
(3.6 MB, 600x515, Kapifat.gif)
how about a thread for Kapi and other furry fnf characters?
Who made the third image??? Its really cute!
God, I wanna fuck this cat. Seriously, he's just designed so fucking well.
If I could ever see him play his silly little ddr game, I'd be MADLY in love with him. Fat or not, he's just the perfect looking dude for me. I don't care if he's just some twink, or some heavily obese dude who can't even waddle around, he's just so hot that I could practically do anything with him, and love it like he was mine forever
I think I'm honestly down bad for this cat, so if anyone wants to talk about him with me, do not hold back, I practically NEED to get these thoughts about him out.
Honestly, I just want to go on a date with him, even if he's just a shy, little neet, I would still want to spend my time with him. Just so that I could even see his beautiful little face as I'd bring him to all of the places I could bring him too. Maybe to force feed him, maybe just to get closer towards him, or just to show him around town and let people know that we're dating. I seriously love him, I loved him ever since I first saw him in that mod, and I just honestly need more of him. Even if it's years from now, I'll still want to see more of him. I want to get a good paying job, and just constantly com artist, that'll be fine with the constant deluge of kapi ideas I want, and just let myself fall into a deep love of what he is, and what I'd want out of him. I just want a whole day where I can just be surrounded with pics and great writing about him, just going at it all day just to cum to someone that I love.

God, just weird thought, but jeeeeeeeeesus, I need some more of his fat cat ass, and I need it NOW.
(1.3 MB, 2301x2620, BelovedKapi.png)
you would be doing a favor to plenty people if you go around commissioning fat art of this fella

I've done plenty of the silly dumbass myself, I can't help but keep coming back to him

I really love his design, there's like 3 fictional characters (him being one of them) that I can't help but save every single piece of fanart I find of them

and man, finding new chubby/fat art of them really makes the rest of my day
fuck YES i would be, seriously, i love him, so very much. The world honestly needs more of himself, to the point of oversaturation, because that's the ONLY point where I'd be happy with how much art there is of him.

But like, fr though, I'd LOVE to hear what characters you like as well. Not just because you love Kapi, but because you also seem pretty cool lmfao
(253 KB, 2160x1211, 1648026612257.jpg)
well, I just love goat boys aswell, I made plenty of fat edits on the Ralsei thread hhh, I also really like that cult Lamb, I just haven't figured how to draw them lol
Honestly, based. Breedable, smol, smoochable, just a whole lot of other stuff as well. Like, honestly, if they were all there, together, I'd probably have a hard time choosing which one to go on a date with. They're all so perfect in their own unique way, and I might just say fuck it, and just go on a date with them all. But fr though, I'd love to talk about this some more if we could!!!
(137 KB, 811x791, kapifatup.png)
yeah, its been fun! I wouldn't mind talking to you some more another time
we need to keep this thread on topic
Fair fair, I think I have some images of kapi never posted before, might get some more in the future, if I can lol
But lemmie see if I can grab them! Though yeah, if you ever get an itch to just have some fun about those three, just say something within this one or the azzy thread lol I'm sure I'll see it, I ALWAYS keep a close eye on a thread like these lol
(88 KB, 617x1280, 1668373325.v1sage_nfn10_1.jpg) (131 KB, 1280x943, 1668269952.v1sage_nfn9_1.jpg) (132 KB, 1280x1273, 1668132634.v1sage_nfn8_1.jpg) (119 KB, 1280x945, 1668115844.v1sage_nfn7_1.jpg) (159 KB, 1280x1259, 1668111818.v1sage_nfn6_1.jpg) (143 KB, 1280x1249, 1667862209.v1sage_nfn5_1.jpg)
Yeah, I know right???
God I just wish Kapi was actually a gluttenous fucker who just kept on eating and eating until he was an immobile blob who just wanted more and more, needing LOTS of love and care as he just needs you and food in his life to keep on going~ God I just wanna snuggle the fuck out of him like this, and just let him know that I love him so very much. And then probably just have my way with him, one way or another~
Oh and lemmie post this kapi sequence, I absolutely LOVE it
Ending might be a bit weird tho lol
(760 KB, 3200x2600, FLsFTCNXwA48lX3.png)
I found this blobby and slobby Kapi, this was another Rush deleted pic I think?
kinda miss their old-ish artstyle
Well just wanted to make sure, didn't wanted to ruin vibes in here lol Though I guess there are some weirder things you could do to fetishize a character lmao
Also jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez, that's just so fucking good,
seriously, if rush was doing this sort of stuff, then why the fuck did they delete them??? Kinda seems like they REALLY wanted to do some stuff with the good ol' kap if they were doing this sort of stuff to him.

