
Sauce of that 2nd image? Looks like it was part of a sequence.
It's from one of those japanese comic things that only get sold physical from what I understand. Nobody has bought/uploaded the full unfortunately this was just a preview image.
Do you at least know the name of the artist so I can look them up?
Not anymore. Someone posted the link to purchase the thing in the old beg thread but that got killed when we got raided a couple months ago. Sorry anon. Maybe try the sauce thread?
Will try asking there. Thank you.
>>31771 Sauce for 4th image?
Something garudasix did, I believe over on one of the /trash/ saturday inflation threads. no idea if he uploaded it anywhere else
Is there a twitter or a gallery for these?
(306 KB, 1640x2360, FduT2hYWAAA2S6R.jpg)
trying to get into drawing chubby ferals. here's my pokesona
(4.9 MB, 2591x3624, D_glecsequence.png) (750 KB, 1522x1167, eeb0512.png) (448 KB, 1391x1857, werthjhsdw (1).png)
Found some stuff in veiukket's MEGA archive I haven't seen anywhere else before. That first sequence especially, holy shit.
oops forgot "feral" meant "on all fours" here. well i hope a pikachu and serp are appreciated regardless.
(824 KB, 1290x1290, EeavFrLUEAE-p5n.png) (94 KB, 2005x1105, 22554e76b05b34498cd32c2697254888b2ee6f776d21249a66fe04fa4829cd75.jpg) (124 KB, 800x655, mo061.jpg) (201 KB, 395x591, glace (1).png) (387 KB, 2703x1650, FQPtLiOVcAUGWs_.jpg)
Aw thanks. I normally don't post in these kinds of sites, but felt this thread is very much my thing and had too few posters.
Ideally sooner than later, I'll be back on top of drawing and continue to do more of what I do. With moving away from commissions, I can spend more time doing quality stuff.
(3.2 MB, 2646x3679, 73C91A0D-A4B5-40FE-A232-5170582221E4.jpeg) (647 KB, 3339x1712, 4F1D2ADF-3987-4DDC-853D-2D70E76D92E6.jpeg) (2.1 MB, 4088x3872, 6B24322A-1D56-48D3-9AC1-8E67BDD9DDEB.jpeg) (134 KB, 645x629, 1583996445.veiukket_5aee4e97-d392-40e1-ba02-e7004196b7c8.png) (460 KB, 1464x912, 1623973546.veiukket_glace0617 (2).png) (240 KB, 1366x880, WIP_povs_p4 (1) (1).png)
(3.1 MB, 3694x2236, GIFT_mightyena.png) (727 KB, 2560x1920, 563472933189079041_1.png) (302 KB, 2560x1920, 714531059342381060_1.jpg) (223 KB, 2066x1914, 770404527497437184_1.jpg) (130 KB, 1313x899, 983479263914594305_1.jpg) (46 KB, 1277x823, 1038825863264067584_1.jpg)
>>37552 (Cross-thread)
Went through their entire twitter recently, passed where twitter stops scrolling by default. WFDownloader has become my friend.
Have a few more good ones from them (+mightyena I did earlier today)
I wish their art looked more actually "pokemon-y" instead of being actual dogs with eeveelution paint. but they got just great anatomy and shapes and stuff so it makes up for it.
(1.6 MB, 1727x1117, 1540690348.veiukket_stoplooking181027 (1).png) (1.5 MB, 1776x1132, 1541084911.veiukket_nomorewalks181031 (1).png) (5.9 MB, 3624x2591, 0401roundpic.png) (836 KB, 1617x1116, heavyvap.png) (114 KB, 1261x910, EMQ3MkfUcAACBpd_orig.jpg)
Somehow never once thought to check if they had a twitter. Thanks!

Also oh I LOVE that new art. Full incense never gets old.

Also (again) not to keep posting your own art at you but god I just love how well you're able to lean into the whole pet/owner thing. Always so adorable... Almost makes me angry at reality not letting me have a pillowy soft 'veelution pet of my own honestly.
Artist is status_match on reddit.
Pics didnt appear
Im trying to post them but the pics wont appear for some damn reason, why is this happening
Anyone got some Sneasler?
Khoshgel on furaffinity
(This is their only art so far)
Requesting fat rockruff art
Quit bumping without contributing.

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