
Born Yuri Mikhailovich Kuznetsov, June 30th, 1988, Bologoye, Omsk, RSFSR, USSR.
Owner of KolymaNET (https://kolyma.org), Heyuri, VidLii, tcToruch, gurochan, BitView, etc., network administrator (and soyjak).
Alleged by 19 year old college student and owner of soyjak.party to have vandalised wiki.soyjak.party with CSA (child sexual abuse) material, including photographs and videos of real children being raped and screaming, in addition to images of large African phalluses (which he has a fondness for posting) under the same IP address he always posts under.
Additionally, the 34 year old Yuri ran a "groomer" discord server including several other CSA material posters, such as a 16 year old from North Cyprus (where Yuri is planning to relocate to) named Goth (a soyjak), who Yuri released a full dox of.
Both Yuri and Goth have so far evaded justice entirely in their home countries. It's unlikely Goth will ever face consequences as child marriage is both common and entirely legal in Turkey. It's claimed that his school has been contacted, but that remains uncertain.
Soyjaks can be and are lolcows.
>>30018 (OP)
I think they came here just to steal the 30000 post

I understand why they want to do that since the 2000000 post on their site was a picture of a futanari Temmie from undertale
>>30019 Everybody knows that all of these foreign organizations are secretly working gor Hollywood elites and their pedo satanic rituals tued yo the Catholic church and the Pope. This isn't news anymore. Eipstein did kill himself but he had help. Hollywood media is equally as corrupt as wallstreet and is being lad by American rap music labels and actors.

Do not be fooled. You are being manipulated and used by the rich Americans every moment of your day. Break free from the American cult of death and live life on your own terms. Their childbirths are the worst record in himan history of the globe. Do not believe the political propaganda.
yeah I checked, they are just getting the 30000 post.

just gotta wait until their threads die, meanwhile just enjoy your bbfurry smut
Thank the lord for that, I was having flashbacks to the 1st of October.
what happened on the 1st of October?

Gore spamming or nikocado spam because he is fat?
Should I even be asking...
>>30018 (OP)
I just wish jews would stop running the country
should we grab a bunch of pictures from this if we have to rebuild again
>>30036 I've heard this sentiment before, and I can understand where there may reside some grivances in some of us western cultured folk, but I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that although the Jew name is purposely used to describe both a people and a religion, the Jews that are most talked about disfavorably are the wealthy Jews involved in entertainment (because they have ruined entertainment media with filth), and gay Jews for much of the same reasoning. Here's the thing though: The reasoning is flawed.

One, because "gay Jews" don't exist. Ask any rabbi if there is such a thing as a gay Jew. Jews are taken through a ceremony and sometimes they have to marry a Jewish woman to become a real Jew. Marrying a Jewish woman does not make you gay. It makes you very straight because Jewish women are beautiful and busty!!!

Second, Jews are not involved in the "secular" worldly temptations. In many religions it is frowned upon even so much as to watch a Soap Opera or a Sitcom depending on the sexual themes and jokes in it! It always depends on the individual to choose, but each person knows in their heart when they are watching something that they shouldn't be watching! I might as well be watching porno then if you are allowed to watch that filth!!!

The final thing that I know of and would like to touch upon is that Jews have a reputation for being greedy and ruthless when it comes to money. Although this reputation is thousands of years old it is unfair to forget that this only describes a minor fraction of the Jewish people. It stands to reason that most real Jews are not wealthy and although there are many wealthy Jews spread across many different countries they aren't all in accordance with the Jewish views and religion. Certainly when the opportunity arrives to help a fellow Jew and look good infront of people they may donate or help eachother out like any other group of people, but at the end of the day in my honest opinion Jews are not the worst thing to have happened to America.

Many, for example, are quick to point to events like prohibition or the rise of Feminism which took advantage of a war crisis to spread itself at home when the men weren't looking, but the reality is that feminism itself is not a bad thing. Feminist women, and leaders, and social groups are evil and vile, but feminism is not. Femininity is good. If you want a family and a wife that isn't a bore in sex then you need femininity. Like many other things in America feminism has been purposefully taken to extremes by evil organizations which stand to benefit from feminism and seek to destroy this once beautiful country from within. God will have the final say on the matter. Not man, neither woman.
We got attack by the soyjaks and lost a lot of threads
I came here to masturbate, not to read fucking QAnon bullshit

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