
remember when Furry life online was a thing and they banned ferals and instantly shot themselves in the foot. they stared banning all the fetishes. Then that site ceased being a thing....
(435 KB, 880x721, (art, bhm, furs)fatty_deer.png)
An old fave from Squidbiscuit (I believe) that got taken down. Not enough majestic ferals like deer getting caught chonking out.
sauce on the snakes???
source on that sketch of the whales?
(211 KB, 1920x1200, eliza_as_a_basilosaurus_by_ptparmentoons_denc5gx.png) (90 KB, 2200x2000, dfmwfgr-77b6668e-79c5-48ea-ab5a-5a374cdb4425.png) (984 KB, 1600x1193, the_very_friendly_cheetah___afterthoughts_by_greedywoozle_ddm8rte.png) (695 KB, 3300x2550, round_belly_orca_by_fatthoron_db7cqgs.jpg) (712 KB, 3048x1574, 1553295879.horseren_eliza_the_elamosaurus.png) (657 KB, 786x603, 1557675580.dragovian15_eliza_fishy_frenzy.png)
no clue, image search didn't turn up the right results, but I did find these.
1st is by PTParmenTOONS on DA, 2nd by Wolfwe, 3rd by Greedywoozle, 4th by fatthoron, 5th by HorseRen on Furaffinity & 6th by dragovian15 on Furaffinity
(20 KB, 800x480, fat_flags__17___dortmund__germany_by_wojti2000_ddcvdf7-fullview.jpg) (46 KB, 750x472, fat_flags__24___bejsce__poland_by_wojti2000_ddcvdw1.png) (42 KB, 766x383, fat_flags__27___bielice_gmina__poland_by_wojti2000_ddcve8i.png) (52 KB, 800x480, fat_flags__16___brandenburg__germany_by_wojti2000_ddcvdcm.png) (139 KB, 800x480, fat_flags__15___michigan__us_by_wojti2000_ddcvd9v.png) (20 KB, 800x500, fat_flags__8___uganda_by_wojti2000_ddcvcr4.png)
fat flags by Wojti2000, my personal faves gotta be a toss-up between Michigan & Uganda.
(841 KB, 1507x1099, drgnl_2.png) (817 KB, 1507x1099, drgnl_3.png)
fresh from veiukket

man's incredible
This is some of the worst cat art I have ever seen.
(2.0 MB, 2973x1651, drgnl_4.png)
third one

god what a fuckable pillow pet
not into ferals but stumbled across this post
they didn't just ban ferals but also said fat art must be labeled nsfw except any sfw art with even normal sized, fully clothed and non-lewd fatties counted as NSFW
>not into ferals
>still decides to enter thread

