
(95 KB, 1446x1142, FTZ-tb-WUAEamCL.jpeg) (79 KB, 1317x1145, FWq99SpXEAIYSt3.jpeg) (157 KB, 2010x1801, FahQRubWAAADozL.jpeg) (216 KB, 1711x1594, FXGbJuvX0AEznSI.jpeg) (152 KB, 2048x1632, FXznVaHVQAEd5uE.jpeg) (272 KB, 1657x1567, FT7VVYAWAAA-bUQ.jpeg)
SmokedStacs purged his account of all his art. I digged his stuff, too, because he was one of the few artists that did fat hands justice.

A kind anon from /bbwdraw/ shared a sizeable archive from e-hentai, but it's missing a large chunk of work from 2022: https://e-hentai.org/g/2024200/5b0a2ec5c0/

Share what you have, lads. I would greatly appreciate it.
(73 KB, 1202x522, WHY?!.png) (200 KB, 1198x828, Idiot.png) (80 KB, 1192x410, Causually removes hundreds of bbw art like a dumbass.png)
This, I fucking hate twitter and how it's ruined navigating art among the many other things it ruins for art. An the reasoning he give for why he deleted it is fucking retarded. "It's not good enough" he says, "I'm not proud of it" he says. This is the same horny fucker that draws and gushes about his art every day, wtf is this out of the blue mood swing?!
>>30031 (OP)
fuck, man
leave it to me to make a note to save that guy's work before he went mental, then completely forget until it happens
does anyone happen to have any pics saved of that one demon lady with a mouth for a face? she was my favorite thing he made
(127 KB, 1515x805, SmokedStacs-1545813252239761408-20220709_125253-img1.jpg) (153 KB, 2048x998, SmokedStacs-1545813252239761408-20220709_125253-img2.jpg) (238 KB, 1897x2048, SmokedStacs-1531294440635105282-20220530_112019-img1.jpg)
Scrolling down the damned purge post leads to an anon sharing an archive, apparently it's only until October 2022 but it's better than nothing I guess, man I fucking hate unwarned purges
https://anonfiles.com/w597QaR2y6/Smokii_Oct_6_2022_zip (also here's the mouth demon gal)
(298 KB, 2048x1728, EuX-zrIXUAAg6T6.jpeg) (279 KB, 2048x1604, EuYGmXFWYAQdBE7.jpeg) (346 KB, 2048x1439, EuYTR-bXUAc7NUr.jpeg) (145 KB, 1617x1466, E5JheQvX0A8x1k1.jpeg) (129 KB, 2048x1362, EpSWNebU8AEdrW4.jpeg) (359 KB, 1753x1753, Eug_ijVXcAIkUWM.jpeg)
Update : Apparently the archive wasn't fully complete because some images were missing so here's my own personal archive I did in like 2021.
(Found this out because the 2022 archive didn't have the troll meat golbin sequence)
(101 KB, 1194x352, Screen Shot 2023-01-15 at 12.20.08 PM.png) (100 KB, 2048x1535, FjtDyjzX0AMJTZ7.jpg)

>This is the same horny fucker that draws and gushes about his art every day, wtf is this out of the blue mood swing?!

*tinfoil hat on*

The more I read their tweets and replies, the more something stinks to me. Who deletes the entire past gallery that looks fine, and then uses phrasing like "it was all without reference or thought put into it" like there's a guilt behind their words.

My guess is that they don't want people to see something. I have no proof, but I have heard rumors of tracing. There were def times I felt like their style wasn't always consistent. Maybe its true, it was all simply without reference, or maybe there's some truth to the tracing rumors. Or maybe I'm just fucking stupid & blind. Either way, rumors are rumors.

They're not quitting art, they're deleting it all, and starting fresh. That rubs me the wrong way.

*tinfoil hat off*
(250 KB, 1196x920, Asshole.png)
Yeah even if he hates his old art (for some stupid reason) he shouldn't just purge it. Doesn't he want to look back at how he's improved? Also I dont think there is anything "sus" that warrants this purge either. I think he is just being a petty schizo asshole about it. All of the replies to his fans asking why and how his art is great and he shouldn't delete it are so retarded and petty, he's treating it all like a shitpost
(22 KB, 629x164, Screenshot 2023-01-26 181708.png)
>specifically looks for his own thread
>I don't draw for YOU, I draw it for MYSELF
>proceeds to publicly post art on twitter
if you are posting art publicly, you are not doing it for yourself. If it was for yourself you would just keep a folder of all your art and then delete it when you get tired of it. Your fans (who you inadvertently created when you decided to post your art publicly) who enjoy your art are upset when you delete your art. Yes, it is your art, but you are being inconsiderate to the thousands of people who followed you and expected their favorite pieces to remain up, but now they're deleted, possibly permanently. It is just strange behavior, and rude to your fans. But no, your PUBLIC twitter page is just for you.
>if you are posting art publicly, you are not doing it for yourself
I disagree. I'd say he is most likely doing it for himself and for his own pleasure or benefit.
Drawing art for yourself is one thing, uploading it for other people to see is another. Two different parties here.
I disagree. Uploading something onto the internet isn't necessarily because you desire others to see it. Here I would say "Prove me wrong" but I know the type of the commoners online, and I don't want to argue with you because you probably don't care about right vs wrong. You only care about yourself.
His entire rant is honestly pretty comical and I expected more outta him, but really does seem like he is an overly sensitive and immature twat.

First off, while it is true that none of us are entitled to the free art you are posting, that does not mean you aren't removed from criticism regarding your behavior or otherwise. You do stupid shit like deleting your art for a stupid reason, you should expect that people won't be happy about it. The one thing people hate the most is when their favorite artist does stupid shit like that.

Second point regarding the whole "you people are cowards talking shit about me behind my back on this anonymous website, log onto twitter to say it!". We never were talking shit behind you back dumbo, any person with a fat fetish knows how to find bbw chan and this thread, this ain't so private discord chat, this is just place to voice our grievance and attempt to salvage the shitshow caused by you. You may not like your old art cause it's "smut" and nothing more to you but alot of us love it. You are barley any different from us, besides a profile name, birthday, and a state you are about as ambiguous as we are to everyone except your close friends. Twitter is a god awful place and not a place meant for artist, yet so many damn artists are attracted to it, most likely cause of the easy publicity and exposure it provides. Our little circles where we talk shit are no better than the hug box eco-chambers on twitter were artists like you hang around jerking each other off with words you want to hear and not a single ounce of criticism or negativity. Such lack of criticism is probably why you artists have such inflated and fragile egos.

