
(106 KB, 719x1112, _wgd__tiffany___big_burgerz_part_0_by_viroveteruscy_dfbt3j9-pre.jpg) (110 KB, 719x1112, _wgd__tiffany___big_burgerz_part_1_by_viroveteruscy_dfc16vm-pre.jpg) (110 KB, 719x1112, _wgd__tiffany___big_burgerz_part_2_by_viroveteruscy_dfc4cz0-pre.jpg) (1.5 MB, 4413x3300, 8023ff1a9f21001f7096b5fdd06140be7ca6ec83e08953767ac1a1f8d1c570a3.jpg) (1.5 MB, 4505x4153, 571176a88c8f4a110dd12664a889093af03ddd5fe1b53d61d7e732d446324252.jpg) (1.2 MB, 5100x3300, 72aa838505bdcd9d59b8e622470736fca64ad6d0636ed754230fbe70e6300b5d.jpg)
I only kept the clean versions, if y'all have the others, feel free to fill in the gaps


Well, it's not much, but it's all I could save in the previous ViroVeteruscy Thread.

The Key: Ll_K9s_fPyjzLpv8Wm1X1Q
It's amazing how this guy's artwork is still just as ugly as day one of his godawful comic.
Oh, shut up, I've seen MS Paint drawings of fat girls far uglier than Viro's work. I suggest you take your trolling someplace else.
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(2.0 MB, 1427x925, juno.PNG)
This is great but fo you have Rouge The Bat and Blaze The Cat
Idk but lets hope that it doesn't become a no such thing for rouge or else Viro is the most hated artist ever. sorry, i took it too far but still either wehave to pay it or keep on begging Viro till she gets annoying
Can we get the hariet and krystal ones too?
Hope you're not the same dude who's asking all the time about these drawings

Which ones are you asking?
Not me this time ok
I wish Skylar and marci's daughter was drawn getting fatter. She already has a belly and is rather thicc as is.
>>23712 Geeez a 1000$ @.@ i wanted to say that's BS, but thinking about what other artists do/lack of "content" I understand why it would be that price. I don't think anyone is doing the things that Viro is putting out at this rate.
There's no way we're getting anymore parts, let alone reach the 1K goal. Those kind of goals are only reached if one person is extremely generous.
And if together we can donate even about 5 dollars only then you can see more of this comic
I'm not terribly interested in this new comic. Sorry. Marci is nice and all but she has ihhat, and it's (mostly) all about her already. Usually.

I was much more interested in this character- The aspect of a spoiled rich brat gaining, and being in complete improbable levels of denial the whole time, hit a lot of buttons.

I know her sequence ended already, but I'd more readily pay more money to see her continue growing to downright ridiculous sizes, since it ended with that tease like it did.

I have no idea what Viro's commission habits are, I imagine he's a bit too busy for them.
Just to clarify, the Evil Marci Weight Gain Drive isn't a comic. It's a set of pics that are public since they are funded by anyone who donates to it.

The time limit is because I'd like to do another character at some point and it's already been a month since that Drive started.

Not sure who the next character will be yet. Either will pic randomly or make a poll of selected characters for people to vote on. We'll see.
Well I funded one more pic. Yes, I am the simp of the hour.
Viro, quick question, what's your reaction to the previous thread being decimated by soyjak party? (for context, this bbfurries board was once raided by soyjak party, all anti-furry, ofc)
I mean, it was stupid overall for someone to do that. I didn't know the limitations of the site/board which makes it worse if someone else were to do that. If someone doesn't like something then it makes no sense for them to be so deep into the very thing that they hate that they would stalk it and then ruin it for everyone else. If they don't like it then just do somewhere else. Pretty much it.
I didn't realize until now how many threads each board are allowed to have, but I think about 80 threads on this one board were lost because of the raid, which is more than half the board.
Shame the Marcy Blake and Jam ones are gone those three are your best work

Also curious about this new goddess
Thanks, glad you liked them :3
How would marcail look fat? She already looks a tad chubby here
Some of it are on this anon's drive. Not all but hey, at least it's something
Quick question those anyone have Thunder Nyan Nyan and Akiza of Fat Club Lovers.
(343 KB, 2123x1098, Fe_K4l9UUAECpH8.jpg)
Good news for Marci fans: after the surge in the drive from yesterday, there is talk of extending the drive to accommodate for the upcoming pics. At the very least there'll be two new pics for us to enjoy soon. Perhaps the release of these will see the drive over the line.
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Unf to that tagline. I'm liking how different this sequence is shaping up to be. Where Tiffany had a full year to become this greedy, grotesque blob that was in complete denial about her situation, Marci here only appears to have a weekend to enact her insane plan, using only her sheer will to force-feed her way to her goal.
I'm probably wrong but for some of these weight gain sequences you're doing I can't help but feel that Tiffany at least was the result of Yor'Jedath interfering with mortal affairs but the goddess probably enjoys doing the absolute minimal amount of effort the most just so certain mortals like Tiffany can balloon up to massive size all on their own just by tampering with fate to have her win a year worth of free food. Yor'Jedath I think probably enjoyed seeing Tiffany turn to a blob so much that she couldn't help herself but make Tiffany win again to see her grow even fatter. This probably is begging but would you think of doing an epligue of the Tiffany sequence showing her from the last page projected as an image by Yor'Jedath with a genuine smile saying something like "another satisfied customer"?
Yor'Jedath likely influences most if not all weight gain events in the World Gates universe. Some subtle while others are more obvious. I don't have time fore requests atm, but I'm glad you like my stuff so far so I'll keep trying to get better at it :3
Is Yor'Jedath based on a caterpillar? Also do you think she ever gets impatient waiting for someone to indulge and just insta fats them?
She's a jumble of random things, but yes, a grubby caterpillar was one of them. Mostly wanted her to not be referencing anything specific and just be her own thing.
I'm curious if Yor ever had disciples all about spreading her ways and if there ever was a ceremony where a select individual becomes Yor's avatar so that the goddess can enjoy being a glutton within the body of a mortal even if it is only for a short time like 24 hours or under a situations like a full moon.
(1.5 MB, 5027x5100, Vore Day_Mogala.jpg)
Yes, though Yor'Jedath and other Celestials (gods) aren't tied to one location/planet as they are everlasting and expand though out time/space. The rulings for each are not consistent and heavily depends on what they are allowed to do. They do have to keep certain things in some sort of arbitrary balance so that the universe doesn't collapse in on itself.

