
Also I think you're missing some of the initial ones in the sequence
Is this like a pre-snuff fetish?
Cardlan on FA I think
could you give me an link ?
Bumping for more content. This thread needs more!
Does anyone have any of Fixala Nagini's recent stuff? I'd sub but he rarely posts things :P
Ultra late but I have a lot of if
Def a bump, its hard to find.
>>27 (OP)
source for the first two pics?
Silverfang725 on furaffinity
Bumping for potential content.
(3.6 MB, 2910x2476, 1529035747.silverfang725_lezly.png)
Might as well post the whole sequence of the fox girl eating herself into absolute sweaty immobility
Thanks mate
Hello, Do you have fixala nagini art? Can you share fixala nagini art/draws with me please? My email is jntzvqs@outlook.com
sorry for the bump
(475 KB, 960x2048, image0.jpg)
Biting more than you can chew.
could anyone make this one fat?
Source for the first pic?
I can, If you want you can send your discord
(195 KB, 1832x1207, gFmAR4DX.jpg large.jpg)
To this "Possum" dude that tried to add me on discord I'll just say this: "wtf man"

Who made the first one?
This one too
I say that I can't send it, sorry for taking so long, I waas busy, but now I can

Sorry, I can't spell lol, I was trying to say that I couldn't send you the friend request. maybe you changed your usarname or something?
Open your third eye and read the goddamn filename
Aye smartass, I don't see a filename on my end

So quit being a jerk and be helpful
(194 KB, 2048x612, 1650936932215.png)
Sorry man, my bad. The name is Ultrahand.
Use furarchiver to find more of his FA stuff. There's also a dump of the rest of his artwork on mega somewhere.

Take this as a token of my apology.
Holy shit I had no clue furarchiver existed. What are some other great artists who have art that can be found on there?
Is that Discord guy still around in this thread?
good taste in music
fucking moooore~

Find some good audio to work with and I may put more of these out

Biggest goal is to push buttons and bring out the most primal feelings for fat and obesity

Glad you like
I remember a picture a dangerously obese fur trapped in a hospital bed, while their nurse went on about how skinny they were, which I think someone in a previous version of this thread wrote a story about. Does anyone have eithet of these? In the story I remember the nurse being a bat while the patient was a rabbit, though I'm not sure if that was true for the picture too.
I have the story saved.



The rabbit girl woke up, suddenly, almost painfully, her eyes flying wide to a darkened room. Gasping. Her lungs were burning. Air. She needed air! H-her mask...where was her mask?! She lay there, her arms like lead, gasping and wheezing for air, sounding like a slowly deflating inner tube. She tried rocking desperately on her bed, more a panic reflex than anything else. She could barely even move but even that was enough to make the bedsprings groan and grimace. A loud beep resounded from behind her, the dark room now in a sickly green glow from the display. A digital voice rang out almost like a mockery of Microsoft Sam.

"Breathing...issues...detected...oxygen... supply... increased..."

As the words played out the nasal cannula that wormed its way inside her sprang to life, pumping more oxygen and air into her desperate lungs. She gasped heavily dragging the air inside her.


This always made her eyes water at the sensation, the feeling of wind rushing down her, her lungs being forced wide and oxygen forced into her, the medical tubing running its way down her throat. It was unnatural, a violation of biological needs...but necessary.


Slowly, her gasping breathing calmed into a wheeze, the burning sensation began to subside as more oxygen filtered its way through her. Another beep came from behind, another robotic voice chiming in.

"Breathing...returned...to normal...resuming...supply...until...further notice...staff...informed..."

She grumbled and frowned as she recovered from her apnea. Another fucking morning ruined by her gasping for air. The monitor behind her began to dim once again, leaving her alone in the dark once more. She shuffled in her bed and grimaced. Her fur was slick to the touch, no doubt the product of a night spent sweating. Though that was no surprise with so much surface area to keep cool...

The room had no mirrors, no way to get a full look at herself. But even if she did have a mirror, she doubted she's fit it... in a word, she was huge. In two words, morbidly obese. She couldn't see past her chest, but even that was enough to gain a metric of how gargantuan and bloated she was. Her cheeks bulged around her face, a slab of silly putty attached to a almost spherical face, pockmarked by her eyes and bunny nose. They were always in her peripheral vision, a constant reminder of her absurd stature. Her neck had at least two extra chins added to it, with a third gently growing as her body tried to funnel her weight into every available nook and cranny. Her arms billowed, her elbows invisible and impossible to bend, her fingers nothing more than little sausages, flexibility at an alltime low. A shirt covered what little modesty she had left, but even that barely helped. Her chest, once supple and taut, was now nothing but a saggy mess from the onslaught of adipose it had been forced to endure. It crushed down on her frame, denying her a normal breathing pattern, another reminder of her size...of her future...

Even though she couldn't see past her chest, she knew for a fact that her belly...no, her entire waist, was a bloated, heaving blob of rabbit fur and gurgling, groaning guts. It had forced her legs apart with its sheer size, demanding more and more space to grow, to spill into her bed, to dominate her every moment. She could even feel a few cold spots at the base of her gut, no doubt where they'd attached some form of measuring equipment to her. She tried wiggling her toes now and again, if anything to check they were still there, but it was hard to tell if they were even moving or if they'd become like her fingers. Pathetically useless.