We all know you are watching now buddy. How about instead of whining about it on twitter and getting nothing but ass kissers agreeing with you, you reply to us directly and defend yourself from people talking shit?
Honestly, it's fine fucking time that shit like this is said more frequently. Because it's honestly so fucking easy to fix shit like this, because you could have your twitter as your own personal place to post your art, but then have your DA or FA as the more """professional""" place to go just to talk about stuff. Because it really is fucking terrible that artists are just relying more and more on twitter just cuz of how quick dopamine hits whenever they post something.

People have to realize that no matter what they do, that stuff they post on the internet has an effect on people, and people are going to be pissed the more that changes, especially if they LOVE the stuff you've done.

Like, they don't HAVE to put their stuff online, there's billions of artists who just fucking do their own stuff without posting stuff online, but fine, I guess you gotta be different and actually post that stuff online.
So people calling me twat,retarded, schizo asshole and other stuff isn’t shittalking? How about literally saying anything else that’s not rude for the sake of being an ass towards me. And I didn’t delete my stuff to avoid critics, if people want to critique any work I do then they should let me know so I can work on it, as for the others, I don’t speak for them, they speak for themselves. Also someone said that I’m ONLY on twitter and that’s just a flat lie, I have a tumblr that I was uploading the old content on, and while I agree that yes, twitters a hell hole and I have a “fragile ego” and inferiority complex with art, it doesn’t give strangers the right to call me slurs, be better. There’s your reply from me, an immature twat
That fact his twitter is the place where he post 99% of his art and the only place he is active on (his fur affinity basically dead) shows that he most definitely wants attention. The only reason anyone posts all of their art on twitter and no other platform is for clout and attention. If he is so insecure about his art then he should just draw it for him damn self and not post it on the worldwide web. Playing this game where you post you art for people and get them hooked on it and then just sweep it under the rug is just a dick move. Who knows, he might do this shit again in a few months or a year. A main reason we are pissed is less about him and more about the bigger problem or artists randomly deleting shit or disappearing of the face of the earth with no reason. This is just the most recent case in the fat fetish sphere and people are reasonably upset and tired of this shit.
I don’t have a furaffinity account though?
Also I said already multiple times that old content is being moved to a tumblr account. And yes I probably will purge the content from my Twitter again, but next time I do it I’m gonna give an actual window for when it happens, it’s not gonna be anytime soon, maybe a yearly thing. Also about the clout thing, I made the twitter about 3,4 years ago? And at the time yes, it was for clout, but I just got burnt out of that mindset a year or so ago. I don’t know why people loose their heads over this stuff because it’s just porn, hundreds of pictures get made all the time to just replace the stuff deleted, it’s the artist’s decision if it gets moved to a different place or scrapped altogether.if you want specific pics then just ask the person, I can’t speak for other artists but I’d say if it’s gonna be posted somewhere else or if I have it on hand I’ll just share it.
Could you link your tumblr here?
I might eventually, I know I should but at this point it feels like an addiction, very unhealthy

Uhh also nah she’s just like, a meaty water monster, I just made her color greenish because I liked the way she looked with it, other option was making her gray
I hate to be that guy... But how do we know it's the real you? For all we know, you could be pulling a freaky Friday on us.
In my opinion you should find another hobby because your art is not very good
I don’t want to give that link here after multiple people wanted to call me twat, retarded, schizo,fag,etc. any other place I can link that to you?
Aw, shit, I wanted to put her in the Fat Gardens general, that’s where fat plants and bugs go, but this stopped it in its tracks.

Anyway, I hope you can figure out your emotional shit and inner demons. You’re a grown ass adult, but even adults aren’t equipped for this much turmoil.

Please reconsider the next time you delete so none of us lose in terms of arguments.
Ok, you're making new stuff which is good, but deleting the old art to be replaced doesn't make much sense unless its to keep your gallery small. If that's the case, at least put a warning that's pinned saying that you'll be doing this often and if possible have a schedule for when they happen. Obviously, you can delete your own work, just have a proper heads up on how you operate. Good that you're archiving them.
You know what, thats fair and I didn't know you had a Tumblr. The main reason for the anger is the mass deleting of stuff with no sudden warning, it's less a problem with you and a more a problem that we all hate regarding artist in general. The anger was directed towards you since yours is the most recent case in the fat fetish community. Someone else entirely could've done the same thing you did and the same reaction would've happened. At least putting a warning is a much better improvement. I don't know the kinda things you are going through and it's not my place to do so, if you wanna delete the art then fine, just remember to put up a warning next time.

I feel like any further arguing or provocation any is just pointless fight seeking on our part. You said what most of us wanted to hear about at least putting a warning for whenever you consider doing something like that again and im satisfied with that.

You did what few other artist do whenever they callout haters on a chan and actually replied and gave your piece directly to us so good on you for that.
You can come on over to the Fat Gardens general on 4chan if you want (opening tomorrow in 20 hours), but I feel like we’d run into a similar problem


Thanks for talking to us. You must be going through it now but you have to take responsibility for the stuff you put out there. I understand you’re posting old stuff on your tumblr, but you don’t even want to send a link here. People are going to think you’re being disingenuous about it. It’s your life, but you gotta understand people are going to be pissed. It’s like you’re wiping out the canon to a beloved series just because you think you can do better, people are invested in your characters wether you like it or not.

I know I was disappointed when you decided to make Kaia the fatter sister as opposed to Kammy.
Even on here you're shilling that thread? I respect the hustle
(8 KB, 214x236, 175.jpg)
Ah shit. I'm semi disappointed yet interested. I'm not here to hate on you, I'm just curious.

Number One: How tf did you find this place?

Number Two: Why do you care about this? This place is nothing but wannabe /int/ users
(62 KB, 966x1024, DA96B99A-0CCC-4A6E-99EB-E7FF75B2BC3D.jpeg)
What can I say? Might as well get some eyes on top of getting a confirmation (or absence thereof) about the swamp waifu.

