
this is shit
>Thanx. It's shit.
it's amazing how he's failed to gain a good artstyle after a decade + of making shit
You act like you can draw better pictures with whatever art style you possessed.

What do you mean? His art style was literally stolen and spread throughout the anime/manga community in japan. I don't know how common that is for it to happen and I guess the only way to fight it is to take it to court? But if somebody did that to me I would get a big head too!
So what you’re saying that after creating an good art style, it was suddenly stolen, and NOT like it’s actually shit?
Is that what you are saying?
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“Great!” Ben’s voice came to be heard through the giant shrubbery of the jungle. “Here I am, completely lost in this jungle all because I was staring at a hot tribeswoman. If I didn’t look at her, I’d still be with my sister, Donna, and be back in our cabin before lunchtime.” He was dressed in his usual attire but has a pith helmet on top of his head. He grunted, trying to walk over giant roots and thick leaves.

While he’s exploring his way back, a tigress spied him. The feline giggled, watching him walk through the thicket with all of his might. Her green pupils rest only on the struggling tabby. “Mama’s boy needs to find a way back, huh?” She said to herself softly. “Maybe this oughta get him out of the jungle.” The lovely animal closed her eyes, which were highlighted in purple, and took a deep breath. Her chest bounced softly as he guzzled all the air that was being sucked into her mouth. Her white belly started to swell up like a balloon with each second as past with her abdomen getting bigger than ever before.

Meanwhile, Ben was still looking through the fauna, trying to find a clearing. Unfortunately, there was no sign of any civilization. At this point, he became bewildered and infuriated at the same time. “And me without a gosh dang map!” He growled, kicking a nearby fern. “How will I ever get out of here!?”


An unfamiliar call rang into Ben’s ears. He turned to where it was coming from. “Can you hear me!” The voice called out again. “Who’s out there?!” Ben hollered. “A friend!” The voice called back. “Follow my voice! You’ll know you’re getting close to home when you see a big, white balloon on your way!” “Just follow me!”

After hearing that, the tabby was delighted. He could finally reunite with his lovely sister. “I’m coming!” He yelled, sprinting his way toward the sound of his “friend’s” voice. He panted, getting tired of all this running. It didn’t take long to see something big and white peering out a wide space. “I see it!” Ben yelled excitedly. “I see the balloon!” “Keep going!” His friend said. When he got closer, he stumbled across someone he didn’t expect to meet.

He finally got out of the jungle, but what Ben discovered turned out to be a trap. Before him was the same tiger who had been spying on him, but now possesses a gigantic belly the size of a wrecking ball. “Hello, handsome,” The tigress crooned. “Oh, boy…” The cat gulped nervously. “What have I fallen into?” “Going somewhere?” She asked her worried friend, sticking out a claw from her right finger. Poor Benny gasped. “What’s the matter, pussycat?” The tigress called out. “Afraid of a ‘KABOOM’?” There, the tabby remained frozen in his path. Right now, he had no idea what to do now.

Either he should make a run for it or try to reason with this crazy tiger. Oh, what can he do?
Wow…. What an story!
Also, if I were to choose regarding Ben’s situation. I say he should make an run for it.
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It was another foggy night in the heart of London and something was going on in a speedy pub that was connected to a waterfront at the River Thames. Inside the “Rat Trap”, it was filled with sailors and thugs that were drinking sherry as well as music filling up the atmosphere. Not only that, but the one and only Miss Kitty Mouse was doing another big show, in which all the male patrons were itching to participate. With all the guys gawking at Kitty and two of her showgirls, the other ladies in the crowd were only the barmaid and a customer with orange hair.

This charming rodent, dressed in green and teal, drank her pint in a gluttonous manner. Her beret almost fell out when she had her head all the way back while consuming her sherry. The truth was she drank more alcohol than she should. She stared at all the men disdainfully, getting the impression everyone likes Miss Kitty more than her. Because of her drunken state, her jealousy grew and when she heard more men cheering and whooping at Kitty, she couldn’t bear it any longer.