Are you retarded?
I’m sorry anon I misinterpreted that, I’m a little retarded
(158 KB, 1280x1023, 1d08cb86137a8ebe10234b962cd8fc0451e0feab8dd8712714f9668c58f7f10e.jpg) (312 KB, 981x700, 7c3f694bcfefbe00015a617d1d4f89c29b7e61b0b1d751c49fe578870cfb75c8.jpg) (125 KB, 598x470, 87db3378db1c655194b33f1e5da60abfdb8a969e2eafc943d2f0691cb47465f1.png) (670 KB, 1280x1004, 5270b86bdda34b0799507bfde9c6e5e7b8e3463a4e029ac4ea823d46ccddefbd.jpg) (1.7 MB, 10000x7000, 26ec064bc2d7b8bbbc7c2758ffd5f5277b9fa39518abda15f1c7d980d9316b52.jpg) (88 KB, 1287x621, 3152cefbb7e134da6093b61bed3c5c055c26e5dec6b6e76a82b34af88238a4c5.jpg)
(194 KB, 1280x683, 508a5db59b919bc9ea3eedb64a73ec222a8b78e30bbf3694b2b3268ba23f9ff1.jpg) (112 KB, 900x1280, 21f412df2aa25b70ddcf4a730d23f2cd18e0a5b1e0b189acb43a0dd552161f5a.jpg) (125 KB, 1280x759, af66e75a21719be66c8dd6fe4d1df26d0c986fd137605c8f8ea3d7a86bb6e379.jpg) (203 KB, 1280x1024, faff18af71751a8ac3a5a72c6b57768d1e6a004cdfa60593ae3c4f1bd6fb69fa.jpg) (165 KB, 1280x800, 13044d2a11a5e9c430e5b9466cd9bbe43fdbb08488a8093ccf7c3b7d533932ca.jpg) (266 KB, 1280x1021, 33e9e592671fc4360c585c4b8d2318d5d11efe402af2e20d16673135cf66dc8c.jpg)
sorry for begging, have nowhere else to look
remember an old image of an orange/brown female horse with a massive fat ass, she is begrudgingly looking behind at it, anyone have any idea where i could find?
god damn the 3rd one's so hot. I'd love to fatten a gator into a big blob
I wonder if there's any morphs out there
forgive my ignorance but what do you mean by "morph"?
Where is flag of wales
Isn’t this Stellos? But I think da nigga died in the early 2000s
(1.6 MB, 1024x1024, DALL·E 2023-04-03 01.07.38 - 3d render of the world's fattest golden retriever morbidly obese and immobile on a bariatric bed health issues surrounded by leftover fast food.png) (1.8 MB, 1024x1024, DALL·E 2023-04-03 01.08.50 - 3d render of the world's fattest golden retriever morbidly obese and immobile on a bariatric bed health issues surrounded by leftover fast food.png) (1.9 MB, 1024x1024, DALL·E 2023-04-03 01.07.49 - 3d render of the world's fattest golden retriever morbidly obese and immobile on a bariatric bed health issues surrounded by leftover fast food.png)
(351 KB, 1875x885, Dog 1.png) (391 KB, 1717x897, Dog 2.png) (401 KB, 1687x910, Dog 3.png)
bbkjjkjkjkjkn on furaffinity, does great feral but also does popping stuff
Isn't this zoophelia? Or is that different, genuine question.
it not even this deep. this isn't zoophilia any more than people posting lolishit is pedophilia. its all pretend.

For me they are only adorable but there will be more than one zoophilic out there
except loli is pedo
talking animals don't exist. kids do.
So, is a silent/mute feral that displays human traits considered zoophelia?
Like something like veiukket/bbkjjkjkjkjkn’s art for example
anime girls don't exist
I want more of her. including more fat crocodiles and snakes.
(420 KB, 509x444, eb.png)
I fucking hate eyelashes on species that don't have them.
Right up there with skeleton boob bones. It's fucking embarrassing watching the lengths dudes will go just so you know how not gay something is.
Woah pal, don't get your skeleton tits in a twist
Get fucked lmao
Not exactly disproving my point here.
It's even worse because men naturally have longer, thicker eyelashes than women bscause it's fucking body hair.
>>32745 (Dead)

Okay? I don’t get why you care so much, the detail seems so arbitrary
Sauce on the first one?
Y'know, for a silly little animation, that giraffe is kinda hot (yes this is my genuine opinion)
Dead Thread. There just isn't enough fat feral art out there to sustain a community like this, especially after bbkjjkjkjkjkn *one of the community's most frequent uploaders) has quit
(107 KB, 1063x747, Duck.png) (82 KB, 841x686, Chicken.png) (173 KB, 1058x881, Cuckoo.png)
Tried my hand at some fat avians which are notoriously underrated btw. What do y'all think
bbkjjkjkjkjkn? I thought you quit?
Yeah I'm not bbkjjkjkjkjkn, he just sent me this art over discord before he quit, said it was some of his first tries at fat feral (hence the difference in art style)

Thanks for exposing me for not drawing them lol. Sorry for making you think he was back.
It’s fine. Actually, it’s not fine to steal art but at least you owned up to it.