But in all seriousness, I’m glad I came here to get some insight to Smokedstacs’ problems and logic. Really hope he works out everything.
(1.0 MB, 1888x1329, 61DD24B1-E3CA-4617-BEA6-AC79EDE0CA50.jpeg)
The tumblr is real, but again I don’t want to reward awful behavior, ya know? That’s why I asked if you had a different place I could send the link to but I hope you know why I’m not posting it here. Also about kaia, dood she just like turned out to be my favorite to draw as a blob, I haven’t really drawn kammy in a while so I can’t say that she’s still not the larger of the two, something I need to keep in mind I guess. Also thankyou for the invite but I don’t think I’ll be going to 4chan, too much stuff there (technically here too) that skeeve me out
I was scrolling for porn lol
I has a question for Mr. Smokki. Are you back?
(271 KB, 1336x2048, 5440556A-C4CB-4ECF-97E0-C37776BBC295.jpeg) (406 KB, 2003x2048, EDC43E82-FE66-45E1-B329-21946A83C4EB.jpeg) (121 KB, 1141x1174, 6EC361F6-11AB-4882-8023-1422872D5983.jpeg)

Alright, just thought I’d offer/shill you a place in a general I’m an active member of.

As for the sisters, keep it interchangeable. Hell, maybe even make it a competition if you can, for who’s the fattest.

I love your fat hands and feet btw, it’s one of my favorite parts of your artwork.

Thanks for coming here.
lol... holy fucking shit. How do you ssy terrible in French?
At least until the government finds where I’m hiding
(11 KB, 250x250, Sneksmoke.png)
This board is anything else but alive. Unless you like AI "Art" Hell even the Anon who posted in there said "fuck it" and quit. (We don't talk about the other boards)

>At least until the government finds where I’m hiding
Yeah, I thought so. Do you think the government will try to make you unback?
Can't believe people jump onto their threads here sometimes so honestly big ups to you for hashing it out on here at all. Take it easy boss
Honestly yeah, you're probably addicted.
I think you're freaking out too much. It's not worth getting upset over some random imageboard dwellers.
You should treat your online persona with a more carefree attitude. For all you know the people insulting you could be literal 14 year olds.
If you find it that much unhealthy you should perhaps consider using extensions like leechblock to limit your use or perhaps outright deleting your account if you have the guts.
What edits? What were the edits? I wanna see the edits! The fat edits of course but still!
>"you people are cowards talking shit about me behind my back on this anonymous website, log onto twitter to say it!"

That argument is especially bullshit, because what actual good is going to come out of that? If someone tries to say his grievances to him on Twitter, chances are he's just going to get his sycophants to take his side while you get blocked and blacklisted by him and everyone he has connections to. It's a complete waste of time, because if Smokii doesn't even respect his own work, then he sure as hell doesn't respect the people that like it.

>Twitter is a god awful place and not a place meant for artist, yet so many damn artists are attracted to it, most likely cause of the easy publicity and exposure it provides.

They flock to it because there's basically nowhere else to go. It's one of only three sites that allow NSFW content freely, with the other two being Newgrounds and FA.
I agree you are all pussies and hoes.
really hope smokii uploads more old art onto the Tumblr or somewhere, even if they arent too happy with it anymore an archive is always a nice thing
>>30031 (OP)
Sorry but why tf is everyone beefing with smokes after purging their acc. I get deleting your gallery is kinda bad cause from what I know it’s like destroying your own history or portfolio but did the guy fucking kill anyone? Just because they said they didn’t like it and new a fresh start doesn’t mean you gotta treat this guy like a criminal. At least smoki still makes shit so I get why the fuck it’s a big deal.
I just want a big zip file of all of the time Smoked draws Vex cause she makes my peen hard, nothing more nothing less.
personally i'm just more confused than anything, i don't see any noticeable difference in quality from his pre-purge and new art
vexo sexo, yordles are so awesome
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(40 KB, 525x797, 20230624_105247.jpg)
>troons out

somethin about fetish artists looking took deep into their own work
Finally have a reason to unfollow this faggot. Good riddance, ain't worth it for the few gems in a pit of foward-facing, side-facing garbage

hope you get nut in your eye.
Oh boy, can't wait for him to become a dime a dozen "uwu i'm such a horny ethot who wants to be FAT" like kafei and a dozen others have become after trooning out
It's always funny/tragic to see people who troon out depict their previous un-internet poisoned selves as boring when they went out of their way to level any depth and complexity to their personality beyond just mimmick every other troon on twitter dot com, identifying stripes and all. Even at that, it's all just one part of a greater issue that goes beyond t's. Social media is a homogenizing poison.
watching even the most boring man become the same constantly horny and miserable loser is one of the most depressing feelings on the planet
It's that they think they've broken a "template" when all they've done is fall into another that really gets me. Politifags are like this too, especially the extremists.
There really isn't anything we can do about it.
all yall mad as if ur still not gonna keep jacking off to the art anyway LMAO
coping jerseyite hands typed this post
(81 KB, 1045x820, IMG_4777.jpeg)
I thought this was just a joke. Oh fuck no…please fucking NO!
They call me Rudolph
You're still gonna be wanking off to his art. Stop being so overdramatic
>>38664 They call me Rudolph be cause I'm a massive Pedo
(198 KB, 1190x1256, image0.jpeg)
Nobody has ever jacked off to this image.
Anon, I…this is someone else entirely
People love to overreact. So how do you feel about Twitter falling apart?
It’s absolutely one of the platforms of all time, really makes you feel like it could fall apart any second lol>>39133
Yeah, like, wouldn’t it be crazy if you just, I don’t know, found another art site to post on and left twitter altogether? That would be supper funny, hahaha.

