
(23 KB, 600x400, 140f744855b23af8b358aba85ee06128--emoji-faces-smiley-faces.jpg)
I thought it would be a neat idea to make a thread that's the opposite of a salt thread, the world could always use more positivity even in this hellsite.

so let's discuss the good things about artists, the art they make and of course the types of people that consume said art


>that Image duplicate blocking thing might mess up some things so if you run into that just crop the image a little and change the file name, that should bypass it.
I really would like it if artists would make more fat art of Celebi or Vibri. They're both cute, but we know Vibri's the best bun.
I've been meaning to connect again with Enigma20XX. I wanted to shoot the breeze with the man who, thirteen years ago, gave me a great boon.

Enigma, if you're reading this, look me up again on FA.
Genuine respect for making a thread like this in here. I honestly love fat artists who just draw whatever they want, whether it's kinky stuff or straight up memes
Ever since i started doing art on twit and on other sites for the inflation and size people I've gotten a lot of support, seen some of my art posted here and inf, with credits too. Bless you all.

Big shout outs to all my sizeable chonks.

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