How’s he doing?
Yeah, sorry about that, don't know what I was thinking.

Unfortunately I don't know how he's doing, because he cut all ties with me when he deleted his discord acc, as we were only online friends. I hope he's doing better than where he left off though. Really nice guy.
Did you ever confirm his age?
He told he was 23 and acted and talked like a 23 year old. I would be incredibly surprised if he was 15 like the weirdos on the bbkjj thread are saying.
I believe you. It would be hard not to act like your age anyway.
Honestly with this bbkjjkjkjkjkn situation of appearing and disappearing at random times, I wouldn't be surprised if he is suffering from schizophrenia or something similar.
There were two other artist accounts that had bbkjjkjkjkjkn's art style that also mysteriously disappeared off the web, one for bloated art of PvZ plants and the other for fat pokemon. The pokemon one was of note simply because it appeared very soon after bbkjjkjkjkjkn quitted and its user also claimed to be 23 years old in its description.
What, we have a whole ass conspiracy now?
I have been connecting the dots for a while. BigMateWeirdo and Khoshgel-Deviantart are names that keep popping up whenever I try to find anything about bbkjjkjkjkjkn.
(143 KB, 1340x927, IMG_6310.png)
Oh boy, they certainly do have similar art styles
(19 KB, 412x350, pvz_1_umbrella_fat_by_bigmateweirdo_by_shoorb_supreme_dfxv3jz-350t.jpg) (18 KB, 374x296, pvz_1_cabbage_pult_fat_by_bigmateweirdo_by_shoorb_supreme_dfxv39w-375w.jpg) (15 KB, 374x236, pvz_1_snow_pea_fat_by_bigmateweirdo_by_shoorb_supreme_dfxv36z-375w.jpg)
I feel like this art style similarity is more apparent in his more recent work, which may just be because he is colouring his work.

The two also used the same program (Onenote 2016 of all things), which according to bbkjj was incredibly limited compared to other drawing apps, which may explain the similarities.

The older works of BigMate seem to have a further art style to not only his newer stuff, but bbkjj,, with one main difference being the ignorance of proportion in his art, with much of the girls he drew being pretty goofy anatomy wise, while bbkjj's art was mostly anatomically grounded, minus the obvious extreme weight gain, inflation etc.

