
(130 KB, 905x1280, 1612128772.fluffytales_phoebe_by_scyn.jpg) (231 KB, 1295x900, 1604601414.rovdyr_stemrodt.png) (177 KB, 1280x1250, 9651138.jpg) (99 KB, 1280x818, 1482298364.arakasa_plumpmarina.jpg) (165 KB, 1280x1191, 9651137.jpg) (206 KB, 1520x1904, D78I8GmWsAEuNVx.jpeg)
I'm down bad for some fatty pics of everyone's favorite singing mermaid seal, so if anyone's got some, please post them right here

Pics of the loli mermaid (brionne) and precious seal pup (popplio) are perfectly acceptable too

You are a man of culture, thank you ^_^
(69 KB, 1500x1094, 20221117_172119.jpg)
I LOVE how much blubber she has in this. The world needs more Primarina blobs!

Good lord, I need sauce from these pics that you two are bringing, cuz this is just too damn good not to know the artists of these pics UwU

And yeah, the world REALLY needs more of the fat and beautiful seal mermaid wife <3<3<3

Hehe, looks good man X3

Hehe, she looks beautiful in that size, but she would look drop-dead gorgeous if she became even bigger still >:3
(1.9 MB, 1581x1185, Pr1.png) (1.9 MB, 1581x1185, Pr2.png) (1.8 MB, 1581x1185, Pr3.png) (1.8 MB, 1581x1185, Pr4.png)

Random idea: You're the proud trainer of a primarina, you adored her, you loved her ever since she was a recently born popplio. One day while spending some time with her at the park, your primarina decides to eat an odd and mysterious looking berry, thinking nothing much of it. As the days went by, however, your primarina would slowly become more and more gluttonous, starting with human-sized, hearty meals, until she eventually settles in eating live prey, from normal animals, to pokemon, to most shockingly, humans. Soon your once slim and beautiful primarina would balloon almost comically to mountain sized with fat and blubber, becoming a godlike, gluttonous blob of her former self, thinking of nothing but food and eating even more food. However, even when she's become such a gluttonous predator, eating everyone and everything indiscriminately, you, her loving trainer, is spared, almost as if even when her hunger and gluttony overrides any and all forms of her common sense, her love for you is Still at it's strongest, possibly even stronger than her own hunger. After eating half the population of your home city, your primarina looks at you, saddened, with her all so beautiful eyes, the ones you've grown to love looking at, as for the very first time, instead of speaking to you in her usual pokemon cry, she speaks to you, in perfect human English, as she begs to you

>master... I'm hungry... please, feed me...

What do you do?
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Here's a bump, to help keep this thread alive
You need to be a writer

Lol, I kinda already am, I've even posted a few stories over on my FA, which you can easily find here:


In fact, that sequence involving lysergide's prilly, was commissioned by me from xanderdwulfe, with me making the story to co-side with the sequel X3
(235 KB, 1280x1280, 1668877002.otakukirlia_primarina_z_move_1.jpg) (178 KB, 1280x1280, 1668877134.otakukirlia_primarina_z_move_2.jpg) (146 KB, 1280x1280, 1668877284.otakukirlia_primarina_z_move_3.jpg) (270 KB, 1280x1280, 1668877368.otakukirlia_primarina_z_move_4.jpg) (176 KB, 1280x1280, 1668877492.otakukirlia_primarina_z_move_5.jpg) (194 KB, 1280x1280, 1668877607.otakukirlia_primarina_z_move_6.jpg)
Seeing that this thread has been pretty damn quiet for a month, I decided to wake everyone up by uploading a few pics, you can thank me later

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