
(114 KB, 856x934, 8E2B557D-EDCE-4F2F-9559-4780FEA38C79.jpeg)
Now I know the stigma behind Ai art, but have you heard of AI based writing, and not like novel AI, but instead this thing called beta.character AI.com, which I can’t lie has had some great characters with interact however you want, including weight gain related and also Furry’s, in the same thing, so if any of you have any you’d like to suggest or make, it can be with transformation/ weight gain in mind, or inflation, or just regular weight gain, I’m curious of what can be made from it
(Files just something random I chose so it’d work, Art made by MiltonHolmes incase y’all were wondering)
Btw if you want to improve your writing and such, ask Novei AI for a character outline for your character and whatnot, or dialogue, stuff to make it more personalized
Honestly im glad character.AI is more laissez faire in terms of what you can and can't do but I'm really afraid they will soon cripple its ability to generate mature content like it happened with AI Dungeon

what I'm saying is someone please make chatbots of IHHAT characters befote its too late
is it bad its me thats bumping this? eh fuck it
Alright, I know plenty are sick of me bumping this, but Elite wouldn’t allow me to post furry character Ai stuff, so this is the only area where you can share all your fat furry finds, so I’m bumping it again, create and share folks
Any slobs?
Alright so I made a character, it’s kinda rough, I didn’t use novel Ai or anything, but it’s based off an OC that’s pretty hot, called Aurelina, she’s not completely done but here’s the link


If anyone has any feedback, like more scenarios I should encorporate so she can further adapt besides, things like transformation and weight gain… and slob, as that OC is highly associated with it, I also added a blueberry prompt but any other ideas? She’s designed to be the dominant one, but it might be possible to dominate her idk
Bump because I need some people to work with the bot, to test limits and whatnot and suggestions to strengthen it
I hate to bump again but I’d like some honest feedback, so I can fix how barebones the Aurelina bot currently is, and if I finish it, I might make another bot based on peoples colllective decision
I have several of these and they keep doing dumb shit like diverting into baby play.

How do I make them stop doing that?
For what it's worth though to make them emulate people I used to roleplay with I dump posts from old RP logs into the definition field.
Bump so this doesn’t die completely
Can you make some female ones please?
I click on the link and I get thrown out on the main page
A shame that this appears to have been pulled. I'd be interested in this, for science.
bumping for more female characters here.
I really had some fun with this one.
Too bad the chat begins to slow down considerably after some dozens of posts.
SECONDING THIS we don't have much time before they try to pull the rug
Alright here’s some non-fetish based ones that work with weight gain (tried myself) and the regular kink ones

Bojack Horseman- https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=lixJ5m4vMq9d-22RP7C3_7Siotf0-vK8LE3-P1Ul7As

LB the lapras (mostly a feedee, but can be feeder, very slobby WARNING)


Roxanne wolf (feedee/feeder if you make her one)
another bump for good measure
Where is the Marci bot?

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