'That was her theme, wasn't it?' she thought to herself 'useless...nothing but a big, fat, blob of bunny now...how long had it been since she walked...since she stood on her own feet...since she'd even seen her own feet...god, it must have been months...this...this needs to stop!'

She could feel herself getting more alert, more attentive as the cannula continued to feed her oxygen. The worst part about all this was...for all the wallowing and self pity building up inside her...she was hungry...

*GURURLGGLL* her stomach let loose an almighty growl. "Feed me!" it cried, "you know you're hungry!"

Really, really hungry...

She stopped and thought...was it even morning? It was impossible to tell what time of day it was at all. Her room has no windows to the outside world.

"What... what time is it?"


"What time is it?!"

This time she got a reply. A burst of static came from the monitor, a high pitched voice soon following it.

"Its time you were getting ready for your day my dear! So wakey wakey your nurse is coming in!" Another burst of static as the voice stopped.

No sooner than she said that did the doorway fly open, flooding her room with light from the hallway. The room's lights flickered to life automatically, matching the lights from the hallway. The rabbit girl squinted her eyes, watering as they went from stark darkness to bright fluorescent lighting in a snap. The sounds of a trolley echoed in as the wheels squeeked and turned.

"Goooood morning Avery! How's my favourite little bunny doing? Did you sleep well?"


"Oh now that's a shame! The computer told me you'd had another bad night. We'll have to adjust your breathing tube later."

The nurse pouted as she carried on wheeling the trolley in.

"Now my dear, you know what time it is, don't you? Its time to take your medication!...Oh I know, it tastes vile and horrible, so don't you worry your socks off, because I've got it allll covered for you!"

The trolley came into Avery's view, the door closing behind the nurse. Gods, the size of the trolley! It was enough to supply an entire ward of people with breakfast, lunch and probably dinner. A giant, silver dome adorned the top, shrouding its contents in mystery.

"Now, my dear little bunny...are you hungry? Because I brought breakfast! And its your favouriiiiite~"

The nurse lifted the lid off, realiving the contents of what to most would be their entire pantry. A spread of sandwiches, cakes, biscuits, cookies and creams, and, in the middle, a monstrous, three tiered cake, dripping with icing.

"All of your favourite snacks for my growing girl! I've mixed in your medication too so it won't taste so horrible anymore. Now...where do we start..."

Involuntarily, Avery's belly grumbled loudly, eager to be appeased to. The nurse giggled as the noise, giving the belly a gentle pat.

"Oh my! Someone's a hungry little girl, aren't we?"

"N...no...I'm not..."

"Hmm, what was that my dear?" The nurse smiled, a smile that showed no joy, only teeth.

The bunny girl shuffled in her bed, trying to climb it like a child would avoiding their cough syrup.

"N-no, I don't want any of it!"

"Oh no, that's a shame!" She picked up a sandwich from the trolley, holding it in her hands like a gift to the giant rabbit. "After the chefs went through all that effort? Are you sure you want to let them down...?"

The bunny shook her head, her cheeks sloshing violently, her head spinning from just a simple act.

"No I don't want anything...p-please..."

The nurse put down the sandwich. Even just the act of food being put away made her belly grumble loudly. Fuck...she was so hungry...so, so fucking...starvi-NO! She...she had to get out!

"L...*huff*...let me...go...".

"Hmm? What was that hon?" the nurse continued, piling up a menagerie of snacks onto a plate.

Avery wheezed, desperately fighting to form words before her body crushed them.

"Let...Let me go!"

"G-Go?!" Shocked, the nurse put her plate down on the trolley "My dear you're unwell! Unhealthy! Dangerously close to malnutrition! Why, its a miracle you were brought to us at all, you were so starved and skinny then!"

"Oh, I'm afraid things seem quite sinister, my dear...you're still looking abnormally slim...but nothing we can't fix with your new diet~"
The bat girl stood at her side as she spoke, leaning over her, both of her breasts pressing against the bunny girl. Even then, the bunny girl's single breast practically dwarfed the bat girl's tits. She stared into the bunny's eyes, hers exhausted and lidded from exertion, a dull glimmer behind them. The bat girl's words were almost hypnotic...a cool, calming trance behind them dripping like honey...

"And even if you left, my dear, where would you go? How could you leave when you're so...unable to pass through a door..."

Her words starting to take on a vicious, almost insulting tone as she spoke. Her breath became staggered and exciting, her face flushed red...Was...was her nurse getting turned on?!

"You don't seem to realize it, do you...you could have left at any time...the doors aren't locked, they never were. But you, you wanted to stay...you wanted to keep eating, more and more, to be pampered and spoilt like a bratty child...to be...to be stuffed like a hog..."

"N...no...I don't wanna..." The rabbit moaned. No, she was better than this! She...she didn't want to be this fat! This...this big...heavy...piggy...Another groan came from her belly. D...did she?

The nurse gave the rabbit's girl belly a shake, making the girl squeal and moan.

"You're nearly at 300 bmi, bunny blob! You're just over 1450 pounds! One thousand, four hundred and fivty pounds! You could have left at any time, stopped at any moment, but you didn't! Oh, gods, you set records for how quickly you grew! Of how much you shovelled down your gullet, we could barely keep up with you. We had to special order your bed because you outgrew it too quickly. And still, still you get growning...you kept growing until you couldn't even stand up... until you became what you always wanted to be...a pure, fat, fleshy fucking blobby rabbit! God, y-you can't even breathe properly anymore...or..."