Like, FUCK, I wanna see this fat ass wobble and shake around as he can't even move a single toe.

god I just love this pic so much. I need to pound every fold on that fat face, YESTERDAY
Damn this is good
This is the type of Kapi content we need more of
Honestly, yeah, we DO need more of this type of stuff. Just want to see more of this kitty get blobbed out and spread out before us. Just a pic of his hot ass right there as he's constantly eating himself into immobility, would just be perfect. It's so sad that most people won't touch kapi without it being with a 20 foot pole... It fucking sucks that we'll have to get droplets of Kapi content, and then have to look around and see so many other characters get the spotlight.
I can try to provide some Kapi content, though except him to be excessively slobby and messy
How slobby and messy we talking? I know beggars can't be choosers, but I do wanna know lol
Sweat, grease amd foodstains all over, massive belching, farting too if i feel like it when drawing, that sort of stuff
Oh, well draw away then! Some people might not like it, but I'm not one of those people!
Will do! Expect a slobby blobby Kapi soon!
When you do him, just make sure he's huge, and ready for more~ But I really can't wait to see what you'll do with him!!!
I'd be down to talk or rp about him all day~ Got a discord?
Need Kapi to be so fat the ground under him literally cracks with every slow, laborious wafdling step he takes, his big fluffy ass jiggling all about from the intense effort
>>28694 honestly same lol
Mrmm, I wouldn't mind sharing my FA first and then getting your guys discord first.
It's QWERTYCutie
Same here, could talk about him for hours on end
Hello! I'd love to chat with some of the more intimate fans of Kapi and I see that there are people willing to chat on discord (such as myself.) If you wanna talk, my discord is Poosh#2012
Tried your own discord handle, and it doesn't seem to be working atm.
Just tried it as well. Doesn't work :(
Got it working again! Try it now to see what happens :3
Rageminer's character, right? realliy cute!
Rageminer sure isn't the best hiding their fetish, huh?
Really cute character, though!
From what I know, they got exposed for having a fat fetish.
I wish I was joking.

I feel kinda scared for other people in the community who may also have fetishes like that like astuover, who knows how she would deal with that..
(529 KB, 1001x798, something.png)
I remade the blueberry photo so he isn't that big
So when I posted that, I meant that he isn't a blueberry anymore, will remake that again, and post a remake of the second picture
(482 KB, 1001x808, AppleEBF.png) (537 KB, 989x808, PearEBF.png)
A link to the mod would be VERY appreciated.
Would you mind uploading the uncompressed version
Someone needs to add belly sounds
that youtube upload for some reason doesn't link back the original sprites at all, but they're made by keno9988, status/1504607129402978304, you know the birdsite and automod be dumb
only just has the character, not the teasy chart in the video which i just noticed has fewer notes cause his fat ass can't keep up,,,,
(31 KB, 145x132, TheAssWasFat.png)

Hi I'm the guy who made those YT vids

the Arcade Showdown file where I made those is a complete mess, its a chore to find the actual edited songs with chart n all, that's why I never made that mod public

sorry! might fix it eventually tho since I'm not done having fun with the skin just yet
good thing you got it, since they deleted the post today cause of the creator being a minor or something

God, fucking damn, I just want Kapi, I don't give a single shit about the creator.
im not even sure the creator is a minor anymore, but idk. at least we can enjoy kapi here
(230 KB, 541x637, Kappancake10293129330789.png)
I love seeing this fucking cat get fat

ddr is his whole thing, and athletic characters gaining weight is my shit

I adore the idea of him getting out of shape and struggling to keep up with his usual songs
I just want him to struggle to even fucking lift up his foot, just a nice big fat boy that needs to be put in his place and treated with the kindness and love he deserves!!!
I wish he'd crush me with those momstrous thighs god damn
Well, I could always provide Kapi love through discord heheheee~
In all honesty, I wouldn't mind adding a few people in this thread! Should I post my discord in here or in the discord thread?
please please please please please
I hope to see everyone there! I'll maybe even make a server for you guys ;3
This is the same guy from here under a different name


