
(571 KB, 1375x1125, tails.png)
For fatty art of Miles Tails Prower from the sonic series
Now this is a thread of good taste and quality
Oh and if anyone would like to do an RP based on this sequence, please message me, I would love to do something with this boy so, so much.
Yeah! Honestly one of his best sequences around that I was able to snatch up
Oh and uh, hey, what suit is tails wearing? Could probably do an edit that you want if I could get a reference lol
(248 KB, 1568x1350, Tailsbutgirl.png)
Eh, fuck it, I tried something, it's probably a bit jank and rough, first time actually doing something like this, but yeah, hope when you see this, you like it lmao
(169 KB, 850x1003, 1609447020479.jpg)
Yo! Thank you for doing it! ^^ If I'm not asking too much, could you just reduce a little the boobs and the lipstick? Don't worry, if you can't, I like what you did :D
Btw, this was the suit reference
Creepy but I guess
Oh yeah, no problem! When I get back from work, I could defiantly try! Though yeah, thanks for the reference! That'll defiantly help lmao
I could certainly try, doesn't seem that hard to do, but you might need to tell me if something needs a change or two lol
But I'll go with his original color scheme for the most part to where I see fit, hope it's going to be to your liking!
Though I do also need to say that jfc, Tails looks so hot in this suit, seriously, just want him as my own personal boy toy in this. Skin tight suits are just so PERFECT for this fluffy guy
Perfect! Thank you a lot!
(243 KB, 1080x864, tails color thing.png)
Well I was able to finish the color request tonight, given that it was easy enough to do, surprisingly enough. I hope it's to your own liking, and if you notice any small detail in need of fixing, I might do it, if you ask nice enough lol

But honestly, it was a bit fun, and relaxing to do something that was simple and had a guide for me lol

Hope you like it anon!
Looks pretty good but you forgot to color his nose black and could you try and make the parting of orange and white for the tail tips? Other than that it perfect.
Still the requester, how's going the edit?
(245 KB, 1080x864, tails color thing.png)
Well, I think I got everything, sorry about that, last night was actually more tired than I thought I would be, work seemingly dragged on longer than it usually was, but yeah, sorry about that. And sorry for taking longer than usual, slept a bit shittier as well, and had to take a bit to readjust myself, but yeah, here's the whole thing. Hope it's to your liking!
Well since yesterday was a bit of a crapshoot, and getting rest afterwards wasn't all that great, I haven't really started on the whole thing. Still a bit fucky from sleep, but I do at least think I could go with your own edit either today, when I get back from work, or after I get sleep. As long as things aren't shitty, you should see it here soon. Sorry about that by the way,

I guess what makes this one different from the other tails pic I did, was I don't really have a good frame of reference for just, what to really do lmao Kinda free styling this pic, if anything lol Hope you're having a good day though!
Don't worry, I will wait for it, thank you! I'm doing good btw, hope everything's good for you too, in the meanwhile get some sleep ^^
Thanks it looks great sorry for troubling you, have you considered doing some stuff for the color thread?
Thanks, I'll certainly try to tonight, but I do have some things to do in the meantime. Though do at least check around this place here soon, I'm sure I could at least finish it tonight, or tomorrow. At least sometime here soon. But at least thanks for being this patient and kind with this. Certainly does help things going lol

But hope to at least get it done here soon and that you like it!
Oh no, it's fine, shit just happens, and I just gotta get through it. Not much anyone can take the blame for, even less, yourself.
But thanks for at least thinking it's great and enjoying it!
Though I don't really know about joining in on the colorization thread, this was really a spur of the moment thing, I really am a bit of a beginner with all of this and I am afraid of just doing some pics that weren't as easy as the pic you posted. But uh, yeah. Maybe I will, maybe I won't. I'll poke around, I do have other things to do with shit lol

But I do at least hope to make people happy with what I do =w=
And I'm at least happy that I might have put a smile on your face with this lol
Thank you :)
Thanks for telling me, take your time!
(238 KB, 1568x1350, Tails but girl 2.png)
Alright, I think I got it done, I hope this is what you wanted lol I think I may have done a better job than the previous one . But if not, let me know and I'll try to change it up =w=