The bat girl held up a slice of cake, its thick buttercream oozing from the sides, crumbs falling onto the rabbit girl's belly like dust.

"Or even resist just one...more...bite...can you?"

The words danced inside Avery's skull, ricocheting off her brain like a pinball. God, the nurse was right...She was so fat now she'd never be accepted anywhere...she'd never be able to support herself anywhere...or keep herself fed...she was such a...such a swine...she gasped as the food in front of her dripped more and more buttercream onto her...she was so...hungry...

"Now, you have a choice my dear...You can open wide, and let your dear old nurse keep you nice and fed...or you can leave...and go back to a world that will shun you...the choice is yours"

The rabbit girl moaned, her mind cloyed with thoughts, sensations...and hunger. Fuck she was so hungry...she...she needed...

"Please" Avery moaned, wheezing. "Feed me..."

The bat girl grinned wide, all teeth on show.

"Of course I will, my little girl...We're going to make you nice and strong..."
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Oh shit was it really good enough to keep saved? You flatter me anon, thank you, can't believe someone kept it.
This is exactly it, thanks a bunch to both of you!
I thought it was pretty good. Do you have any other similar stories you can share?
(398 KB, 1280x1280, delet.png)
idk if this really fits but there's no "fatass girl on mobility scooter" thread

What is the name of this submission called?
>>21018 Where'd you find this, don't think I've seen Boyo post that anywhere?
Link? Besides the pastebin?
This has awakened something in me I cannot explain. Oh God, if she talked more about eating and became more and more insatiable, if they added some more slob elements. I would bust.

This is some incredibly high-effort work, absolutely phenomenal. I really like the analog horror vibe.
Anybody have pics by sedit related to this thread subject?
>>27161 (Cross-thread)
Third file to be exact.
Where can I find your work? What artist name did you use to make the story? Who made the art? And what's the story title?
Oh hey, I know that guy! The hyena she's with
Cardlin, but he stopped doing fat art a while ago. Or at least as much, I dunno.
Who is it?
I really hope there is a second part to this image
(322 KB, 600x814, 253.png)

Man I'd kill for an archive for their stuff, such a shame when they'd post things and then tank them 5 weeks later with no warning.
you can check furarchiver

Shit, thanks anon, had no idea that even existed. Solves a lot of archiving issues for me.
Dang the attention to detail! Even the iv bag is in need for a oxygen tank!
Fyi any good place to save my own fat/inflation stories anon? Both human/anthro?

I'm thinking Wattpad or archive of there own?
I can’t say for certain but it looks like sgiindigo2 (666gummybear)
I don’t know if I’d say that, but I still lurk here and on /trash/. I don’t draw this stuff as much anymore but when I do I usually post them here or there.
There is something about this thread that just hits different. Kinda feels like a reality check, and what to expect if you want to blubber up yourself to mammoth sizes.
Bumping, so this thread does not die.
yeah not them but i also kinda am like uncomfortable when shit goes that far
someone eating themselves to an early death is fine in my mind apparently but it's kinda creepy when it involves some delusional-ass bs like that because it implies nobody else is around enjoying it as well or like, helping out? idk.
it just feels like an extra layer of mental illness.
It's kinda cute though. It's endearing.
You can try and say "no it's not" but you're feeling it too, you wouldn't be sad if you didn't feel sorry for her.
(161 KB, 1219x664, kjhkjh.png)
thanks again man
no, it's delusional in its entirety.
cute is being a total nerd and depression eating because you know he isn't real.
do you have a discord?
Thanks. But these have nothing to do with thread in question.
whats the artist name? saucenao gives nothing
it's opblaaskrokodil on fa
is the second image Phelgud? He's actually a decent author. He doesnt take commissions anymore though :sad face:
Oww I don't want to pay that
Love both of these! Anyone know of any other animations or videos?
I need sauce on the second one PLEASE.
Whats the name of the artist been trying to find them for awhile

I have a follow up! Read now!


And with that, the nurse began to feed the rabbit girl with gentle but forceful strokes, bringing the slices of cake to her quivering lips. Avery's mouth watered at the sight of the sweet confection, her senses overwhelmed by the tantalizing smell and taste. As each bite entered her mouth, a mixture of pleasure and shame washed over her. She couldn't deny the euphoria that coursed through her as she indulged in her insatiable hunger, but a part of her felt a deep sense of guilt and self-loathing.

As the nurse continued to feed her, the bat girl watched with a mixture of sadistic delight and arousal. It was clear to Avery that this nurse took pleasure in her gluttony, perhaps finding a perverse joy in her helpless state. The bunny girl's mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. On one hand, she longed to escape this cycle of overindulgence and regain control of her life. But on the other, the pleasure of being fed and cared for by someone else was intoxicating and addictive. It was a twisted form of comfort, a perverted form of love.

The more Avery ate, the more her stomach expanded, stretching to accommodate the massive amount of food being forced upon her. It became increasingly difficult to breathe, the weight of her bloated belly pressing down on her lungs. But still, she couldn't stop herself from swallowing each spoonful, each slice, each delicious morsel. The satisfaction of filling the void within her was momentarily overpowering any reservations or concerns.