He was exposed as a minor on the discord thread, do not add him
Who even are you lolll
The juicefulmoth? As in, the other ralsei and kapi guy (even though you’re only now doing kapi) Dude I love your art, crazy to see you on here.
(401 KB, 2000x2084, KapiSTOMPalt.png)
>The other ralsei and kapi guy
I've been summoned


omg that looks so good, I follow ur stuff on fa so this is a pleasant surprise
Ye, lol
And thanks, heh
Been checking out BBFurries stuff recently, and noticed some of my art is posted on here
So wanted to just drop by n' say hi, lol
based keep up the great work

you do great fluffy boys :)
like ik this is the kapi thread but you've done some of my favorite ralseis ever
Thanks, lol
The earlier drawings were pretty bad imo, cause I was just recently learning how to draw fat
But I feel like I've made a decently good amount of progress on learning how to draw fat
Thinking about doing some more Deltarune/Undertale stuffs
Would be awesome to see you do more UT/DR stuff!!! I feel like you'd be able to make a real good Asriel
Was just messin around anywho (if the face ain't indication enough).

Very nice fat Ace, btw. Good to see that one getting a bit of love.
Nah, we gay today /j

Cute furry cat boy. I need more Kapi in my life.
You know what i need? More girls in this thread.
Get your straight ass outta here
(138 KB, 1600x1200, 56.jpg)
"Yes, hello, I'd like to check in on that custom dance pad order.... It'll be here by tomorrow? Wonderful. Oh-and you do remember me saying it supposed to resist up to 1k kilograms?.... Perfect.... Alright, I'm sure my loyal customers will be very pleased with that... Mhm, thank you. I will be here when it arrives. Goodbye."
Just thought I’d say if anyone’s still here, and wants to talk about fat kapi or even rp, I’m open!
My discord is “Tony Wuff#7370”
I would assume rushrabbit
Where are you getting these portraits from?
If you could provide me a link to it that would be very helpful
Finally, peak performance Kapi is real
>>38345 That's an instrument called a trambone.
(515 KB, 440x498, fat-kapi.gif)
I feel like BF acted a bit ooc, like, idk, bf seems like the kind of guy to have a fat fetish.
God I wish I had someone to just talk to about writing something about Kapi just living a normal life while being big and fat and only being enabled more by GF n'such while BF watches in horror as he just becomes her little boy toy......
girlfriend and boyfriend were very off style (as in art), dialogue too i think
That sounds so hot anon geez (⁠♡⁠ω⁠♡⁠ ⁠)⁠ ⁠~⁠♪
Well It's only hot because it's true!!!
That's very true yeah hehe (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)
Also btw do you have a discord or something I would kinda love to talk about stuff like this
Yeah, I do, but I don't honestly feel comfortable feel sharing it around n'such all willy nilly. If there's some other place you'd like to meet up, that would be fine with me!
Or just you giving me your own, that would also just be as good!
Oh that's fine lol maybe we could talk in twitter dms or something like that lel
Oh sure mine is Possum_fan no numbers tho because of the user name change :p
Sorry it's possum_fan lower case p sorry!
Holy crud, dev in chat?
Well if you're taking notes, maybe it would be possible to create an endless mode of sorts, where it's just GF shoving sweets and food into Kapi's mouth, making him grow longer the longer you're able to go on? Or maybe just a little side mode that's more story orientated, than anything, and just talking about how GF wants Kapi and BF to be both big and chonky?