You got any recent art to post here?
Any suggestions you’d wanna see?
More Tyr'ahnee, or fatty assaultrons.
More big hornet or glados would be nice to see again
Have you ever drawn any homestuck stuff?
Would love to see like a Polypa or Boldir
Maybe some big mal0/SCP-1471
Doodle sqoons puwa oc jay as fat
Charlise from Animal Crossing would be hella cool to see ya doodle
These are great, but I meant could you share the stuff you already have on softlocked twitter? Actually, fuck it, do your version of Empress Bulblax to commemorate the fourth installment of Pikmin. Also, happy Fourth (belated)
Big Muffet perhaps?
Fat sweaty Mae shoving some large burritos or a rolled up pizza down her throat
>39163 Fat Zorayas?
Anything with a walker or cane.
Morgana + Cellulite
I doubt he'd do anything with men unless a certain British creature came along and lended about fifteen dabloons
Sable from Animal Crossing, you said she was a "GUARANTEE" years ago and I haven't forgotten
How about an Ursala from Animal Crossing?
Probably too late too the party, but a very fat Mae sleeping?
I would draw doods, I just don’t post them that much cause people want to see women more,I’ll draw morgana soon >>39287
If you’re willing to draw more dudes. Hammond from overwatch fat and sweaty
All I wish to see from you my friend, is some more of your delightful fatass Angel Dust
Yea I kinda want to do more angel dust stuff ngl, I think he’s neat :)
Could i see more of your heavy weapons guy OC?
(1.1 MB, 2648x2033, IMG_0036.jpeg)
It’d be cool to see more of That heavy weapon guy oc.
What about Empress Bulblax? (Look her up before responding please)
I didn’t draw that, that’s a different persons oc >>39577
Your character is pretty fun, mind if I do a doodle with him and send it on discord or something?
Oh shit it is. Mb.
Wtf im a retard, i thought they were the same person this whole time.
lol that everyones stopped shittalking him now that hes doin requests on here
If I draw one more woman with a penis it’s all over for me lmao
Do it anyway lol. Draw Grand Council Woman with a throbbing mondo cock
And use the mirror tool too. They hate that lol
Mega shaft that supports her belly lol
Weird request, but could you perhaps do Toro Inoue?
It could be colored or not I don't really mind how you do it

I've been having brainrot of him for ages tbh so do whatever you please
(462 KB, 1038x509, IMG_5403.png)
That’s really good. And no mirror tool or girl dick (because it’s a boy). If you’re still taking requests, would you mind doing some from /feed/?

>Requesting Margarita Valentina from Super Mario Rpg morbidly obese specifically with a big wide pudgy belly to contrast her ittty bitty waist. Don’t skimp on the rest of her body either!
Could I request more of your monkey OC? She's super cute and we haven't seen her in a wee while.
I miss her too. Maybe have her giving a sweaty footjob?
Maybe some aunt catty from deltarune?
Could you please do fat art of either Orisa or Mothra? not a lot of art for them
Fuck yeah, thank you man, if you ever make more you can be sure I'll be there to thank you
Beautiful compromise, but can’t you give her all five digits?
>Monkeys are cute
4chan 2023
I don’t think I draw any of my characters with 5 digits, I’ll try it out one day
What a magnificent glutton! Can't wait to see more..... maaaybe a sequence? ;D
Maybe meowskulls from fortnite either just crushing a couch with her gigantic ass or just near immobile asking if you want to play games
I would request something but I'm worried for him being overwhelmed y'know? Like I hope he's at least taking good care of himself and should know to take breaks
I’d like to think he’d say something like “stop, I’m not taking requests anymore” to signal that he’s overwhelmed. But you’re right, you never know
I’ll just do a request here and there but for the most part it’s good to have all the suggestions, if things get overwhelming I’ll take a few days break from requests and draw more oc nonsense
Ah alrighty dude! I was just making sure

In that case, I wouldn't mind seeing a fatty fatigue from Bedfellows-
(62 KB, 654x680, IMG_5435.jpeg)
Smokii, your first ever Rouge was incredible
I like what you did to her boots, but I don’t understand it at all. Care to explain?
(21 KB, 500x500, FCHWhH5XEAMwSbi.jpeg)
I've been lurking this thread on an off especially considering the argumentative tards, and turns out it paid off to see you draw a male character

just wanna say I'm glad that you're still active. Some of your drawings hit turn offs for me but I still love following your work (especially the bloat and burp ones, god fuckin damn) and if you open comms on tumblr I'd be happy to check if I could afford one
t. a bi fag that doesn't wanna leave anything unsaid
I read through the whole thing, and yeah people be dicks when their identity is safe

For a request, can I get a cumflated Blaze the Cat? Bonus points for lactation
I think it was suppose to be like the top of the boots we’re normal but the foot part was like an open ended sleeve the tied around the base of her feet>>40014
(687 KB, 828x1343, Leg warmers.png)
Like pic related? Based.

Try r63 Grimace because trend
I would love more Bedfellows content
I’m not gonna do comms, I feel like taking requests is a smarter choice for me, plus no one can accuse me of stealing money so that’s a plus lol
Probably good that you do them here too, cause that absolute landslide that you’d receive on twitter from overly desperate beggars and entitled folks
Good lord this is incredible hole mole my friend's gonna flip with ecstasy when he sees this
Also yeah I agree that sticking here is good despite 4chan type boards in general breeding genuinely evil environments

I honestly try to avoid those sometimes but it's hard when there's always potential gold to be struck (such as a cool dude like Smokii which I could care less about what he does privately or whatever happened on Twitter)

But yeah thanks again smokes! Btw check out FuckWorldTed he's the one who wanted some "fat"igue on his plate
As opposed to here, of course. Channers are considerate, good-tempered, and never beg.
Hey Smoked, can we get some more robots like Glados and Assaultrons?
Oh wow, that reply was fast, while you're still here I'd like to ask, have you ever considered drawing any other Hazbin or Helluva Boss characters like Moxxie or Alastor?
My friend was asking that I draw moxxie someday lol, I need to draw more imp content in general because those designs go HARD >>40095
Have you ever drawn Toriel before? If not it would be cool to see her in your style
Oh my GOD you should draw him he's like my favorite ghghghhhghh
Bedfellows.. holy shit that was my furry gateway in high school, Great art man.
There’s a Mrs. Puff thread on this site. Why not try your hand with her?
Which one. That’s a good piece btw
Wonderful as usual. And don't worry, work on whatever you please my dude :)
Meowskulls next lol
Okay. Will there be a context or will she just be fat? Don’t forget the different colored feet
Can I get either a chonky Nia or Mio from Xenoblade?
Nice. Also, I literally just had a dream last night where you drew the most perfect bottom heavy tasque manager with an immaculate pear shape. So that’d be pretty cool to see lol
She’s practically begging for it to happen tbh
Ah that’s perfect! And you sure that’s cringey? She’s just asking for the inevitable! XD
Also, I do believe this is your first time drawing her?
Got it, cool and thanks 👌
I guess I just assumed since I never saw it on your twitter
Oh also it turns out there’s a toriel thread on in boards that has all the stuff I did scattered in there, I just never wrote my signature so it’s from when I started drawing till about like a few months ago >>40187
That’s cool, I’ll check there too. Oddly enough, I don’t think it’s popping up for me? It goes back to September last year and barely any content there
I guess I forgot to post them there, I’ll update that later, thanks for the heads up
Of course and no problem 👍
Can you try something for the Mrs. Puff thread next, or is that not a character you’re into?
Has smokii ever drawn Isabelle?
I did a whiiiiile ago, it was mid lol, if anything I’ll draw her again at some point >>40201
Oh mama, I’d love to take her to the bumper cars. Thanks man.
I just noticed patrick in the background. That’s so funny. What’s he doing over there?

