
(332 KB, 1600x1200, b824da11c93cc2c0dfd7a74b10636032b5c039c2626d0f2009d9e8d5811ad803.png) (1.0 MB, 2274x1714, aac99f90c8029878aff8d2cbee246430b096ba8d3119f5037d6da5004e3fe237.png) (841 KB, 2120x1454, bb0da351223f1e53fe5de4e5b4e721f256563c59439c10248a075171706f7769.png) (320 KB, 3000x3000, FWXvQdQXoAEBF30.jpg) (2.6 MB, 3210x3225, 1663529073.zetamath_amy_3.png)
Trying to rebuild the thread we lost of Sonic universe characters
Yeah but we can use this thread to rebulid „Sonic Males thread”. Does any have some foolish replicka stuff to post here?
>>22889 (OP)
I recognize the style of those Tails pictures. Where did you find them?
Someone posted them in the last thread before it got removed but never got the source when I saved them. Do you know who the artist is though?
Can we get all those infinite and knuckles arts back? Maybe some gadget ones too? It's mostly sonic and shadow in these threads/
It really reminds me of the style of an artist called Scrimbloat over on DA. They're the same person who did the SonAmy picture.
Oh yeah I thought the same but unless they uploaded it somewhere else, it might not be them.
hey dumbasses where are the female versions?
oh. okay. sorry i said dumbass, i thought that thread was deleted <:)
(2.4 MB, 2750x2250, 1664393266.overfed-pets_babyboyblob.png) (137 KB, 800x672, 1a7917992e3c6983e844c1c7adcbdd84f462d49eb1497e562d04bb2ca74720e1.png) (40 KB, 1456x819, 4a363be36e80992635e3ec94f9d2fede6a9ae18f22a09bec7f4cbf6737fa4db9.jpg) (82 KB, 1920x1080, d7ea4193a1e36ea470012f630c282948825d4586a1974653a8d705af8691363c.jpg) (261 KB, 1920x1080, 647a4ebf86d37886f3bd320ee83d56bb4f1cfbcffc88a140837f0fa6df47e5a8.jpg) (520 KB, 1500x1080, 7c6a070e0c20b9c0e55bb63eadf2a40e3fd0ee4c1de343b4b58877cf38ce9a81.png)
Name of the artist ?
Sauce for the first one?
uuuh i'm discovering that the sonic girl thread is discontinuing? GET BACK THERE AND FIX IT!
>>23262 not sure how well known this is, but the artist of these, guyfuy (a.k.a. ranger) is co-creator of sonic 2 xl! he made the sprites and captain bozo did the assembly code
i'd love to get my hands on the source code, if anyone here isn't as socially inept as me and could try asking one of them about it
I found it here before the thread got nuked so no clue
holy shit it's been years since i've seen this sequence

good shit anon
We could use some more inflation in here
Good, but we could use more
Also do you have more of Glaz' sonic stuff?
(640 KB, 3408x2822, no_such_thing_as_fate_for_those_who_feed_by_colbob111_dfkbh58.png) (732 KB, 3280x3228, super_sized_sonic_by_colbob111_dfkb5lj.png) (2.0 MB, 8680x5760, help_me_get_a_weigh_from_myself_by_colbob111_dfm82i3.png) (2.3 MB, 8808x5439, i_never_diet__that_s_the_difference_in_you_and_me_by_colbob111_dfm22gz.png) (2.3 MB, 8616x5876, when_i_feel_heavy_metal__woo_hoo__by_colbob111_dfmb58m.png)
Heya! I've been lurking for a while and figured that I should upload some of my own art here!
He uses 5 different IPs.
idk if this’ll sound weird or anything, but does anyone wanna do an rp??
if so- my discord is soappy#9337-
Anyone have Nemo Hana’s works?
We need more fat chaos
anybody wanna rp? if so my discord is
More Sonic character feeding & force feeding
Agreed, also we need some more Shadow in here
(720 KB, 1280x835, image_2023-06-25_220233440.png)
Does anyone have a piece made by the same artist as this (Comatose-Roses)? It was a sketch of a fat Knuckles washing himself under a waterfall on Angel Island.
ScarletShnoz + MysticMantis have a patrion & on it is a pic called a ton of Antione. Dose any one have it & if so can you put it on here. & while you gues are at it any other fat/ WG Antione De Coolette pics
Does anyone have weight gain/inflation art of boom sonic specifically?
More antoine d'coolette
Never seen those before
Sauce for the second one?
Wow this thread is pretty gay.
Tails built perfect
More Scratch please

Whose art is this? I like it a lot
(61 KB, 905x1014, 20231002_044951.jpg)
Recent artist who's name I didn't get the name of got blasted and attacked for his version of a SFW Fat Tails

Very offensive looking I know
What’s with the tranny Ziptits?
yeah, I noticed that too. Probably what people got offended by.
The artist is a dude named frazzdude, he basically called out a guy who drawed a thicc tails as a joke and had amy porn on his likes, people then got on his ass for basically making that adult fat tails
(1.0 MB, 1845x2186, 20231002_044751.jpg)
Oh so they're both stupid. Thanks. That said the face/head design of this Tails is hits my monkey brain in the right spots.
(1.5 MB, 1911x1077, Unknown.png)
If you know, you know
>>22889 (OP)
Where is FloofToonZ’s ink bunny account? What’s it called?
(267 KB, 1080x809, IMG_20231126_214542.jpg)
I nees to see this one AND the story it comes from or i wont be able to sleep happy
Need some help. Looking for a piece originally by Sonic-Loser (aka [Txin], Foolishfifteen, Foolishreplika), where Sonic is talking to a very fat Knuckles who is laying on his stomach, possibly somewhere in a forest.
Cardliin making Sally content? Please, we must have more
It’s honestly shocking I haven’t gotten to her by this point.
Who is the artist that made this & were can i find him/her
Please more Sally or even Rouge
Bump more sonic stuff
Could I see more of Metal Sonic?
(272 KB, 779x709, New Drawing.png)
idk where else to post this but just whipped this up just now n thought maybe yall would have some use for it, idk.