Honestly, did have a bit of fun with doing these two pics, soooo yeah!
Here's hoping you enjoy it, anon!
Thank you very much, that's exactly how I wanted her! I'm so happy :D Thank you again!!
>>25180 (OP) bump!! we need more plump fox flab~
Oh jeez, holy shit, holy fuck, I love these so so soooooooo much!!! Really love how much he's loving getting that beautiful ass of his expanded out. Seriously would love to get right up behind it and pound it out another one. <3 <3 <3
(53 KB, 3100x1500, tailsass5.png)
Decided to make an even bigger one!
More Tails!
Holy shit yessssssssssss, give this twink a fucking massive ass. I want so much more of him. He's just so bloody perfect!!!
Can we get some inflated Tails in here?
If anyone wants to do a fat tails rp heres my discord TheFatFur#0974
Might take ya up on that offer if I get to be tails. I'd prefur to remain anonymous here, so I'll just wait for your response and add you when I get the chance
(410 KB, 2000x1124, BjgTailsBoi.png)
Just colored this in
(733 KB, 2066x1018, 1671989218.floofyboyetime_tailsholidaysequence_20221225112340.png) (1.2 MB, 2066x1018, 1671989291.floofyboyetime_tailsholidaysequence_20221225112344.png) (623 KB, 2066x1018, 1671999921.floofyboyetime_tailsholidaysequence_20221225120817.png) (707 KB, 2066x1018, 1672000199.floofyboyetime_tailsholidaysequence_20221225141800.png) (546 KB, 2066x1018, 1672017829.floofyboyetime_tailsholidaysequence_20221225192438.png) (680 KB, 2066x1018, 1672018034.floofyboyetime_tailsholidaysequence_20221225183620.png)
Saved thread
Adult Tails makes for a great day femboy.
Source on the fourth image?
Source of the 4th is my F-list of Cosmo.

Artist never posted it anywhere else and that I've is mildly scaled down for F-list before the 2000×2000 size restriction was removed.

Can't remember how much I paid for it

personally i still see space to add another hose or two up his ass tho
(405 KB, 1639x1072, tailsbrap.png)
Doodled some Tails. He will spend the rest of his days a bloated buttslut.
f u c k that's good - the only thing missing is a bloated monorump version, though I understand if that's not your thing.
Man, we really need more gassy tails here. Do you have a FurAffinity?
(48 KB, 764x546, iu_574915_8705206.png)
Okay guys hear me out, there has got to be more artwork of this character.

For example this one is made from Newgrounds
(415 KB, 2048x1463, 1627352402.foxywuffinator512_6d699a4a-5f32-4983-9790-2f28017e0ca6 (1).png) (195 KB, 1280x1280, 1653389938.deaduwumeme_tak_berjudul456_20220524184310.jpg) (43 KB, 1069x834, 1657646542.virus-20_heavy_bottom_tailes_gas_attack_on_bullies_.png) (247 KB, 1280x959, 16823563571427635896880916738708.jpg) (4.5 MB, 1628x1418, 1616427596.colbob111_tails.png) (69 KB, 1020x784, 1674410691811672210106845227310.jpg)
>>37541 (Cross-thread)

