
>>26136 (OP)
I don't know if there is anything going on with him that's making him take a break from fetish art, so if anyone can shed some light on this, that would be great.
(138 KB, 400x406, unknown.png)
Bro i got you man
Let Chocend rest while we post his art here , he will do them again one day :3
(3.5 MB, 2051x2477, 2164. HYCH Rosa.png) (389 KB, 1018x785, unknown.png)
Hey its me that guy again , but just to let you know , you can call me Sandra
hey hey , Sandra again here , just wanna let you know that ill post Chocend art here everday alright ?
Go ahead if that's what you want to do, and you don't have to announce who you are each time.
Tbh if anyone try to post Chocend long comic , what will be a disaster XD
Anyone have End's weight gain stories on them for download the 8muses thing lost them
Kemono has a few go check it out
Yes however there's none available for download like on the old forum
oh yeah , there are some links which leads to pay , and some other comic also havent add in kemono yet
Well hopefully with this thread going again we can retrieve them
Do you by any chance have any downloadables?
wdym ??
but i think no , im very sorry
>>27100 I meant like his downloadable weight gain stories someplace with free download
Im very sorry but you will only get pictures in the story , not a full story of it
It's ok I was mainly asking if anyone still had them but thanks anyways
So he has still been doing some fetish work. Maybe you could update his Kemono Party Page? Hasn't been any fetish work on his DeviantArt or Twitter since September, and he hasn't addressed it.
im very sorry but his new fetish art is now only seen in his discord , which im in that server
if he made new one , i'll post it here after a week
Interesting. Wonder why he's been keeping his fetish stuff to only Discord?
He finally acknowledged his lack of fetish art over the last few months, but didn't go into any specifics. Didn't go into when or if he'll work on fetish art again either.
Let him rest , he had drawn fetish for years man
Guess my timing for creating this thread was poor. I appreciate what you've done for this thread, but it's probably better to let it die at this point. You've been the only real contributor for over a month now.
Feel sad to hear this but it's ok , I'll still post even if it dead , rip
Would someone be willing to distrubute End's illustrated stories?
I created this thread with fetish art in mind, not literature. Unless it comes with fetish art done by Chocend and was made specifically for the story, there's no point in posting. I'd rather have this thread die.
Well there’s the art that came with them they all have art in them
Are they fetish art though? If not, then they're not worth posting.
yes they are all either inflation or weight gain
Hey um, is there any chance to found/share the illustrated stories. I thought I’ll found on the archive link, but no luck.
I'm very sorry to saw no , we only have pictures, no stories
>>30360 yea sorry just trying to reach out to anyone who has them or is willing to buy them for this thread
Yeah it is, hasn't been anything there since September.
Say Sandra, how did you get into that Server Chocend has created?
Don't forget the inflation sequence from Insight III!
How are we going? Still no luck from someone who has purchased the illustrated stories.
here's what I have
How about posting them here directly instead of making us decode?
Yeah, it's very hard for me these days. Thanks for your contribution.
by the way which story is it?
Anyone with the newest illustrated story?
Remember Blueberry Beach, Kings Maid, and Weighted Game are all free on deviantart in order for no wasted buyings
How are we doing on the story retrieval guys?
Wait, this is your character?!
>>31525 Which story is it? and could you maybe supply a more sufficent link for downloading
Hello. Guys anyone there?
Anyone out there anymore we could really use some of the stories to get this thread back alive
can't let thread die

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