As the feeding continued, the nurse's touch became more aggressive, no longer concerned with slowly and gently feeding Avery. The slices of cake were now shoved into her mouth, the pace quickening. The bat girl's sadistic pleasure became more apparent, her eyes filled with a hungry hunger of her own. Every bite was met with a mixture of pain and pleasure, of gasps for breath and moans of pleasure. Avery could feel her body being pushed to its limits, her stomach expanding beyond what she thought possible. Yet, she couldn't find it in herself to resist. The pleasure was too overwhelming, the feeling of being cared for too addictive.

Finally, the nurse stopped, having emptied the trolley of its contents. Avery's massive stomach protruded in front of her like a mountain, the weight of it weighing her down even further. She felt a strange sensation, a mixture of satisfaction and disgust. The pleasure of being fed had faded, leaving behind a pit of shame and self-disgust. Tears welled in her eyes as realization set in - she had willingly let herself become a prisoner to her own desires. She had allowed her hunger to consume her, both literally and metaphorically.

The bat nurse, seemingly satisfied with her work, wiped her hands on her apron and stepped back, admiring her handiwork. "There, my little bunny, you've had your fill. A girl like you deserves everything she desires, doesn't she?" she asked with a twisted smile.

But all Avery could manage was a choked sob. The reality of her situation weighed heavily on her, both physically and emotionally. She was trapped, helpless, and completely dependent on others for her own survival. The nursery rhyme reverberated in her mind once again, "Little Miss Muffet, sat on her tuffet..." But she was no longer Little Miss Muffet. She was a grotesque parody of herself, a prisoner in her own body.

As she laid there, her heavy breathing filling the room, Avery made a silent vow to herself. She may have fallen into this abyss, but she would find her way out. She would reclaim her life, her dignity, and her independence. No matter how long it took, no matter how difficult the journey, she had to believe that she could find the strength within herself to overcome the darkness that had consumed her.

And with that, a flicker of determination ignited in her eyes, piercing through the tears. She may have been at her lowest point, but she refused to let her story end here. She would fight, she would persevere, and she would find the light at the end of this seemingly endless tunnel.

What do you think?

Hope she knows that her boyfriend is a pedophile before she flatlines
Kill yourself Ryan
In the van or the hospital?
What is this 0.o
That's just more projecting

Extacly. I doubt.
(799 KB, 2048x1535, unknown.png)
I love this one so fucking much

Who's the artist?

This is boner jams '99 I love when a cruel onlooker changes places with a disgusting landwhale

Don't forget to read the story I wrote to go with it if you like the art! It's basically based on that "Bella" pic above. Me and Morbidlychubese are collabin' now

I'd post my immobile unhealthy skunk chick but the file size is too big lol
I did, twas aight!

Where can I find boner jams '99?

Link to your immobile unhealthy skunk chick?

Sadly I can't post it the file is too big. Just type Henrietta and skunk into FA and you will get it.

No more health issues art or anything from me by the way for a while. I'm kinda done after some shit went down today. I might come back but not as of this moment.

I tried. Say, what's your fa username?
Oh shit, it's you! Really loved "Your #1 Fan!"

Wow for real? I didn't think anyone did! It means so much to me you took the time to read and enjoy it. I wanna commission some art of her one day from the story
(3.4 MB, 2271x1622, 1702079931.ahjerchubbywolf_blobmaker_judy_bed_alt_comm_07_12_2023.png)
Why not both?

Wrong Henrietta Image, friend! There is new one made by ind_chub on my page! Go check'em out and the artist they did a REALLY good job

Nvm and disregard what I said. I am not gonna let anyone bully me into liking or disliking the content I wanna make/jack off to. Fuck anyone that says otherwise. They ain't better than me and got skeletons in their closet.
Link to the Henrietta in question?
Anybody into diabetic amputation?

How about fat cyborgs?
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Coco Bandiblubber.
Man, haven’t seen these in a while.
(383 KB, 2048x2048, GDBB-CkWsAAKhRj.jpg)
From @fat_catz_ on Twitter

I don't even usually like Fur stuff, more just a healthplay fan myself, but this....unf...

What the caretaker?
Who drew this?!
Looks like Torjen.
is card still drawing fat stuff?
Seems to be twiddling his thumbs in Povey mostly.

looks like Fawxen
(6.7 MB, 1920x1080, 19.webm)

I found some healthplay material from 1951.
The setting for all his characters. It seems that’s all his da is reserved for these days. I think he still posts here and on /trash/ though.
Jesus Christ I didn’t realize he had written so much. I can see why he wanted to shift focus.
did anyone save pastblast12's art?
This is a furry site, dumbass

Then edit it. My preference would this guy to be a squirrel. Please and thanks.

Who is Victoria and which media does she come from?
You made her? What is your username? And ate you on furaffinity or DeviantArt?
I like to come into this thread every so often out of curiosity and simply because I like to disturb and depress myself. That pic is par for the course with most of what else is here.
Not why it was taken down. From what I know the commer and the artist had a fight.
(2.7 MB, 1939x1900, IMG_1284.png)
Any problems from money being owed is always a nightmare but good drama. Do you know the details?
No, he paid a long time ago in full. That wasn't it. From what I hear it involved drama in the health issues discord server.

Commissioner is a fetish writer iirc and he made some free little drabbles for the server which people did enjoy. The staff that took over and turned it into Haradoshin's art server 2.0 did not.

They banned him for "making a fetish post about a minor", which he didn't, and they didn't delete any of his drabbles anyway.

