
Mutual gaining is the best
Can someone tell me how to link posts from other threads properly? I assumed it was just the same at 4chan but nope
(362 KB, 1375x1375, siren colors 1.png) (135 KB, 1375x1375, 2.png)
Here's another one I colored, this one's of a demon which isn't technically a furry but I didn't think it was human enough to post on bbwdraw so yeah. Original by @GrindaViking
Is anyone still doing these?
Could we get this done
Wow that was pretty quick but damn that looks nice, thanks.
Thanks! These look incredible!

Oh, I get it. It's fitting because you yourself are like a black cat, but why would you choose a logo from a game instead of making your own? What are you using this for?
I would really love to see this get colored
Its been a while, I wonder if any of you guys could color these in?
Thanks! Think you could do the others?
(143 KB, 1080x741, spyro 2 copia.png) (161 KB, 1080x741, spyro 2 flat color.png) (419 KB, 1080x741, spyro 2 color.png)

Hello, I was encouraged to make your proposal

I took the liberty of not only coloring the drawing but also redesigning it from 0 using the pose, here I leave the result and I hope you like it
bump for the love of slob
Anyone doing the others?
any mutual gain requests
Hey, is any people who color here have a discord? i would gladly send my colour request there
(3.2 MB, 2048x3395, Sally.png)
Who's the artist? While, there is the colored pic.
how about no, pedo
Seriously? Just because I put Cream the rabbit here doesn't mean I'm a genuine pedophile. Do you honestly think I would really endanger a real child, just because of a drawing? Don't mix fiction with real life.
Can someone color this please
I'm gonna do this one
yeah it is. thank you so much
Fat art of an anthro Aurelion Sol. I really have seen it all now.
Glad I could contribute
Anyone doing these?
(100 KB, 2085x1543, beebfatbunny.png) (144 KB, 2800x2200, beeb_clown_dragon.png) (966 KB, 2110x1725, bbpunkround2.png)
I don't come here often, so apologies if I'm not supposed to post these without someone requesting them first, but here are some recent colors edits I did of Beeblimp's work
(355 KB, 1346x1252, 1DE78DA5-67FB-4F5A-BED5-2A157293F50B.png) (355 KB, 1346x1252, 466412CD-2AA0-4929-87DD-A323A9BDEAE4.png)
“Oghh… Bea… I’m going to effing explode…”

Decided to try my hand at editing using Photopea (essentially a free photoshop). For a first try plus a normal alt I don’t think I did too bad, though I would like to come back one day and clean up the white from the lines, maybe add a bit of shading, etc. If anyone has any good tips or exercises, I’m all ears.
(169 KB, 979x1024, IMG_0425.png) (862 KB, 2000x2500, IMG_0424.jpeg)
Who wants to color this? The ball she’s sitting on is supposed to be red
(1.7 MB, 2000x2500, IMG_0424_PinkieCheerleader-colored.png)
Here ya have, cheerleader (?) Pinkie.

This only works if you color over the drawing and erase manually around the lines, like I do:

Edit the original drawing to make the background as white as possible. It helps to color better.
If the lines get light/gray, copy the drawing and multiply it, it will think black the lines again.

And the other step, use a multiply layer group for the coloring over the lines. The white bg and black lines help a lot this part.
I wonder if you could do more, please?
Damn, forgot I even requested this. It looks perfect! Thanks so much for taking the time to do it!