Here are some examples that don't much up with bbkjj's art style as much (sorry they aren't feral related).
That’s pretty damning. Could you post that in the pvz thread with better quality?
Oh yeah sure np
>The two also used the same program (Onenote 2016 of all things), which according to bbkjj was incredibly limited compared to other drawing apps
That's another thing, Khoshgel-Deviantart also claimed to use the same art program as bbkjjkjkjkjkn in his DA About section, as well as mentioning to be 23 and that age has been brought up here before. There's just too many connections between the three artists that it's not surprising to think they're all aliases of the same person.
I can believe that Khoshgel and bbkjj could be the same person because of the feral themed art and such, but I chalk up Bigmate and bbkjj's similarities t being a product of the program and its limited variability in brush-sizes, colours etc. (I know because I was good online friends with bbkjj). Also when bbkjj was brought up to BigMate on another thread, he got noticeably upset and even called bbkjj a degen and said he didn't like his art. I just think they are similarly inclined fat fetish artists who happen to have a very close art style.
why are you so dead-set on larping as this autist? you did it in the bbk thread, got called out, and started sucking his 15 year old dick there too.
Because he was my friend I guess. I don't know just kinda feel like I should support him even if he doesn't know or care that I am, because he was a great guy. I could just as easily ask why you're so adamant on proving that he's a minor. What would that even do to benefit you? He's gone anyway.
>I can believe that Khoshgel and bbkjj could be the same person because of the feral themed art and such
Khoshgel did make a post asking viewers if they want to see fat feral art from him, not just fat pokemon, right before deleting his account. And those fat birds up there by bbkjjkjkjkjkn also look very similar to that one torchic Khoshgel drew.
However there is evidence that suggests that Khoshgel and BigMateWeirdo are the same too. BigMateWeirdo posted a bunch of art at a fat objects thread over at bbwalt, and not only does it look very similar to Khoshgel's art, but they also share the same blush effect of thin red lines.
I really wouldn't be surprised if Khoshgel and bbkjj where the same, but that blush technique is literally everywhere in all kinds of media not just those two artist's art.
Khoshgel stop beating around the bush and give me the reason why you deleted your accounts. I'm not mad, just disappointed that you would leave without giving a heads up.
Yeah I don't know why they just up and left like that either
(151 KB, 1380x858, Chihuahua.png)
Before this thread completely goes off the rail, here's another early archival bbkjj piece of art I found saved on one of my USBs
Look I appreciate all the lost art being posted here but I'm having a hard time believing these were drawn long ago when they look a like bbkjjkjkjkjkn's later pieces. Hell they look a lot like Khoshgel's work after bbkjjkjkjkjkn retired.
Well idk what to tell you cause he sent them to me around the same time he did that orange cat wg seq, so they aren't recent
Dude just post a mega.nz archive of all his art already. You're not making a good case yourself by dripfeeding his sketches like that.
I would, but I first need to find where I saved them all, cause I saved a lot of them onto different devices for privacy's sake. These are the only ones I've found, but I know there is way more art, some even being unfinished sequences and planned holiday specials. So whenever I do find the rest, I'll be sure to compile them.
It's been 4 days and no archive has been delivered. Still thinking that supposed friend is bbkj.
What? No I'm not bbkjj, I was just lying because I'm a massive dick. This is all the art he ever gave me. Have you seriously been waiting around for the holy grail of fat feral art? I forgot I even posted here to begin with.
I’m under the impression we’re sll just one guy with schizophrenia
Shut the fuck up bbkj. All you have been is a goddamn coward the entire time. If you weren't so much of a pussy and admitted who you really are, then you wouldn't have gotten yourself into this mess in the first place.
Ooh nice
Source on the fourth one?
Oh wow it’s actually a speculative biology concept, that’s pretty cool actually
Oh so bbkjjkjkjkjkn peeped his head out the ground yet again. I give it day before he deletes that account.
Oh who cares? Its good fat feral art, that's all I care about
I wouldn't mind if that faggot artist isn't constantly pulling that shtick of deleting his accounts so early on and reappearing somewhere else as a "new" artist acting like he has no relation to the previous accounts. I'm surprised that isn't his actual fetish. It's always the same outcome him no matter what he draws on his "totally new artist" account.
He's bbkjjkjkjkjkn with ferals.
He's BigMateWeirdo with Plants vs Zombies.
He's Khoshgel with Pokemon.
He's Thine-Thiccus with humans.
And now here is as Degen Gulch drawing ferals again, but in pencil drawings this time because apparently those two digital drawings are by some "friend" of his even though he pulled that same exact excuse when he posted new art here, and he draws THE SAME EXACT FUCKING WAY on his pencil drawings. Fuck this nigger, he could die in a fire for all I care. I don't want to see his art anywhere anymore.
oh my god you fucking schizo you are literally the only human alive who gives this much of a shit. spare us your autistic meltdowns over a fat feral artist will you?

either post content or shut the fuck up
Shut the fuck up you human hernia. Is this guy constantly switching accounts gonna kill you you? You act like he ruined your life with fetish art. Either grow up or fuck off.
you say you don't want to see my art but here you are, throwing a temper tantrum because you can't find it. make up your mind.
channers don't know what they actually want. they're mentally children who can't make up their minds and get upset when a decision is in order.
Fuck off you indecisive prick. Seeing your art makes me sick to my stomach now.

