them in public just to make them blush even brighter so everyone will giggle at them and tickle them even more. Same applies to blueberry. There'd be no popping and no juicing. Instead, the bloated blueberry would have to fart uncontrollably while being surrounded, massaged, and tickled by a massive cuddle-horde, releasing a sweet scent that would only continue to draw an ever-growing crowd of gawking giggling cuddle-crazy maniacs.

What I despise: pedophilia, hebephilia, ephebophilia, pederasty, bestiality, necrophilia, actual torture, et cetera. Even freaks like me have "STANDARDS" (and yes, you have to imagine me saying that in a Papyrus voice). I don't put shota motifs in the same category as that stuff because that's a motif, not a deed.

What I'm experimenting with: udders. Not just any ol' "standard-issue" udders. Double-wide udders with eight teats instead of the usual four. Kinda like a horizontal pig udder or two cow udders side-by-side. Sometimes with an umbilical cord that pumps milk into the second chamber of the blubber blob's three-chambered stomach. And the blubber blob is typically a bunny (and I guess also a mutant). The idea being that even the mutant freak's own body is constantly fattening them up, keeping them stuffed and bloated while their caregivers milk them and massage them constantly. They use the milk to make an endless supply of delicious dairy desserts from which there's no escape. Oh, and the milk is probiotic too, so it aids digestion (more like it forces the huge helpless blubber blob to digest in inescapable blissful comfort from which there's no escape) while also promoting even more bloating. I always like to add a touch of "weird science" to my mythos. Underfell Alphys got nothin' on me.

What I'll allow others to do: Just about anything. Feel free to go crazy with weight gain art of any of my characters, including (especially) my bunnysona. Just keep it within the boundaries of "good taste" (heh) as described above. You can even use my art as templates for your own if you want. All I ask is that you show me the results. Also, while you're in my "Domain of Delicious Do0m," feel free to discuss anything - even politics or philosophy - with me or with each other. Just keep it civil. You can be civil and still be ornery. In fact, I encourage that. It's probably the Undyne in me that encourages orneriness.
Note: Since I'm into that quasi-masochistic "public humiliation" motif (that counts as a form of masochism, right?), each scenario will typically focus on one "victim" (term used ironically) who sort of lives in their own "simulation" (for lack of a better term) presided over by massive hordes of cuddle-crazy maniacs (or "cuddle hordes"). That's why most of my stuff features only one blubber blob. The idea being that all the world's attention is focused on them, increasing their helpless humiliation with every passing moment for all eternity. That's also why most of my characters are bashful, adorkable, introverted males and most of the cuddle-crazy maniacs are typically females with "Manic Pixie Dream Grrl" personalities. So basically imagine if a gender-swapped Alphys (who was originally going to be male) was captured by a "cuddle horde" of Undynes with manic Temmie-like personality traits. Or Ickis and Oblina if you prefer.
Disclaimer: My stuff is mostly tame. The only borderline "risque" stuff that I do is meant to evoke tenderness, sensitivity, and vulnerability. Actually, all my stuff is meant to evoke that, no matter how tame or risque.
This guy talks way too much to say so little
The Plight of Being a Bunny Blob

We blobby buns are lots of fun
We're made to squish and squeeze
We can't escape, can't hop or run
Just sit there while we're teased

We're sensitive and very soft
As everybody knows
Our blubberrumps have lots of loft
Our blushy cheeks, they glow

Everyone who gathers 'round
They love to poke and tickle
Hear our gurgling belly sounds
As our blubber bodies jiggle

Some of us have perky ears
For others, they're quite floppy
To tickle them brings us to tears
Especially since we're blobby

Some of us are gassy too
We belch and fart non-stop
Stuff us silly, fat accrues
We lie back with a flop

The scents that we produce can vary
Some can be quite sweet
Keep our tormentors feeling merry
As they tickle our helpless feet

A comfy, cushy, cozy life
Is what we must endure
No tedium or pointless strife
A bunny blob is demure

Sacrificing dignity
In exchange for blissful pleasure
Filling up the vicinity
It's worth it by any measure

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Peanut butter choco-bun
Helpless, huge, time for some fun
Friendly patrons gather 'round
Prepare to gain a lot more pounds

Choco peanut butter bunny
Rest, relax, we'll rub your tummy
Wallow in increasing comfort
And prepare for blissful slumber

Before you slumber, you will be
Group-hugged oh-so tenderly
We want you to feel loved, adored,
And stuffed with bliss, we'll feed you more!

And when you wake, before too long
Many more will join our throng
On display for all to see
Our pampered pet eternally

We'll feed you plenty, keep you stuffed
Too much is never ever enough
You're soft and wide, so snuggly-fat
We'll give your squishy tum a pat

Overindulgence is your life
No more tedious pointless strife
You'll be our pampered cuddle-toy
And there's plenty more to be enjoyed

So eat lots more before you doze
Let the scent waft up your nose
Of chocolate and of peanut butter
All your senses, feel them flutter!

