
sorry. I was answering the question. But anyway I've heard there's like a bunch of his artwork, but I can't access deviantart on incognito, my favorite images are all mature access and I can't log in at all. We gotta find all of them including DA, Furaffinity, and more.
(570 KB, 1200x1600, 1669071415.satsumalord_the_incredible_ms_camille_sized.jpg) (805 KB, 1150x1600, 1666925774.satsumalord_sheila_does_jazzercise_sized.png) (391 KB, 1300x1500, 1662836990.satsumalord_erikas_new_uniform_sized.png) (707 KB, 2050x1350, 1662933509.satsumalord_froyo_with_a_fertile_fox_sized.png) (1.2 MB, 2800x1400, 1667963110.satsumalord_metal_slug_kimberlyn_sized.png) (2.1 MB, 6000x1850, 1667962195.satsumalord_corrina_bulks_up_the_bulkening_sized.png)
Bro. This is a furry thread. The fifth pic has humans in it. Please post it somewhere else.
With how big he is drawing newer characters I kind of wish some of his older characters got a boost.

Like Camille's ass starting to rapidly grow from more stress eating. Getting so big she finally outgrows her assistant. Although I might be asking for her to get too big.
(4.9 MB, 6000x4875, 1667960702.satsumalord_eddy_atop_his_gargantuan_gal_sized.png) (714 KB, 3100x1400, 1647296581.satsumalord_lucys_fat_fudge_aftermath_sized.jpg)
Honestly, I wish he would draw more ladies like this, they really just strike my fancy with how big they are, and how natural everything is with them. Also it's just so hot that they're so big and can still make it through their day.
Pics for reference on what i'm talking about.
(516 KB, 2400x1400, 1647294769.satsumalord_business_skunk_grace_sized.png)
I do like the more extreme sizes he does. Especially the asses. I feel like not a lot of artists focus on ginormous booty when it comes to hyper. I am greedy though so I hope he keeps pushing his limit. I would love to see asses much bigger than this.
Honestly same, I really do love how he draws his assets, and wish he could just keep on drawing bigger and bigger, and never stop. I'm always a sucker for things that break the mold and just make me think about how big that they are. Really draws me into it lol

I can completely understand that. Bigger and bigger no matter what! Break the mold, break the furniture, break pretty much anything around it. So if it were up to you just how big some of his bottom heavy characters be? Like Chelsea, Camille, Tilly, etc.
(1.3 MB, 3696x1500, 1615084378.satsumalord_dora_discovers_burger_bash_sized.png)
Really, I'd want an ass on a character bigger than a whole planet at first, and I know that sounds absurd, but I just really love weird cartoonish figures, that start keep on pushing on how cartoonish that they can go as it just keeps on getting bigger and bigger and bigger. I have like, NO limits tbh, and the bigger things are, and how well presented it is, the better it is for me.
And like, if there's like a glutenous personality attatched to it like in pic for reference, I'm practically in love. (And I know it's human, but honestly, I don't know any other creator who has anything like this. It's not like, overly gluttenous, but also still there. I don't know, I just love it)

I know most other people have limits, but yeah. I just want a character that feels "realistic" but not like, overly so, and just has hyper assets that could crush an entire galaxy. It's my cocaine, and I really can't get enough of it.

Gluttonous? So like if Camille was stressed about her ass size, so like how she originally got her shape she binge eats fast food. That makes her ass grow faster which makes her stress eat more and more as her ass and appetite spiral out of control?
Well, I would like her to at least accept things going on with herself. So I'd honestly like her to slowly transition to stress eating, to just accepting it as a part of herself, and just leaning more and more into it. becoming more dominant and happy that she has such a massive ass in the first place. Stuff like that, you know?

I really don't like characters who worry about their body size, too much. I'd honestly rather have someone who accepted their gaining parts, and such.

But I'm also kind of a sucker for characters who break down due to what's going on around them, even fetishy ones, and it just makes me wanna like, care for them, and just help them through it. And if by the end of it they wanna go and gain even more weight by the end of it, who am I to complain about it~
Do we anything about him in real life? It's funny to imagine the little nebbish man behind the screen that makes this type of fetish stuff.
Idk but I've been reading this thread like OP is Lord Farquaad from Shrek

Alright I'll bite. Why Lord Farquaad?

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