Just shut up you toxic asshole
I feel we should make a new thread. This one's kinda been overrun with pointless arguments over an artist who doesn't post anymore. Anyone agree with me?
Who made? (link)
The third image is done by sharkbubble2 on twitter
The other images have the artists' usernames on twitter/furaffinity
so did you just forget we can see your ID so we know you're trying to "delete" your old posts by forcing people to abandon the thread or waht
It is Tyco@tymazilla? I can't found.

Yes I know you can see my ID, I just think we should make a new thread
Why? So people forget you're actually bbkjjkjkjkjkn? You're currently the only user here who bothers posting art from one of his alts and now you're too eager to hide everything from public view like him.
What are you on about? Is it so bad that I liked his drawings on E6? I just thought we should make a new thread to get away from the constant arguments about him on this thread (of which one is brewing right now). Not everything needs to be more complicated than it is at surface level. Sometimes, an idea to make a new thread is just an idea to make a new thread and not a way to disguise an artist posting their own art on a thread. Get a grip.
you are such a schizo shut the fuck up
Yeah, shut the fuck up
(68 KB, 320x240, 1649006014.veiukket_cenabp04jkle24mvppbhhat41ayn_final.gif)
So instead of ignoring and moving on to get away from constant arguments, you'd rather make an entirely new thread and clog up the catalog? You aren't helping your case.
I may be schizo, but it certainly helps me finding other schizos like bbkjjkjkjkjkn over there.
i pretended to be bbk for one shitpost and the schizo has gone into full meltdown mode. incredible.
You started the argument out of thin air you fucking idiot. I'll I wanted to do was replace this thread, but no I just have to be trying to "hide my art from public view". Whatever. I don't wanna waste my time talking to some cunt on bbwchan of all places who has a tinfoil hat glued to his rapidly shrinking head.
>multiple ids
okay retard
its pitifully easy to change your ID on this site for what its worth. hell some network configurations already leave you with multiple IDs because they refresh over time. not being the same ID isn't the proof you think it is
Most mentally stable chan user
Its the same shit as (you) on 4chan. I don't know why they bother on here. Its functionslly useless when you can just break iut your phone or use another browser
So hard to find good fat ferals these days! Post as many as you can!!!
Excellent! More! We should flood this thread with art!
Fantastic! Keep going! Post every fat feral pic you can find! Make this thread overflow with activity!
Incredible work! Keep it up! Don't let up now!
This real? Like a crocodile can get fat?
I prefer art to actual pictures myself, but more power to you
Agreed, but I just had to post this here, I mean look at that mf
Whos the artist of the fat dolphin sprite
Anyone have more fat sea animals?
You guys know this place is shutting down in like 2 months right? Maybe you'll want to create a 4chan equivalent or smth?
>>47326 Sinking-Feeling on DeviantArt but the account was deleted the other day, that's why I posted them here.
Anyone have any fat deer? I can't find any new ones
Reminds me of misosouperstar’s oc moonshine
This looks ai generated. Which ai is used to make this, and what was the prompt used?
(225 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.gJhHJM0SDu_TGj.jpg) (235 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.jpg) (23 KB, 351x351, OIG.Bx_5NLJyAFK0cHo.jpg) (126 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.jpg) (175 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.jpg) (230 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.bItD2Prr.ks9OoSRq.jpg)
Here's some Bing AI stuff, prompt is

