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the same thread of sharing what annoys you in this community, but furry
So let out all that boils your blood
I hate that diaper shit
>>24073 (OP)
Me: see's the image used for this thread and suddenly has flashbacks to the 1st of October 2022.
(But seriously my heart almost stopped when I saw that image)
Indeed, perhaps OP wasn't there when it happened. Brandishing a soyjak poster to represent this thread wasn't quite the best decision.
to be honest I didn't have a better image to represent the thread, sorry
Were you here when it happened?
I can't belive that four times, they didn't upload those two video from sachasketchy's patreon account. They updated it times now and they didn't bother to do it! IT LIKE IT MOCKING ME IN THE FACE WHEN IT HAPPENED!
Duly noted and ignored!
a factually good statement
you should probably be an adult to be on this imageboard

you were sperging out in the paid content request thread too, don't spread your bullshit here too.
I guess there are no qualms in the fat furry community
A lots not worth getting upset over.

And it's mostly the deviantart/anime side that end up being pissbabies about shit.

Though I have a few complaints, just unsure of how to go about them.
Like someone else mentioned, I really hate that diaper and scat shit. I mean I hate it in general but, still.
Sixth time they updated sachasketchy on kemono and they still haven't uploaded those videos...I'm not going to complain about it anymore, I know that it doesn't do crap anyway
If I may ask, what are the videos exactly?
A isabelle breast expansion video and a surge breast and butt expansion
>there is no war in ba sing se
You literally just had your board nuked because people thought you're annoying and disgusting, and then you choose to make a thread to publicly complain about people you think are annoying and disgusting? Do you possess empathy like, even a little bit? Everybody has things they don't like to look at, learn to use the hide post button like an adult and post actual real content.
nice bait but besides myself, no one's biting yer nothing burger
I seriously hate the fat fetish community. It's so hypocritical. So ridden with *le positivity uwu* and calling out pedos and Nazis and whatever, but everyone flips their shit when you point out this fetish is just as degenerate. Best example is a piece I remember seeing by dookus, some generic ass Bartender animu character, idk her name. He draws her as a morbidly obese unhealthy lardball, but in his own words, "couldn't bring himself to draw her with a cigarette" so drew her with a lolli instead. So fucking stupid and that's the mindset 90% the community. Then you have weirdos like Faexen and that tranny bunny faggot he's friends with, who are on the other end of the spectrum and openly condone this shit and then play the "muh fantasy, no one's getting hired" card.
Yeah so fast to point fingers yet you look at their characters and they are so often worse than what they say is bad. I mean they often literally sexuallise murder or serious abuse senario like vore and bursting.

Show some vore or bursting pics by fawxen I didn't know he did that stuff
I was talking fat/inflation fetish community as a whole.
Lmfao it's as if he read my Walltext from a few hours ago. Just now he posted a collaboration with Fawxen and it's his most degenerate thing so far. I am a degenerate myself because I also like this stuff but I fucking hate the rampant hypocrisy, just weeks ago he was posting tweets saying "don't kink shame, you also like risqué shit >:("
Nigga, if we take an ethical perspective on the level you take this fetish, I see it at the same level as any other fetish or paraphilia that is universally shunned in the porn eco-sphere as a whole.
God damn this makes me mad, but it makes me even madder that I am no better by still fapping and making art myself.
Sigh, I hope I grow out of being a comer eventually and look back at these years with upmost contempt.
Monobutts. Hate how they look.
you're not the only one who thinks like that, my god how I hate those "artists" who draw from the ass like damn children, they only draw degenerate shit and even they have the buns to pretend to be defenders of morality and ethics, believing that they look cute and identical to their trannies fursonas, "so thicc and cutie fatty uwuwuwuw" when the reality is that they are just a bunch of autistic people with bad self hygiene, god I'm sick of the community being more supportive of these coomers instead of real artists, I don't know how people support these clowns, faxwen, rushrabbit, wenisberry and others, I won't say that I'm pure and I hate fetishes, damn it turns me on to see a fat bitch, not your trannie sona being a fat shit with a fucking 50 inches penis
Wenis has gotten really good over time, he only sucks at perspective and is mediocre at anatomy, but you can't deny he's good. Still, everything about his personality online drives me up a wall, and I can't pinpoint exactly why but it has to do with all that fucking uwusitivity that permeates the entire community.
And Fawxen is still on his stupid charade that somehow proves his art is different to any other fetish art because it is technically sfw, yet he is just as much of a degenerate as anybody else.
Honestly, I don't mind if an artist has a bit of a personality with their art, but when it starts to get REALLY personal, things that should just stay in DMs, or just personal friends, really starts to irk me. Like they just wanna have everyone in their experience be their friend, or go by their own definition of normal. And I guess something else to go along with this, I honestly hate it when artists delete their other platforms that they're on, and only leave something like twitter as the only way to see their art. Like, my own collection is fucking shit with all the stuff I see that I like on a daily basis, I don't wanna trudge through your own timeline when it's full of things I do not give a fucking shit about. I'm mainly talking about princecoffeecakes, because it was just fucking outrageous that they just deleted their DA out of the blue, and then came crawling back when they realized that twitter kinda fucking sucks for actually BROWSING art. God I wish more twitter artists would just at least have something to where they post all their stuff on, makes it so much easier when I'm in a mood for their stuff.
I love how whenever you retards get onto your little "muh degeneracy le coomy boomy troony zoomy" rants, you always manage to ringfence yourselves and whatever sordid shit you're into as being in the clear.
How convenient, eh?

Imagine genuinely thinking that jerking it to cartoon animals getting fat/eating eachother/blowing up like balloons is even remotely on par with being a fucking nazi.
How do you even argue with someone who has such a warped sense of reality?

Only one of your who even comes close to being self aware is:
How about instead of shamecucking yourself Catholic style, you just accept yourself for who you are and the shit you like? Live to your own standards, not those that joyless dullards impose upon you.
They are my own standards. I realize this is all degenerate shit. There is nothing redeemable about this fetish. It is objectifying and it is unhealthy. Nobody wins. Yet it makes me horny, there is nothing more human than that, we're animals after all. *And that is fine*.
Now, we also have the capacity to do good, to not be slaves to our desires that hurt ourselves and other people.
Yes, it is all fantasy, like is gore, vore, popping, etc. But it is in this strange area where even so, people act on it irl and are influenced and/or encouraged by this artwork. I have fucking gainers on my follower list for fucks sake. I see that the same as drawing loli shit. Yes it is fantasy but by indulging in such artwork you condone/approve of these acts that are in a grey area to society, morally-speaking.
The other extreme fetishes mentioned before to give an example are so ridiculous and removed from reality that it is not a cause for concern. You have to be a psychopath to act on those irl, if you even can do so of couse lol. But, preying on minors, *or*, encouraging a fattass to eat more, feeding them (or any other behaviour related to the fetish) and destroing their health, are both in the realm of something I'd like to, rather poorly, call "plausible and dobale things by anybody with access to a computer in this deranged era of mass communication, and are dangerously normalizable"
Stop deluding yourself that this is all fantasy and it is uwu ok body positivity let your desires dominate every aspect of your life uwuwuwu.
Ah, my mistake - so you yourself are a joyless dullard, riding the CozyNakovich train.

You may have a point about people being influenced by the art and acting upon it IRL, but the way I see it, that's a moot point because what consenting adults choose to do with their own bodies is strictly their own business, "healthy" or not.

It's not even comparable to promoting pedophilia, a sexuality that is inherently incompatible with consensual intercourse.
Don't be silly.
When a great deal of the fetishization has to do with corruption and addictions to the literal industrial slop that is what we call food today (and you go and deny that more than 95% of the community finds this hot), then sorry, but that consent is not fully realized in my opinion. In any other case you can just say "hey, I don't want to do this anymore hah". Here you're stuck with a sad excuse of a human body far beyond it's intended functions and a psyche enslaved to addictive additives.
And denying this puts you dangerously close to a pedo saying that the minor consented even if they're not of age, arguing that they can think for themselves.
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I retract the statement about you being almost self-aware earlier. You might just be the most batshit one here.
Go ahead then. Keep thinking there is nothing wrong with entertaining this sick fetish. Like I said I hope when day I can happily say I no longer need it to bust a nut and feel content with myself.

Fawxen is very much aware of how much of a "degenerate" he is.

He draws what he likes
He doesn't draw what he doesn't like.

You're just a dumbass.

Simple as.
I don't think it is healthy to think about your fetishes like that, heck even any fetish. I had this sorta of thought when I was a little bit younger, but I just came to the conclusion that I wouldn't execute my fetish in real life. Of course, I can't change people that gain weight because of it. I am just a guy in the internet after all. It is sorta weird and wrong, you can say that it objectifies people. But I would rather judge myself for who I am and how I treat others, instead from what I jerk off too. You can be a good and lovable person and still have weird kinks.
I've seen your other posts, and for the entire cigarette debacle, I just have to say that people draw what they feel the most comfortable drawing. Even if that doesn't make any sense to you personally.
And, this is really just for curiosity, who are you? You said that you are a artist and had a certain following, if that is too personal you don't have to answer it
Y'know what annoys me in the community?

This fucking thread, Jesus Christ.
Like I'm going to disclose my identity after being a transphobe and shunning the entire community lmfao.

Anyway, like I said, there is nothing wrong with having fetishes simply because conversion therapy or anything like that doesn't work. I wish it did. But yes, I don't think a pedophile is a terrible person by default. It's not something they can control. Morality is an entirely different plane, and that's eventually what determines if you should or should not act on your fantasies.

The line between reality and fantasy is blurred. You go to Twitter and every 2 tweets there is a retweet of a gainer or worse the artists themselves showing their bellies and whatever. The community is completely oversaturated with dubious new views on body positivity and what is and is not healthy. All ideas that fittingly come from obese Americans not even trying to hide their bias. This is problematic in my book.

If I was one of the thousands of faceless autismos that every fetish community has and only serves to fave shit on DeviantArt I'd be fine. The problem is that I don't like having an active role in this. I don't like giving traction to this community and by proxy condoning all the problematic shit I mentioned.
But as things are, I love drawing this stuff, I have friends and acquaintances, I have clients and it's a generous source of income.

