
(174 KB, 1452x1346, 4d210888a2314774541fa128fce8640f0a1f15d4a186e0cbeea1b553f5b8ea3b.png) (125 KB, 1273x1103, 8415efcaae15f2eee8dae2c38e83fb4a64bf231949afb447f83a23716d4c910c.jpg) (129 KB, 1770x1833, d8224eea47d91d78ba6936eac3bbfcb581b05b77a6aee9f5b7365f078135bce3.png) (44 KB, 1200x818, 6fd3e6d69034ad7a6debe5582b5bd100337403886cc8bb53c037425a1c6b6f88.png) (69 KB, 770x1244, 2b882abb8b0edd08b22f9f0eaee36d71308b84895e986d171714047dcfb1d31d.jpg) (188 KB, 1200x759, 01081b713939b57278386d790b1f903561706372ef351d44a9a07e79463ede1b.jpg)
They make great art.
>>25317 (OP)
First one is by WhiteRaff you stupid fucking coomer of a retard with zero eye for artstyle-recognition. Besides there are posts by Fawxen himself on this very board from more than a year ago saying that he's not drawing Noelle anymore.
Yeah now instead he's drawing his "own original character" whatever the fuck her name is.

Tooooootally not just...literally still fucking Noelle. Her outfit is different, ooooo.
(2.5 MB, 1550x788, unknown.png) (4.7 MB, 1636x2116, lynn_painting_large.png) (715 KB, 1271x1163, lynn_profile.png) (829 KB, 751x783, lynn_portrait.png)

The explanation he gave me was that the character itself has existed since 2016 for an RPG he's been wanting to make, and is now able to get around to it. To make things more interesting for himself mainly he redesigned the purple woman and saw it fit to do the same with the blonde one, only taking design elements from Noelle cause he still likes her a lot and would rather just avoid any conflict from certain types of people for the sake of his own mental health by being able to draw a character he owns, with a design he likes.

A bit dumb to be more or less rude about it.
Twitterites can't cancel him because technically it is another character. But its design still stems from the attraction to another character that is a minor and is supposedly le immoral to draw. It's very weird, the point of contention is morality yet a logic akin to using laws to determine if someone is guilty or not is applied. I think this shows how little people really care about doing the right thing when cancelling somebody and are just following social rules to fit in.
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Regardless the change he made is really for the better judging by the original design (even if the art is pretty old)

More doughy doe content is always good and if no one's giving him shit for this then props to him.

I'm just curious about what kind of game he's been developing and how far in he is.
(225 KB, 1064x1652, FEF1MDDUUAEZT9p.jpeg) (48 KB, 771x886, 1651435777.fawxen_rynn_stuffed.png) (157 KB, 1000x1026, 1640198798.fawxen_unknown-951.png) (67 KB, 1819x1169, FWHUlGRUEAAYxcY.png) (71 KB, 942x715, FV30pSgVUAAJa5o.jpeg)
I admit I am obsessed deer Queen Rynn that he's drawn, there is something about her character and demeanor that I really like. Seeing this proud warrior queen gets fatter and more corrupted is extremely hot. I honestly hope Fawxen finishes the RPG he's working just so I can see more of her
(190 KB, 1202x1019, image-25.png)
Scarlet is so cute...
What if we edit Lynn into Noelle?
(184 KB, 825x980, image-53.png) (44 KB, 773x776, image-52.png) (65 KB, 950x880, image-32.png)
Just to start a bit of discussion what are your thoughts on the fast food pro-fat stuff fawxen seems to do a lot
One pic related
Honestly can't really get enough of it, really wish they'd keep on pushing it, and just go to absolute extremes with it.
Well I guess it's not surprising, given that I used to know a guy who literally followed all the artists that Fawxen hates, despite being in the server. Says that he thinks that he has shit opinions, but is a great artist. I mean, the vibe he said made it sound like nobody really likes Fawxen's personal shit, and only really likes his art tbh.
I meant it would be a dick move to edit the art regardless of someone here actually wanting to or not.
Unless hes ok with it, that shouldn't be done.

Fawxen must have his reasons for not liking certain people and if he wants to have nothing to do with them in a server he runs then props to him.
(131 KB, 601x546, burgermac2.png) (411 KB, 1366x1210, agua_trade.png) (237 KB, 1042x774, ycannoli1.png)
I think making lynn was the best thing he could have done in the situation he was in.

i know him well and i can say for sure that it was a social boundary thing he didn't cross in bad faith. for many people, fetishes are tangled between sexual and non-sexual thoughts. the dude just likes noelle's design.

anyway, he's been putting out a lot of great art. i think that's more worth discussing. it's a little redundant to keep digging up these interpersonal issues that have nothing to do with you. he doesn't always make perfect choices, but neither do you.
Well it's not like he hasn't already been commed by people who like younger characters, and also has, probably unintentionally, drawn younger characters by said commers. I mean, it really does seem like a whole bunch of people who love younger characters also like Fawxen's stuff as well. So, I mean probably he's just hiding it really well that he wants to do Noelle stuff.
I'm just saying, Lynn could be turned into Noelle with a few edits, consider it, at the very least
I'm sure Fawxen would like it, secretly
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He's already made the effort of editing his last few noelle pics to be lynn so they could be shared.

And he is not a fan of his work being tampered with. A few years ago in a server I was in with him, he drew some role player a pic of princess Ruto (for free) as a pfp, the person went and edited it without his permission and he was really bothered by it. Especially since he could have made the edits himself if asked.
These were pretty early on when he first started floating the new character. I doubt he would do something so obvious now
I dunno man, I've heard of people keeping insane secrets more absurd than the possibility then Fawxen was drawing Noelle pics and then tracing over them. I mean honestly, with what's already been provided, it's like just drawing a new smash bro's skin, basically.
They look pretty much the same with these pics.

And with how this guy seems unhinged about stuff, I think it'd be entirely plausible lmao
Fan art is welcome, too.
(4.3 MB, 2351x2748, 2022_review.png)
What are some of your favorite pics from this guy from this year?
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>>29763 I think Fawxen is dating that holliday chick, or maybe both of them, I've seen alot of art of his dog fursona with her reindeer/rabbit fursona, but also that one dudes rabbit fursona, and I haven't also seen that guy in his public server all that much, so IDK kek
Its just Kaio/Brutusaltiar that I'm dating.

The stuff between Quinn and Carol are purely character based and was a thing before I got into a relationship with my boyfriend. It does not reflect real stuff at all.

Also I would rather not have the art of tailored Alexis shared around.

They burned me hard and were a terrible friend.
So it stings being reminded just how much art I've done for them.

Everyone has done shit they shouldn't have. It's only if the behavior is continued then its a problem.

It's not your place to make such judgements.
fawxens pedo bf lmao
at least according to that guy, but he might be lying lmao
Huh? Did somebody call Pedo? Oh, I thought they were talking about me.
Bump, why not, whatever

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