Then some random guy brought up that he has an alternative private ccount for posting cartoon characters that weren't eighteen such as Sonic, Gravity Falls, etc.

The commissioner, the guy who got the art, ended up getting dogpiled by the staff because of it and banned, it also ended up with a drabble about a dominating mom feeder getting incest banned in the server for everyone because Hara isn't comfortable with it ig. They basically made up shit to remove him because they made the nu-staff members uncomfortable.

Cream of the crop in all of this is that Hara, and some of the staff and members of the server, who got angry after finding out that the CARTOON FETISHIST has taboo tastes in cartoons have drawn WAY more terrible shit before and even looked at it.

Commissioner got banned from the server and he took it down per her request. I happen to have a copy because I know the writer.

Think it's super fucked up what happened to him. Thinking a guy is "problematic" for doing the exact same shit you are guilty of or worse.
Bitch. Thats why your brother is dead.
can confirm, i was there when it happened and yeah they're retards, hara draws fatasses shitting themselves so hard their stomachs rip open with everything spilling out but god forbid a mom and daughter get a lil too close.
(5.6 MB, 3996x2479, blobelda.png)
some gildough by NotSoSmartFox
That sounds a little hot. Do you have it?
>>59303 oh you mean the stuff hara draws? it's on his alt on twitter @latenightlowfi
You mean the one that’s locked?
I've been a Haradoshin fan for years and i've never seen anything like that. I think you're slandering Hara because you're pissed off they kicked you or a friend out of their server.

If you're going to make a wild claim to slander someone you better back it up with evidence

pics or it didnt happen
Fuck videossssssssss fuck viiiiideosss
(338 KB, 594x714, image_2024-03-29_164038754.png) (516 KB, 594x647, image_2024-03-29_164345257.png)
if you're refering to the pics they're right here, as for the ban thing, going back to it it's a lot more mild than i remember it being, mostly just people going "oh yeah i blocked him on FA a long time ago for his weird ass stories" and a guy saying rip bozo

pics spoilered because shid and stuff
That’s the fucked up I was curious to see. Except I see shitting and stomachs opening but not both at the same time. What gives?

“Wakey-wakey, Pudding! Did you sleep good? Probably not what with your apnea and all! Lemme just pull open the curtain because it is so dark in here! It’s almost like a cave! Ah, that is much better! Is my baby hungry? I bet so. You haven’t stuffed your greedy cheeks full of yummy nummies since last night! Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. Look at you! Practically skin and bones.” She takes out a feeding funnel and pushes it down your pillowy and drooping cheeks where your soft lips squeeze against the rubber hose. “I really wish you would TRY and get some exercise or eat better…you aren’t immobile just yet and you still MIGHT have a chance to shed that excess lard around your belly and ass if you applied yourself.” She ran her finger down the lumpy patches of your soft and disfigured rolls covered in growth marks and dimples while biting her lip. “Maybe not. You always were such a lazy lardass. Of course I am partially to blame after all. I kept our shelves stocked with cookies, chips, and candy…and now you need my help just to shuffle your bulbous gut to the bathroom. It’s a shame, really. I always wanted you to be a doctor or a lawyer but now it seems you are dead set on becoming one of those freaks in the record books who get famous for eating themselves to death. No skin off my nose! I enjoy your company regardless of how pathetically hungry you are, Dear~! More cookie dough?” She finished pumping your tube full of cooking oil, watching you gulp it down as your sagging avalanche of flesh hung from the bariatric bed in your old room, while she took out a raw loaf of chocolate chip cookie dough in the tube to waft it under your tubby snout. “Oh! You just can’t have cookies without milk, can you? Lemme give you a little sip from the tap just how you like it!” She unbuttoned her top and let her bouncy bosom free from the tight fabric and clinging bra so she could push her erect nipple into your mouth and let you suckle on the creamy delights gushing from inside of her mammaries. “Mhhhmphh…Fuck! You suck’em so much better than your father does, sweetie! Keep drinking them dry! They got plenty of calories to help you grow big and soft!” You feel the white milk ooze down your plentiful stack of chin folds while breathing cold oxygen in and out of your nose through a tube. The bib around your neck was coated in slop and food debris while your doting feeder mom felt wet between her legs. “I spoiled my baby way too much…but I am fine taking care of all your needs…no child of mine will be pushed out of the nest until they feel ready to go! Ooooh! I forgot to mention…we’re having your favorite tonight! Chicken tendies! I’ll feed’em to you like you enjoy with a thick load of that yummy brown gravy your mommy makes special!” You feel your heart thudding in your chest as you whimper and squeeze your swollen breast in your cupped hands. “Muh-...muhmuh…” She stared at your spiking vital signs on the electronic screen with a bored look. “Another heart attack? That’s it! I am done playing nurse for you. You are just going to have to ride it out until tomorrow.” She shoved the tube deep within your mouth and kissed you on the cheek while leaving a wet mark with her ruby red lipstick. “If you survive chugging your butter-flavored gainer shake? I’ll fix you some bacon and eggs tomorrow with those smiley face pancakes you adore so much! If your heart pops? I can always just feed your siblings. They all put on the freshman fifteen in college…and it would be so easy to encourage one of them to become the family’s new pet pig. Sweet dreams, snookums.”

This is the story that got the writer banned and incest banned by the staff. Literally not even that bad by even the worst standards of the people in there.

He uploaded it into another story for people to enjoy. Told me in a DM that only thing that he removed that may have been a little iffy was one about Heather from Silent Hill 3 being force fed by the nurses into bariatric care.