It's really annoying, of course I feel like I'm deluding myself if I say that that I just said is not hypocritical and immoral, and even more so the act of just accepting what you guys are saying, that having this fetish and unapologetically participating in this community is ok. I guess I just have to accept this wobble (metaphorically speaking) in my moral compass and stop giving a fuck, which is not ok, but is much less taxing than worrying about this shit.

PS: fuck all of you I hate you
actually go wash your sweaty dilapidated penis and testicles you unbalanced escaped creature
If you faggots could stop arguing over the morality of fat fapping for a minute, I’d like you’re attention.

I really hate the new Gordonbleu comic with Eleanor. Something about it comes off as entitled and bitchy.

Be New Eleanor:
>my weight is isolating me from everyone
Despite the fact this hasn’t been a problem before
>I’m gonna see a bariatric surgeon and drop all this weight, using hundreds of resources and currency units
>most people would’ve killed for this kind of weight loss
>Nah, fuck that. I’m gonna put all this weight back on because I have no control
>oh, and I’m gonna vilify all my loved ones and the fucking surgeon for trying to help me out
>and I’m gonna run away with this beta simp while cucking my fiancé THAT’S DONE NOTHING BUT HELP MY FATASS WITH EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THING EVER SINCE WE’VE MET (I fucking hate cuckoldry with a passion)
>I’m also not going to show him the results of my weight loss, even though he was clearly upset with being unable to move me before and that would’ve made him kinda happy (if he liked her fat, she could’ve done the weight gain with him instead of some backwater beta simp)
>I’m also getting a free pass on everything because I have the appetite for it
>My happiness comes before everything and everyone else
>Tee Hee, I’m such a REBEL! YAAAS QUEEN!

And these comic updates are fucking MONTHS apart, so we get to look forward to more art pieces of his fat faggots.

In conclusion: I miss old Eleanor, bros

Be old Eleanor
>I’ve been fat immobile since birth
>I’m not going to let that stop me from loving my wonderful family and handsome, strong fiancé

Fuck you, Gordonbleu, you only like this comic because you’re a fat, spoiled, leftist homo just like everyone else in your sphere. I hope you quit.

Also, why the fuck hasn’t anyone else created a character that’s been immobile since birth?
>most recent update on comic is titled “naptime”
Yeah, take a nap forever, you spoiled bitch. He said this comic was a “what if” but he also claims that it made him emotional. Fuck, it makes me angry, and I hate that I’ve actually gotten off to it.

His art style has gotten blockier too, not rage-inducing, just really fucking stupid.
ah finally, this thread is blasting off
I absolutely despise it when a minor tries to hide their age to get away with drawing fetish art. The worst part is, they'll make some bullshit excuse about why they were deliberately doing it. It's so annoying and disgusting. No fucking wonder lasercosmo3 got frustrated and left because of seeing that shit going on.
lasercosmo's a bitch lmao
last timw I checked he went DFE mode not too long sgo, I wonder how he’s doing now
last time I checked he went DFE mode not too long ago, I was never a big fan of his art but I wonder how he’s doing now
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I cannot stand the amount of dick sucking pyrocynical gets from the 'community" ever since he came out as a fatfur during that false allegation shitshow.

He doesn't deserve the position he's in just because he's a well known youtuber who just happens to have fetishes

I'd respect him more if he actually openly interacted with the people that he gets free art from or commissions and worships him.

The "WOW!!!! he's one of us!!!" shit is fucking grating.

No he isn't.

Though really it's his fatfur/friends that are the problem

Example image attached.
Idk why "fans" autocorrected to "friends"

Also I hate NCSartist as well for some of the same reasons but they themselves are annoying as shit and aren't funny.
>Make the shittiest animation possible reusing audio from a meme

I swear to God I abhor the archetypical cartoon Twitter mini-celeb
I have seen better content made by 12 year Olds in flipnote hatena back in the day that still holds up.

NCS is fucking lazy and their sense of humor is complete garbage.
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this is the face of someone who spends hundreds of dollars on drawings of a fetish that he doesn't like, so that no one suspects his pedophile tendencies
Yeah in the end it's like whatever but it does rub me the wrong way that he's just going around commissioning people and everyone just gets all excited over it just because he's somewhat popular. I never liked his content to begin with and the dude is ugly so him comming fat porn doesn't really mean anything.
Idk why it bothers you so much though. He *is* "one of us", as if that was any honor, and like you say, the only annoying thing is the ass-licking ans gifts he gets, he himself is just comming and cooming to this stuff.
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monobutts are the worst fucking thing to happen to the fatfur community in the past decade

pic related (unspoiler at your own risk), it's the first time i've ever seen a monobutt with a visible sphincter and it's making me so irrationally angry that i felt the need to actually make a post in this thread
Finally someone fucking says it, also that picture is actually disgusting
Monobutts aren't that bad. They're only about as bad as any other toony thing, or weird goofy ass shape. They can even be fun sometimes.

...but no yeah, no, there being an anus absolutely fucks up the whole effect- it almost makes me understand your viewpoint. The closest I've ever come to seeing an anus on a monobutt is a little cartoon X shape, which is fine- but...that absolutely just looks unnatural.

I don't think they're as bad as you say in general but that particular example is absolutely all wrong.
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Since this is a salt thread, so I have some things I'd like to say;
I am so goddamn tired of every single artist using their platform as a way to post their stupid political bullshit or virtue signal something. I'm here for fat art not to hear you get on a soapbox and preach about how America is an evil fascist dictatorship. Just recently, Wenis drew this image of Asgore with massive tits and put in the description that he "likes to draw things to spite queerphobes". I am really sick of this gender and sexuality cultism that is spilling into the community, it's getting old.
Another thing I hate also is how people suddenly become moral police when a character is below the age of 18 as if they aren't creating some of the most depraved shit on Earth. They could be spending this energy to bust ACTUAL pedophiles and instead.
Next, I really hate how open Pyro is about his fetish. It just strikes me as odd, he acts as if he doesn't have a massive platform of normies. I especially hate all the dicksucking artists are doing on his behalf
Lastly, I HATE commission hogs. Tranny faggots like Rovdyr will commission fucking everyone to get art of his OCs that are TOTALLy not just reskins of pre-existing characters, or his shitily-made Barney lookalike OC. Then there's people like Redbow who get art drawn of their OC but they're NOT their OC, they're a character like Mae or Rivet! It makes searching for ACTUAL fat art of these characters harder than it needs to be
I think that's all I have to say, seethe time over
HOnestly yeah, I can agree with most of what you say here. I'm fine with comission stuff because like, that's the whole thing with commissions, they can get whatever they want, and it helps the artist. Even if it's fucked up, or really REALLY weird. Honestly, if the artist is okay with it, then whatever, more power to them. I'm happy that they got people who liked their art enough to commission them on repeat. But whatever.

Honestly it's the politics and virtue signaling that I have a problem with. Because yeah, they really just don't care about actual politics and people who are ACTUALLY a problem. It's really just to strike their ego and further their own agenda, instead of including people and just having fun first then spreading what they think is right. I dunno. I really do think the best way to prove a point to including those less fortunate is just have fun with them, instead of forcing people to enjoy them. Just me, but whatever.

But I do hope you're doing better anon, for what it's worth. I can't say much about your own living situation or if you're doing bad in the first place. I still do hope that you're having a better time and can find a community to at least just relax in. We all at least deserve some place to chill. Best of luck.
If a large group of people hates me for existing and enjoying the right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness, I would not mind seeing them blowing a fuse and screaming their lungs out
Wenis wanted a mug of transphobe tears and that is what she is getting.
Nobody hates them for existing they hate them for helping propagate woke gender bullshit when people just want fat art

Agreed 100%. I do not give a shit what someone’s political opinions are just so long as they keep it to themselves. Wenis can lobotomize himself via his urethra if he thinks anyone on god’s green earth gives a shit about whether or not he’s “spiting queerphobes” (because I guess the word homophobe isn’t good enough so we need a new word that’s the same thing but vague and confusing) with his kinky drawings that exist pretty much for no reason other than to give weirdos boners. When I go to his page in furaffinity or whatever I go there to look at fats, not have opinions I don’t care about shoved in my face, which is not only annoying but just ruins the fucking mood of the whole experience, I can’t comfortably jack off when I’m distracted by how much of a pretentious cunt someone is. I can only imagine what a shitshow his twitter must be. And this extends to pretty much anyone who uses their platform as a political soapbox, chances are these fuckers don’t even know enough about what they’re talking about to have an informed opinion, so shut up and get back to doing what people come there to see and stop pretending like they’re some kind of all-knowing superhuman who will singlehandedly save the world from bad guys that probably don’t exist because postmodernist politics (which I fucking guarantee is also the source of all this gender bullshit) has poisoned their shrivelled little walnut brains to think everyone who disagrees with them about anything is pure evil. Seeing a fetish artist talk about politics is like if the cashier at McDonalds was trying to lecture you on quantum mechanics.
Yeah, it's like, when you're jerking off, would you rather see an ad for more porn, or political shit. People just want to cum, not see political rants, or just talking about stuff like it's their personal journal. It's really self defeating, especially if it's done a lot, and also the weirder the artist is.
Fat fur artists don't exist just to make your dick hard.
They have a have life and personality outside of fat furs
whether you like it or not