I was going to suggest Snorlax next, but then I remembered that you don’t do Pokémon. That’s fine. Can I know what other franchises you’d rather steer away from?
I guess off the top of my head, anything where the character ages are too ambiguous >>40208
Would you dare consider the hit anime Nyan Neko Sugar Girls?
I don't know if you were seriously considering doing this one, Smokii, but it would be really cool to see
Or just more GCW in general, you do her well
The perfect ratio is when the ass covers it and more
(1.9 MB, 1202x1791, IMG_0937.png)
I mean I did, but I don’t know what size she or the strap on should be lol
Yes... the "strap on" should definitely be bigger
Sigh. Clones're gonna clone.
You know, I never thought of that. I SHOULD do some clone accounts, just to fuck with YOU in particular
>>40270 Clone accounts. Can you do a minimal amount on effort in anything in particular? Wtf's a clone account? You don't even know wtf you're talking about, doyou? You even know what fucking planet you're on? Do youeven know right from wrong? Go ahead and ban my IP with your righteous judgement. Loser. You'll neverbe great even if youtried all youdo's make everythinf worse every fucking day and I so expected you to fail. You're very virtuous though! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
This size works fine
Holy Shit! You actually did it! Nice!
Are you okay?
someone lost their temper there , haha
>>40294 You're a real Jew. I mean real joker.
The fuck is even happening rn
No idea. You did a simple bear drawing back in the day and I can’t find it. Can you post it here then draw a female, fatter and fluffier equivalent please?
She’s very cute. I swear you did a bear before on Twitter, I’ll just have to find it.

I hope she becomes a regular character for you. Maybe sit her side by side to an average human male that’s standing up to show off her size?
If im a Jew then will you do ?
Put me in an oven ? Mister lack of happiness
also im aiming at >>40272
Careful with your mouth there
>>40316 If I put you in an over it would be with me right by your side, and probably with a boner. I'm not your enemy. You just haven't realized that yet. But you will 1 day when everything comes to light by the power of the almighty Jehova, the 1 true God.
I forgot I doodled that first bear, that was so lon ago that it was drawn on my Huron tablet for the pc I use to own lol >>40307
Thankfully nothing every goes away with the internet, does it? Would the first bear and the new female one know each other? And if they did would they be friends, enemies, lovers, what?
Yo, it's the guy who asked for the toriel drawing, I just wanted to say thank you. You know for taking time out of your day to draw a free request.
Hey is asking for a sketch of a fattened Aunt Fanny too out there?
Ngl, I’m enamored with this new female bear you nade on the spot. She looks a bit introverted, so is she a grump or just plain shy?

I kind of want to know that too.
I didn’t realize you drew fat ferals, if your willing to draw him again, could you draw fat feral morgana, possibly doing the Big Bang Burger challenge.
How about dragon Maleficent since she rarely gets any fat art in dragon form
I’ll figure out more details about her later but having her be a bump and a grizzly seems to fit pretty well >>40380
Now hear me out, fat Jack Frost from SMT
Yeah, please don’t skimp on details and thanks for expanding with her

Great Maleficent, btw, keep up the great requests
Hi, Smokii. Can I have a request?

In that case, can you do Flora and Rhea from two respective webcomic series TwoKinds and Slightly Damned, but extremely fat?

Just google the characters and find references for them because R9K doesn't let me post specific files.

Thank you.
Use screenshots, works for me
(1.3 MB, 1920x1080, 57_64e776ef9f483980.png)
I've a request, if you wouldn't mind giving it a go?
Think you can fatten these gals out from Snootgame? Like with figures in the 500-600lbs range, I guess.
Thanks in advance!
Can you do Charlotte from Chalotte’s Web
Do you plan on posting everything here to your twitter? And as a side note, could I post the request I got with credit? Asked for tasque and meowskulls
I think he’s already posted some on twitter. And what do you mean post with credit? Do you have a twitter?
>Niggers aren't the worst thing that ever happened to art.
Is Smokedstacs black?
>>40489 No wrong thread I meant to post in bbwai
How did you get here?
>>40491 What do you truely mean to say?
Yeah, figured I might as well ask. To be polite about these matters
Eventually I’ll post everything to twitter, some of the sketched doodles I’ll probably go back to and color later tho
No, also what the fuck? >>40489
Cool. Guessing a no for the second question
Oh my bad, yeah you can post them if ya want, I should have said that a while back
Thanks 👌 I think I also asked for the hornet one a while back, but the id changed so yeah. But I’ll post tasque and meowskulls later today, maybe hornet too
Smokki are you still doing these requests? Friend of mine showed me the ones they got from you in this thread.

Well in case its yes and I don’t see the message in time:

How about Undyne from Undertale, insanely massive in the barely mobile range dressed as a sumo and looking smug/cocky about trying out sumo as a new fighting style.
The humanoid look, please.
Duna! I remember her! I don't think there is really much fan art of her around, but then again, I haven't checked
I’m still doing them here and there, I’m also thinking of making a collab thing if people want to draw fat monsters so once I figure that out I’ll switch back to focusing on requests again. Also cocky undyne being a blob sumo is definitely gonna be drawn eventually
I would request something but I'll just wait for the opportunity to arise

Oh Nice glad you like the idea, well whenever you get back to drawing requests look forward to seeing that undyne one get drawn and posted here. In case the number ID changed I’m the one who requested sumo Undyne yesterday
Also saw that Daisy request you posted on twitter (looks amazing by the way.) Doubt I can suggest another request but if I can wouldn’t mind seeing one of Della Duck being a lazy blob (fatter then Daisy in that request) helping herself to the same gooey snack and possibly lazing around on a couch. If its only one per person I don’t mind the Undyne one being swapped for this instead if you end up liking this more.
Are you ever gonna fulfill that little "GUARANTEE" of yours? >>39321
I’d like to see sable too, but not rush
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Hey Smokii, if ya doing okay and alright ( I hope). Is it okay if I request my giant cat lady, or is it only characters in different media?
I’m doin them at random so whenever you wanna share the details is ok with me : ) >>40597
I’m fine with that request >>40615
Do you livestream on picarto?
At long last... Thanks for finally doing it, can't wait to see the cleaned up version eventually! (Remember to add her ears)
It sounds fun but I don’t know how to stream my screen from my tablet because I don’t draw on a computer >>40624
yo smoke devil i like your cacodemon girl OC, think we can get a chubby caco (cant recall her name sadly) wearing undersized clothes?
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Kammy, her name is Kammy (if you mean the elder sister).