Ms. Rose
Bump, post more Antoine D'Coolette & Rotor Walrus pics plz
Bump more Antione D'Coolette & Rotor Walrus pic Plz
(298 KB, 2048x1218, EHxXGr5WkAE4aog.jpeg) (338 KB, 2048x1536, EH3DcRbW4AEUA40.jpeg) (118 KB, 2048x1536, EG74WPLXkAAyvlh.jpeg) (381 KB, 2048x1536, EG89r37WoAIPl32.jpeg) (330 KB, 1536x2048, EG74WPqWkAEtg8t.jpeg)
Some fat Sonics from an artist who went by hoodie chubs on twitter. IIRC, the context was an idea about Sonic retiring and getting immensely, uncontrollably fat with no end in sight to his gains. They uploaded these years ago before promptly deleting them (probably due to some twitter nonsense) but I saved them. Here you go.
I know I'm super late to this... but the artist is ChubWeeg. He used to draw Sonic stuff but has since deleted it all and moved to drawing shit that won't make the twitter puriteens mad.
wow that's pretty neat, got anymore?
Cool and I hope you do more Amyloons in the future. Also do you have a DA, FA, twitter or something?
Anyone have that one sequence of Sally Acorn getting fatter and fatter and getting corrupted/beginning to enjoy it? And she starts lactating at the end
There was a comic involving Julie Sue being expanded by the master emerald created by berty-j-a did anyone save that or know were to get it?
Am I wrong for wanting to smell your big ass & concur it in darkness
pretty cool work, love the detail of the air escaping their mouths, ears and Amy's nipples and vag
Anybody got more NSFW stuff of Robot001?

These sound edits are pretty good! Where did you find these? Or did you make them yourself?
If anyone posts eggman and maybe specifically satam eggman may be charged with an equivalent of a war crime
Why does everybody leave wherever i touch.
Amazing, I wonder how much longer they can even last.
You're aware Amy is canonically 12 right?
You're aware Amy is fictional right?
I knew it touched that girl when she went to work
I swear it's always the furry board that gets this shit meanwhile nobody says jack in bbwalt
If I see it. It goes away. Simple
(1.2 MB, 288x198, 1660746927983532.gif) (128 KB, 1120x1520, media_FdVn4CiWAAErvHR.jpg)
>nobody says jack in bbwalt
Before the guy or guys we had starting shit for about a week, we got it every now and then because most people don't mess around there unless they're dumb (the people who don't know their shit is supposed to go in /bbwdraw/ or /inf/) but a lot of the time when a loli gets posted in /bbwdraw/, someone almost always tries to start shit while falsely claiming they're stuck in alt; meanwhile you're stuck in the lions den of furries, which last I heard, had a problem with actual pedos as Smash Brothers competitive scene.
Ppl on yourside die for those insinuations
Pretty great sequence, Wish you had a DA or FA so I can follow ya.
Just upset with myself for thinking they were " decent " people. They got their expensive chandelier

That makes her 160 years old in hedgehog years.

That's an old looking Tails, isn't it?

Also, what's offensive about it?

Same with any posts or roleplay requests featuring a character under 18.
Can this autistic retard shut up?
Ppl pretty clueless just us
That hasn't been true for a few years now. Sonic Channel removed character ages a little bit before Frontiers came out, so that information is no longer canon.

Amyfuckers are vindicated.

And who made it?

Yes please! And maybe make one for Sonic OCs too while you're at it.
Try Furarchiver that should show all of it's artwork.

This is pointless. My art does not need a separate thread, most of the pics are Sonic related anyway.

Can someone make a new one for me?

No, it's necessary. It needs a separate thread. And no, I was not impersonating you, nor was I being narcissistic.
(27 KB, 621x673, 1670356668.seldom_pixle_rouge.png) (196 KB, 1280x1163, 1461712001.ladiesman217_hornymustardsaucecommrougestealsalotofpearlnecklaces+.jpg) (6.3 MB, 2433x2169, 1585612532.sambaba_rouge.png) (158 KB, 502x498, 1682341032.aquamix_rouge.png) (1.9 MB, 1900x2459, 1666714460.pyredaemos_rouge_clap2sm.png)
>Artist doesn't want a thread dedicated to his own work
>Wildcat wants to make another one
Go back to school. Improve upon your reading comprehension. Pick up a damn book.

I'm not Wildcat and it's summer vacation.
>I'm not Wildcat
Well, then. I'm Arsène Lupin.
>it's summer vacation.
That's not an excuse. Pick up a book.
Soy una chica amable y cariñosa me gusta ver contenido de Sonic y sus amigos
source for the first image
Source for the last one?
I'm on the team "we need more chaos creatures", and smth to do with the emeralds lol
Anyone know the artist to this
>impersonates artist
>be an annoying shit
>artist calls you out
>i'm sorry!!! the consequences of my actions!!!
Yes, I am serious.
Yep. You agree with me. I made a sincere apology to Allola1101 and the user acccepted my apology and I promised to not do that kind of stuff again.
Does anyone have any tails from MobiusLabs
Looking for a story where Sonic goes to another dimension where is extremely obese and everyone bullies and abuse him, he is the only one fat in the story. It was posted on FurAffinity.

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