Here is an example of a character who is technically blessed by a tiny bit of Yor's power, but this is used incorrectly as the tribe assumes that she has to devour a sacrifice along with a large amount of food through their own traditions and nothing that Yor'Jedath has actually established. Yor could attempt to enter a vessel but that may have its own rulings and she's more interested in someone actually indulging themselves than her using their body. She can find and experience food on her own as she has infinity to do so. Her main purpose is to experience and catalog all kinds of food/recipes and then share that with others which often results in ridiculous weight gain. She isn't allowed to take this to the extreme which is why its so subtle or that she'd use special objects to be slightly more direct. Even if she was allowed to reveal herself, it'd be to a small amount of people on some random planet and would be irrelevant/lost to time over a few hundred years anyway.

But yeah, some info on that. May be subject to change but whenever I'm able to put more content on that stuff out there it'll be both for fun and to fill in some information on Yor and how certain god rulings work.
What about three neutral ending of IHHAT when Skylar was given the power to make people fat with his food by Satan. Is that also Yor's power or is what Skylar is doing going against the goddess' wishes, especially when he fattened up Tiffany only to make her food. A goddess like Yor surly doesn't have the same morality as us mortals but even she should have some line that she would tolerate being crossed if someone warps and abuses the concept of indulging and making new recipes that are delicious, especially when neutral route Skylar essentially is cheating at both those.
IHHAT Vol.1's Neutral Ending was before I decided to make that part of the World Gates series. Yor'Jedath was also not a thing at the time and is a more recent character I made. Daylock (Satan) more so rewarded Skylar with a curse so it's not the same as what Yor would do if she was in that position. Skylar in the True Ending route (the canon path) has supernatural abilities that will be explained when his own comic comes around.
Do you think I'd be worth adding some stats for characrers who already gained weight, like a range from 1 to 5 or 10? The stats could be stuff like stomach capacity/appetite to metabolism/easiness to gain weight to potential to expand both stats as they get bigger? Not sure how Tiffany is rated for initial stomach capacity and how easy she is prone to gain weight but I see a cascading effect where the more often she pigs out the bigger glutton she becomes and the more fat she accumulates per kg of a meal. Those stats could play a role in some new variant of the card game you have with your characrers.
I'm gonna have to say no since a lot of the stuff that happens is pretty random to begin with. There's things like magick, supernatural beings, and spiritual powers that'd just make all this irrelevant. Skylar alone can make a person skinny if he chose so things like stomach capacity is irrelevant. Maybe something similar can happen in the card game but it'd likely just be a simple mechanic involving counters though there currently already is the Food cards being used for Marci and other character's cards.
(1.3 MB, 2650x4096, FfLmwWXUYAAtiRL.jpg)
Pic number 3 complete and pic number 4 has been funded! With less than $200 to go, we're almost there with the drive's completion!
With competition on the rise, things may be kicking into high gear soon by the sounds of it~
This type of weight gain just isn't realistic at all for humans and I don't think magic or drugs were involved this time. Do beastials gain weight rather easily since you could have always just extended the duration of marci getting fat by weeks if not months to make it somewhat more believable compared to real life. I'm curious if havens aka the new humans gain weight just as easily. I'm actually a bit surprised that the haven friend of Tiffany never got fat art of her yet.
Perhaps beastials have a more robust physicality when compared to humans. Beastial physiques can vary greatly so there might be higher morphological tolerances that allow for things like more ra[id accumulation of fat and muscle.
Also it's just a comic so I dunno lol.
No, this is just dumb fun. Realistically it'd take a long time to fat like that. In this case, Evil Marci doesn't want anyone else dating Skylar so she's just stuffing herself silly to get as big as possible and as fast as possible. None of this is canon anyway so it's just for fun.
I wonder if you'd ever draw mammals doing vore stuff and getting big like this reptile. There's some potential in a story revolving around this concept.
I know this won't happen but I think it may be in character for Evil Marci to do something morbid like kill and eat her competition in order to, in her mind, prove she's definitely grew bigger than them, like what neutral ending skylar did to tiffany except she's cooking a meal for herself.
Yes actually, there is a character appearing in Black Circus who is a mammal who does vore. Debating on what her casual size will be since she makes it part of her job but yes I will be doing that soon.
I could do something like that as an alternate pic. Mostly going for self-destruction with Evil Marci but that would also be an option she'd take. If I do make it then I'll likely post it on Inkbunny and Patreon/SubscribeStar so that I don't spam uploads. Maybe Twitter too idk.
I'd much rather have fun and not worry about realism in Weight Gain, so things like stretch marks, saggy fat, and slow weight gains are not my thing.
Can you give us a species that mammal character would be? Also I assume it would be female
>Debating on what her casual size will be since she makes it part of her job but yes I will be doing that soon.
If part of her job is vore related wouldn't it make more sense for the character to be on the heavier size since if being in Public being really fat would make a large gut with a person inside less suspicious than someone thin with the same thing. You could also use the character being very big to act as a narrative device for how much the character changed over the years from when she began doing vore where she probably is a lot thinner and more innocent before turning into someone else, both metaphorically and physically. I honestly have no idea what you're plans with the character
I forgot to say but I hope it is a wolf since I'm a sucker for the big bad wolf trope
(76 KB, 1093x1280, another fad bun.jpg)
Is there going to be an ass shot during the drive? I don't know why I had a dream last night about this whole drive. It had some clothes less alts as well.
If there is going to be one, please don't let it be the last part of the drive if it reaches the 1K goal.
I hope some image gets made with several Tiffany's, all the same beginner thin size or a mix or various sized Tiffany's on a scale and the largest Tiffany on the other scale who's wither same weight or still heavier to emphasize just how big she got.