I just want more practical foot stuff like the monkey girl eating with her feet. Pillowy, fatty feet just dangling in the air, surely you can do something with them.
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Have her pressing a sweaty foot into her boyfriend to get her to feed her? I don’t know.
I’ll find a way to make that work, it’s been forever since I drew kammy anyways lol >>40663
Say, I dunno if this would be asking for too much, but I wouldn't mind Bob, Punchy and Raymond from animal crossing just being fat, gay and sweaty together on a couch...
Anyone got the Cell drawings?
There was one in color on his Twitter as well I think? But these are helpful too, thank you!
Thoughts on giran?
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If you like a character, definitely

Speaking of, if I may humbly request it: Captain Glur from Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg. He rarely gets anything and I’m trying to collect more fat art of him, preferably r63, but since it’s you, would it be possible to do a male and female edit?
Make his/her hook and cannon puffy too if you can
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I’d love to see your art become increasingly unhinged, if you’re still here.
Just throwing this out there, but have you ever considered drawing a fat shark? If you do, I think it be nice to see them near immobile with a very fat tail
If you do a shark, please don’t give her those stupid fucking shark ears furries tend to do. You know the ones
Great, so how do you feel about doing more unorthodox stuff like these doodles? >>41112

Have you ever played Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg?
I don’t really do post like that often so it’ll probably be months or something if it ever happens again, also that game was great and glur is gonna be the next one I draw after an oc request I gotta do >>41233
Great :) please post the OC request here too.
Holy shit!!!
She’s gorgeous
Thank you >>41288
Thank you!!!
I actually now tempted to see her continue fattening up, maybe flan pudding. Ur thoughts >>41288
Is that the OC request? Fantastic. she’s hot and heavy
Yup, her name is Marpogunti
I want to see more of her and more fattened
And both of her hindpaws and belly exposed and maybe pregnant
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Glur anon. I actually have another request. But first, please finish Glut and give this boar an official name or nickname if you haven’t already. I want to give her a proper antagonist.

Have you ever read Hajime no Ippo?
She’s beautiful, Smokii, thanks so much. I’ll tell you about the Pig Out antagonist later though.
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Fuck it, no time like the present.


I was thinking you could make a chicken, hen or rooster, world champ for your Piggy Prize fighter based on Bryan Hawk from Hajime no Ippo.

A complete menace to society that terrorizes y opponents and has a strange fetish for completely dominating skinny people on the side and maybe accidentally killing a few.

You could introduce this world champion with a title match poster that says “BACON VS EGGS” in big bright letters with this champion giving an evil smirk against the piggy challenger’s determined scowl. I’ve even got a name, E. Benedict/Benny Armstrong.

You don’t have to do this one right away, in fact I’d prefer if you did other requests first especially after such a great Captain Glur. This is just a crazy idea that popped into my head earlier.
Of course the chicken world champ would have to be fat as fuck. Maybe even the fattest in her circuit. If it’s a hen, she lays these huge unfertilized eggs and pelts them at random houses. The world champ’s got to be detestable at all levels
Maybe the pig challenger goes through a brutal weight training like Takamura, except to get fatter. Her stomach is fit to near bursting almost every day with proteins to get stronger while the world champion’s stomach is filled with high fructose slurpies that keeps her grotesquely obese.
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Have to start somewhere with it so I’ll workshop this for a while >>41380
I know you already posted it on Twitter a couple days ago, but could you post the finished version of >>40620 here where it won't get crunched up by compression?
Oh shit, you actually got something working for it?! Thanks. But seriously, did you like the motif of Bacon vs. Eggs? Have you seen Hajime no Ippo?
Hey man, I’m insanely grateful for all the stuff you fulfilled so far, but this workd champ needs more of a menacing look. You said it was just a workshop, so I know it’ll get better down the line, but please don’t forget to make her an absolute menace. It’s got to be someone the protag hates viscerally, I think.
Would it be possible for smokii to send everything ankha-related they have?
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Ooooh right good point, the whole X compression bullshit >>41407
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i left the thread for a few months and came back to this, waow! if you're still accepting requests, would you be interested in a huge burpy vex?

either way you're super cool for doin' any of these
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If you don’t mind taking another request, something similar in size with provided image. Two possible premises with Roxane wolf and loona,
first one is that they’re in tight sumo attire trash talking each other and complaining about how tight their outfits are.
Second one is where they’re nude at a beach casually talking and complimenting each other on their curves.
You can pick the idea you like more
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Thanks for reminding me. Smokedstacs has done FNAF Security Breach before but has refused to do Roxanne at the time. When it happened, I thought he was based for picking Chica over her, but I don’t want to discredit your request. He’s also refused to do Loona, so I’m not sure if he can do your thing.

But don’t get discouraged. Pick another two obscure waifus if he still doesn’t do those two. I wouldn’t mind seeing more glamrock chica, but there’s a multitude of waifus that haven’t even been touched yet.

Like Candy Wife from The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack. https://flapjack.fandom.com/wiki/Candy_Wife
Sorry, that one was a joke request

I don’t want to overshadow your request, but I strongly suggest you pick backup waifus in case he doesn’t go through with it. Obscure ones that deserve more fat art
I’ll keep that in mind, is there anything else he won’t do? I’ll just wait for their response for now, but I have some other characters in mind. Maybe the ender dragon and empress of light instead of my first option isn’t viable
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It was mentioned earlier in this thread that he wouldn’t do Pokémon or the ambiguously aged. Which is a damn shame because I would’ve killed to have seen his version of fem snorlax, but limits have to be respected, and again, there’s so many other characters that need to be fattened and so little time.
Got it and I agree, would’ve been awesome to see a lopunny in their style. Plus, plenty of other characters deserve to get nice and plump
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Looks like he did a Roxanne this time. Must be because her popularity is waning. Now anything is possible I guess.