Politics isn’t a personality

It is most certainly not for everybody. That much we can agree on.
A trans person saying that they are valid and have rights is not politics
There's also a difference between actually having a point/trying to make a difference, and having no sense of perspective on what's going on around yourself. Do you seriously think that a fat art community would be a good point of reference when most of the place is fucked up? It's like trying to complain about a strip clubs foundations, when most people just want to get laid. Seriously, the problem will most likely sort itself out, and people will move on to a better place if the owner doesn't sort things out. They aren't making a difference, they're just unloading their baggage because they need a crutch to lay on, instead of actually having a good support system with their friends, or family, or hell, anyone really. I would rather be friends with some rando on the street, than any of the artists that people like. You need to be a special sort of fucked up to be friends with some artists, and that's not because they're trans, or weird, or have opinions, but because they have no clue that actually spreading their opinions in the way that they do, more than likely, doesn't help, because seriously, do you think that they'll do anything with what they have at the moment? They just say X, trying to be provacative, and feel a bit better about themselves, when it's just a symptom of a larger problem. They're trying to act woke, when really, they'll be the first fucker to fold and get bent more than anyone else. They suck up to those around them, and try to be "different from the rest" just because that's who they are. They're cardboard. And if they seriously keep it up for long enough, you might just find that they'll be more of an enemy to the causes that they made everyone think that they were part of. Than anything else.
If you actually want to see what making a difference and actually making a point is like, at least watch Sarah Z's video about High guardian spice, or hell, maybe some of Hbomberguy's shit about the roblox OOF sfx, because seriously, that's how you make a point about how people are really does effect what things are like, and does more good to what is going on around us, than hinder. Because they're not trying to OWN people, they're trying to HELP people actually make a difference.
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Does anybody know why Cowiie suddenly went Delete Fucking Everything mode a month ago? I’m assuming it was due to somebody saying they didn’t have good experiences with them on the /trash/ mfat threads, but if that’s true then that’s fucking stupid. I don’t think closing all of your accounts briefly just because of a few anons gossiping about you is necessary.
Kek I thought you were joking about the Asgore thing, I have no idea why so many (Twitter) fatfur artists are persistent on talking about politics on the same place where they post fetish art, although I guess that could be said for most fetish artists in general nowadays.
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For those curious this is the image Wenisberry drew of a "Non-Gender Confirmative" Asgore to make the queerphobes mad that was paired with the image of him giving the middle finger to a "heteronormativity" turd.

An artist who isn't obsessed with politics would simply just say "Here is Hypermoob Femboy Asgore who ate to many Impossible Burgers haha" or some other shit, not "Drawing gender non-conformity feels powerful, heh. I like to make things to spite the queerphobes :3". In the past 3 years he has been active on fur I have never seen a single "queerphobe" harass or even comment on his stuff cause it has never happened. He is creating boogiemen in his head, like for some reason a buncha racist far-right nazis watch his stuff (which is hilarious delusion in it of itself) and will see Asgore with fat women tits and get mad. Wenisberry my dude, the only people who are gonna be seeing that are your lefty friends and horny degenerates.

All of that aside image itself is honestly pretty hot if you are into seeing usually masculine characters like Asgore becoming humiliated obese crossdressing hypersissy dudes with massive tits and ass. If your not then I'd understand why you'd dislike it since its the embodiment of the "drawing a fat woman but making it a dude at the very end" trope that alot of artist do. As a straightoid I don't get the appeal, at that point just make it Toriel instead of Asgore, but this made by a guy who draws alot of other "Non-Gender Confirmative" stuff in the past and also futashit so it obviously not meant for people like me
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Also I don't know much about the Cowiie fiasco but the dude is back and so is his fur account https://www.furaffinity.net/user/cowiie/

But now he's got a really big thirst for Zenos from Final Fantasy tho, specifically as a dragon. I'm just glad hes back since I really like all the poke girl stuff he draws and in general he seems like a good dude who isn't obsessed with politics like some other artists (he is obsessed with Zenos instead) and he has drawn some good shit for the anons on /trash/ so that was cool of him.

I don't know what happened on /trash/ but Cowiie my man you need to grow though skin and not give a shit about what some anon on /trash/ says or thinks about you. Eh, Im just glad he is back and not in the shadow realm

Also seriously what is with people drawing fat dudes like this? First Titgore now this fat blonde dragon? The femboy meme has gone too far, literally just draw a woman at that point my guy. Well I guess its better then futa, at least these fuckers ain't denying they're gay in the slightest.
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It's frustrating when you like fat futas and femboys but then they have to make it about gender shit.
> he seems like a good dude who isn't obsessed with politics like some other artists
Agreed, Cowiie can get a bit political at times but at least they (mostly) keep it out of their art and their actual Twitter is almost devoid of it.
Probably because futa is now considered a transphobic "slur" just like trap among normies, so it’s much safer (and gets more brownie points) to slap the trans label on even if it doesn’t really make sense.
Yeah Cowiie may be a bit political sometimes but its honestly rare to see, plus any artist that interacts and draws art for anons on 4chan is already leagues better than the rest of the fuckers in the community regardless of political views.

Plus he's had his based moments, I remember some twittertards got mad at him for simping so hard for Zenos because he is an "ebil genocidal dictator". Cowiie's response was something along the lines of "lmao don't care, still gonna draw the warcriminal as an obese dragon". He also told them idiots its a fictional adult character so who tf cares.

And much as I hate femboy and futashit, id rather have that be drawn than trans shit or labeling them as "Non-Gender Confirmative Men". I swear the moment I hear one of those fuckers unironically refer to a tomboy as a "Non-Gender Confirmative Woman" I'm gonna go insane.
>>24073 (OP)
It's honestly impressive how possibly the most infamous furry fetish community out there outside of the very obvious ones; has literally the worst drama thread possible. There are SO MANY people you could bitch about, and yet this thread is 90% infighting. Get a grip.
THIS is what 90% of the thread SHOULD have been about.
>I like women with dicks but I don't like having to treat them like people
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Oh, hey. It's my art. lol

Your anger fuels my drive to draw more of this. Thanks.

Y'all are the ones complaining about it.
You need to cope.
Prove you're him. Or don't. Who cares.
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How is anon an idiot? Nobody gives any sound argument that disproves his statement aside from insulting anon and being walls to the fat fetish echo chamber. How is the idea of playing with someone's life expectancy *not* necrophilia???
Blows my mind the mental gymnastics this community partakes in.
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Well obviously the question was asked to get a rise out of me. (and it worked)

I know this because the dipshit had a less effective response after which i'm not bothering with.

an actual argument I would have is the fact that idk the subject is still alive? (and I personally do not care for or want to dabble in the obvious dark parts of the healthplay subkink)

But yeah the anon is an idiot regardless of an actual argument in response.

Cause it's not worth arguing about.
>and I personally do not care for or want to dabble in the obvious dark parts of the healthplay subkink


>Lineart and Coloring by Fawxen


Yes, subject is not *dead*, but it's literally in the name. *Health*-play. The driving force of the kink is literally a desire for shit that brings you closer to death.
You're reading too far into thiis, dude.

I'm the one that decides what I am and am not into
and what i do and don't draw.
(214 KB, 853x1024, Clown_advisory.jpg)
>Futas exist in real life
Get a load of this guy. Futas were put on this earth for the sole purpose of our pleasure. They are imaginary tools for achieving orgasm and nothing more. Begone, simp!
Not gonna lie, you guys are kind of braindead for showing up on this site. Even if you play it off as "just here to troll", you're knowingly posting on a site where people say a LOT of shit your followers would hang you for. You DO know that, right?
They're not guilty by association. And if you're worried about them getting cancelled, if they were REALLY worried about what other people think of them then they wouldn't be here. Cancelling people only works if they ACTUALLY did something wrong, like a crime or grooming or something, and if they fixate on it so that their audience knows.

...I mean I can't exactly speak for them, but, y'know.
A good chunk of people operate under that logic though, especially those they hang around with.
I love your art man but I honestly could not care less about monobutts. The only person that has drawn that stuff in a way I found arousing is rattiesteps but even then his regular butt stuff is better.
This is pretty much exactly the reason I quit while I was ahead. I understand my own limitations and shortcomings, and nipped it in the bud before my self indulgence bled into my real life. I still indulge in private, like on this website or within a closed circle of mutuals for a healthy release, but otherwise it is contained.
Wait, who are you?

........Wtf??? What's this? Lmao, are you talking about transvestites again, anon? Look, you got to stop all this you're doing to yourself. It's not good for you.
I still post here every now and again
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, okai. Nnnnnnneat.
I love your stuff. Keep it up!
damnit lol
I'd hardly say it's nipped in the bud considering the sheer amount of fat art in your favorites, but I guess drawing it is different from just looking at the stuff
Yeah, maybe I didn't use the right word. I'm a passive observer instead of an active participant anymore is what I'm getting at anyways
That's fair. Sorry if I came across as rude by the way.
Don't worry about it, I didn't take it that way

>I'm a passive observer instead of an active participant
>I still post here every now and again
>I still indulge in private, like on this website or within a closed circle of mutuals for a healthy release

That sounds very much like actively participating to me, just not with a public gallery since it was deleted. Idunno man, you weren't doing anything wrong, but it seems like you just shamed yourself into thinking you were. And seeing the post you're agreeing with, I guess that makes sense. But don't gaslight yourself or the rest of us, you're just doing the same thing in more private spaces.

Do what you want, its your life after all, and I hope you enjoy it. But for the love of god, don't shame yourself for not saving people from their own choices. As someone who ate right, exercised often, didn't drink or smoke, and got diagnosed with a chronic illness anyway, I'd say that hedonism gets a bad rap.
After coping with it for this long I admit you’re right about the favorites. I’ve started clearing them out on dA.
I don’t think I would say that I shamed myself into thinking what I was doing was wrong though, because I always felt a degree of guilt, and knew from the beginning that I would one day quit. Add onto that that the art I actually cared about (the non-fetish art) didn’t get as much recognition, and the fact that I hated a lot of the community (specifically on furaffinity) and it was an easy decision. The appeal of posting fetish art online had long been lost to me, and I didn’t want it to be what I was known for anymore. I’m much happier now posting comfortably about my fantasy worlds in my own small corner of the internet. Still, I am flattered that people liked the fat art I drew, despite what little effort I put into it.
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Being called a "hater" or "one of them" for expressing my (not even that major) opinion that certain Pokémon are a little overrated. I can name a few off the top of my head; Lucario, Vaporeon, Lopunny, etc. I do not HATE these Pokémon. There are just times where I see them literally everywhere in this community, and want to branch out for the lesser drawn stuff.

Mfw someone calls me a hater for having an opinion (I'm shivering in my timberlands)
I think Pokemon and pokesonas in general are pretty darn lame. I mean I get it, but it's more than a little annoying when people will have an OC who's a giratina or golbat or whatever and act all proud of it.