full body photograph of a humongous hyper fat enormous morbidly obese overweight flabby bloated food balloon overinflated back fat roll blob swollen belly distended stomach extremely fat face titanic massively absurdly fat mountainous blobby inflated wobbly rotund round gargantuan planet-sized butterball animal [INSERT SPECIES] with an incredibly fat face and neck huge hump back belly dragging on ground size of a house too fat to walk sluggishly lying on belly zoo face in view shot
I bet you can't do blueberry inflation or any fruit inflation theme
Has anyone tried to generate fat ferals with PixAi?
Need a source please!
(160 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.jpg)
This is revolutionary.
(215 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.jpg)
yes. Yes it is, thank you original prompt-poster
(140 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.jpg)
what the fuck is this AI slop
Currently working on a drawing based on the fist image of the crocodile here
(2.7 MB, 4000x4000, Fatass.png)
Here it is, if anyone was all that interested
Thanks! I'll post it here when I'm done
(223 KB, 1024x1024, _69a6ff06-65f4-482a-bcb9-28844035fc72.jpeg) (194 KB, 1024x1024, _4a67622e-feb7-4890-a6c8-63a77a18ef26.jpeg) (232 KB, 1024x1024, _bcbca48c-bac9-40e3-9227-c9df7b979293.jpeg) (236 KB, 1024x1024, _6ce7d52f-447d-4d3f-a67b-f7dc2e752d8d.jpeg) (263 KB, 1024x1024, _7c79b494-8c9d-4e28-bd42-83280d4823de.jpeg) (261 KB, 1024x1024, _401ce694-e256-45c4-a151-c7057191ba62.jpeg)
This has worked almost too well for me. Just..don't use the original prompt on snakes.
Haha Yeah found that out the hard way too
(4.9 MB, 4000x3060, Big Orca.png)
Finished an orca drawing based on these images, what do you guys think?
(6.2 MB, 3812x4000, FATODILE.png)
Sorry, I know I'm over sharing and way too enthusiastic about overweight animals, but I did promise a finished product, so here:

Over sharing? Too enthusiastic? Nonsense. If anything, everyone should be sharing MORE and be MORE enthusiastic! Get excited! Post more! Have fun with it!
Oh ok! If you guys are all interested, I might keep uploading my drawings here before FA
Sounds good to me.
I hate begging, but is there any chance you could draw up a massive deer blob?
Well, I was thinking of doing a deer, but I do have a lot of other ideas in mind. I'll definitely get around to it though
(123 KB, 701x659, Seagull.png)
What do you guys think so far?
(171 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.NSFXvPBwBziz.jpg) (230 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.jpg) (217 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.jpg) (174 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.jpg) (158 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.jpg) (204 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.jpg)
Oh and here's some more AI stuff so this thread isn't just a compilation of my art
ai slop is better than autistic ms paint scribbles like >>48267
I don't care either way, I just want fat deer blobs.
If you feel that strongly make a separate thread for AI, asshole
(3.4 MB, 4000x4000, female.png) (3.6 MB, 4000x4000, male.png)
Well here's some stuff I've been working on, based it off your idea from earlier in the thread
The overfed deer please me, many thanks to you all.
How about some more overfed deer?
Now THAT is what I'm talking about! Thank you!
Anyone have more fat birds?
Those who like AI ferals, I've made a thread. Hope this can be a new place to post our images.
Anyone have more fat horses?
Nice find! Wish it went on longer
If only they showed them actively expanding.
I feel like the vid of the fat Tiger gives off a completely different message, shouldnt the magic floating text be happy that the Tiger was too fat to kill the zebra? Youd think the message would be something like "Body positivity can save your life" with footage of the zebra back with their family
Also. The other vid with the fatass zebra is dumb, the Tiger took a billion years to find the fat zebra which the fatass zebra couldve used to escape in-time, but the fat zebra literally idles around like a dumbass fag and doesnt even hear the Tiger run towards him. Theres no way this shit is actually gonna convince anybody into becoming a smooth-brained fatphobic fag
This could be a good tutorial to make fat feral 3d models. I would like to see what would happen if someone tried to follow these steps on a fictional feral creature like pokemons...
(146 KB, 1280x905, 1665513833.mistymistmi_berprepared.jpg)
dont expect anything better from the actual retards in this thread. there's thousands of pieces of fat feral art and these autists refuse to post anything better than their shitty ms paint drawings and ai garbage
Look dude.
I will always support new, beginner or otherwiee crappy artists to ensure that they improve so we get better artists in the future.
I see no point in looking at stuff already seen since I can do that without having to deal with you being a fucking nerd.
my interpretation personally was that the zebra was either too fat to keep running, and tried to hide, and/or didn't realize it's ass was too fat to effectively hide behind the tree.
Plus, the whole point of the video was the zebra was dumb. It was literally too stupid to stop stuffing its face and run away until after its friends did.
Funny enough, fat actually does make you stupider. It pushes away the grey matter and suffocates it from oxygen. That zebra never had a chance.
You got any proof of that?
Wrong thread pal and them being trans has nothing to do with them being a shitty person.
Oh my fucking lord. I can’t believe I made this mistake
(79 KB, 750x669, Lower IQ.png) (66 KB, 750x523, Yes.png) (86 KB, 750x700, Reduces blood flow.png)
Sorry for the mix up, and I’d say being trans is a possible litmus test as to how shitty someone is. Think about it. If you’re forcing others to lie about your gender just to spare your feelings, imagine what other shitty behaviors you’re capable of.