Don't see Harriet, think that's the only one missing. Not even in the mega folder.
Hey Viro only needs $158 to complete the drive of Evil Marci
And how much have you put in?
I think viro actually took my idea to have Marci eat her competition to prove she definitely is bigger than them
I mean, he's been toying with the idea of Marci eating Skylar as a potential Bad End for the comic from ages back. Fans have been clamouring for some vore action between the pair for years now.
Damn, y'all put that out real fast (⁠☉⁠。⁠☉⁠)⁠!
If she's able to consume a 400+ lb dragon bitch in a matter of days there isn't much now stopping her from doing this to any other woman that poses a threat of marci making Skylar hers forever. Speaking of which this might end in 2 ways. Either skylar succumbs to his fat fetish and accepts Marci or Marci eats Skylar. Either way she will be with him forever and ever one way or another.
Yep, the power of crazy on "full" display here, snrk. Would be neat to see the Devil Chef make a cameo appearance here, since both he and this Evil Marci would make for quite a twisted match. He beats 'em, she eats 'em; he offs 'em, she scoffs 'em etc.
How many normal marcis do you think can fit inside this marci?
There kinda isn't a "normal" Marci
(1.8 MB, 1490x728, 8.PNG)
did someone got this ? please ?
I reckon 50 at most
Didn't think he'd do slight gore to. Already not a fan of Vore regardless if it's implied or actually there, but Gore on top of that is too much.
Thanks. You got the rest?
I wonder if Yor ever has a thin form that rarely happens whether from another goddess pulling a prank by temporary cursing her or as punishment or does it willingly as part of a bet or condition. I think she'd look surprisingly sexy in a different way from her normal form as a still curvy and strong looking Amazonian themed cater-dragon-taur-taur-thing. I also wonder if she ever has a more anthro form if she ever wants to walk around posing as a mortal or a small chibi form so she can act as a fatty godmother, granting any food and fat related wishes.
Woah, I was not expecting bursting from Viro.
I also saw a preview image of super sized renamon as well something that I will complain about is that with that character I'd like to see a more "dignified" version of sorts where characters like renamon still act in character but happen to be really fat. Even if it means reducing overall size to get something like renamon fighting or looking like a badass. This isn't saying I don't like the existing art however. I was just hoping to see serious characters still acting serious but happen to be fat.
In other words, they Carried the weight well then
I'm not sure what you mean by that though I guess what I want is for this example renamon still looking and acting like how renamon typically is officially portrayed besides being really fat and probably voracious as well. There are scenarios where this could happen like in the tamers universe human food also counts toward strengthening Digimon for some reason.
and no, I don't got the blueberry version
Why is part 4 not posted on e621? It isn't gorey but just very heavily implied
I wonder if Treestar the Haven girl (aka human) from IHHAT will ever get drawn fat. Barry Bear who is really into her is a giant overweight bear so if they do get close maybe some of his eating habits will rub off her causing her to get big, which makes me wonder if Barry will like her more from the extra weight or less into her since he liked her originally thin.
Ooh, now that's an idea. She doesn't have to be huge like Marci, but yeah I could see Treestar and Barry growing soft together. Treestar tapping into her inner bear and becoming a little foodie, heh.
I'm sure Skylar and Marci appreciate having more coupled friends they can double dates and go on dinners with, invite over for food etc that sort of thing.
Would skylar get passed at Barry if he sees a plus sized Treestar and Barry telling him he didn't do anything special to Treestar to make her put on that weight, causing Skylar to get pissed that he had an elaborate plan along with possible supernatural ability to make Marci fat but none of that for treestar
I intended to use the recent sale to finally fill in the gaps, but I went on a road trip and forgot the end.

Does anybody have Fat Lovers Club Y2W1 Hariet, most of Y1W1, and Nadine 4 and 8?