I guess you could make the argument that it's not that different from taking a real existing animal, or a general fantasy creature like a dragon or unicorn, but you could also make the argument that fuck you, eat shit.

Also while I'm at it I hate futa. It's MONSTROUSLY popular no matter where ya look and I just don't get it.

I never understood the appeal of futas. It's LITERALLY like going trans without actually going trans. It's a weird in-between that just looks unnatural. Admittedly you can say that about any bizarre fetish, but something about futa stuff always felt... offputting.

To each their own I guess but if chicks had dicks in real life I don't think humanity would exist today.
Ever heard of a woman born with penis? Use google.
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I don't mean to sound like a broken record, and I apologize in advance if this is an iffy topic here, but the fact that there are furries who unironically want to fuck irl animals. Like, actual dogs. Beastiality is downright horrendous no matter how you spin it. It's illegal in the states for a reason. What's worse is that there are people who encourage that shit. I pray to God no one here does this, dog pussy is NOT worth jail time.
>dog pussy is not worth jail time
Tell that to white women
That's not fair and I know some of these women usually they are just as confused, neglected and unloved as some of these animals. I bet that if you fuck your woman right she would never let a dog fuck her. Actually I know some women south of the US border that suck horse dick the reason they suck hirse dick is because they like turning men on. If Michelle Kerr told me that she would only let me fuck her if I sucked a horse's dick bro, or like a dog's dick, that would be a difficult decision for me to make. No matter what it is 1000 times better than being a cuckold and Michelle Kerr begging me to suck BBC. I would do anything for Michelle Kerr. Anything but suck BBC or a dude's cock. Never.
(474 KB, 992x978, Phase_2_HD.jpg)
>mfw scat, i'll be honest
>>24073 (OP)

are there any furry artists out there with a level head on their shoulders and isnt insane on top of managing to produce quality content?
Most furry artists are level headed but it's only moments of weakness that are pointed out and focused on.

Which is totally unfair coming from this board since a lot of things said here are fuckin psycho.
like christ calm the fuck down.
Honestly I'm getting sick of all the kids trying to get involved with this. Like hell even here on bbwchan it's obvious some of these people are like 13 at best with the way they type and have absolutely no shame in begging for rp, posting their discord handles completely unprompted, sperging out when someone doesn't update someone's kemono.party, generally speaks like someone who barely knows how to type etc. It's just uncomfortable and pretty gross tbh
Honestly yeah, met a person like that on here not that long ago. Really does bog things down when you just wanna do sexual stuff. Like, jeez, I just wanna do some weird fetish stuff, not be an actual fucked up degenerate.
You can blame twitter (and by extension discord) for that.
>>27529 Really? That's cool. I choose to blame fuck ups like yourself and the Devil.
What's with the sudden hostility? dude was honestly juts spitting facts
>>27543 Why did what he said sound hostile to you? It sounded like a factual statement to me. Just saying.
Well satan is in my asshole, and I can already tell that you're a fuck up, but I guess someone who has no future really likes to try and take every little thing that they can, just so that they don't feel like the worst person that they really are.
>>27547 Maybe. Too bad I have no idea about what you just said. I was just saying anyways. Good luck. Oh and my asshole has never been defiled by anyone who wasn't a girl or a sexy lesbian. I will never allow a man to lick my anus. never
You're fucking 14, aren't you? Either you're autistic, or just someone so fucking young that they have no idea on what the fuck is going on. Seriously, please just get the fuck out of here. I can't speak for everyone, but I'm sure there's going to be a freak in this fucking board that'll be all over your asshole soon enough. Seriously, just what the fuck was up with that asshole talk? Nobody talks like that besides kids who try to act cool.
>>27551 My asshole will remain pure and unlicked (by nuts)
That's universal, some people likes ABDL and they are not from furry fandom :/
Y'know what grinds my gears?
I want to find a decent Fat, shapely hippo woman character THAT IS NOT GLORIA FROM THAT DAMN MADAGASCAR MOVIE.
everytime I lurk in boards, e621 and elsewhere, and I want to find a hippo, it's always GLORIA. Gloria everywhere!
And when it's not Gloria, it's an old pic from kazekat.
But I'm mostly tired of seeing Gloria.
The face, the same set of poses and body shapes, the creativity is severely lacking these days!
Ironically, the only thing i can think of is that this board is chronically upset.
I'm sorry to hear you're a victim of child groomers. Whatever you find comfort in, I guess.
>>27596 That's the most nonfunny joke that has ever been posted on these here imageboards. It is also the least straight.
Hey, THATS what I'm talking about. Good stuff!
Tbh, might just start my own OC Hippo lady thread here soon. May as well fix the problem while I'm complaining about it.
thanks so much!
I’ve been an artist in this community for a couple of years now, I flip flop between the anime human side of the community and the furry side so I’m not really concrete on either side. The reason I’m talking about this stuff on this board is because bbw draw is full of weirdos and I don’t want to talk about this over there. But I think one of the things that really really makes me fuckin want to leave and never come back, is not the sort of passive enjoyers who like my stuff. It’s the fucking artists on both sides. Just like it’s been a staggeringly weird that someone all artists I’ve met cannot communicate with others and work out things like adults to save their lives. So many groups I’ve been in absolutely destroyed by he said she said bullshit.
Yeah, honestly, it doesn't seem like people just wanna talk shit out, and instead just want to move on with stuff. And not in the good, healthy way lmfao
No, I don't think you guys get to just run away crying. Why the fuck do you all desperately try to make your porn about how "dying and killing people is hot and makes me cum!" I demand an answer, one that is actually direct, no deflections, no running away, no bullshit "but it's just a fantasy :(" garbage.
If you actually meant the fantasy stuff, then you would realize that, by virtue of it being imaginary, you dictate what happens, and can ignore certain logistical consequences. Therefore, you are including murder and death into your sex thoughts because that is what you find sexy.
You fuckers rightly call out creepy fucking pedo shit, but you refuse to acknowledge that the snuff trash is also fucking horrible.
Mrmm, I guess it falls under the same umbrella as other fucked up kinks do. Like, pulling the pearl out of an oyster. Some people like lighter fucked up shit, where everyone enjoys it, yadda yadda. Some people like eating the flesh of an oyster, and not really the pearl, aka more fucked up stuff in it. And some people are off their fucking rockers and eat the whole oysters whole.

But, I think as to why people like it, it's like a fucked up type of bondage, but with other stuff. You know? I think it's the idea that you could do everything right, and still somehow end up dying or meeting a bad end because of your own desires that really gets it off to people. And like, yeah sure, it could get someone to do fucked up stuff. But it's like blaming video games on school shootings.

The people who do stuff like that were already fucked up, and it was just video games that was the last straw, and a bad system that fucked them up that made them like that.

Though for when you say that fiction incites reality, I can get that, to a degree. But honestly, this stuff is still degenerate trash that people don't like, and don't want around themselves. It's still going to be scrutinized n'shit.

But I mean, this is coming from a fucker who likes more fucked up shit with friends. And also friends with people who are into scat. So like, yeah.

I think it really just comes down to people who give off bad vibes on making this type of stuff that really rub me the wrong way.

But I really do hope you're doing well, Anon. I know you sound pretty heated about this, but I hope you're at least able to sit down and have a good time wherever you are, or whoever you are =w=

Thanks for the question, and I hope this is satisfactory lol And if not, then ask away some more lmfao
Why the hell wouldn't it be ANY other version? There's never been an adult version of asriel.
Besides in deltarune which we haven't seen yet.
Yeah, but people want to fuck things that they've seen, most of the time. Asriel in deltarune hasn't even been seen, much less even have anything we really even know about.
So yeah, sure, there's an "adult" version of Asriel.
I neant more of their shitty lil' aging up thing just so they can justify pedophilia, but, yeah, you are right.

Should have phrased it better, sorry!
Honestly, why is the golden standard just putting them to 18 in the first place??? If you really wanted them older, shouldn't you put them in like, their 20s or something???
I guess...?
Still doesnt make it right though.
I mean, i guess so???
Still doesnt make it right in my eyes, though.
Insufferable in the sense that you don't really get things, anyways.
what, that we don't get pedophilia?
what are you on about???
I would honestly LOVE to hear your thoughts about all of this.
so technically everyone here is a zoophile basically ami right
As much you aren't a virgin.
most people with porn addictions have to escalate their tastes to sustain it.

And so you're just scrolling through those threads? What, do you save all the art that worries you as well?
"I only jerk off to it as well just so that I can REALLY understand what makes it so fucked up!"
what a shitty argument.
"Oh you were on the threads!!!!
If you don't like it why were you on the threads!?!?!?!?"
cause, its called morbid curiosity, i wanted to see how morally bankrupt the incels in those threads get, also no, i don't save them (acting like i like art made by pedophiles.), cause i would be saving fetish porn of children onto my computer.
i actually can't tell who this is directed too.
It's not an argument at all, I'm not trying to change your mind on anything.

