
What are these from? Are these the full images or are they just zoomed in and meant to previews?
>>28213 it was from a trend about appreciating fat arms which: true, fat arms cute/hot
I wish this comic had more pictures
Who owns the copies of Volkenfox of Amazon?
Anyone got Corpulent Canine and Lion's Pride?
His sequences are god-tier, but has anyone been able to get a commission from him? Especially relatively recently?
I'd definitely consider buying something if anything new was released. It's been well over a year without any new content on his gumroad.
Ok I’ll admit this is actually one of the most wholesome and cute endings to a wg comic I’ve seen in a while it’s actually adorable
I wish there was more
Same brother same it’s just too perfect and cute
Someone should put it in the bear thread.

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