Recently he also made this piece of Rodah staring at her mom’s ass. Although requests are put on halt, I’d love to see Soba in her younger years and the moment she fell in love with Rodah’s father.

I’d also just like to know what the relation between serious Rodah and nerd Rodah is.
I saw gameplay for the ruin dlc and I like the character now, I have a few doodles of her that I wanna finish involving her.I thought Roxanne was good in general when security breach came out but when literally EVERYONE draws a character in a short time window it sorta kills my appeal to draw the character. Also I definitely need to work on Dino lore for rodah and her family, the nerdification was a retcon because I felt that trope fit her but I think it would be fun having anger affect her and her mother in different ways. Probably having rodah get a kaiju sized appetite the angrier she gets and her mom just grows in general and reverts to a massive kaiju the angrier she gets, the dad will probably just be chillin because that’s funny :) >>41633
I like your reasoning with both of those things.

I’m glad you want to draw Roxanne now, but Please don’t leave behind Chica either, unless you’re done with her. Have them be mutual feeders but Chica slightly more fatter since she’s the glutton

The way I feel you’re describing it here, nerd Rodah is now the default, but serious Rodah is a power up like going super saiyan almost but she needs to take off her glasses. I like it.

With regards to the father, are you a fan of hmofa, or will he also be some kind of kaiju creature?
There he is. So how long has he known Soba for?
At the point of having their daughter, probably a good few years, they met while soba was destroying one of the skyscrapers Zuma’s boss owned >>41718
>her friend from her college days
I smell a twist villain.

By the way, do you watch any tokusatsu like Power Rangers/Super Sentai and Ultraman where they fight the kaiju? It could serve for some good inspiration.
That’s pretty interesting. Considering that he married her anyway, would it be safe to say he doesn’t think too highly about his boss?
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While we’re on the subject of moms, I’ve always preferred the old Kammy and Kaia’s mom design because of the implied hybridization with the three eyes and the fact she’s just a regular mancubus woman from a previous generation. The new design feels a little tryhard and stale since she already shares the one eyed trait with her daughters instead of starting out as just a mancubus.

That’s no fun that the mom and her daughters already have a similar anatomy. Surely there must be some kind of compromise? I just want the mom’s three eyes back. I just thought it was cute that a mother could love her daughters despite looking so different from each other anatomy wise.
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Nerd Rodah is the default but can she keep her job as a construction worker and a big of her competitive streak?
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Just showing off more of her if you get hungry for her again.
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You’ve done it again, Smokii, this is the hottest sequence I’ve seen in awhile. If you’ll indulge me, I’d like to request that you have Chica and Roxy switch places in the final part. Only this time, Chica has unintentionally sat on her friend eating all that pizza.
Where’s Smokii?
This character looks way too familiar
>>41716 Hi Smokii, just wanna say you are one of my favorite fat-fur artists out there!

Could you please draw fat art of reptile from mortal kombat deadly alliance? There isn't alot of art of him out there being all fattened up.
Don’t bother, he’s probably done with this thread now that people like him again
Left for a bit to do something for one of my friends involving redesigning my old sona, aside from that I have monsters brain rot rn >>42184
Oh shit, definitely would do reptile >>42218
(24 KB, 192x288, IMG_6167.webp)
So you got brainrot for reptiles and monsters. Fucking Lizzie from Rampage. Try her.

Sorry for doubting you btw.
That was quick, way to go. So what else can you do if you can at the moment? Would you mind looking over some earlier requests?
Omg I wrote the wrong fuckin year lol >>42278
Would you be able to fix it?
I’ll try to, also I’ll be a little slow with future requests until I finish some stuff I wanted to draw for my friend, and also a few longer shifts at work until Sunday >>42286
Also what were some of the older requests you were interested in, there were a lot I haven’t got around to >>42284

If you don’t mind

This one’s a request of Chica and Roxy switching places and weights, if that’s possible.

I guess this is just a request about a confirmation with the dino lore

This one mentions the mom for Kammy and Kaia and asks for a compromise with the old and new designs

This guy wanted Harriet from Super Mario Odyssey

This is the new bad girl for your boar boxer character. You’ve got it fulfilled but I’m curious if you have anything else for her.

This sumo match

This guy wanted Duna from Fossil Fighters

And there’s a hell of a lot more. I wanted to give as many people a fair chance with this post. But you’ve fulfilled a lot of them so I don’t want to overwhelm either. Maybe you should just read through the thread yourself and see what you like. I wish we could’ve organized this better

I’ve never even heard of her
There was also this
I put her in my megapost at the end.
Hey Smokii, love your arts and works
Everyone here does. Do you have an older request here you’d like to see filled?
Thanks for picking one and doing it
Smokii what do you think of my older request? I provided some options for your interest
Seriously, this one’s a whole lot cuter to me. How about a closeup of her sad fat face with an anon’s hand pinching her chubby cheeks making it belch out an apology .

After all the other requests, of course.
heavily requesting a giant, fat poppy about to drop her ass on a miniature city please, if you do macro stuff
Poppy who? Be specific, Bob.
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How could I forget. But he already did her. Don’t you want something new?
Don't suppose this request is a possibility?
Are they teens or adults?>>42496
They could be if you want them to. Not the original requester, but you could use a 10 year reunion as an excuse to have them fatten up?
Let me rephrase, I’m not drawing teens lol >>42581
And if this guy is adamant on the original character designs, just have them wearing their old high school clothes as a gag and don’t make them physically age too much.

OG requester, if you’re here, what do you think?

Not even aged up with convenient excuses? Shame, but that’s your right as an artisr
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Pardon me, requester here, just wanted to know, does me asking you to draw them with their adult designs from one of the endings make a difference, though?
I think I’ll pass because most people are just gonna assume they’re teens if they don’t play the game, myself included. BUT, if there’s other dinosaur designs of adult themed characters I’ll be heavily interested in drawing them (monster or alien designs too). >>42593
In that case, let me bring up an earlier request

would nerd Rodah’s occupation still be in the construction field and what makes her turn into serious Rodah, could you convey that in a drawing or two?