Have fun being morbidly curious in those threads I guess. You'd probably have more fun playing video games though.
Please don’t use trans slurs.society has moved passed that. I’m shocked by the rampant transphobia in this thread especially a furry community thread. Many trans people (myself included) first learned to “find out real forms” in the furry community. I’m positive Cowiie_ was AFAB so your usage of the 🏳️‍⚧️ slur while praising a trans fur is doubly offensive.
If you're surprised people are using mean words on an anonymous imageboard, then you must be pretty new to the internet.
probably a dumb question, but why do fatfur (and belly expansion spaces in general) spaces attract so much trans and "gray-ace" people? the closest contender I can think of are diaperfags
probably a dumb question, but why do fatfur (and belly expansion in general) spaces attract so much trans and "gray-ace" people? the closest contender I can think of are diaperfags
Let’s not use the term “diaper F-slurs”. Maybe we can substitute that term with pamper enthusiasts? Or crinkle lovers? I don’t know about that. positive there are equal amounts of LGBTQ representation within the other sections/fetishes of furrydom and maybe that’s your own experience as you frequent those two fetishes more than the others?
Look, I'm with you on not using the "fag" as a suffix to refer to someone with a specific fetish

but you're fighting a losing battle trying to reason with people that frequent chan boards.
Jesus Christ why is an altchan of all things acting like holier than thou twitter
i agree that twitter users cause the most stink but it's mostly the adults that do it, trying to protect the children from the evils of liking fat cartoony bellies!!!! cause no teenager has ever had puberty kick sexual urges into overdrive
and they're probably focusing on their fat more than their age, but if they're not young enough for you that can be rearranged
I don’t think anyone on this site, “crinkle lovers” included, give a shit about the word diaperfag. If you wanna bitch about mean words, this is like, the worst place to do it. I’m sure twitter would be much more receptive to your diaper revolution, so take it there and let the rest of us enjoy our pointless seething thread.
(21 KB, 321x375, Disgusting.jpg)
>Let's not use the term "diaper F-slurs"
Where in the everloving fuck do you think you are, faggot?
Sign…. Fair enough. I will abide by your chan cultural language. I don’t know any scandal or drama within the fat furry community unfortunately. Maybe that means this thread is dead now?
Idk but 90% of grey ace people I've seen on the community are a fucking joke and an insult to the sexuality itself. Either people they feel the need to get up on a high horse and treat their libido as something else and it not being like anybody else's, or them being prude for whatever reason and being too ashamed to admit the get off sexually to this kind of shit.
I swear it's ridiculous seeing an ace flag next to the most degenerate fetish faves on a furaffinity profile.
Most of the time they reveal their identities because they need that sweet sweet validation and status, they don't really have anything of substance to say so they just appeal to their clout. It's like putting on a Charisma +2 item on Fallout.

I don't know American society because they stink. I mean not really sorry.. American's are good! America is a good country to live in and the people here are saints.
I don't get asexual people who make fetish/porn content In general.
Isn't the whole point of being asexual is...y'know,not wanting/needing validation from porn and sexual activities.
A lot of it is just not finding enjoyment in or even bejng put off by actual sexual content like explicit photos/art involving sex and stuff.

It doesn't mean they can't experience arousal
Just certain things don't click or sit right with them.

Me personally, I find the appearance of dick and cooch off putting and hyper makes it far worse.
Ah, that makes a bit of sense actually.
Thanks for explaining!
(1.2 MB, 720x734, HolyFuck.png)
Twitter "Artists" are something else. How in the ever living fuck are you gonna draw inflation porn then have a multi Tweet political rant? You know, those types. Every other post is some massive rant about something random that happened in Burgerland. The lack of self awareness from these people is outstanding.

If you do this. Just know that nobody cares about your shitty takes. We're only here for the porn you draw.
(92 KB, 1440x480, disgusting.jpg)
the person who drew this was 100%, without a doubt completely serious when drawing this and deciding to share it for others to see
I am staring at the breasts and fatness of the character more then the overall message of this picture.

Just don't understand why the artist wants me to focus on the message of an implied vore drawing...

People jerk of to this picture more then taking the message seriously.
(1.7 MB, 1962x1513, Places_message_on_ass_people_stare_at_ass_more2023.png)
I am staring more at the breasts and fatness of the character, than the message itself.

I just don't understand why artists share their opinion on a kink pictures, when more people jerk off to said picture, than taking the message seriously...
Sad thing is this isn't even the first piece of furry commie vore art I've seen.

Honestly at this point I’m starting to think that obsessing over politics should be considered a mental health problem. It can’t be good for you or anyone else to turn literally everything into a political statement. If you can’t even make porn without forcing your unsolicited opinion about whatever issue du jour is rustling the jimmies of the twitter mob, it’s time to look into therapy.
its probably been said before, but i just dislike the fact that we are a community of degenerates who are 'chubbychasers' and 'dogfuckers' (aka what we are deemed as in the spectrum of the larger internet), yet we have to audacity to call any other fucking group degens or lesser than us.

it feels equivalent to jews hating blacks, despite both being massacred, gays hating trans, despite both being deemed scum, and bronies hating furries, despite being on the same pedestal of incel-tier spergs and nerds.

who the fuck are we to call anyone of any background, fandom, orientation, or whatthefuck ever degenerate? we're also fucking degenerate, we dont get a pass.

are we really just that deluded of self reflection now where we cant see how fucking stupid we look and realize that we shouldnt be fighting each other, but coming together.

for what reason? why the fuck does there need to be a reason for anyone to be here? we're sacks of fucking meat on a space rock heading towards nowhere and every single second we spend alive has no fucking matter or importance to anything in the grand scheme of the universe, u fucking morons.

who wakes up every day and is just ready to put people down and hope that groups of people die off?

why cant we just exist together for a while and all politely go outside and play hide-and-go-fuck-ourselves at our own pace with the people we care about?
I see that you’re a 15 year old that has just discovered reddit. You’ll grow out of nihilism, it’s okay.
Try to keep it more on topic next time though, kiddo.
it is the topic. the topic of how this "community" can somehow call itself that when its just several bubbles of annoying, terminally online sjw fucks and right-winger fuckheads with so little overlap.

all of these fucking safe spaces and echo chambers just make this place feel like actual fucking hell and interacting in any part of this is like going through a needle-stack with no hay to be found
(30 KB, 480x479, Dafoe.jpg)
>This isn't bait and Anon is quite possibly 15
Reconcile with your parents. They love you, you know.
(149 KB, 220x123, ACD43B97-D880-43F3-8213-882AC4657F94.gif)
Slow clap 👏
It does warm my heart how much this place has changed since I was last on. It used to be Filled with literal pretentious grammer nazi dipshits.
You don’t have to be like them. Let me tell you something I’ve learned from experience “puts arm around your shoulders. The online furry community has always been batshit insane. It’s an insane fetish and is draws in literal crazy people and it always will. Don’t read the comments ignore the haters and just enjoy the art. Have a good fap or commission what you like and if they’re too political move on. There will always be clout chasers and gate keepers but the furry community is like communism. It belongs to everyone. The fatties the footies the gores the diapers the ferals the rape art the sonic fandom the LGBTQIA’s the straights the conservatives and liberals and progressives and the edge lords alike and the squeaky wheels (teenage crazy fucks) will always be the loudest the rest of us are mature in our silent majority so don’t let it get to you. Watch the furries you like don’t engage with the crazies commission the ones you want and as always have a good fap. And don’t ever apologize just ignore and carry on ✌️

Being completely stoic is the best thing I have learned because of the gigantic landmines that are in the furry fandom.

I just enjoy my own stuff and if there is some "controversy," in the fandom. I just completely ignore it and move on, it's not my fight.
(283 KB, 621x655, pp.png)
omg !! raiid!!???
>>30016 I bet she gives great head.
gate keeping is actually awesome, if there was some of that going on there might not be so many FAGGOT BITCHES in the fatfur community!
Imagine using your self insert's obese gay furry ass to advertise baby murdering on 4th of July, this fucker doesn't deserve to live off the benefits this nation has to offer.
Also we got another classic case of fat artist purges his art outta the blue here. Fucker deletes years worth of his art, hundreds of bbw stuff mind you. All over some retarded excuse like "It was poor quality and I felt bad seeing it" when thousands follow him and love his art. Archive anons are already getting to work salvaging this and salute them for it but it's all so fucking tiresome, especially when a twitter only artist does it.
If you seriously think this nation has great benefits, why do it's people pay more taxes than the corporations that make hundreds more than they do?
That's their prerogative. If looking at their old amateur art makes them feel queasy it's understandable for them to purge it. Some artist are their own worst critics. They may fill raw disgust looking at their old artwork, Especially if their new artwork is far superior in quality. I personally think you should keep it up as a testament for how far you've come but everyone's different.
>>30083 That's a good question. I don't know. Is it because rich people make the policy they call laws? Hmm. Let's ask the experts and see what they think.
Hardly anyone gets cancelled in the fat furry community so there's hardly any actual drama or scandal. Which is probably for the best
If you really think pointing out the obvious is seriously a burn, then you either need to go out more, or maybe just see a gastrologist to make sure the shit isn't redirecting itself into your head.
Is it just me or does all fat furry art look the same? Outside of Batspid they all use the same shapes, same form. No wonder people are switching to AI, if this is the majority of fat fur art. Why would i pay top dollar for ovals and circles when i can just install a program and get higher quality for free within a few seconds?
And i'm positive AI can color better than Batspid currently. It's already superior to most fatfurry artists imagine what it will be like in 5 years.

>imagine what it will be like in 5 years.
You sound like somebody who doesn't understand technology. It's a downward trend always. Not an upward. There will be progress, but the progress will taper down progressionally. In 5 years time, unless somebody comes up with a way to use 3D space with it AI art not only will not look significantly better than it does now, it will by then have lost its luster and appeal. Because of the contrived limitations of computing and physics of GPUs the AI art will become more similar, much like your complaint here about furry art. It will look repetitive and boring because it's not real art. With 3D you could theoretically pretend some of the human touch, but that too would have limitations that are impossible to adjust to without human interaction.
Yeah it's like,
It's an inflated metric, it's only really great because it has rich people backing it. if it was just on it's own, it would flop harder than any tech start up that we like to poke and prod at. And just like stadia, when the going gets rough, and profits are down, they will pull out and put it into more "profitable" things.

Among just new laws that'll """eventually""" bring it down like with Crypto is.

AI art isn't "for the people", it's "For the people that can exploit it the most".
I also do think that AI art also tends to all look the same. At least the novelai furry stuff everyone posts does.
Yeah 😅I’m not exactly tech Savvy.
But if you think so maybe that’s also a good thing. I’d hate to see all these fat furries out of a job.
I realize that this thread being is also a good thing. At the end of the day this is just Gossip and we have twitter for that. I understand it was probably created by someone who needed to vent their frustrations while anonymous and not worry about getting cancelled. Which I also understand. But sometimes the best solution is to unplug and tough grass. Rather than reopening it, circle jerking and amping it up.

