
(287 KB, 1050x1050, Big Bad Wolf.png) (482 KB, 1350x1200, Bigger Bad Wolf.png) (368 KB, 1500x1050, Biggest Bad Wolf.png)
I just made up this one a couple weeks ago and just had some fun with her. She's my version of the Big Bad Wolf (literally a BBW!).
(511 KB, 1500x1200, Too Big Bad Wolf.png)
A little post-binge with one of my frog characters poking fun. lol
Gawd damn. This pushes my buttons.
Oh can we see June Coyote and Kate from tach0012
Hahaha. Thanks! They were way more fun than I was expecting.
Nice! I like that blue! :)

in fact it inspired various characters in games, movies and comics including his ability to be like a living being with a kind of bacteria or virus inspired by the thing from the other world or the virus executer of Resident evil 4D executer including that his wits and are those of spiderman 2099 along with Isaac Clarke from Dead space 2 and R.J Macready from John carpenter The Thing
Very cute OCs.

I am in the midst of designing and drawing my own OC.
I finished a reference shot of the her front, but now I need to do the back.
Hopefully I can share her with you shortly.

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