I can try to fill in some others in return, but I accidentally didn't get the downloads with the good file names on a lot of things, so sorting is rough.
Are you able to vote on what viro should draw next if you're paying? I wish we could have a wg sequence mixed with Shonen style battles?
I wonder if skylar's first daughter will be fat for pinups like this
For the lols someone should trace over fat marci to make her look thin again to highlight just how deformed her skeletal figure became.
does anybody have the harriet pics from fat lovers club?
Anyone got the Roxanne pic?
Well her weight practically quintupled and her stomach capacity has expanded considerably... I think True Marci probably does have what it takes to eat a whole-ass person akin to what the WG drive's Evil Marci did. Of course True Marci's a big sweetie who wouldn't hurt a fly but still.
Throw a bunch of evil marci's in a room and tell them the only way to get out is if one marci remains with all the others eaten. Then see what happens
I know it's selfish of my, but I'd absolutely adore another instance of bursting from Viro. Though.. maybe of the less bloody variety. Considering all the weirdness that goes on in this 'verse you'd think someone going pop would be a bit more.. I dunno, common?
Same. It can even be due to some f
Dark humor moment like Yor getting so into stuffing a mortal with food she forgot to enchant it to instantly fatten the mortal resulting in the mortal exploding from food she's feeding it. That or in the neutral ending of IHHAT Blake gets her revenge on Skylar for dumping Marci by feeding him to death
*makes a note* Idk when I'll do this, but I'll likely do one with a slime or something. Can split the blood/gore as a separate version.
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I'm surprised no one has used this meme yet for this.
I would love to see some fat art of that Watermelon deity. Balance her out or proportion swap just want to she here with a big fat gur.
I'm not nor will ever be a fan of blueberry. I she isn't appealing to look at and I wish there was a sequence for another character after this soon
Yeah I want Stella, Roxanne, Renamon and Android 21
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Latest drive pic is pretty good. Surprised no one posted it yet. For my tastes, Pic #3 of each drive tends to be the sweet spot for my tastes before Viro kicks things into overdrive (the Bad Marci one was a darkly fun twist though).
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Latest drive pics are pretty good. Surprised no one posted them yet. For my tastes, Pic #3 of each drive tends to be the sweet spot for my tastes before Viro inevitably kicks things into overdrive (the Bad Marci one was a darkly fun twist though). The teaser sketches for this Jam drive suggest things are going to get similarly wild.
Would a blood orange WG drive just be her eating all the people she kills? Similar to how evil Marci ate her competition in one page except for blood orange the entire sequence it that?
Can be something like that. The next drive after Blueberry Jam's will be a vote for a chance for a guest character to get a drive. I'll likely toss in one of my characters just in case so there will be 4 choices to vote from that I will be picking.
In other words, it sounds like we won't be getting something more vanilla again for a while. I'm not enthusiastic about gore or vore like >>30191 is.
What are the guest characters options?
If you had to throw any character in could it be Marci and skylar's elder daughter? Scenario could be she found skylark old cookbook and became addicted to her own creations. Making herself both the Skylar and marci.
Haven't decided on the choices yet.
Maybe later down the line.
There will be fat pics of All the Cream Filled cast at some point -w-
Ok I want Stella
Anything recent from the Fat Lover's series?
Yo anon you're a fucking godsend, thanks for the FLC pics

also slightly unrelated; has anyone considered using character.AI for chatbots with one of Viro's characters? Asking because my fag ass needs more gainer Skylar content
Damn! That fatass Rena is making my act up.
Thr renamon image I really wish there was a prequel image where she first accepted eating thr bread while looking a tad pudgy before things started ballooning up for her.
(187 KB, 1024x902, sus.jpg)
Does anyone have these images?

can i see it please?
Well I go get and you owne me.
See if you can find the photos of Stella and Android 21 without text if you do this we are even. Ah and you have the aplication of Temu right? If you have it go here https://app.temu.com/m/P2Cz50CbYn139
I wish we got a look how she might have looked thin
time right the hell out what do you get out of promoting porn for a clearly scam app?
Look forget about the App and find Stella and Android 21 of Fat Club Lovers without text ok.
Why isn't this part anywhere on other sites, even e621?
Bumping, so this thread does not die.
I'm a bit burnt out of felines getting fat
meh, the waillard is just an uglier version of blueberry jam
I don't think you can get any uglier than blueberry
Am I the only guy that likes her?
Probably. I don't know what's to like
I just like women fat ass/thighs, and she's the designated fat ass/thighs character. Nothing complex.
(330 KB, 1325x2048, FonZGAtacAAqwk5.jpg)
I hope to see more of the German white fox scientist. A fun scenario would be she starts becoming more frustrated and obsessed with cracking the piggy matrix so she decides to cut red out as the middleman and starts eating the pigs herself to get a better idea of what exactly the flavor is (and she thinks Red might be deceiving her for free meals). She becomes fatter and her stomach extremely stuffed as she still has yet to figure out how to make pig clones taste like pigs. One might even taste like tofu to her bafflement hehe.
What a hero. Also, bumping the thread so it doesn't get lost into the shadow realm.
Anyone got the most recent Fat Lovers pics?
lol, keep seething kid
okay Could SOMEONE give me a good breakdown of the lore of this semi shitshow, like... what the fuck is with the bad end, why is marci's mom some criminal, at what point does the bad end diverge from the prime timeline cause can't skyler not eat food cause of a deal he made with a devil, whats with blake being fat and having no scars and then being thin and having scars. Is the bonus comic part of the bad end timeline or is it something else altogether, whats with the goddess stuff and the character who get glowy red eyes when they're angry or horny, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS GUY'S STUFF???
I've long felt his deranged, self-absorbed, supremely autistic lore has been the absolute worst part of all of his work.

I hope he still checks this site and reads this thread sometimes. Viro, if you're reading this, nobody is actually willing to engage with your story and characters on the level you seem to believe they are. You make niche fetish porn, and everyone in the fat furry community is too openly nice and accepting to say how little they care flat out.