Here’s the proof of the other stuff
two of your sources don't support your statement, dumbass
Who the fuck cares anyway? So being fat makes you dumb, fact or not, it’s insignificant
Everyone shut up and keep the thread on topic
If anything, it should excite people with a brain drain fetish
(186 KB, 261x380, image_2023-12-15_053843224.png)
Considering fat ferals, does anyone remember this iconic image in regards of fat feral stuff?
Kerjois on FA just randomly deleted his account. Why does every good fat ferals artist that comes along always quit?
I recall he had a discord account under the_kerj but I dunno if anyone would be willing to contact him through that hellhole of a service, or if he already deleted it.
I just sent him a discord message, we’ll see if he answers I guess
bbkjjkjkjkjkn Is back on deviant art as Evacuation-Artist, but he’s stated he won’t be doing feral art anymore, except maybe pokemon.

“For those who know me from bbkjjkjkjkjkn however, just know I will not be drawing any of that art however, I did make an account on here for that stuff, but I deleted it as I am disappointed with myself for even starting it. The only way I will represent ferals in my art again, is if they are fully sentient beings from media, like Pokemon for example.”
Sad my balls, this shit is impressing in its own way, while i wouldnt want it to suffer from any health issues, its not everyday you get to see an obese Tiger. I want pictures of that tiger from different angles
Does anyone know where this is from? Because that tiger is hot as hell and I’d love to see more footage of it.