Meanwhile, the mouse in blue finished her song. Everyone applauded, encouraging Kitty to bow. “Oh, you boys are all too good for me!” She said merrily to the audience. “Yeah, too good for your OWN bleedin’ good!” An obnoxious voice bellowed, followed by a hiccup. Kitty turned to the right, noticing the same mouse with orange hair got on stage. “Is there something wrong, honey?” queried the man star. “The name’s Rufina, woman,” The surly customer said. “And don’t you ‘honey’ me! I know what kind of a person you are! You’re nothing, but poison to all the men here! Just full of wicked wiles!” “I beg your pardon?” Miss Kitty reacted, looking more worried than offended. “Still playing cute, huh?” Rufina sneered. “You must love everyone paying attention to you. You have such an inflated ego!”

“I don’t know what’s troubling you, Rufina, but I am sorry you feel th-“ Miss Kitty tried to apologize, but Rufina rudely cut off, yelling. “Oh, you don’t think I’ll make a big hit, do you? I’ll show you big!” After that, Rufina started to inhale deeply. Within seconds, her belly stretched her teal and green striped dress. Everyone, including Kitty, watched the mouse swell up like a balloon. Because she was wearing a loose dress, her dress rode up by the time her belly surpassed the side when her belly grew over the size of a well-rounded barrel. Apparently, some of the men saw Rufina’s panties at a certain angle. This caused the naughty patrons to whoop and cheer for her. As soon as Rufina heard everyone rooting for her, she stopped and asked them. “You want me bigger, boys?” All the men reacted with loud cheers. “Sounds like I’m the star of this show now!” Rufina laughed, continuing to inflate her belly.

In less than a minute, her dress was unable to cover her massive belly, which was now bigger than a table. While Rufina was occupied by the inflation, she failed to notice that Miss Kitty was rubbing her swollen abdomen. I must say, Miss Kitty thought to herself. Rufina may be stubborn, but she makes a rather good performer, especially with that big belly of hers. I wonder if I can get her to join us. With a guilty blush, the white mouse continued to rub Rufina’s growing belly while everyone in the audience encouraged her to keep going…

Looks like Miss Kitty Mouse has a rival! A big one, too!
This site could really benefit from janitors to prevent threads like this
Fanart is welcome. And so is art of his former characters.
And cyberbullies like you.
Exactly. The bullies are a threat.
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Rolling in just in time for the summer, (whenever the snow feels like going away) It’s the SOLAR POWERED AIR COMPRESSOR! The compressor that runs on the rays of the sun for some bloating fun! No batteries or complicating hookups required! (Assembly required)

Only from Air Co!
I know you really don’t want to hear this, but this website isn’t twitter. You don’t post here as if it’s your timeline. There are specific threads for broad topics. Don’t waste space by creating a thread for some bad artwork that doesn’t deserve one.
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The Rottweiler and the Poodle were staring at the massive skunk, whose belly casted a great shadow above them. They were utterly speechless. They were too afraid to even produce another remark. “What’s zee matt-air?” Fifi hollered. “Skunk got your tongue?” She giggled after making that silly one-liner.

“Uh…” The poodle uttered sheepishly but was cut off when Fifi bellowed. “What’s zat? Not beeg enough? Alright zen!” “NOOOO!” Both the Rottweiler and the poodle yelled frantically. But it was too late. Fifi continued to inflate herself even more with her tight, swollen belly growing rapidly. Within seconds, the belly ran towards the helpless duo with her white underbelly slamming them hard like an incoming tidal wave. Everything that got in Fifi’s way ended up being rammed over and pinned to the ground.