Especially since so much of the culture revolves around glorifying OCs, so on the surface people will seem supportive of recurring characters with some apparent importance. But you're actually lying to yourself if you legitimately believe you've got a little fanbase who's engaged with the 2013 masturbatory deviantart ass too-cool-for-school OCs and all their bullshit.

...that being said, don't STOP. I'd feel bad if you stopped. Just, understand you're only doing it for yourself. And hey maybe that's enough.
A lot of stuff is just old lore type things.
The good, neutral and bad endings seem to be based on certain things being different in the story (Marci’s a psycho in one, in another Skylar’s the crazy one, etc etc)
As for Blake having no scars and fat, again, just an AU where she got to live with her actual parents instead of the adopted family that I’m pretty sure is mafia or something like that.
The goddesses are well… goddess, doing their own thing, yet somehow the IHHAT characters are just card game characters in Cream Filled’s world, so I dunno.
And the glory red eyes are probably just because it’s cool
okay yeah that makes sense skyler is honestly Waaay to edgy to being in a fucking fat fetish about a cat girl getting fat.

but uhh you going to explain some shit or are you hope viro comes here and gets pissed knowing people are uploading his paid content for free?
You try to make serious art and you bore that fetish crowed, you make fetish art and you weird out the serious crowed. Kind of a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.
It's just a bunch of drawings, bro. Calm down.
Nothing on this?
Does anyone have Android 21 Fat Club Lovers?
Bump for any of the recent FLC entries. I tried to see if I could fill any of the recent requests instead of a text bump, but I'm out of luck.
Lol, this is fun. Would love to make official character ais myself sometime. Good job :3
This is honestly the perfect body size for me for thin women
She really needs more support then that. Fellas, we can't let this chance go to waste.
Gotta fatten her up a lot more.
Wasn't there a Marci Hetson/Fidchell AI being worked on as well? I recall that being mentioned in the previous furry AI thread.
Oh wow, this shit's actually impressive.
That’s really good! There should be one for Marci though too
I wonder if Yor saw Tiffany winning twice and getting really fat from it which gave Yor the idea to have divine intervention to make Tiffany keep winning these free food for a year since she enjoys seeing the fox fat and happy
>Yes actually, there is a character appearing in Black Circus who is a mammal who does vore. Debating on what her casual size will be since she makes it part of her job but yes I will be doing that soon.
Is it the pig character?
Maybe this will turn into one of those situations where we end up with one of each character at some point.
So is this drive dead at this point? Feels like wasted potential to have it end with only one part.
If it is dead viro could make a joke post of barely chubby Blake from part 1 eating a lot of food with someone asking her how does she eat so much without getting fat to which she replies something like "must be my exceptional metabolism some higher being must have blessed me with". Basically Blake unknowingly taunting the reader that she's not getting fat because of them.
Yes, I'll make Marcy. But not now, but later
Cool, upload it here when you can
Dang, was hopin for this
Nah, my money's on it being the Red Wolf character seen here: >>33692
I think Viro's mentioned that she and Jo-Ann wind up as work colleagues in the vorno biz.
Thank you. Although the link isn’t working for me
character.ai sent me to hell and now I'm in guest mode for a while
Was very cute and wholesome. Marci was talking about her family and how people hit on her for thinking her big body is so sexy. But she clarifies that she's taken and would never cheat on Skylar. Very cute, nice job on her :3
Thank you,it's very nice to hear from you :3
How big will Blake get by the end compared to the other wg drives?
(1.2 MB, 1500x774, WGD_Blake_Dinewel_Growing_Appetite_Banner.png)
Latest update, and we had a big fat jump for the big fat bun! We should be seeing sketches for the next two pics in short order along with the next pic.

Part 2 has been fully sketched and should be ready to roll shortly!
Dang, someone with the big bucks being a hero!
She looks amazing here. Love her body proportions. Obese but not to an absurd degree. I also hope that Blake's wg drive somehow ties into Tiffany's own wg adventure like this being:

1) a prequel where Tiffany sees final size blake thinking she's a fatass as she goes try the burger place she won a years of free food in

2) happening concurrently where a fattened Tiffany see a fat Blake, thinking she has to order and eat the food fast to beat the other fat pigs

3) an epilogue where final size Blake is at some special commemorative event for Tiffany who won a even more free food for being their 1 millionth customer, being even bigger than her final size in the last wg drive
I personally don't care about Blake much, but I REALLY wanna see more fat Tiffany. If she's bigger than Blake, I'll be extremely happy.
Awesome! Always need more fat Kazooie
Why not like one fictional character but like another fictional character? Personally Blake so far has the better body proportions when fat.
Now Blake is getting to the level of fatness where her head to height ratio increases
"Why not like one fictional character but like another fictional character?"

...what the hell kinda question is that? Do I need to fundamentally explain to you what an opinion is? I mean, why like one movie but not another movie? God, did you seriously just ask me that? What a stupid question.
Sorry about that, I'll try to pay attention to that for the next one.
Been appreciative of Blake's weight gain being kept purely weight gain. You're doing great, I'm excited to see the next part and how much bigger she'll be!
I hope I didn't come off as too harsh. It's hard to draw really fat characters without skewing the proportions. Like the limbs by most super sized art in general shouldn't connect the way they do on skinny people. If anything it helps emphasize how much bigger Blake is now.