Y'all are fucked up. Drawings are one thing but this is a real animal being abused. Get that psycho shit out of here.
Im aware, its sad to see an animal in such a state, but its also impressing to see
I don’t support the abuse of real animals and I think it’s sad that this tiger is being exploited and mistreated for profit. I would never do this to a real animal and if there was something I could possibly do about it, I would want this tiger to be somewhere where it could get some exercise and be happy.
But I’m not the one overfeeding this tiger, and there’s literally nothing I can do about its situation, since I’m pretty confident it belongs to a Chinese circus. I do however think it’s attractive despite its unfortunate circumstances. So while it’s sad, wether or not I enjoy looking at it will make no difference in the tiger’s life.
Once again, it’s sad that real animals are being treated like this, but god that is so hot her chunky thighs are rubbing together.
jesus this tiger looks like a parade balloon 😍
Shit like this is why I’m leaving the community. Can’t just be like “it’s horrible these animals are being over fed and forced to become overweight, losing their mobility and ability to function regularly…. Buuuuuttt….” It’s just disgusting.
you could leave more quietly lmao
Leaving quietly instead of voicing a concern about this thread and fetish doesn’t change the fact that it’s still disgusting and wrong to find animals “hot” in any way
With or without the butt plug 👏👏👏
Gawd dayum that's one thicc raptor, the recoil on that boi gotta be insane
Gawd dayum that's one thicc raptor, the recoil on that boi gotta be insane
If you don’t want to see this stuff, why are you even on this thread?
Do you seriously not have better things to do than complain about people liking things that you don’t?
Bears are still capable of surviving while being fat
But wouldnt a fat Tiger actually doing exercise a good thing since they arent lazing around as much?
I don’t think I’ve seen a cat actually waddle before
Good to see they’re feeding it less than their skinny cat thought, it’s super cute but I hope it gets healthier
(750 KB, 828x861, IMG_4277.jpeg)
This was randomly recommended to me by instagram on my account that is in no way connected to any fetish related stuff, and it was just posted by an ordinary meme page too
Digital footprint is a powerful thing
Totally agree with you. Weird to see a cat move like that lol
Whos the artist
Kerjois on Furaffinity
(2.3 MB, 498x498, IMG_4303.gif)
Fat cat, small box
Incorrect, that shit’s ass
Would it be at all possible to make a separate thread for irl animals? Or atleast spoiler it? I enjoy the art but not the irl stuff.
>oh sweet a feral th-
>its full of autists who want to fuck actual animals
Yeah, you are right, a new thread should be made for this
I feel like even a new feral thread should be made as well, but that’s more of just my opinion
Fuck no. Disgusting idea
Yeah no, that is just unveiled beastiality
>>51404 It would be interesting, as long as there is no bestiality it would be fine.
It literally isn't sicko. If that's the shit you're attracted to get help. And fuck out.
What about creating a new fat feral thread in general to get away from those who want to post disgusting irl shit
(1.0 MB, 1921x1517, 1693492227.masteralan_doodles_-_2023_8_30.png) (180 KB, 1280x1280, 1607925376.masteralan_doodles_-_2020_12_13.jpg) (205 KB, 1121x721, 1592966353.baronshoebat_feralmass.png) (228 KB, 1280x1280, 1626320299.masteralan_doodles_-_2021_7_14_-_slob.jpg) (1.4 MB, 1200x974, 1545181167.heckfan_serena_suprized.png) (74 KB, 1280x960, 1528489332.omegaoverdrive_blimp_tha_dolphat.png)
Or we could just continue using this thread and have the jannies remove the irl shit that the autists posted
That? I literally said it would be interesting and nothing more, obviously zoophilia is aberrant and must be treated and exterminated and I am not a zoophile in case you believed that. PS I don't speak English so you write with the translator, so if it is misinterpreted maybe it is the translator's fault
I genuinely don’t get why you feel there’s some kind of difference between enjoying a drawing of a fat animal and a photograph.

Mistreating animals like that is wrong and I wish it never happened, but it does and wether or not someone enjoys looking at that picture makes no difference to the animal’s living conditions.

Either way we should agree to at least put an irl disclaimer or something like that and spoiler the images if people are going to keep posting them.
>>51517good point, it is also of questionable ethics
because a real animal isn't being abused by a drawing, fucktard.
Because I like sapient feral animal that can say "Kneed me harder you fat fucking pervert".
Also, yes any irl stuff should be not posted here as it actual animal abuse and invites bad conversation. Keep it 2D.
If anyone has more fat deer that would be awesome
Can someone post some Stellos or starfig?
Someone You can send more obese geese
(662 KB, 894x656, feed-the-pig.gif) (3.9 MB, 1422x915, foie-gras.gif) (4.9 MB, 640x295, gumball-cow.gif)
Additional Animated Rituals

Definitely don't watch the spoilered ones if bursting lard balloons make you squeamish
I'm guessing mistymistmi or cursoryexploration

Damn fine racc
Is there any good fat feral ref for someone to use?
(7.4 MB, 2048x2048, aaaa.png)
Looks like kerjois deleted his account again. I pray for his well-being right now.
not surprised to see firefox in this thread.
It'd be a shame if this one died

Y'know, despite all the grotesque AI slop around the middle
What? It didn't get bumped
Post limit reached.
Kiss the slop goodbye!

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