
The first one got deleted, what makes you think this one will be successful
>>28396 (OP)
I don't think, I know. And also, this is necessary.
Now, who's your favorite artist?
I'm not sure if this would be the right thread for this but I was curious if there was an active group (be it Discord or something else) that involved improving/learning art (specifically drawing/painting, though I don't mind suggestions involving prose writing/stories).

I've thought about joining a community for awhile to help cultivate better art habits, practice, and hang around with likeminded folks.
“ All artists are created equal” that’s not even true.

Some are more experienced and have better skills, higher IQ or learning disabilities. And if you mean we should treat all of them equally that’s also not true. Look what happens to an artist the instant you find out they are conservative. You guys toss them out and ostracize them
Like a leper. some art is worth hundreds but others are not worth anything at all. So no not all artists are equal. Take your commie bullshit back to china you wonton Chingchong noodle soup!
And here's there's three threads to prove it.

Coming soon!
You're right! Could've been nicer but you're right nevertheless.
No you're wrong.
They're both right actually. And if you're the one making the very niche trash artists threads like micaloon, blucatrilou and chrisandcompamy thread that not a single person gives a rats fucking ass for, not to mention that shitty morph thread, then you're just a very delusional guy nobody wants around.
Not all artists are equal.
(8 KB, 228x221, GreatDay.jpg)
>Be OP
>Make 5 different threads on this shit
>They all fucking flop
>Only thread that got traction consists entirely of Anon's criticizing OP
>Insanely high likelihood that OP is also the retard that made a bunch of the shitty threads on trash artists
>Also the same retard who had a meltdown over not getting a certain comic from the beg thread

You know what? I owe SmokedStacs an apology. Sure purging all of your art isn't great, but OP is an entirely whole new level of retarded.
Now who is your favorite artist? And please post your favorite art by them.
Dude give it a rest
(300 KB, 1280x1082, 1609959720.fuzzywooly_l7kozhvwq4.jpg)

I wouldn't say they're a FAVORITE but I do like them quite a bit, Talking about FuzzyWooly.
They do some very soft looking stuff and their coloring is pretty comfortable to look at.
Thanks! Mine's LordStormCaller and Robot001
Who's LordStormCaller?
(518 KB, 3406x2702, FZbepaGWIAcgpU3.jpg)
More artists and editers, please.
Question to the thread: more established artists who discover their new interest - or more new artists?
what does that even mean
are their art that bad ?
bro what real question is can you even draw like them
>EeEEe cans yu do better??
That shitty argument kills all sort of constructive criticism you fucker.
cry about it , you cant draw like them , haha , retard kid
also i am a fetish artist , but wont tell name

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