Do you have any ideas on the last two images for the Blake drive? I already posted my idea for how it could possibly tie back to Tiffany in her own WG drive as two separate people doing their own thing intersecting stories. Another idea I have to suggest is to have Blake make some sort of bad rabbit pun about her situation.
I kinda like this size for blake. A shame we don't have one with a size like this from the side. She definitely can pass as pregnant rather than just fat but the only thing she'd be carrying is a food baby. Maybe someone mistook her for being pregnant and gave her more generous proportions for stuff like whip cream since despite winning free food probably is still stuck with the standardized package per food unit.
(2.7 MB, 2930x1650, BigBurgerz Bun.png)
Yeah, pic #3 continues to prove itself to be the sweet spot for these drives for me. If I was to write about Fat Blake and/or Fat Tiffany I would make their pic #3 sizes their canonical standards.

Also, enjoy a bonus meme pic. Good luck getting your order at this particular drive-thru!
This is an inverse drive thru. People drop off the food to Blake and she pay her to eat it. Some larger orders take some time but otherwise the line is fairly fast moving.
Pic #2 is my favorite thin size, not fat but enough meat to not look scrawny. Pic #3 meanwhile is perfect "practical fatty size" since Blake seems to still be fully mobile and do everything normally, including bending forwards though with some resistance. Sizes like in Pic #4 is where her movement and stamina starts to become notably hindered
Wasn't really intended to be connected to Tiffany's set, but it can be its own thing. Might build more off it in the future, but no clear plans for that atm.
If you don't mind me asking what are your plans for the last 2 parts? Anything to shake things up a bit besides the character just getting bigger?
Mainly a "What if...?" scenario where Mini Marci pushes Blake to get fatter since she's into that >w>
This comment of mine got ignored earlier, but I'll say it again; I've appreciated how it's been purely vanilla weight gain so far. I know >>36933 wants things to be shaken up like how the Marci drive got gore and vore alts, but my preference is to have the drive stay vanilla from beginning to end this time. It's very rare to see Blake reach sizes this big, so having something happen between now and the end would be a bummer.
Actually my idea for shaking things up would be along the lines of increasing the absurdity of Blake's situation. It could be like having the next panels increase the size of the food she's eating, not just the quantity, or Blake realizing her prize winnings extends to a warehouse where the company stores the food to be distributed to its store chains or even the company Blake won in has a very high end exclusive fancy restaurant and Blake has to wear a fancy dress that fits(?) Somehow and she just pigs out.
And Mini Marci also gets in on those gains, too
Don't deny me some wholesome fatty girlfriends, Viro
Forgot to say before but this edit is really nice. What others have you done?
(387 KB, 487x349, image (1).png) (551 KB, 579x726, image (2).png) (292 KB, 487x359, image.png) (1.4 MB, 1684x2384, more IHHAT.png) (22 KB, 300x480, Quack2020.png) (3.1 MB, 1042x1269, unknown (1).png)
I've been known to make a meme or two in my time. Just a couple. I'm especially proud of the Cream-Filled Soviet Union Simpsons gag. I also made the Marci burp collage that's bubbled up on the Burp thread here in the past.

Come join us in Viro's discord server "The Black Circus". We occasionally have fun there.
The fat Marci and Tiffany faces remind me of Beavis and Butthead for some reason
>>36969 Probably because you watch tv too. I watch tv too.
Is there an entire set to that colored Tiffany? I've only ever seen the black and white ones from that whole scene from Ihhat.
Naw, Viro did a special colour piece for that pic as he repurposed it for card art.
Yeah I want see her in full image
I think once the final two sketches are done, it'll get seen over the line. Have faith!
A complaint I have with the Blake wg drive is that unlike Tiffany and evil Marci there's no clear character trait from Blake that sets the tone for these images. With Tiffany her wg drive is defined by her vanity and how she's so full of herself she becomes oblivious that she becomes the biggest example of the very people she mocks. With evil Marci her wg drive is defined by her obsession with Skylar causing her to abuse her body to gain as much weight as possible as well as doing whatever it takes to win his heart. Heck she even killed and completely devoured her biggest competition. Meanwhile with Blake I'm not sure what sort of trait she shows that is defining the subtle narrative of her wg drive
>A complaint I have with the Blake wg drive is that unlike Tiffany and evil Marci there's no clear character trait from Blake that sets the tone for these images.
To be fair she's usually just a side character in the comics she appears in. Her not having a definitive character trait for this drive makes sense, and we're deep enough into it that she doesn't need one. She can enjoy it purely for the sake of enjoying it.
That doesn't explain Tiffany
Tiffany's thing in her drive was that between parts 3 to 5 she was focused on others in the restaurant she was going to, calling them fat pigs and wanting to order everything she could before they got to the food. Her fixation on them made her oblivious to her own weight gain.
I guess Viro can take that as a compliment that the added context is a welcome addition to the drive. I would also agree that the extra sprinkling of a motif makes it more compelling than just watching a character get fat..

For Blake, we are seeing her becoming a little more insatiable with ech pic - plus a certain little accomplice hasn't made her impression yet..
Please I want Jupiter so much please
(135 KB, 872x867, IMG_8168.jpeg)
Kimono still hasn’t added fat lovers stuff, so here we still are
This is a real long shot but I hope for a Digimon wg sequence. My link is renamon but I'm sure some of you have others in mind
This could work as a vore edit where skylar fed marci his latest victim. Consider this as another AU where there'd an evil Marci but also an evil skylar and they're both truly in love as well as Marci into skylark fat fetish but wants the feeder/feedee routine the way she wants: food made with his victims
Yeah that was an idea I remember floating early on back when IHHAT Vol 1 was still active. Marci discovering Skylar's alter-ego but ultimately being on board with being his partner in crime, either through slavish addiction to his food or perhaps due to some darkness that had awoken within her.

