
He's just an older version of bowser so it counts
Keep it coming fellas
God I want to see more blob stuff & Inside Story stuff
M o r e
We need more! Also sauce on the last one?
Do you have the full thing?
Does anyone have art of the Inside Story WG Scene?
More, please and thank you
Who drew the kart race one, it's really fun and I adore the art style
Anyone got anymore of the Inside Story scene?
Honestly, I thought there would be a lot more art of the Inside Story scene since it's basically canon
More please 0_0
(6.2 MB, 480x360, videoplayback.mp4)
I really want someone to make a comic where it extends the scene but he get big enough to burst out of the with just his fat
I'm guessing you meant to say bursting out of the castle but yeah I also want to see someone make something like that
More please and thank you
Post more my friend
Does anyone know an artist who would draw a Bowser Weight Gain comic?
More please and thank you
Bowser anon has returned!
Oops, forgot the message. I was just going to say that the first pic in this post is one of my favorites of all time. Love how heavy looking his body is~
A few to keep the thread around
I would've thought that the movie would bring a lot of bowser art
Yeah but the artists doing them are pretty obscure
Bumping for more

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