Anyways take care of yourselfs my dude-dur-reen-noes
Ehhhh, you know what fuck it, thanks dude. I know it's not exactly much to me or some other people. But you know, still, thanks. Not many people would actually go out of their way to say stuff like that here, but,

Thanks. Hope you're doing well and are having a nice day.
It's honestly no surprise so many artists feel like shit about their older art or hell even new stuff too.
It's the fact that they're always being pressured into "improving" by onlookers and the possibility of people here or in /trash/ always calling the art bad unless it fits a specific criteria. when it's literally not the case.
That makes creating art not fun when art is supposed to be just as fun to make as it is for others to look at.

It's honestly a damn shame shit gets to that point.
Especially when artists feel the need to just nuke their galleries be it on Twitter or any actual art website because nothing they do is "good enough".

Be more kind to artists, especially those who actually try.
Even more if you're an artist yourself.
It's easy to piss on artists. There's almost never any consequences and all you need to do is wait until they make a small mistake and then blow it out of proportion by implying they've done worse but you "forgot" to screenshot it or it was "over VC".
People always wonder why artists seem so antisocial but the constant harassment and messages can get really tiring especially when they've had so many people approach looking to be friends and then start asking or implying they want art.
The "suspiciously wealthy furry" meme made things worse because now people assume they can just throw fistfulls of cash at you whenever they want, even if you aren't open for commissions or are busy with others.

It really does suck. You spend months to years honing your skills and end up with rumours and random, unsubstantiated accusations.
Stfu you just described all humans regretably. living in the US. The only differences between all of us are the obvious.
How do you guys feel about cancelled artists/commissioners? If someone has reformed and condemned their last actions. How long do we hold it over their head? Or do you believe that it’s not that they did the actions per se but they showed that capability to commit those actions in first place? So you know even if they condemn their past behaviour they are capable of such actions and there for should continue being boycott and banned from spaces.

What are you opinions?
No matter how many times kingly/fallen arts says he's "changed" or "not like that anymore" I will not believe him. He's been a shitstain on the "community" for years and only NOW he's "changed" so he can get on peoples good sides.

Change is for people who make genuine mistakes like acting on their emotions at the wrong times or just making stupid decisions.

Not for those who've deliberately been a manipulative asshole for YEARS with no redeemable qualities besides "guhhhh art good"
No matter how many times kingly/fallen arts says he's "changed" or "not like that anymore" I will not believe him. He's been a shitstain on the "community" for years and only NOW he's "changed" so he can get on peoples good sides.

Change is for people who make genuine mistakes like acting on their emotions at the wrong times or just making stupid decisions.

Not for those who've deliberately been a manipulative asshole for YEARS with no redeemable qualities besides "guhhhh art good"
I don’t know who that is but I understand what you mean. Changing you behaviour should be for the right reasons as well as the end result? If I’m misunderstanding please let me know. That’s what I interpreted from your text.

Let’s play devils advocate for that argument.
Say this kingly person(whom I’m guess is a manipulative abusive) didn’t change because they had changed their morals. They had changed their behaviour to that of a decent person because being a decent person(or in this case mimicking a decent person) is the best way to function within this community and get what they wanted.
Wouldn’t the end result for all of us be the same?
Let’s say Kingsley had tried via trial and error.
They had learned that:
-Being a garbage human doesn’t work.
-But being a decent functional human does.
Isn’t that reformation itself and why we have prisons(or the original idea of what prisons are for) to reform peoples future actions so they can then fit back into society?
Speaking from experience because my own father is a piece of shit, it would take a fuckin Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" level turn of events to change someone seemingly instantly.

For example no matter how many times my dad has re entered my family's life in the time I've been alive the end result has always been the same: someone gets hurt because he hasn't actually changed.
But I don't need to go on a joker schpiel about how shit my childhood was.

So I have a reason to be skeptical about someone who's seemingly never made a genuine effort to better themselves for the right reasons.
No one changes instantly but gradually over experience and growth,

What would be a genuine effort to be better in your opinion?
What would a person (who was bad/fallen in the past) have to do in order for them to redeem themselves in your mind?
Is there anything they could do at point onward to change your mind?
Imo it's best to find a way to approach and apologize to those who've been hurt or wronged by ones actions. And if they do accept the apology, then that's great. If not, then move on and learn from that.
I care because I believe the way we deal with Cancelled people right now is super toxic and harmful in the long run.
Like canceling at least in the beginning had two purposes.
The first purpose being to actively inform the community about toxic/abusive actors and so they could stand clear so they too are cautions of them.
The second purpose would be so those toxic actors learn from their mistakes and do not reoffend or continue their problematic behavior.
If they will be treated the same way regardless of their behavior, then why would they change?
Changing your behavior takes a lot of effort and a lot of work. No one who is serious about it does it instantly it’s a gradual long process. If there’s no benefit to changing to become better why would people do it? Changes in diet and lifestyle provide health benefits, religions provide/or imply salvation in the afterlife.
Cancelled people currently get no benefit for changing their behavior.
You don’t get something for nothing. Especially something that takes that much effort.
I can understand being mistrustful and overly cautious, we learn from our mistakes and based on their passed actions they’ve reaffirmed many of those valid emotions.
But at what point does it go from caution and concern to just down right spiteful behavior?
And if you constantly attack someone from one side they will run into the arms of the other side.
I just think we should in time consider reformative justice, after a justifiable amount of being cancelled we should allow people to change and come back.
what did fallen arts do? he only struck me as not more than a 4chan edgelord everytime i saw his interactions and post, but nothing too bad to be deserving of cancellation or whatever.

4chan edge lord is about right as a description. However he's mistreated people who were his "friends" by doing or saying a variety of things like talking down on em and calling them names, slurs, etc. He never really stuck around people who didn't agree with him on certain subjects. Liked to have "yes men" around.

But who knows, maybe he has changed? I have yet to see it. Only seen him in a friend's server, just posting art here and there.

But when you got people, friends who were friends with him talking about the shit experiences with him, it's pretty clear cut what type of person he was.
I was in one of his servers and it did feel a bit of a hostile environment, but again I brushed it off as the usual 4chan humor/idiosyncracy. Never saw him doing anything particularly bad personally.
Oh you meant a specific user named fallen arts. I was just talking about artists and commissioners who have fallen(been cancelled) in general.
I know but the guy came to mind.
is there a point to your post or are you just sour it so accurately describes your approach.
literally batshit.
makes fake identities/accounts and doesn't approach but quietly follows people and slowly over the course of weeks/months likes/favs more and more of your stuff and makes little gentle interactions before properly approaching
gets weirdly obsessive with you and seems to know exactly how to please you, fakes interest in subjects you've already spoken to him before about and asks the correct questions to keep you chatting
eventually he gets caught, the mask slips and falls and he says fuck it and just begins to spam, troll, harass and use every little bit of information he's gleaned on you to attack and belittle you
except people are so used to him doing this now that whenever he tries to make someone look bad by revealing what he's learned everyone just tells him to fuck off
dude is properly psychotic if not outright sociopathic. shows no remorse and if you're "in" on his most recent attempt you'll find that he spends his days so strung out and paranoid that he just imagines everyone/thing is somehow plotting against him before he then turns and does what i described above to you, too.
i think he does genuinely want to turn a new leaf when he tries but he's incapable of realizing that he's the problem until after the dust settles.
if he's capable of empathy then it's clearly being overpowered by whatever nerotic fucking imaginary scenarios he comes up with to explain why everyone else is the bad guy and not him.
sounds just about right.
I only got out of it easy cause I didn't really open up to the guy or really agree with whatever he's said to me in DMs so he eventually just fell off.

Got a mutual block going on at twitter too
Hey have any of you seen a gay Jew boy filming with a camera? I think he works for Hollywood.
Oh wow! I got goosebumps from that. Sounds like you’ve had an up close personal experience with that person. I hope that didn’t traumatized you or lead to life long anxiety and trust issues. A usual result from dealing with such a sociopathic individual up close. I hope you have better experiences from now on.
Gossip really is a guilty pleasure. This psychological account has peaked my interest. You’ve described their method but…what are their means? Why do they do that? Is it to gain customers or friends? What are they being denied that requires them to go through such desperate methods to acquire?
You sound like a gay Jew boy because you can't funny so I will just say that whether you are hacking restaurant cameras hooked up to the integnet, or whether you're sending spies on foot, your Netflix "originals" are always going to suck dick and you will never be a real artist. -Original Poster
i wouldn't go as far as traumatized. he never managed to get at me from that angle since i keep most people at arm's length for months if not years and reveal very little about myself that isn't already public. he's messed with the minds of a lot of aquantinces over the years though.
it helps that i detected a minor mask slip very early on when i was talking to him about setting up a group that would get together and practice drawing/art once a week.
he immediately tore my idea apart and insulted both it and my intelligence in a backhanded, kinda neggy way but then seemed to realize from my lack of reaction that i realized he was trying to wear down my self esteem and laid it on thick.
when that didn't work he went mask off entirely and tried to get a reaction out of me but i just silently blocked and muted him across all platforms. he tried to reach out occasionally with alts but he isn't as good as disguising himself as he believes.
unfortunately i see a few people constantly fall for it. i don't mind if someone actually wants to turn over a new leaf, try again — especially if they believed or said some fucked up shit. if you're a young adult, fall in with the wrong group and realize this later on then changing your username and starting over may be your only recourse as both "sides" would forever alienate you.
but i am not convinced he is being genuine when he tries. i'm skeptical of reccomending therapy for things that can be resolved by simply logging out and not going back but in kinglys circumstances i think it would help.
no fucking clue but he always targets the same people.
he probably just has or had a shit life and struggles to manage his anger and anxiety. my personal supposition is that if he isn't a sociopath then it's probably an attempt to maintain some semblance of control over the situation to protect himself from harm; failing to realize that his struggle for control is what's causing this.
he also seems to hate feeling inferior since he refuses to make friends with people who have skills he perceives are superior to his own as many of the backhanded remarks he would make to me were all meant tl discourage me from drawing or practicing in a game we played.
that or be just wants people to rely on him and is afraid if they learn how to draw, they'll abandon him.
but both of those are unsubstantiated. it's possible he's just fucking bonkers.
When you say the mask slips...what do you mean by that? Is just not being politically correct? or is it a deeper kind of toxicity? It sounds like classical narcissistic disorder...or it could be a specific type of autism.
He probably means you're g
(209 KB, 796x406, shut the fuck up.PNG)
God how desperate for attention and approval of other people are you? Every response here is just teeming with insecurity.
And also of course the good ol denial (and futile yet insistent denial) on how degenerate your kinks are.
Why do you even care?
You don't live in America so you wouldn't understand
What does this have to do with living in America??