Either way, I enjoyed the imagery of seeing news reports and bulletins of missing persons mentioned in the background of later stories, with every subsequent cameo of Marci showing her a little bigger each time...~
(408 KB, 719x487, Screenshot_20230612-063904.png)
Yeah that was an idea I remember floating early on back when IHHAT Vol 1 was still active. Marci discovering Skylar's alter-ego but ultimately being on board with being his partner in crime, either through slavish addiction to his food or perhaps due to some darkness that had awoken within her.

Either way, I enjoyed the imagery of seeing news reports and bulletins of missing persons mentioned in the background of later stories, with every subsequent cameo of Marci showing her a little bigger each time...~
I feel this route would have resulted in a better story
Not my story, ultimately. Could have been a fun route to take with the Neutral or Bad ends but I'm happy for the situation we have currently.
I don't know how his viewers as a whole feels about vore. Personally speaking, I'm glad it didn't go that direction.
I hope we get to see from Viro a one page gag drawing where some person wins a sweepstakes saying "Yor prize is an all you can eat dining event with the finest food in all the land" unaware that Yor wasn't a typo and thr event is just the goddess Yor stuffing the winner's face with the finest foods until the winner becomes a giant mass of fat.
And that's fair. Such a story resolution would not be for everyone. In part, this was why Chapter 5 of the original story was so heavily revised as it was later deemed too "heavy" for IHHAT. I believe the plan is for such spicy premises to be explored in the 'Black Circus' line of comics, with a lighter touch on such themes to be employed within IHHAT.

As a reminder, Skylar and The Devil's Chef should be looking to get his story covered in Black Circus #3, so we are a ways off from that point yet. For now, enjoy the commission as a little taster of the Devil's Chef in his element!
>>37919 Did you try being yourself? Or like being original? I hear the girls dig it.
I thought chapter 5 was criticized for being stupid. For one Skylar acted in self defense when he accidently killed Roy and any sane legal system would not find him guilty for manslaughter as it did happen in his home when Roy broke in and brought his own weapon to try and kill Skylar. Also Skylar making a deal with the devil was way too far out of left field for what people thought was going to happen. Finally I thought the "too heavy" stuff happened when Skylar raped tiffany by stuffing her womb with stuffing until she had no more room inside her. My main point is I don't think cannibalism was the main issue
If I may. There were many ideas for Volume 1 that came up while it was being made. After the first run, I decided to join IHHAT with World Gates' universe and thus it needed some changing as certain events wouldn't have happened the way they did originally. For example, Daylock (the Devil) wouldn't have bothered to aid Skylar or even glance in his direction from the events. She was mainly added at the time as more of a cameo for fun.

There wasn't much feedback of chapter 5 other than it was dark for some. I felt that I wanted the focus to be more on Marci than Skylar and thus was the reason why Black Circus was made to focus on some villain characters from IHHAT (though there are way more villains, they likely won't have as big of screentime as the ones shown on a road map I made).

I do plan on diving into more mature themes/tones as I feel things are still pretty tame. So I'll do my best when the time comes.
>I do plan on diving into more mature themes/tones as I feel things are still pretty tame. So I'll do my best when the time comes.
From what the other guy was saying about "stuffing her womb with stuffing" and how Skylar raped Tiffany, that doesn't sound tame at all. If you're saying that you're wanting to delve into more mature tones, then that's concerning. Darker stories are typically poorly received in the realm of fat art.
Not sure if stuffing her with stuffing counts as rape, but if it does then yeah that happened in the Neutral Ending. I'm not always going to do weight gain art and will venture into other themes. I mostly mean that the mature scenes can be better detailed/drawn.
I'm all for more mature stories as long as they're planned out and not resulting in "grim dark being edgy because it's cool". I want mature elements to have a purpose within the story besides a fetish or fanservice.
That being said, sometimes it is exciting to just push the boat as far out as possible and see where it takes us.
1.queues are very long
2.I will try to remake and improve the Marci bot for spicychat.ai
Sounds good! Marci ain't exactly a saint, what with how frequently she gets it on with Skylar.I'd like to think Mom Marci has a little more confidence and swagger in her step, knowing just how sexy she is to her big bad dragon. She's no stranger to that big-dick rodeo~

Married couples can get up to some of the wildest, nasty-ass sex around don'tchaknow... :3
I'm afraid that I may not be able to remake the bot for NSFW content. but i will try

I never really struggled to make nsfw constent with characterAI just after a while it seemed to understand thats what it should do xD so it got hornier ig? x3
(234 KB, 388x404, Screenshot_20230627-114240.png)
Yeah, always funny when a character goes on a horny tangent and you have to rein them back in, lest they set off the censors.

That's part of the fun though, when the AI goes in a bold new direction. I had an interesting session recently where I RP'd as Skylar coming clean to Marci (who recognised me as her husband) as the murderous Devil's Chef and how I murdered, butchered and cooked up people. It was a tense back-and-forth to stop Marci falling off the brink but I eventually won her round to being my partner in crime. She even surprised Skylar by going so far as to highlight some annoying neighbours that she wouldn't mind getting a taste of...