You're so huge and soft and sweet
There's so much more for you to eat
Your situation makes us chuckle
So prepare to be forever cuddled
A Song to Make a Kobold Blush

This is the story of a kobold who was fattened up by a dragon with the assistance of elven "handmaidens."
Don't let that term fool you. They're not "servile" at all, and they enjoy what they do (often giggling with
giddy glee as the "koblob" blushes helplessly). Plus, the "koblob" is very bashful, so it would never occur
to the them to take advantage of the elves. Assume that "handmaidens" means "spa treatment experts." Also
assume that the koblob has already been fattened up to at least the size of, say, three hay bales combined.
But then, hay bales can be different sizes. Big enough for a dragon to use as a pillow. So roughly the size
of a full-grown elephant. The genders of the dragon and the kobold are left to your imagination (to me, the
dragon is female and the kobold is male), but the elves are all female (with manic pixie dream grrl
personalities). Also, this poem is intended to be sung in the style of Tom Bombadil, but in any voice you
care to imagine.

Hey-ko-bloated-bold, not half full yet, so we're all told
Stuffed-ko-sleepy-bold, not even a dragon's hands can hold
Dozily resting and digesting massive meals, more stuffed you feel
Wallow in lethargic bliss, bet you can't believe it's all so real

Hey-ko-cuddle-bold, the elves' spa treatment is so great
Hey-ko-snuggle-bold, hope you enjoy your bloated fate
Feel the breeze through the willows, you're a gentle dragon's pillow
Belly tickled by the breeze, rest at ease, your blubber billows

Hey-ko-blob-so-wide, there's no way for you to hide
Hey-ko-blob-so-shy, you're still in for quite the ride
Not literally a "ride," per se, for you're bedridden, here to stay
The elves and I will feed you pies and make today a dreamy day

Hey-ko-blob-of-blubber, bashful blushing as you shudder
Hey-ko-blob-so-soft, smell the waft of creamy butter
Not plain butter, for that might bore your taste buds almost like a chore
More like butter cream cake batter milkshake, endless helpings, plenty more

Hey-ko-blushy-bold, feeling bloated and so gassy
Hey-ko-farty-bold, the elves are feeling sassy
They gather all around you and they cuddle, snuggle, tickle
Squeeze a big fat fart out, blush so deeply as they giggle

Hey-ko-jiggle-bold, the elves caress your blubberrump
Hey-ko-helpless-bold, now behold a bigger pump
Every helping that we feed now bigger, far beyond your need
Desserts so luscious, scrumptious, and just the right kind of sweet

Hey-ko-gassy-bold, every fart that you squeeze out
Hey-ko-bashful-bold, makes the maidens squeal and shout
Everyone in the land demands to see your blubberrump expand
And jiggle as you fart non-stop, for which we'll never reprimand

Hey-ko-blob-so-stuffed, too much is always not enough
Hey-ko-blob-so-puffed, out in public in the buff
Farting bigger, fatter, louder as your squishy butt cheeks quiver
Fill the air with scent so sweet and never ever bitter

Hey-ko-bold-a-blob, living symbol of merry mirth
Hey-ko-blubber-bold, feel the widening of your girth
As you expand, more gather 'round, so eager to pile on the pounds
You're a bloated blubber mound, pampered by an entire town

Now you're blushing brighter still, much bigger than the largest hill
Fart again, make room for more, lie back, prepare to be overfilled
The sweet scent of your butt gas draws attention from both near and far
Everyone wants to tell you just how cute and adorable you always are

The brighter you blush, the more the maidens tickle, massage, and tease
The more you fart, the more you'll feel dozy, so rest at ease
The more restful you feel, the fatter and softer, more bloated you'll become
Rest, digest, relax, pass gas, while we massage your tush and tum
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I’m surprised there isn’t more immobile tickling, those two fetishes go really well together. I just wish his stuff was more female oriented

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGRjaKdOdvY

>There's no escape from the public massages and tickles, the endless fattening, the uncontrollable flatulence, the otherwordly sensory bliss, and the unimaginable humiliation that's in store for her. Oh, and if you're wondering about the horns digging into her, the handmaidens use their horns to enhance pleasure rather than cause pain. What they do is they shove their faces, heads, and horns into Cherry's softness (also letting their hair tickle her gently) and just sort of move their horns around to induce ever increasing sensations of giddy delight in their helpless pet blubber blob's billowing body. Basically, it feels like being massaged and tickled at the same time and it also aids digestion. Besides, there's nothing humiliating about pain. Otherwordly blissful pleasure, on the other hand, is a much better way to make the "victim" blush. Also, the handmaidens are doing this in sort of a sisterly sort of way, as if they were all older sisters and Cherry was their hapless "kid" sister (who I imagine to be about 23). Or maybe think of them as maniacal sorority grrls and maybe this is some form of otherworldly hazing or whatnot.