Also, a bit unconventional, but I’ve been trying to work with colorizations for a while now (I tried to do Mae myself a while back for my first try). Do you have any advice or tips on how colorize like art (white spaces, shading, converting a pic to line art, etc)?
(725 KB, 1476x1838, amy comp5.png) (680 KB, 1600x1076, d1f4b73fc6858109ae3227c8d476142c-transformed.png) (956 KB, 1554x1634, D5pFj42XkAYTMaj-transformed.png) (1.1 MB, 2254x1498, EI0RCvRWsAAiUee-transformed.png) (2.4 MB, 1688x1450, bettershading-AkH1DwiMJ-transformed.png) (301 KB, 922x1241, 1482365670.ultrahand_panini_adult Colored.png)
put a layer on top of the one you're trying to color and set the mode to linear burn, image has to be dark lines on a pure white background
very nice, anon
nothing to suggest. looks fine to me

sorry for late reply
(1.0 MB, 2078x3205, IMG_7698.jpeg) (1.4 MB, 2587x3650, IMG_7858.jpeg)
Has anyone ever tried coloring any of Card’s stuff?
I'm wanting to try and ask for something to get colored but I keep getting a pop-up that says r9k prevented images from being uploaded, what's up with that?
Especially since these images have been posted on the board before, but it seems silly to try and describe which specific one.
On the last thread, there was a guy named "Colorizer of the thread" any idea where they are now to contact?
Honestly not bad
I'm only going to try this because of the fucking feet, hope it goes wellllllllll
That's fine, I wasn't even expecting anyone to color it
(300 KB, 2536x2069, FkIQ-JYagAA2LuI.jpg) (331 KB, 526x1280, Black_White_Juniper.png) (111 KB, 741x922, serperior.jpg) (0.9 KB, 40x40, Poke_Puff_basic_Mint_Sprite.png)
Thank you so much :)
>>23302 (OP)
Next time use the edit thread for coloring.
(1.7 MB, 1866x2000, dgee64i-65229680-84cd-4f9b-a75b-e998ad35063e-min.png) (1.4 MB, 4000x2707, dfxbrvh-537d4622-d5ce-4fde-9e6d-5bccae7cbbc9-min.png) (218 KB, 2000x1412, 1666928338.royaljellysandwich__fattytober_2022__27_paws-min.png)

And make sure that Roni (the raccoon in the blue t-shirt and the green jorts) has eyeshadow and Robberto (the raccoon in the blue shorts and the red tank top has none)

You can even make: A: a 29-part sequence, or B: a 29-page comic. (each part/page should be posted here today (December 2023) with the rest posted on each day; one page for each day it is posted. For example: the 29th page on the 29th of December)

And bonus points if there is a plot twist in either that reveals that it was all in the mind of an curious raccoon named Ronnie (A reference to ronnieraccoon.com and furaffinity.net/user/ronnieraccoon) the entire time. And the plot twist should involve Ronnie showing his work to Rebbecca and Riley Reesha.
(134 KB, 1024x768, IMG_0817.png) (1.7 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_0818.png)
I would LOVE. A colored version of the sketch on the left, the one on the right is a reference.
Bumping this request
(138 KB, 1024x768, Sweatpants.png)
Here ya go, not the greatest but I was able to get a simple colour layer
Yes, thank you so much :)
Wow. This is already looking great! Take your time! And much appreciated
Check up on your cowboy friends & relatives theyre not doing so hot
>>52224 wonderful job. More please
(790 KB, 960x1252, IMG_0491.jpeg) (211 KB, 479x941, IMG_0492.jpeg)
Someone finish lines and color in this sketch of sumo Loona. Extra points if you make her mawashi red. Here’s a reference to help with coloring.
Could someone please colour this?
How about this for pattern you missed the entrance!
What does that even mean?
Thank you so much anon! Excellent colorization!
Hey! Wanted to check in and see where you're at with this. You're really good with these
My bad bro im high as hell didnt realize you were talking to me lmao
(1.7 MB, 2177x4096, 19 sin título4_20240120223553.png)

Hello, I'm still working on the other panels, but it's taken me quite a while because I've been a little busy due to a monetary situation, anyway, here I am already finishing the third panel, I'm sorry if the process is quite slow.
Take your time thanks for doing this.
(252 KB, 1280x1002, 3a340b1f851facc7f4ee5e823d9fa2f8.jpg)
Anyone want to color this one? If you want to just color Francine, it’s fine too.