Fun times~
Suffice to say, the imagery of a neighbourhood meeting with an ever-dwindling headcount being met by an increasingly-fatter feline made me cum rainbows.
oh i never reel them back in ;3

its too fun to stop them xD
Damn, I posted the recent one like 20 minutes ago. At least let me think I have some time before leaks. Haven't even made the posts public yet. You're on Discord/Patreon already, sheesh >_>
I need them so much please>>
The begging on this site has been getting pretty bad in recent months. People like >>39284 have been a real pain in the ass.
was about to ask "where can I join" then I remembered it's prolly Patreon-only. Maybe I'll get the chance to pledge in the future
How does anyone even USE that site?
I get "JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data" every single time I try to make an account, regardless of what browser I use, clearing the cash, whatever.
My headcanon is Marcail actually had a fat stage similar to image related entirely by accident because Marci and Skylar weren't really experienced raising a kid and between Skylar's and grandma Jupiter's cooking habits caused Marcail's weight to explode a bit due those two genuinely enjoy seeing the little one happy eating what they cooked. At some point Marci politely took control in being in charge with feeding the babies going forward by the time the second child came along. Skylar agreed since even he probably realized a baby that fat is a bit too far even for him despite it not being his intent. Female Skylar also looks like she beat the competition by eating them lol.
(3.0 MB, 2560x1440, Untitled644.png)
Well, it's true that some of FLC's drawings are not Canon for the original comic book, but I wonder if the original creator would confirm that there really was such an Era for Marcail that grew out of it.
The FLC pic is a reference to an episode of Rugrats and thus not canon.
(300 KB, 1492x1052, Phil_Liquid_Inflation.png)
I immediately recognized that reference though I still thought I'd make for a fun scenario where something similar happened to Marcail. Since it's the rugrats wg reference will the other kid get one too? The image here is the only other one I can think of from the show other than the nickelodeon Christmas special.
I never realized Marcail has such a relatively big belly despite everywhere else looking reasonably thinner albeit still thicc. Is this due to genes or she's a big eater or what? Normally I only see viro draw relatively thin characters with a bit of a belly during a wg sequence rather than how they look by default. Everyone else either has a flat stomach or notably chubbier than adult marcail.
Shame, she looks so cute that way ♥
Any chance we’ll ever see more of this, even in non canon, from Marcail or Elera?
(383 KB, 640x480, Vlcsnap-2014-05-14-21h21m48s222.png)
Pretty sure the Rugrats ref was to the fat Angelica in Chucky's Wonderful Life parody. Though,yeah there are some obvious similarities to that pic of Phil.
I'd like to see a wg sequence with marcail
I hope we get a super fat image of renamon in an alternate universe where she just kills all her opponents and absorbs her data which, due to being stuck in her rookie form, means she keeps expanding to store all that data.
Woah, pretty great.
(297 KB, 872x867, 1672379903.vaughnxero_hush_char_ll_id.jpg)
Anybody have a line on this one? I went through my collection and couldn't find anything to offer that hasn't already been up, I'm afraid.
Is it bbw related?
Dude, they only just came out. Chill with begging for leaks right under the artist's nose.
Chill out bro. The man just wants his porn. No need to freak out
This thread has been dead for a few weeks. It's a wonder it survived.
Yeah I want to see her in full image
Is this a sequel to the volkenfox comic?
I understand this thread is dead.
Then it deserves to die if you can't provide anything but worthless comments.
Gonna bump and see if anyone has these two
A hero to us all! Thank you
I keep seeing advertisements for IHHAT Secrets thing on his 20 dollars tier, but not even a brief snippit of what it's actually gonna be about.

Anyone on that tier at least willing to give a brief description of what's in the first two pages?
"The main gist of the story is that Caitlin gains a collar that makes her thin and slender,
but abuses its powers. When the creator of the collar comes for it, this reverses all the binging Caitlin has done with the collar"
Could you port this to spicychat?
Thank ye kindly.
That sounds like it shouldn't last more than a single chapter. The premise itself also sounds like it will get old fast
The goal with SECRETS comic is to for lighter, simpler stories as I understand it. Viro has a weakness for getting sidetracked with new characters and exploring new ideas instead of staying on course. That his comics tend to be quite large and labor intensive has meant that previous departures from the road map have resulted in delays of months to the current onoging comics. SECRETS is an attempt to take a more disciplined approach and not have a story drag out longer than necessary.
But surely any content is good, right? The thought is not wrong in principle, but what is popular with the fans isn't necessarily what is desirable for the artist. It's best for both artist and fanbase to be on the same page when it comes to looking forward
He really doesn't know how to draw fat cheeks and chins, does he.
>>22919 (OP)
There’s no point in this thread. Viro’s art is never shown in full on kemono, and no one puts their obtained pics of the exclusives on here
(132 KB, 222x227, 2Q.png) (871 KB, 644x537, Karma.png)
To be fair to Viro here, as I thought something was amiss at the time, it turns out her look is pretty accurate to the source material. Comic artists back then really did put the "gross" in grossly obese, eh?
Wahh, fans respect the artist too much to share his newer works.
Why am I finding a thin karma from x-men when I look it up? And how did Viro pick these characters to begin with, they’re so obscure in these forms.
Newsflash: Viro's a comic loving dork. Film at 11.

But yeah the Shadow King and Karma thing is a perfect fit for these two. One influencing the other to become enormously fat? Where have we seen that before~?
(126 KB, 872x867, IMG_2300.jpeg)
Please, for the love of god, I will explode
Sow ill she, by the looks of things x3
One can hope
anyone have the tangle or whisper pics?
How old is this?
Preeetty old. I wanna say from 2016? Back when IHHAT #1 was in full swing.
Bumping for this
Yes, this!!! 👆👆👆👆👆
Yeah, I want them too.

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