Wtf? Do you know that you already posted this?
(13 KB, 218x142, IMG_3143.jpeg)
Can someone post a high res version of this? I can’t find one anywhere
(3.1 MB, 1920x1920, Tails2.png)
made by Vep125
good stuff, any idea what happened to the artist? I can't find em anywhere
They're on DeviantArt as of now (Maybe other places as well). I think they deleted their gallery on FA around the time of the rule changes, but they were posting here as well at the same time.
God, could you draw him just being fat, but then shrinking down into being a smol little blob?
i know these really good implications were probably meant for the other thread, but who says there couldn't just be a little mishap with those shrink lasers?~ seems they didn't account for pure bellyweight
Just shrinking down smaller and smaller until he's just microscopic...always needing more and more to eat as even the smallest potato chip would fatten him up beyond comparison...
More and more, smaller and smaller until the slightest drip from the feeding tube is bigger than his whole face- making his sooo fat and so damn soft~
It would be a pleasure to just try to stuff your cock into his mouth...or maybe just shove it right into his ass and plap it a good one...spurting cum and pre all over his behind...only as he grows smaller and smaller and smaller...needing a special system of tech just to even talk to him as he shrinks down beyond subatomic...
And still, he'd be fed more, and more and more- fuckin that massive butt, obsessed with his size and continued shrinking~
Why did he deactivate his account?
sauce for second pic?
Does someone Repost art from MobiusLabs
if anyone wants to rp you can dm me at swiftyy87. on discord ig
would anyone here like to rp the first image of this?
Ooh I love this~
imagine being behind him~
okay, but who's the artist for the two images of Tails?
I linked the posts lol, those are the links
Artist, anyone?
Well this sucks. Their account is suspended. I was actually going to follow them because of this pic.
God I fucking love this image...it's just so hot to see him try to waddle his way off a diving board with an ass THAT big...
Well, do you want him to be public shamed by getting stuck there or jumping and making a tidal wave in the pool?
Want to roleplay some pictures or something?
Honestly I wanna see a whole lot of things.. I wanna see him get fatter as he waddles down that board, I want him to jump off of it and land on me, I want him to just get stuck on that board and just fatten out so much that his panties snap...
Do you want to RP with me? You seen to be fun!
I mean, I dunno lol
what's a place we could RP in?
Well, what's your fucking discord then~? Dork!
Can someone PLEASE tell me who the artist is?
And the third and second.
Isn't tails like 8?
Isn't tails like 8 years old?
sorry to break it to you my guy but you posted art of the kid you are the last person who should be asking this question
they either retconned it before sonic forces, or that doesnt count how weird how forbidden, depends on who complains
but either way these are really really cute!!!!
Yes, and it's great, kids have bigger appetite and love fast food.
oh god what the fuck you're actually a child fuck off

jesus christ what is wrong with you
Already reported but mods here are unironically the worst jannies I ever seen, dumb kids (who need parent correction) and lazy mods who want just to cash-in money are the worst.
Un paid. Furry has low activity. Time is normally spent elsewhere
(123 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20231204_221317.jpg)

I'm 19 years old. And the username, "Anonymous" if used numerous times despite the assigned IDs, can make an armada of pseudonymous users
You need to take your parrot to a vet, it looks kinda fucked up
Genuinely is a little disturbing how often you'll see literal obvious children posting here. Makes you wonder how they find this board in the first place.

Probably from Discord, this is like a graduation ceremony from DeviantArt and FurAffinity, real artists are all on private, 18+ Discord servers or in a close community over Twitter, 4chan, AA3, Pixiv or even more obscure social medias likes Mastodom.

The ammount of literal chidren and manchildren on /bhm/ and /bbw/ is terrible and it's unironically a reflex on why the west is dying, when I was a teenager I was really into Virus-20 drawings of Sonic characters but it's so tame compared to the real porn that is being uploaded here, plus, DeviantArt at that time had real moderation and there wasn't groomercord around, just see the ammount of "femboy" crap that is being posted here.

Who's the artist?

That's right. I need help doing the source of this picture.
(1.4 MB, 970x3797, IMG_7640.png)
Here’s The Colored Alt (And Yes I Got Rid Of The Nipples, Just To Give It That Soft Fur Look)
Out of curiosity does anyone have that one blueberry tails art where he's reaching out for a pill while swelling up? The artist deactivated from FurAffinity a while back and so did the art. Not sure if this was the place to ask specifically for that but since people posted deactivated people's art I thought I'd shoot my shot at asking
>Second to last image
Where's this from?
Holy moly this is hot
>bumping after 4 hours

No, YOU retard
(46 KB, 640x352, sddefault.jpg)
We can all be retards.

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