Original sketch by wastedtimeee
Hey! How's it going with this?
(806 KB, 1450x1338, latest-2605800473.png)
Yeah just checked again, it is Ho-oh not Fearow. That is my mistake.
>>23302 (OP)
This thread is going to be 2 years old.
Those look really good! Who drew em?
I think we should add a rule that says you need to post who that is and a reference.
Ass like that mets is better today lol
U assholes know something wont tell me. Im on to it.
Amazing work man! Thank you so much :)
Cant throw stones from a glass house.
what, like a blonde-haired cat?
Bit of a long shot, but fuck it, you miss all the shots you don’t take.

Can someone go on Twitter and search “Keno9988 #HelluvaBossLoona” and take all of the fat Loona drawings (not the smut/story ones) and color them all in? There’s like less than twenty of them, so it’s not a super big ask.
(243 KB, 784x1019, Kitty_Fatswell_colourized.png)
Never actually did a recolor before, so thought this was an interesting thing to try to do
Enjoy Kitty Fatswell!
It is just perfect. Thanks man!
Dunno if I'd go that far, but you're welcome ^^
Might try to do some other colorization maybe...
It may could use some more black out lines but I still think it looks good.
Where would you add it? I did add some shame but I'm guessing it isn't enough then.
(474 KB, 1155x892, prima_samu.png)
Here is what I came up with! I do admit that I have a bit of issues when it comes to shading white objects, and since of the characters in here is like, 90% white, was a bit of an issue, but I feel it came out okay in the end, still room to practice tho haha.
Wow you did an amazing job if can, do this lizard
Not sure if removing the credits is really the right thing to do in all honesty.
As for favorite, honestly it kinda changes depending on my mood, but I do tend to like the less humanoid ones, so Electrode, Chansey, Onix, the list goes on
(51 KB, 681x782, lopunny_dizzy_punch.png)
Fake PNGs my behated, oh well, here you go,
also sorry for not saying earlier but thank you, took me way too long to notice what was previously wrong with the Salazzle haha, now I know what you meant from the white part.
(50 KB, 681x782, no belly button.png)
It's ok dude It took me a while to realize that mistake too. i made an edit of your colorization because all pokemon born from eggs so don't have belly buttons
Fair enough I suppose, can't help having preferences
Do you know how to draw or just color?
I suppose I do draw in the meantime, a gal gotta design her ideal dreams after all, but I'd have to wager a guess that here, as it is the color thread, isn't the best place to discuss about such things.
The digitization thread seems to be down, but if anyone is willing to digitize and color this pic of Dotty and Isabelle by all means.
(384 KB, 2529x2285, IMG_0593.jpeg)
Crap didn’t attach the pic, but yea would like to hopefully see this colored
holy shit, it's amazing dude! thanks!
(131 KB, 475x475, 781.png)
Also, got an anchor post rule.
(1.4 MB, 2874x2536, full team-no gym.png)
Really happy to see how much you all seem to like my stuff :]
I will say, I had a bit of issues with this one, mainly salazzles markings, however, I am pretty with how it looks, looking forward to make more, and as always, tell me if some things are missing/different ways I could improve
(71 KB, 333x213, eyes.png) (970 KB, 3508x2480, pokemon_gym__zero_exercise_by_jeetdoh_db5r97r.jpg)
Not bad but i feel this needs a background, the trainer eyes must be enhanced, color his legs, sallazle belly too, goodra needs another two antennas, remove delphox and goodra belly buttons because pokemon don't have belly buttons and add some fluff in lopunny arm please :)
(1.9 MB, 2874x2536, full team-no gym.png)
Honestly I had a hard time noticing that that was Salazzle's gut, but I suppose I'll take your word on it!
Not the og but awesome, do you think can you draw goodra in terminalmontage style in the request draw thread?
WOW, this looks awesome thanks
Not that anon. Great work.
Bumping this

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