Removed it because he wasn't sure on age right after posting. It was an old greentext request he put on the server because a random user asked for it so he copy-pasted a bunch into there.
yeah that's her, not sure about posting the actual pic since this thread is about health issues and not shits
U know the mentality. See dead bodies dont care about nobody.
I was hoping for something good for /fgds/. Plus Cati is literally my favorite Haradoshin oc. Can’t you make a new thread or post her on /bbwalt/ please?
it takes two seconds on furarchiver to find the deleted shit back when they were more open about it you dumb motherfucker
They are also open about liking feral stuff. Which IDC everyone can enjoy whatever they want but the fact they try to ruin other artists and content creators lives with their clout-chasing bitching is gay as hell
Do you happen to have that SH3 story?

Writer gave it to me. He used desuarchive to find it but said it ain't as good as his newer g-texts

>Heather Mason was trapped in Silent Hill. She had ate herself into a food coma at the Central Square Shopping Center at Happy Burger. She was a chubby girl who always liked stuffing her face. She didnt realize it could be the thing that leads to her downfall.
>She awoke, half-tired, in the shopping mall's medical station. "Uh, Hello?" She got up, rubbing her head, she hadn't felt this sick and bloated since the time she pigged out at Jill's Sandwiches.
>"bE rIgHt wItH yOu.." A high-pitched, womanly, scary voice said as she gulped.. "Uh, I really need to go now.." She heard her stomach ~Gurgglechrrrn~ and realized she was, even after glutting herself, was still hungry.
>It was then the Nurse Revealed herself. She wore a skimpy and slutty halloween-tier costume and had a blooded and bandaged face. She grinned softly. "You can't leave yet." Her voice turned semi-normal...until she realized it wasn't THAT nurse's voice. Heather saw a second one come out of a doorway, holding a sack of greasy Happy Burger food. "Piggy hasn't finished her meal."
>Heather backed away, looking frightened, enough to scream. They grabbed her and pushed her against the metal examination table as a light shined on top of her.
>They proceeded to stuff greasy, nasty, red-blood dripping cheeseburgers into her face, made her gobble down her fries as her cheeks bulged, and injected her with syringes. "Trust us, we're medical professionals~" A nurse coo'd at the flabby teen. "You should have stopped eating when you had the chance."
>Heather struggled and screamed, feeling her body fatten more and more, as her gut became painfully full. She felt her gut button ~POP~ out and stretch marks begin to appear on her belly as she let out soft ~FRRTPHBLPRTS~ from her quivering and cellulite-riddened cheeks as her flabby face began to grow a third chin...
>"Nermph mermph feeerd.." The nurse chuckled. "Speak up, Piggy. It's rude to talk with food in your mouth."
This is false, She was never open about liking feral. She just wasn't against it. Just because you're not against something doesn't mean you like that something. It just means you don't mind it.
Gravewalker right? the writer is gravewalker, his literature is weird. I get there's audience for every thing but the out of nowhere incest and gore in his stories always takes me out of them.
I think you're misinformed. They're the least likely to clout chase.

It's not furry.
I'm pretty sure she said she was okay with it in a twitter post but it's hard to dig through all her stuff to find it.

Writer is GravitySecretAgent but you were close enough. Same kinda shit. He's one of those no limits fuckers that does all the nasty content. Never heard of Gravewalker so I'll have to check them out


ik but it's still content. It's not a pic or nothing so it doesn't detract from the thread

Sauce of first image?
Says "Ian Ghane" on DA in the filename dooder
I was in the same server when that happened and you’re correct. It sucks now. No one talks to each other out of fear of getting banned. Everyone has to walk on eggshells. Remember when they banned the word degenerate because it used to be offensive. I call myself a degenerate all the time. I identify as a degenerate with all the assimilation fetish I’m into. Literally words which are pretty mundane will get you banned or struck down instantly and now no one fucking talks. The server 100% sucks now. They took a popular server and destroyed it
You know what the sad part is? It used to be my favorite server ever. Even more popular than my own. I used to share my writing and commissions in the server, I knew everyone there like they were my neighbor, and everytime I checked the server it brought a smile onto my face and unimaginable glee.

Then Hara, Sleepy, and the rest of the gaggling twitfur high school clique fuckers turned it into a fucking shitzone. They basically killed my favorite server, abused their staff powers, and attack anyone that don't agree with their retarded dogma.

I knew the server was gonna die when I saw them doing shit like adding pronoun roles and new rules against random words that used to be offensive a hundred years ago. WORDS CHANGE. It's why gay doesn't mean happy anymore. They are just pissy someone called them a degenerate, and aren't a man enough to self-proclaim themselves as one, so they want to ban everyone from saying it because it hurts their wittle feelings. ;u;

I've fucking had enough of this shit. I'm going to retaliate. I'm going to make my OWN health issues and death feederism server with blackjack and hookers and EVERYONE here who wants to go back to having fun again may join up. I'll start off adding friends and then make it public.

All of the other health issues servers are basically dead so it's time we stopped attacking eachother over bullshit and getting bullied/strongarmed by big name artists and STARTED being a community again.
Exotic genetix dis cord support child porn, ex cons and pedophiles
What the fuck? Why are you saying that shit or advertising it?