(And yes, I do.)
Then you should know why I care and why I hate the nutter and their Hollywood --read the schizo thread
I want him to understand how much of a bitch he is.
Sounds like you're being the schizo here dude.
Say it to his face then.
DM him
Comment on it.

You're being just as big of a bitch by saying these things anonymously.

He at least has the balls to say shit publicly.
(As dumb as it is sometimes)
haha no, I'd like to keep making money from this community rather than stupid drama.
sorry, i don't browse threads like this often since i find a lot of the replies to be ridiculous bitching about non-issues instead of any actual juicy drama. someone acts a tiny little pc on some social media site and retweets like, a charity or something and all of a sudden threads like this have certain posters that act like this is the end of civilization as we know it
it's a term used for many things but in this instance it's when someone is being insincere to the point of building a false identity to manipulate those around them and yes, i do wonder if he has some sort of narcissistic disorder. however i'm not gonna armchair psychologist my way through some other guy's problems. i care about informing others because of the people around me he has hurt but i also acknowledge i'm just some person who may or may not be totally incorrect.
that said, dude's fucked up. like seriously fucked. he seems to try and just... do everything in his power to prevent anyone but himself from succeeding. normally people with such a complete lack of empathy and willingness to destroy others are great at climbing the rungs to success but he always seems to sabotage himself when things start going well.
it's why i wonder if it's just anxiety and anger. he ges scared, lashes out with anger and it all blows up again and again and he just lacks the capacity to apologize.
reminds me of small dog syndrome because the moment he realizes his negging and overwhelming rage doesn't affect you he just flees and acts like you're the one who got rid of him.
are we talking about Fallen_arts still? Gosh I never heard a blip of him in the community until I came across this bbwchan thread.
Is he a celebrity for fatfurries? Or who is that?
Some artist who deleted all of their previous stuff on twitter, then people wanted it back and yeah.
Oh okay.

All in favor of starting a new thread say “Aye”
How is chubcubbyart? Are they good with commissions? Cause I got one from them in December and said it be done in mid January and so far I got nothing. Complete radio silence, fairly annoying to be honest. At least a single reply would be nice
I don’t like speaking about others behind their back, but it is needed to be said. If I give you my money to do something and you say you have a time it will be done by, I expect it to be done by said time. If not, give me a response why, I’m a fairly understanding guy, but what I hate is zero response and radio silence. Even more so when I can tell they’re still very much active on their account. Radio silence on a comm that is past the date it is supposed to be ready by, really gets on my nerves and even more so again when they are still active on their account and appear to be deliberately ignoring possibly
Average Chikin Nuggit mental age.
I am once again here to rant about fatfurs incessantly retweeting political posts on the timeline. Dawmino, tubbytoons, voidflame, hybridprojectalpha, firefox
It fucking kills my boner and makes me want to hurt people
I don’t get how these retards expect to be taken seriously by anyone other than the ones that already agree with them and also happen to share their bizarre fetishes
These are not functioning adults
Like how little self awareness can one possibly possess to shamelessly tweet images of an obese marge simpson doing an erotic dance and then go to a tweet about native american rights within the same minute
I’m here to jerk off, if I wanted to hear a faggy, off-topic lecture I’d go back to 11th grade English class!
Is this day and age you kinda have to. It’s like when Oreo or Starbucks talk about supporting LGBTQ despite that there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism and both use child labour. Many artists do political posturing as its very good for business. Many of their customers have very similar views. If you have an issue with them showing up on Twitter I would just block/mute them and move on. We’re about to enter a recession and if they (the artists) have to make a few politically charged tweets to help out sales that’s more than fine. Just mute and block and move on. Follow them on FA where they’re more likely to only post artwork and keep the politics to twitter. I’m pretty sure political posts can go against the TOS of Furaffinity so most artists won’t chance it.
(160 KB, 775x689, imagen_2023-02-16_175254823.png)
>mfw the one on the right looks genuinely better and has more personality but he feels the need to make this shitty soapbox post

you're becoming more and more insufferable as everyday goes by, fawx
You know who I always mix up. Fawxen and Culpricfox. Their artwork is very similar and they have very similar takes and I always confuse one for the other.
who the fuck is that
(390 KB, 1080x1618, Fuckyou.jpg) (151 KB, 1044x834, Fuckyou2.jpg)
P sure he's talking about art that ends up looking like this (these are two separate artists btw)
And has a hard time making things look "bad" on purpose.

Clearly he's trying to help others and you're getting mad at nothing compared to other, more dumb shit he's done.

Just fuckin kiss and make up with him already dude this looks like an obsession.
(35 KB, 800x450, upload.jpg)
You know what? Yeah I fucking will ask for a refund for a commission after you ghosted me for months on end, kept announcing new commissions slots totally ignoring mine and others, bragged about how much money your patreon is making, and then had the nerve to sulk about people messaging you for refunds.

You offered a service, accepted the money, and didn't produce anything with it. That's called a scam. Don't be upset when people want a refund.
>noooo you can't just give new artists good advice early on so that their linework won't look like a 9 year old drew it in ms paint!! it actually looks better that way!!!!
I'm guessing these guys' art is more your speed?
>>31663 (Cross-thread)
>>31162 (Cross-thread)
His comic really was shitty enough to warrant an account deletion then. I’m thankful that means no more character assassination, but now I’m forlorn about Eleanor truly being gone. There’s no other original character I can think of that’s been immobile for their entire life, it’s almost like losing a one of a kind gem, really.

Pour one out for old Eleanor indeed. What the fuck is going through that faggot, Gordonbleu’s head?
Can some jackasses stop clogging up threads with AI shit? I came here to see shit from real people not a robot. Put that shit in the AI threads
his art is grotesque and gets spammed on trash
I seriously feel like it's one person being mad and making multiple posts about this because his art was good but not THAT good to warrant the amount of animosity he's been getting in this thread
I’m just disappointed in rather direction he went (off a cliff with no survivors). Imagine how much better his art and characters would’ve been had he not become a degenerate. Plus, there’s no other character like Eleanor that I can think of (immobile since birth) and I would’ve liked to have seen more of her in her prime form.
>imagine how much better his art and characters would’ve been had he not become a degenerate.
He's already a degenerate and so are you. We all are for posting here.
Do you even read your own posts?
Anyway; it isn't that difficult to create your own content. I'm not kidding. I went from not drawing at all to drawing every day for only a single year and I'm now at 6k followers on the birdsite alone and I draw 30 minutes a day at most.
That's 91 hours of drawing.
That's 3 full days of drawing.
I'm not saying this to shit on you or your thoughts, feelings or opinions. I'm just saying everyone here is more capable than they realize and if it upsets you that much then I really do urge you to do just... make a clone of the character. Change 1-2 aspects so you can't get copyright ding'd and then just run with it.

... That said, you're fucking strange for being obsessed that she was immobile at birth.
Why is there so much drama in this thread? It’s just mid-porn. Who gives that much of a shit?

Because "degenerates" as an identity love to talk about how degenerate they are and love to boast about their degenerate achievements, similar to how a hacker enjoys showing off to you that he hacked your phone's camera and there's nothing you can do about it, or how terrorists use imageboards such as this site to broadcast secret messages hidden in plainsight.

It should not surprise you that all of these types of citizens are very aquainted with eachither, including extremist racist organizations, and extremist "ethical" or humanitarian organizations.

In the case of degenerates I would think that it has more to do with a prideful progress that they enjoy showing off and throwing in your face, no different from something you would see in a Lgbtq parade.
I think you need to take a deep breath and go take a walk outside.

And all of this ties into… fat furry porn? Again, it’s just porn. Jerk off if you want or not, that’s what everyone is here for in the first place. Why care so much about the people behind it?
>looks at the new series posted by Xanderdwulfe
>more rape, more corruption, more villainization of Pokémon I like
If I ever get my hands on Dolores1Umbridge, I will kneecap that son of a bitch.
I miss their old art. idk why they have went the direction they did but it's hugely unappealing.
I Guess I am. Now that I think about it, Arakasa had a similar idea, an entire bee species that evolved with useless legs since they use technology to get around. May we see some of your drawings? I’m done talking about Gordonbleu here.
(238 KB, 1280x960, F7EA35C7-F4AC-4E47-8BCC-3BC1EDDF87AC.jpeg) (270 KB, 1280x1098, BC4569B8-65A7-4687-AE04-8B6B8F0F38E9.jpeg) (121 KB, 1280x858, FD234B28-78A9-454C-9330-582F3199E468.jpeg) (192 KB, 1280x853, A7B3EBE3-B5CD-4758-9448-9D8328372BD1.jpeg) (94 KB, 1280x709, 4847CC31-0DAC-416C-88C5-5BA1C264E214.jpeg)
Found it

>Fig.4 hypothetical cross-section of lower leg,there is presumed to be a skeleton-like internal structure,vestigial feet remain and its theorized that at one point in its history functional feet were present in this sub-set of the species.Though there is no hard exoskeleton,the chitin has taken on a flexible,soft,skin-like feel,segments and creases are still present across the body.
Yeah I'm gonna be stupid enough to post my art on a board that blatantly allows the content that it does to a dude who's obsessed what a character was like when it was a kid.
No thanks, pedo.
I’m not into kids, I’m into adult women to whom walking is an alien concept so that they have no idea what to do with the lower parts of their bodies. Isn’t that hot, fat women not knowing how to use basic functions of their own bodies. I suppose you could achieve the same effects with memory loss, though, and skip the unfortunate implications you brought up

>fuck, how do I use the lower half of my body?
>fuck it, ima eat.