Apologies to snoot anon, but might as well move on to something earlier involving a dino.
There was this webm from /biz/ of a self professed weeb that was a construction worker in the midwest who worked all day just to read weeb shit and play weeb games and watch weeb stuff all afternoon. I wish I had it saved because those are the vibes I’d like to see from current Rodah that we’re working with.
Smokii how do you feel about drawing transformers characters? Some popular ones are arcee, windblade, slipstream and flamewar
I’d love to see them alongside your monster characters. You could even do a collab with Jeetdoh
Welp, it was worth a try.
Thanks for clarifying things.
Sorry bud

I saw on Twitter you have stuff to draw up to October, including aliens and predators. I’d love to see a detailed list of what you have planned here. Unless it’s all a secret.
Fuck me that’s so fucking hot. Thanks, man.
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Alright, here’s Poppy the yordle lifted straight off Smokedstacs’ twitter. Now I just want to know what the next requests are.
One was della duck as a blob eating tasty paste, and another was more info on rodah and why she acts different at her construction job than she usually does( I think I wanna make it so rodah pretends to be dominating and rude/macho at her construction job and switches her glasses out for contact lenses, braces are gonna stay tho and she’s a weeb when she leaves work) >>42691
Kickass on both requests. Della on tasty paste is the duck crossover we need.

Are you going to take some inspiration from that webm for the latter? That’s a good explanation, but I don’t think it was a question of “why” it was more about if it’s possible these two personalities can exist and have the same job together. Your explanation satisfies either way.
well, yeah, that's what i mean. it is new, 'cuz it's giantess stuff (if he's into that sorta thing).
amazing poppy man, didya see this request, or is it not your thing?
Is it? I thought yordles were midgets?
Nitter is down. Good thing someone posted that ahead of time
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You are on a roll Smokii, another fine piece to add to the collection
It’s a thing of beauty. I bet her coworkers pass her by at the bookstore often and never recognize her. They just make snide comments like “what a fatass nerd. Rodah wouldn’t be caught dead in a store like this.”

Thank you for doing it. You must have requests up the wazoo still
Why the fuck does nitter have to be down?

Has he posted anything between requests?
I would’ve loved to have seen the comments too
I haven’t posted anything besides requests, I wanted to draw monster stuff but that’s off the table for a while >>42953
What kinda monsters do you have in mind? I'd love to see more of the werewolf(?) gal, but otherwise, would be cool to see what other stuff you have planned
I mostly just wanna draw more lagoon monster,werewolves, alien/predator stuff and female horror movie slashers n stuff >>42962
Have seen some of the characters from dead by daylight?
Don’t forget the plant monsters if you can for /fgds/
I only remember the alien,demigorgon, and Amanda off the top of my head >>42976
I hope you do draw more of that stuff. But I thought of something else you could try with Rodah.

Even when she needs to be serious on the job, maybe there’s a few moments where she has soft spots for innocent bystanders.

Could you do her saving a kid from a falling steel beam then calmly explaining to her why she can’t be playing near a construction site then she promises not to. Then goes back and gets mad at Mike the “functioning” drunk for letting it happen.

Just something that popped into my head, please do the movie monsters first. Try to find some stuff from tokusatsu if you need more inspiration.

In regard to female horror movie slashers, there's not a whole lot as far as I can recall outside of Kayako, The Ring girl, pig Amanda, and maybe some trash popcorn flicks like with that one spooky nun or Malignant backwards-woman. Most others are just plain jane crazy woman w/o a mask, power, etc. who kills maybe one or two people, either that or one that goes nuclear and has no real look to her beyond some sludge smeared on her face. IRL movies are kinda limited in that department when it comes to creative monsters, oddly enough.
Smokii, please use a different art platform. Twitter is insufferable to get around.
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How about some fatty Sangheili gals, Smokii?
I use bluesky for my main now, I’m only using twitter because everyone can access it >>43043
One of these days absolutely, they’re one of the best aliens >>43050
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Hey Smokii, I got a strange request from an anon. Could you draw this elephant girl with the exact same proportions but lactating?
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Forget the lactating, just have her doing the psoe in the pic.

The thread’s almost at the bump limit, who wants to make thd new one?
I have a suggestion for you Smokii: instead of doing requests, open for commissions.
I’m solid on my stance for never taking comms or receiving money online again, requests are the closest I’ll go >>43264
You must’ve gotten commissions from some real loony people out there then. Either that or you were overwhelmed from the workload. Good on you for staying solid, no use in taking commissions if both sides can’t be trusted.

So what are you working on now?
You must’ve gotten commissions from some real loony people out there then. Either that or you were overwhelmed from the workload. Good on you for staying solid, no use in taking commissions if both sides can’t be trusted.

So what are you working on now?
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I like your predator, she’s even got five digits instead of four which I personally like. Can’t wait for the alien
i fucking hate taking commissions so i feel you.
>"can you draw him as a musclegut"
>"why are his arms muscular? also what's with the round, hard fat?"
>look at ref provided
>muscular arms, round and hard ballgut
>"oh, er. sorry. i'll... um. fix that."
>"wait, why is he so flabby? i said musclegut."
>ask for another reference even if it isn't of their own character
>muscular and hard, ball-like gut again
>just erase details in the muscular arms and add a tiny bit of droop to the belly
>"yeah that works. thanks."
>"cool, i'm glad. so sorry about all the miscommunication."
>"well you should probably work on reading comprehension..."
>re-read the two sentences he sent me with the single ref
>nothing there indicates anything
that and
>"hey can you approve this wip"
>"yeah that looks great thanks :)"
>"ok, here's the finished piece!"
>"... oh, you got <x> wrong."
>"W-Well that was visible on the WIP I sent you and you approved it so--"
>"Oh, I was busy... can you fix it? I promise to tip."
>"... Well, okay. Sure."
>fix it
>get $1.25 more as a tip
If that happened to me I would politely, yet firmly, kill them like an angry chimpanzee
Also cool, I tried to change my handle on twitter and the link doesn’t work for authentication so since the name change went through and can’t be authenticated I no longer have a twitter account. So no more art there for those that see this message
Well shit, fuck twitter anyways, let’s bring yhe party over to Smokedstacs 2: the revenge of the fat art
I meant on the new thread here on bbwchan.
A friend helped me fix the issue so I got back into the account, also a new thread here can be made whenever >>43731
It HAS been made. You can get on there right now. Good for you for getting a new twitter or whatever.
Hey Smokii, was wondering if using this site and thread is the best way to contact you?
It should be but this thread has hit its bump limit. See you in thread 2

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