Minutes went by and suddenly, the skunk started to become airborne. She lifted off the ground, freeing the Rottweiler and the poodle. They were left flattened like crepe suzettes with their eyes spinning like tops. As they moaned defeatedly, Fifi flew above the sky, blocking the sun over this part of Acme Acres. Eventually, Fifi stopped inflating herself, concluding it with a big gulp. “Ah…” She sighed, patting her continentally huge belly. “I meant to do zay,” She giggled before an airline jet flew over. She looked down, noticing the entire world was right beneath her. With her belly nearly transparent from such a great volume of air, Fifi admired her handiwork. She continued to fly across Acme Acres as she said to herself, “Looks like I’m ze beeger star zan Pepe Le Pew! Perhaps even bigger zan my own fan-dum!”

There, the wind continued to carry the swollen skunk toward the other side of the country…
Apparently, those people offscreen were still making fun of Fifi, especially her “messed-up figure’. At that point, all that teasing was getting old However, the lovely skunk in lavender knew what she needed to do. Since she’s already come this far in her inflation, she figured that she might as well improve her bloated abdomen. Perhaps zey oughta need more of zis… She thought to herself. She giggled deviously to herself.

With a moment to lose, Fifi started to take another deep and long breath. She prolonged her breathing to fill up her belly a bit more. In fact, a lot bigger than a Wagoneer. From each second of air that entered her body, a dark shadow swept across the park. It was only a matter of time before the growth ceased to continue. That’s when the massive shadow waddled towards the source of mocking laughter.

The laughing came from what appeared to be two dogs: one was a buff Rottweiler and the other was a female poodle with a big chest. They were trash-talking about Fifi. “And to think that polecat can scare us with that soft belly of hers?” The poodle retorted. “What a joker!” The Rottweiler snorted. “Her weak abdomen is nothing compared to my big muscles! With me right next to that French loser, I’m the biggest!” While those two continued with their fun, they soon realized that their surroundings were covered in darkness. They wondered if maybe there was an overcast at this time. But by the time they turned to where Fifi was, their jaws dropped. She was as big as a house with the sun shining behind her.

“You think you’re ze biggest?” Fifi huffed in a daring tone. “Au contraire, moi body speaks to dee-fair!”

I hope those two are in for a good BELLY laugh.
Fifi was taking a nice stroll through the park where it had a playground further down. She was humming merrily just before she heard a giggle in the distance. Now Fifi isn’t the kind of toon that would but into people’s business. However, she couldn’t help, but notice that someone offscreen just said, “Did you get a load of that puny polecat?”

Without taking another step, she turned to the side and placed her hand to her lavender ear. “Oh, yes,” the other voice giggled. “Whoever goes on a date with that shrimp must be a complete loser!” Just hearing those words made her face red. “Si vulgaire!” Fifi growled in French. She was very cross to hear such talk.

However, an idea came to her. While the others were busy laughing, Fifi scurried back to the playground, hoping they didn’t see her. Thankfully, she was out of their sight. There, she starts to inhale deeply. As soon as she did, she starts to blow up. Her white belly grew and grew while the skunk continues to inhale. Eventually, when her belly got to a size of a yoga ball, she leaned over to get on top. The skunk knew that she can be able to do this in one breath since she’s done it before.

She continues to breathe in more, feeling the pressure becoming immense. However, that didn’t bother Fifi one bit. She knew that she can be as big as a house as long as she stays focused on breathing. Eventually, her belly reached over the size of a Wagoneer. She gulped her final load and looked down. Her white gut was enormous! With her resting on it, she rubbed it, which made a series of loud squeaks. She then jumped up, which made her whole belly bounce up. The skunk laughed to herself…

“Call me petite, uh?” She hooted. “Call me a shrimp, uh? How’s ZIS for a petite shrimp?”

She can easily hear those characters offscreen, laughing still. Needless to say, Fifi didn’t mind their mocking laughter. She knew that once she bounces her way towards them, they’ll think twice of making fun of her size.
everybody hates you
Oh, yes. Everyone loves me.
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I have an idea. How about every time this guy makes a new thread we just ignore his topic and share actually good art lol
Darn, it’s out of order
That's it! This thread is off limits!

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