Also, there’s too many pedos in the fatfur community for my liking.
Though whoever this is, I would like to hear more about it tbh, it really is quite a neat concept and just sounds all around cool for making characters big and having them have a weird little note about their own anatomy because of their own evolution in the first place. But yeah, get back to me if you wanna, it does seem a little heated in here just cuz of that one guy.
(304 KB, 1280x1520, A6DF400D-FF1F-469E-A7E0-FF0A0B13F65B.jpeg) (409 KB, 1280x1707, 97A33E74-B1E8-4282-8CB0-C6D883E0B545.jpeg)
I’m glad you think so, although, personally, I find the idea of technology stupid. Maybe just have them roll around to get Where they want to be like the empress bulblax? Or maybe even have a select few of a species affected by obese immobility and have the commoners move The royalty around.

Another concept I’d like to play around with is the ignorance of sex. It’s not like the hypothetical royals are going to ever see their bits, maybe even have them be willingly ignorant since reproduction is the responsibility of the commoner. They’re just supposed to créate come commoners and more royals when the need arises. Imagine the pent up need to release from these pampered blobs, the eccentricities brought about from Never giving themselves the post not clarity. They’re always horny, but they prefer it that way since they get more stuff done.

Again, this would only affect legal adults, so the royals don’t get horny until they’re well into their twenties, when sexual maturity has long since happened. Maybe the wriggle sometimes to feel real good, but they never realize it’s a wasted attempt to get themselves off. Imagine the wet dreams they have.
Honestly, this sounds like you've put a whole lot of thought into this, and would just love to hear more in like, DMs or whatever, if that's fine with you tbh.
No, I don’t want to use DMs. But maybe we can make a new thread here about fat royalty? Plus, I’m out of ideas right now.
I would be in favor of a fat royalty thread. I've read some interesting stories regarding that topic.
Alright, it is done. Head on over there if you have more questions.

Fuck pedos like Rushrabbit, What colossal faggots.
>>24073 (OP)
Fatfur art of ferals are a colossal red flag. Nothing against having a fat fetish- duh I’m posting on this board- but when its about seeing obese non-anthro animal and calling it hot. That’s technically zoophilia and I don’t think a lot people think about it. I’m not saying to crucify anyone on sight cause there will be some artists don’t see it as a problem; their either oblivious, need some knowledge or they just don’t see drawing blobs as a kink(uncommon but it could happen idrk). But when someone doesn’t see the point after being told this shit is problematic then that should be the queue for calling them out. Again don’t dogpile anyone for indulging in such, but instead keep an eye out of their habits. Chances are they’re unaware that fetishizing obese literal animals is zoophilia- ok I guess they should have known but people are different and prone to having different thought processes.
What about dragons? Are you saying you wouldn’t fuck a dragon?
I bet your one of the guys that destroyed Furrylifeonlineonline with all your anti feral dragon shaming
(120 KB, 600x450, dragonheart-1996.jpg)
I mean dragons are different if they did exist their technically extinct so like the dinosaurs it's technically fine plush there like magical ancient beings some of which if you've ever seen dragonheart are literally consentually sentient. And if it can talk and say no (and it's iq is of that of a human 20 year old) if it asks to fuck I'd probably fuck

And if Rick and Morty has anything on dragon lore there very slutty so..
(217 KB, 1280x922, C1C0AEAA-1443-4DC5-BFFD-70BF53110BBA.jpeg)
Trinity-Fate’s redesign for his OC Vebli is really ugly. I know it’s a redesign of a character who’s already been redesigned once, but how the fuck did he think replacing her hair with a gross Mohawk was a good idea?
reading grown men try and justify their weird obsession with someone who was fat as a child is fucking disturbing
Trinity’s art hasn’t been appealing for a long time
His brain is already decaying.
Although there's nothing wrong with fins instead of hair and wigs in everything tend to look too retarded sometimes.
(3.3 MB, 1492x2048, B39AE8F8-783B-4DB4-9D2C-E8CCAFC8DE99.png)
Something about this particular drawing makes me really mad. It’s like everything I hate about digital art. The fact that it’s mirrored, meaning the artist is so lazy they couldn’t be bothered to draw more than 1/2 of a drawing, the “crinkled paper” filter put over it to make it look less dead, even though it’s something that you try to avoid as much as possible in traditional art and the feeling of crinkling the paper when erasing makes me want flip a table
This is just my own autism speaking but man I do not like it
but then again, it’s a completely disposable and unspecial piece of fetish art, a drop in the sea of similar looking art that’s meant to be looked at for the 30 seconds it takes to jack off and then never thought of again
I know it’s retarded to whine about artistic integrity when it comes to fetish art of all things but that’s what this thread is here for
>artist lazy because he drew a sketch the way i wouldn't do it

It’s funny when digital artists bitch about AI when they do incredibly lazy things like this
You deserve to be replaced lol
And it’s a little more than “I don’t like the way it was drawn” when you didn’t even bother to draw half of it
Again I guess this isn’t the best place to bring this up considering that fetish art especially on sites like Twitter reward instant reactions and impressions by nature, encouraging quickly churned out art with no effort
Is this even a drama thread anymore. It just seems like you’re all whining that certain artists are no longer drawing or drawing differently than you like.

Hardly drama worthy. Come on now give us something juicy. Tickle our balls a little. Trinityfate, smoky, that’s barely drama surely there’s some scandal you can name that is worthy of a chan post.
> salt thread/Insane Ranting/Manbaby
i suggest you read the title. it isn't just for drama.
you won't find very much drama that would be willingly spoken about tbh. the sort of content this website hosts would be more than enough to rightfully get yourself ejected from multiple friend groups (assuming that you, i, or anyone else here has more than one)

nobody would willingly place themselves at risk like that.
(558 KB, 2991x2160, 833FB7F5-9A98-428B-8818-E445A52E10DC.jpeg)
It’s not even edited in any way to make it less distracting and seem more organic, it really is like he just mirrored it and called it a day
It’s just so fucking lazy
You know what, this really fucking sucks, because this is just lazyness and probably why AI art is on the rise, nobody can really give a shit on actually doing a good job when you can do the bare minimum, get a whole bunch of likes and comments, and fucking retweets about it, and just have everyone like your shit when your own stuff is slowly getting worse because that's just what people fucking want. When's the person who's really fucking good with their shit going to swoop in and finally actually show everyone on what good art can be in the first place.

Like, people like this have no fucking talent at all at actually being something more than what they are. They're a fucking pissant when it comes to the greater collective of artists around.

Remember trinity fate, remember how their stuff used to be really fucking pretty and actually nice to look at. Like they had passion behind themselves and something to strive for? Well now it's just the same fucking garbage you can find on twitter anywhere, and I just can't give a crap about it anymore. It's just all so similar, so boring, so fucking repetitive in the first place.


God, I just fucking hate shit like this, and maybe it's a big fucking reason twitter is just going under. Cuz it's just going to be stuff like this that sticks for a while, then fucking flops a while after. Anyone who actually fucking cares gets thrown to the side, and can't do fucking shit about any of it in the first place. God I just want to burn anything down that uses "AI" to show you what you want in the first place, because honestly, it only shows you the things you WANT, but not the things you NEED. Or maybe vice versa with how easy you can get fucking sucked into all this shit, Fuck if I know. But I'm just fucking tired of all this fucking shit in the first place.

You can't have a conversation with artists in the first place, most of them are up their own ass, too busy, or are just fucking doing their own thing, not even knowing about this place. And I fucking hate that, nobody can take shit just thrown at them for long, they always throw a hissy fit and just hide away in their god damn holes. And fuck them for that, and fuck this world who's making people like that. God I just fucking hate everything about this right now. I just want to make things go back to the time where I could just have fun browsing around on DA and just finding new stuff, new artists, and new everything without feeling like I was just being held back by everything and everyone in the first place.
There are some artists who are masters of their craft and have actual integrity (MK Artichoke comes to mind), but there really is no reason for artists to aspire to be better when they get just as rewarded for cheaply put together trash. Victims of the algorithm.
this all feels like a you problem
Dude...fuck, this guy totally rocks. What the shit, yeah.
No need to act like a retard and sperg out. God this place is filled with autistic children.
(176 KB, 1082x1541, 20230330_142136.jpg)

As an artist, I'd be interested in talking more with you , and i guess anyone else, about the topic.

I've definitely fallen into certain ruts before. Whether it's simply having more difficulty with 3/4ths view or more saggy parts. I'm trying to improve my art alot more via anatomy practice and all that. Though my methods might not be the best, I think as long as I keep drawing, say, a skull after learning it a few times, eventually I'll get the gest of drawing one. That and spending less time binging YouTube videos unrelated to learning art.

I assume for some artist, it depends why they do certain things. Sometimes it's subconcious, othertimes it's intentional. I believe most involve forming habits, whether positive or negative. Maybe some do certain things to get faster at producing content? Some might find the mirror effect convenient (I sure do). If they wanna stick with mostly that stuff, it's fine (especially if they're doing it purely as a hobby). Though there's a certain excitement when you learn how to draw from more than just one angle.

One of my worries is getting so distracted by work/comissions that my art starts to slip and I form negative habbits.

I literally took someone else's drawing and just colored and shaded it. Then I posted it onto Twitter and suddenly it got the most amount of views/likes/retreats I ever got.

tl;dr Falling into ruts suck, especially if unintentional.
You said fuck or a variant thereof 23 times in this schizophrenic paragraph. Consider therapy.
Dude(s) that never grabbed a pencil or tablet to draw and want to dictate what's lazy and what ain't by saying AI art is going to replace artists because they use a tool the way it's intended.
Whole mirror can be considered a cop out, it ain’t necessarily bad either. The art still looks good, but symmetry isn’t always the best in regards to the desks mirrored with the blob snake even though it really shouldn’t.
I actually am an artist lol.
It does come down to personal preference I suppose, to some it doesn’t effect the enjoyment of a certain piece. I mean, fetish art is meant for one thing (jacking off). For me personally though it just totally takes me out of it, especially when it’s as blatant as the examples above.
Unless you were talking about the other guy, idk
except it is lazy.
sorry bro but having a machine do the work for you is laziness.
no artist is against using AI for reference or to supplement their work but if all you do is generate something and then erase the 9 extra fingers or 2nd navel then yeah you deserve to be bullied.
Yeah lol, like you don't need to be an artist to be able to say it's a shitty practice

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