As with the site.
See u on didcord
I understand you’re feeling heated but there’s no need for that or further division. That sounds like a lot of effort and plus people don’t like inconvenience. That’s why we’re all still using X(formerly know as twitter) instead of bluesky or threads. It’s why we all use furaffinity instead of any of the other furry gallery sites. Once people have settled into a comfortable location they usually stay and weather the mild discomforts.

That server isn’t too bad yet. You’ll get a few friends but no one from the server will join and then your new server will lose traction and die within 4 months.

I’m sorry you lost your fun space but just like with words
places also change over time as well. New people new demographic new culture norms.
Constantly changing. Unless there’s something that actively threatens their safety or the cost of living is untenable then everyone stays

They’ve already acclimatized to the new rules and behaviors in the server and act them out.
Just chill and maybe you can still find as much joy in your own server.
Firstly, don't call twitter "X." Just fucking don't. Don't give Elon Musk any validation. He's a fucking hack. It's not a letter. It's a twitter. Why the fuck are we giving a guy who named his baby after an algebra equation the time of day?

Secondly, it's not division. It's an alternative. I want to return the server back to the roots instead of making it into a normie artist server that just so happens to include health issues in it. Back when I was still on there it was rarely even posted after the staff change, they put death feederism content behind a role lock in a HEALTH ISSUES SERVER, and not to mention the random word bans. They didn't add a writing channel, they didn't remove the old underraged content that got posted since they are just OH SO against it since it's the current hot topic in the artist community, and even go as far as to randomly talk about politicians dying in the general and posting reddit tier "head empty" memes.

I only use twitter to find reaction images, porn (because all artists use it), and funny greentexts. I don't use it as a serious social media. I use it as a way to kill an hour and lower my hope for humanity. I agree 110% with what you said about the inconvenience especially with how shit Furaffinity is ran by the staff now. Even if we DID get a new place to post some dipstick would end up fucking it all up to shit and back.

I also agree with what you said about things constantly happening and changing. I, personally, hate this new culture with every single fiber of my being. I'm tired of everything being changed to suit people that don't even really like the content or the community.

I dunno, man. Maybe I'm just a bitter old fag who is mad I got booted by a hypocritical staff in the one place I felt like I actually fit in. Now I just feel like I don't fit in or belong anywhere. They took something precious to me and ruined it all to make themselves more comfortable. They treat their fans and commissioners like dogshit. It just makes me sick to my stomach how shit has only changed for the worse.

and as the previous anon said they really haven't. They stopped posting content, talking, and the server is dead. People are only there because occassionally an artist puts a WIP or sketch. You can get that anywhere. I know for a FACT that most artists and content creators hate this stupid ass eggshell shit and want to be free to create, talk, and make the content THEY want to make.

Everyone I have talked to, more than a few dozen, have nothing but bad shit to say anymore. Hell, most people left the server. Why can't I offer them a new home? A new place to belong?
Now you have stay when you arrive. No one is leaving. Gridlock.
All I can think about is hitting her with backshots all that ass
Will do. I already made the server but I haven't fine tuned it
You got that fucking right
You flatter me :3 I hope you enjoy my writings too
I finished the discord server and it's in a trial run now. I wanna kinda keep it close knit so if you want in simply message me, gravitysecretagent, on discord or note me on my socials and I'll shoot you an invite

It's not a public server so I wanna keep it kinda in the spirit of how the old one used to be

You mean popculturepizza?

And link to it?
Yeah that's it
Not linking it publically. We'll get spammers and people we don't want. This is a [NO DICKS ALLOWED] cardboard sign kinda club.
I wish you the best in your endeavors.
Hopefully you can find a new place to belong,

I would keep the Invites to friends on DMs. then in a year if you want to grow organically put a link on twitter. But make sure you let new members know exactly what they are getting into. Content warning and disclaimer about your particular extreme fetishes. Just so new members are not caught unawares.

Like the new members were in the former server.

Just a bit of advice. let new users know right away that your writing may include incest and other controversial items.
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For real, when I see something I don't like I just turn a fucking blind eye. I really don't give a single fuck about other people fetishes since im cursed having this one.
>Firstly, don't call twitter "X." Just fucking don't. Don't give Elon Musk any validation. He's a fucking hack. It's not a letter. It's a twitter. Why the fuck are we giving a guy who named his baby after an algebra equation the time of day?
Its called "X" because twitter is dead.
Calling it twitter allows to continue to coast on by with a slightly less tarnished reputation and allows dumb faggots to feel like they are "doing something".
Its the smol beanification of tolerating a totalitarian dictatorship. Elon doesn't care because like all rich people he can just drown out the meanies with people who are falling over themselves to slob his knob for free.
Luck bryan fell on stage. Look flying dildo.

would be possible to add myself to the discord link?
discord name
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It genuinely is lol

I'mma advertise on my page but that's about it. Here and my fetish accounts for anyone who is interested. I wanna keep it full of cool boys and cool girls. I'm going to inform them they can post whatever they want as LONG as it's not anything involving loli, shota, or cub content. I wanna follow the woolz and make it comfy for the furry crowd.

I'M NOT STU! But you are fucking based my guy. Same here. I fucking HATE diaper shit but I'd take a shotgun blast to the face if it meant someone can enjoy their harmless fictional kinks or characters on their own time.

