
>>25395 (OP)
And this pic is that lastest from Kemono.party so far.
If somebody posts something of his that includes that disgusting fucking eyeball fat thing, or like- any other form of skin tearing or whatever, can you please put a warning?

I have no idea how the hell he draws that stuff. I don't even usually mind gore but somehow that shit makes me sick to my stomach.

(Especially the eyeball fat garbage, Jesus Christ)
Fixala really needs a anatomy lesson if they think that fat is stored in the eyeballs
(47 KB, 800x565, a5558e7c52f7aeb759e37ed07b5ba2f43c51ef96a10cb4a7c2a7bf57b439822a.png) (40 KB, 800x707, dc8bd523450e519c0c8c43671f442b8a7cadcd982863cb6d52299bc088f79b06.png) (40 KB, 588x800, 1c5d694c42028815ce1e3870712f3309ef2840963ed49bfb9c3c60b7a65232ca.jpg) (29 KB, 643x800, 71cb441bf8be3f07ad489df663ccfc1779b5d2dc264d9f4a7f19728d3c3b6b02.jpg) (53 KB, 800x565, db6f73d6ed7156cff049145044503fc286ea8a9aa372f40863f89e19b779d2ec.png) (39 KB, 617x800, f1e3112470c4ca463cd9bc96cd969317e682592c596800a61d1b7a85b4dc123a.jpg)
Half the time fix draws shit that looks great like >>25395 (OP) and >>25548 and the other half is just the most disgusting, overly cellulite ridden, hurts to look at art I’ve ever seen. Truly a double edged sword looking at his gallery but the good usually outweighs the bad imo
The only things that Really bother me are the eyes/bursting where it's just straight up gore- it's deeply revolting.

Like, >>25671 I don't mind as long as her skin isn't being torn open at any point. Also at least he has the courtesy to show her face so that we know she doesn't have the eye thing.

...I seriously *hate* the eye thing, oh my god. I've never seen anyone else do it- it makes me so sick.
It's some eurofur edgelord shit

Haseth may not do the weird eye thing or the acne or gore but the vibe is identical, I dunno what it is but these dumbshits think being cringe as fuck is cool
Honestly, I think after the few times he did it, he got such an earful that he's drifted away from that sort of thing. At least showing it visually.
Here's the sequel.
You're supposed to hide instances of the eye thing, dumbass.
And potentially new content that has no free access. Got it.
>>25395 (OP)
This guys art is like one of those Uncanny Valley charts but for fatness level. The art is very good up until the lady reaches a certain level of fatness, then all hell breaks loose.

The lady suddenly goes from a ssbbw to a acne ridden lardbeast whose face becomes horribly deformed and shit like her eyeballs being filled with so much fat that it starts leaking outta her macular holes other parts of the body.
Try making a horse next time. It would make more sense.

And give her like a massive horsedick
You mean a male MLP character?!
What kind of autism caused his subfetish? I don't know what possible appeal it has.
does the artist also draw the part where they grew so fat they actually "explode"?
I was gonna get to that.
I wonder if anyone's actually, you know, spoken to Fixala. He seems like an awfully reserved sort.
sorry about that <:( I got too curious.
(65 KB, 800x570, 0af0f885abc0985c8e6b9e16380eae7e4e32fdca8eab17fc7792392032c8f335.jpg) (35 KB, 800x568, 9167a0c854628278a62139f66abbb870613d795cfc67deb6f5979efc28186fa5.jpg) (38 KB, 800x569, ac2d951291506afb6983b0dff4b1de24ace076637c4243d6dc3852863b2db345.jpg) (38 KB, 800x566, f37b9136105877853998c9205880bee6632a0790ff7f394ba7320a95f59da960.jpg) (41 KB, 800x568, d6735e99c398d6b917fb0663b92bae0a250f72cda511df5bd18e2ff304348dc9.jpg) (53 KB, 800x574, d5835c732fb4affe31ed9e652ccc5ce5846e5c82b8f66e19db88df43b5f051f1.jpg)
No, please! I am serious! You asked for them!
holy shit dude how the fuck do you find this hot? ive had this fetish forever but jesus christ
oh. sorry. I kept overthink before I randomly get stupid.
You are welcome.
She's dead, most likey. No way she's alive
where's the kaboom... there was supposed to be a kaboom?
Was there ever a follow up for Giga Mermaid?
And why do the blobs' faces and foreheads even look like Modern "wrinkle-mouth" Shar Peis? I really want to know. Also, I found >>28680 thanks to someone posting it.
Just be thankful that I'm glad I'm only making a narrative that coalesces all narratives made by and for the furry fandom in future called "Anthera". And this is one out of countless reasons why I am doing this.
Has anyone updated the kemono.party page for this artist lately?
(172 KB, 2051x1581, Meme.jpg)
Been a few weeks since I asked this, I take it there never was a follow up?
They had a Twitter? I was only aware of their FA and Patreon
Never in my life I have seen fat ooz out of somones eyes.
Now that is a gory sight to see, lmao.
Oh yeah, I’m pretty sure she’s dead in the second to last picture in the comic drawing, she ain’t gulping no more.
Bumping, so this thread does not die.
Bump for past two parts
You ought to spoiler that
do you by chance have the last part of this?
No, I don't think they've finished it. It's not on their Patreon.
darn, pls post when done tho!

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