
Anyone got anything kaido wise? Balloon or fat?

Spoilers don't matter
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Not sure if anyone's really see or taken a look at the dragon from that new dungeons and dragons movie called honor amongst thieves
(I know I had to take a double take to see if my eyes were imagining things!)
but from the brief trailer glimpses looks like he's gonna be a big hefty chonker! And I don't know about anyone else but I figured I'd get the work out at least as even if this movie ends up being good or bad it looks like they put a lot of work into this flabby boy! 🥵

So um. Get your tickets if you?.. on second thought probably best to wait for home release to um. Get more worked up in your home theater rather than getting a boner in public.

But still. Um. Seeing That big blimp on a imax big screen thrill for me is tempting to say the least and might be worth the risk of embarrassment. But thoughts?

My thoughts? I'm not sexually attracted to fat dragons.
Hot dragon, i'd like to have that blubber in my face
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But seriously I mean you could always stick a helium tank in it's ass? Then it be a round dragon!

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