>Cherry was originally shorter than even the shortest of the handmaidens. Now her belly and her butt lift the rest of her up ever higher, making her feel ever more helpless while also cradling her in soft, squishy, inescapable comfort. Also, just like her brother Berry (my headcanon OC because I prefer it when the "victim" is male because I'm a masochist and that's how I role, heh), her soft sensitive flesh blushes wherever it's touched, delighting her pamperers even more. There are more handmaidens cuddling her than the 11 that are visible. Most of them are massaging and tickling her butt. Three of them are gently tickling her blushy face, especially her rosy cheeks, making her blush even brighter. As a result, they've nicknamed her "Cherry Cheeks" because her cheeks lo0k like giant cherries. As with Berry, everything they feed her is mixed with huge quantities of lavender to induce a never-ending stupor of lethargic bliss (and also to make her farts smell sweeter).

>Note: Assume that this whole "food paradise world" thing is tailored to the individual "victim." So it's like the netherworld from the Beetlejuice carto0n, but on top of that, it can form specific "customized" iterations of itself based on the individual "victim's" thoughts, feelings, and sensations. That way, all the attention of the entire netherworld (which is populated by a theoretically infinite number of beings, or at least trillions upon trillions), at any given moment, is focused entirely on the individual "victim," increasing their humiliation a trillionfold. The more bashful they are, the more the netherworld delights in humiliating them (pleasure and humiliation become inseparable and increase with every passing moment for all eternity with every "second" feeling like a thousand years). Think of it as having an alternate timeline for every individual "victim." Oh, and since this is a netherworld sort of place, it has no physical boundaries (kind of like Fantasia from 'The Neverending Story'). That means that its gravity level is whatever its denizens want it to be. Generally, they keep it at Earth level just for the sake of familiarity. And since there's an unlimited amount of space, that means the helpless pet fo0dslave can be fattened up to the size of Jupiter and still have ro0m to grow!
Seriously? How many other artists even know about this guy?
actual chris chan levels of autism
There's no way this wasn't created by the same guy that made that retarded artist-appreciation thread
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Herbie: "P-p-pleeease! No more! *hic* I'm STUFFED!" *whimper*

Giggly Caregiver 01: "Why, you're not HALF full!" *giggles with giddy glee*

Herbie: "But I'm so b-b-bloated! I feel like a BLIMP!" *mmmph!* (nozzle is shoved in my mouth and it's not coming out til they want it to)

Giggly Caregiver 02: "There, there, deary. We'll always be here to help you make room for more. Pleeenty more!" *giggles with giddy glee*

Herbie: *blushes deeply and whimpers pathetically while chugging slowly and steadily*

Everyone: *giggles with delight at my ever-increasing helplessness and humiliation*

Giggly Caregiver 03: "This next batch will be thicker, richer, creamier, and dreamier than ever before! From now on, your digestion will be more comforting than you could ever imagine! And the more BLOATED your BOWELS become, the more relaxed you'll feel! And the more relaxed you feel, the BIGGER you'll FART!" *giggles with giddy glee*

Herbie: *blushes even brighter*

Giggly Caregiver 04: "Every helping of every meal will make you weaker and more helpless, softer and more sensitive, fatter and more flatulent. We're going to keep your belly full and your bowels bloated FOREVER!" *giggles with giddy glee*

Herbie: *blushes even brighter*

Giggly Caregiver 05: "There's NO ESCAPE! You CAN'T lose weight! You can only GAIN! All your blubber will stay with you FOREVER and we'll have complete control over your whole body...especially your BOWELS, heehee! You'll NEVER be able to control your own BOWELS ever again!" *giggles with giddy glee*

Herbie: *blushes even brighter*

Giggly Caregiver 06: "We'll PAMPER you like never before! We'll massage you and caress you and TICKLE you all over! Especially your big blubbery butt, teehee! Oh, and the bigger and fatter your BUTT becomes, the bigger and fatter you'll FART!" *giggles with giddy glee*

Herbie: *blushes even brighter*

Giggly Caregiver 07: "Everyone in the whole wide world is watching. They're especially watching your whole wide BUTT!" *giggles with giddy glee*

Herbie: *blushes even brighter*

Giggly Caregiver 08: "You're so cute when you blush! Oh, yeah. And the more embarrassed you feel, the sweeter your farts will smell. Everyone on the entire planet wants to make sure that you feel publicly humiliated every moment of every day FOREVER!" *giggles with giddy glee*

Herbie: *blushes even brighter while belly gurgles with the sounds of oh-so relaxing digestion*

Giggly Caregiver 09: "Not only that, but we're going to make sure that the pleasure AND the humiliation increase with every moment for all eternity!" *giggles with giddy glee*

Herbie: "blushes even brighter while belly gurgles even more*

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