
(85 KB, 1200x827, E_LresHXsAYkcqV.jpg) (88 KB, 1200x827, E_VzRzgXoAkQ5PK.jpg) (73 KB, 1200x827, E_a5I4hX0AgL5eb.jpg) (87 KB, 1200x827, E_a5I5CXoAEelfs.jpg)
anyone have some of their stuff archived? randomly remembered their LPS stuff and ended up on a wild goose chase
turns out they deleted their old twitter @lemonade_lemur and now draw human stuff on a new account @peachbellies, all I could find was one working snapshot on archive.org
(129 KB, 1280x645, 1638852310.lemonadelemur_f5ad7953-b6c8-4dd1-8d5a-18588b7cb12b[1].jpg) (157 KB, 1280x960, 1637628862.lemonadelemur_2feb5382-eae9-424a-b298-b555fda43f15.jpg) (146 KB, 1280x960, 1638312166.lemonadelemur_8bb7ab02-34e1-4912-8474-d284fb78d6a7.jpg) (207 KB, 1280x959, 1650061392.lemonadelemur_0dbe9b6c-0736-46ff-b6ef-323928e79d22_jpeg.jpg)
>>25400 (OP)
furarchiver apparently got an upgrade. Give it a shot.

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