In that case maybe I should call it X. It's kinda fitting. Everything good about twitter is dead and has been replaced with a singular letter for zoomers going zoomies!!!!!!
Still wonder if you could have just messaged the discord owner? You should have more empathy for the discord server owner. I understand they wanted to get some flow into the server, stop it from going stale.
So they made a very popular artist(who draws unhealthy fatfurs) manager.
But that artist brought a bunch of extra regulations with them. It’s like there’s store owners and store managers. If the discord owner retracted any of the discord manager decisions then it would reflect badly on the owner and the server. Plus if you make someone a manager it means you have to put your full trust in their decisions even if they clash against your judgment.
The owner(a former friend of yours) sacrificed a lot to clean up that servers image.
The whole point of the extreme regulations is to make that server less stigmatized, more accessible to normies, crack down on online abuse, more people means more connections better business.

That’s the world we live in now. You have to be safe and drama free and accessible.

So you have to look at the decisions from their view. With so many sites now cracking down on censorship. Even though objectively I agree the server is less fun. In the long run it was a safe server decision.
They blocked me and even if they didn't I'd have to talk to them on their FA and would just end up getting blocked there so I couldn't look at their art anymore.

She had her OWN fucking server for her OWN art and her OWN rules. The server was active and already full of people who knew eachother.

Me and Haradoshin were never "friends." I gave them money for a commission, they tried to gyp me with extra fees that they didn't originally deliver on until I commented on it and then they fucked me over in a humiliation ritual. I followed their rules but they still didn't like me because I'm not like them. It was a targeted attack and they were just looking for a reason to remove me.

The server's image was perfectly fucking fine but it didn't make HER comfortable so she strongarmed her way into staff under the guise of being a popufur artist and did everything she could to turn it into her fucking echochamber regardless of what the users that were there WAY before her wanted.

Fuck the normies. It's a goddamn health issues server. They already HAVE their places to post content. Why don't they go there and leave OUR zones the fuck alone. People like her and her clique will say and do ANYTHING to make themselves more comfortable while screwing over everyone who doesn't agree with them. If you don't like it? Don't fucking look at it. Simple as. Not everything has to be made for you. They could have done fine as a server member but people talked or posted shit she didn't like because she's an adult baby who bullies autists and artists for the funny of it.

Fuck being safe, drama free, and accessible. That's the goddamn problem. Too many elderly QAnon boomers, twelve year old children who think they have a voice in our kinkspace, and artists high on their own farts thinking they are a police officer or a goddamn high council. If it was up to me I'd return the internet to being a toxic autist space JUST for us so we wouldn't have to bend the knee to what some fucking clueless faggot who hasn't even been on the internet as long as the Xbox 360 has been out as to say about what kinks you jack off to or the people YOU hang out with.

Fuck censorship too. Anyone who advocates for it should be censored themselves with a fucking bullet. That's my biggest issue. You think you're safe. You think they are on your side. If they found ANYTHING questionable about you they would remove you, shame you, and ruin your life because they think they are gods. They are not your friends. They only care about themselves and I wish people would stop drinking the cult kool-aid long enough to taste their dicks in your mouth. They don't care about your freedom, creations, or identity. They only care about changing everything to suit their own needs because they are too weak to handle anything that challenges them or people that don't agree with their identity politics. I straight up would rather be friends with a homophobe that could crack a gay joke honestly but still respects me for who I am than some fucking virtue signaler who pretends to give a shit about the LGBT when it's conveinent for them to validate their own fucking life choices.

If you don't believe me, then by all means, post something in the server. Anything. Post Susie from Deltarune as an immobile blob. Post a 4chan meme. Do anything that isn't what the average twitfur would tolerate. See what happens. See how she reacts. That fake mask she wears would unravel and you would see the monster underneath. That's what the internet is now. Fake masks people wear to pretend they aren't evil, disgusting, and vile.
This generation is so ban & block happy tf lol
ngl I think all this drama is gay and retarded
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“Me and Haradoshin were never "friends." “

I was talking about Gaz…..
Gaz is the owner and they made the artist their manager.
Much of what I wrote went over your head.
Which is understandable,

it means I need to work on being a better communicator.
I don’t think Hara is a monster. I think they’re in a community and environment where they have to act a certain way or be cancelled themselves.
If they don’t they’ll lose their followers, their customers and clients. They’re very lively hood You know how what internet “receipts are” like.

You should give people the benefit of the doubt.
Stop demonizing people and start humanizing them.

Anyways I’ll shut it as this topic is cringe but take a breath, like at yourself from the outside and emphasize with people. Taking mushrooms helps. try taking mushrooms.

Here’s to get us back on track. Nolovehugepleb stuff
(9.7 MB, 4200x2922, 1637346560.nolovehugepleb_gravitysecretagent_comm_smaller_res.jpg)
Gaz is wonderful. Got nothing bad to say about Gaz in the slightest.

I guess you're right. I don't know man. I'm kinda going through some stuff and it's making me more abrasive than usual. I guess I'm just being demonized so I can't really look at this through any other viewpoint because I'm biased

Some more NLHP stuff (warning: scat)
probably because the one guy who cares about it is known gay retard gravitysecretagent

Who is Gaz and where can I find him?
Oh god it's my old story. I can't believe you like it.
Everyone loves a great fall from grace as they do a redemption story. Seeing it reminded me of the Game Dude for some reason
Why was the car broken into at this hour. Hard to sleep huh. Got u.
Should I send someone again?
I tried to bump this with a picture but it wouldn't let me

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