Though making them ALL furry would be...BLESSED to say the least.
well, more so making our own friday night chunkin, of sorts, the idea of a furry bf vs fat kapi is great and will happen but we do wanna make somethign surrounding bf and gf this time
Can we see More concept art?
Do you have his cutee nya sprite?
you're welcome!
Obese Kapi is really cute! ! !
He is he was cute already but a couple of hundred pounds just made him way cuter!
I wonder how much that ass jiggles just by walking…
Probably ALOT I mean just look at how big it is
Also i LOVE how you can hear the thumping of his heavy body when he hits notes!
Goshh ngl I wonder how he smells
i love how much his body moves and jiggles as he does something so simple as turning his head. by the way, fat kapi is what peak gaming performance looks like lol
So true anon he's the cream de cream
I'm sure he's got major huffing from walking just a few feet...
Probably like sweat and fast food
Good very goodd heheh >:3
If anyone would like to talk about kapi just as much as me, add me on discord and we can! floral0831
Funkin Bumpin. 🐱
Sorry dude. I’m here to nut at art, not posting art.
Then don't fucking bump then, it ain't gonna generate art faster
(174 KB, 473x631, 20230822_183133.png)
Have a random Sarah i made (and give me some furry fnf girls to draw if you want)

⬅️⬇️⬆️➡️ ⬅️⬇️⬆️➡️
🐱🕹️ 🎤 👦
(7 KB, 259x194, images (2).jpeg)
Sorry for the shitty quality I couldn't find the higher res version because the artist (dabubby) deleted it
he's a higher quality, though just, I fucking love this fat ass all the way.
I hope this update to the fat kapi mod is still going
(1.5 MB, 4000x4000, Kapiposes.png)
sadly the group is not working on it anymore

but I'm taking on a personal project that might or might not see the light of day, so here
Wishing you the best of luck on it!!!!
>similar effect as fat bf's down arrow

damn, I missed the fact there was a fat bf mod in the first place(?)
the best of lucks to you annon, tbh, I kinda want to help (music-wise) on this so it sees the light of day
What about the fat bf sprites??
Yeah, if there's anything we can see, post it!
(412 KB, 3000x2000, bfcatfun.png)
fat furry bf was also going to be a thing but idk how far I'll get salvaging this project
I also made this at some point xD
I must say, If you need some help with music/sound Im more than eager to help on your project ^^
I’ve posted here before but since last time discord changed how you send friend requests.
If anyone wants to hang our or rp or something I’m down!
Discord is Tony Wuff#7370 or now just ( tonywuff )
god we need more big butt Kapi
I am interested do you do big butt related stuff I'm not much of a belly fan
This isn’t furry content.
anybody here wanna rp? name's ".massdeath." on discord if anyone wants to chat, nya~
Not working for some reason
Sadly the artist doesn't feel like sharing the full..
A Christmas miracle!!
On god there should be more ass-focused fat kapi art
just imagine watching his huge asscheeks wobble and bounce while he’s playing ddr…
Huge meaty fluffy cheeks wobbling nonstop and dripping with sweat
Bump 🐱⬅️⬇️⬆️➡️
Someone is trying to burry threads they don't like because artist bullshit and I'm going to save them.
We could definitely need a hero like you to save this dying thread!
I mean they’re freaking incredible
God damn that is an absolute beauty
If only we could get a backside view, i'dkill to see his ass at that size
Wouldn't it be funny if the ARCADE machine was making kapi fatter with each note that he hit?~
I really want more Pixel art of him...
And you. While youre in america he is fucking other women. Dumb ass long distance relationships
You to old for long distance relationships fuck is wrong with. Prime time right in front of u.
The way his ass wobbles on that last one is nothing short of divine
We need more kapi with a huge wobbly fat ass fr
Thank you for your service, this goes insanely hard
love how he uses his gut to press the right button
this might top keno's honestly, he's so cute!
Woah a cute fat Kapi! I wonder if you have discord so we can talk to you more about da fat assed cute arcade cat you’re making! Or maybe just to talk in general hehe :3
Oh this fat kapi mod please actually manifest into something besides just sprites

Are you still looking for rp on Discord?
Anyone wanting to rp or maybe just talk about Kapi's fat fluffy ass over on disc

What's your discord?
Wait deadass keno you’re still at it?

Man I’m glad to see you haven’t stopped on the kapi thing
Honestly, same. Keno's Kapi stuff is just so good that it's practically UNREAL his stuff isn't canon.
pretty sure raviolynx made the new sprites, keno hasn't touched fnf for a long while
That’s a shame but still these sprites are sooo fucking good tho. Like major props bro
Do ppl in unions just troll between 6am-4pm because its quite clear as gggggaaaaayyyyyyyy
If only we got a back view of that one, im sure his ass is absolutely glorious
hate to say it but i think you got ripped off, these suck ngl
(264 KB, 1569x1497, Kapinflation.png)
kinda made me give inflation a try so here's a very rough sketch

This looks great! Is there anywhere else you share your art at, like twitter or Furaffinity?
In my pants want to join. Huge ass comes along
oh! I'm the same guy who's making that kapi skin
I don't think I'll be doing anything else to that inflation pic tho xP
>oh! I'm the same guy who's making that kapi skin
How's that been going?
Pretty good job, he really does look perfect as a blubbery wall of flab
(186 KB, 824x804, kapi.png)
I think the last two are, but the first one defiantly looks different than the rest.

Though my god, that image for your reply looks like Kapi is feeling a bit saucy at the moment...
Irish prick you will never be italian. Or bob
The question is where’d you get ‘em?
About kapi

There’s been some controversy regarding kapi and paperkitty,

Are you guys sure we can do this?

I mean recently Adv1sage took down his content regarding kapi, and I’m wondering if we might be in the wrong
Do it. When I sign im leaving. Keeping the financial classified. I always understand the assignment.
No srs you lost me there
(194 KB, 2000x2000, kappa.PNG)
all that movement is causing the soda he had earlier to fizz up
Probably should start rolling him around just to get him into a nice, safe area~ And then just put some more soda into him >:3
I like the dangerous areas since im the only one man enough to take it. Fucking pussies
unless im missing details, it's fnf fandom drama and nothing actually happened besides twitterfags being twitterfags https://twitter.com/pkzep/status/1791954192942170284
i don't see kapi as a selfinsert and i only care that they're a cute cat, i don't see fanart of them as endorsement for the person because they blew up as their own seperate game mod
i remember years ago the only argument for not drawing kapi was something about Muh Minors!!! but doesn't apply now, i just wanna see this cat get fat
you take him out on a date and by the end of it he won't just struggle to get out of the booth, but the entire hallway as well >:3
If anyone out there could just draw some Kapi art despite it all, I would be very happy to know that there are people with some good tastes.
What was the deleted tweet saying, only drama I know is pk's out of context discord scs to make him look bad and some other stuff about gaza
i don't remember the exact details, besides the claim that the person spreading the drama in the first place was desperately trying to get with them or was an ex or something/stirred up drama because he didn't want to do stuff
i love the state of the modern internet where gossip and drama is its own industry yayyyyyy
i don't know what the drama was in the first place, im still making kapi a kittyblimp no matter what and i love all the art that's been posted!!
(271 KB, 2048x1463, IMG_3629.jpeg)
Found this,
I think that I gonna cum
I am about third image
Dude, fucking same. SAME
Agree, Kapi is Hot when he looks like this
God I need fucking more of him, no matter what.
I wish there were more Kapi pics focused on his big fat ass, I want to be crushed by it so bad
And he backs it up while he's doing DDR and just gives you an ass job while he's just playing a game. Unknowingly, or not~!
I think you know where I’m going with this
You know full fucking well that will be an ASTOUNDING yes. Fuck yes, FUCKING PLEASE, I wanna see more.
AYO, FUCKING FINALLY, sheesh. Man, this is just another great addition to the pile.
29e53c Also apparently this is fem kapi
By someone_is_a_furry and XXedge
THANK YOU FOR POSTING THESE, seriously I can't get through DarkTails stuff on twitter, dude just goes off and all that and it's hard to sift through it all. But thanks for going through it and finding all the wonderful stuff he's commissioned~
^ ay no problem
I wanna hear y’all opinion on like fem kapi, I understand the appeal to some extent but not enough to look for it. What about you?
Honestly, I like her, it's just kapi, but female! So nothing wrong with posting her if there's more of her!
Wait hold on, your username, blimpy, wouldn't happen to be the blimpy from Deviantart and Twitter, right?
More please!!!!
(413 KB, 4096x2627, IMG_3852.jpeg)
This is probably the biggest the kitty has been in art this far
God he seriously needs to be so much fucking bigger, but this is still a good fucking size
if anyone wants to fantasize and do roleplay with kapi, then add me on discord! floral0831, I'm limitless, but I love infinite sizes! aswell as massive burps and farts! anything gross is hot!!
Who’s making the redux sprites? Is it reketon or keno?

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