
(189 KB, 800x450, Help.jpg)
I'm back
We still haven't gotten a bellydog kemono yet.
>>22706 (Cross-thread)
Anyone got Rattiebutt's discord exclusive alts?

Also a kemono.party for RoaryAndFriends's patreon would be very appreciated
>>22764 (OP) Hi back.

My name is alternative tentative ;)
Can someone delete this, I put it in the wrong thread
I'm looking for a 3d animation, weight gain from a skull character getting fat, force feeding eating burgers while is tied on the floor, everytime she gets fatter her body glows
The old Animal Crossing thread is gone, but there was a fat Sable posted in it that I want to see again. All I remember about it was that she was in a shower.
Yeah that’s exactly it! Thanks!
(8 KB, 256x137, t_5d2092052a4cc7f68738af7b11ef762728b377961cce09435451d7403d2f2617.jpeg) (49 KB, 256x198, t_0ac94408592d29c3fb05a1d0eb93ebf6f01fe810e42106d9cdb0ac7e28350e93.jpeg) (7 KB, 256x140, t_be7fc66e90bdbf010e531715c2c8a2b3223dcf5bb0f78832d76296a5ddc7c008.jpeg) (16 KB, 256x190, t_7a2a7cfb5f8ef49f8d1848c474a9b8c024812ba040393a5a9912dae9d79cd7d5.jpeg) (13 KB, 256x134, t_1b30085806398590a2ff8ac0c8c6a9c44603a03ceaca2137ab37decebcb1be60.jpeg) (16 KB, 231x256, t_cc5243be2439c92b8f4e21ca3884083c09a72d2cc063eb15397e6c8d45206bea.jpeg)
Seeking higher quality of these Leafeon images
Amazed we haven’t. There’s some good stuff there apparently.
(83 KB, 1280x701, 7A2BDCF3-5D5C-4200-A808-4A289E8846F6.jpeg) (96 KB, 1280x685, F1761AF0-BD37-42B5-9475-7D14AABF5879.jpeg) (179 KB, 1280x949, 0CEDBD75-D4B7-4EBF-B2CA-62F98BB4B501.jpeg) (612 KB, 1155x892, 1DDFA066-CC14-424B-BCE4-8113190A76E1.jpeg) (135 KB, 1280x670, 6F7D8555-24E7-4EB3-A023-AE066F861930.jpeg) (591 KB, 1024x1133, 0754E94B-BC66-4EE5-9C20-D39E64C84372.png)

Damn those were low quality as hell, sorry you had to endure that. Here ya go:
(57 KB, 256x152, 1CF6A06A-FB8A-4E55-AD38-4A5A3CA2E2DD.png)
I’m not the requester, but that’s awesome. Think you can help me out? I think this artist has other Animal Crossing art. So post any of his AC art in the new AC thread. It is totally fine if you are unable to, just thought I would ask. Also sorry for the terrible quality.

Thanks for these, OP of the initial request here. Do you have the artists name for the first image? I really like the style of it a lot and can't find anything similar to it elsewhere.
Requesting CleverFoxMan's payhip videos, especially Underbelly.
it's time to ask for the maddeku/rattiebutts discord-exclusive slob + gas stuff again
(186 KB, 1000x1294, FeWj-C8X0AY-OU3.jpg)
Spootz's inflation bundle. Anyone have it?
Somebody get that bundle because I wanna see that renamon animation
Bump because I still want to see that renamon animation
Isn't anyone going to get that renamon animation?
I want to watch it really badly
please just shut the fuck up. are you the same person whining in the paid request thread or do we have two impatient children without their own bank accounts here?

If someone is going to post it, they will post it, whining about nobody posting it every 2 days isn't going to make it happen faster.
Second Kelpings by Sugarboy, please?
Well if you getting so annoyed about it, why don't you buy it for them?
Hot tip about bbwchan, your ID is visible to everyone. "Them" is you.

Come back when you're an adult.
How about you stop calling people who don't have money children, some people might not have any money at the moment

>If only we had more money. That would solve all pf the world's problems.
Oh, Dorothy.
It's not just your lack of money. Although that is part of it. The fact you're admitting to not having any money rather than just not wanting to spend it speaks enough volumes, but I digress.

It's everything about the way you act. Putting it bluntly, you type like a child. Screaming in rage that someone dared to not update someone's kemono with the content YOU wanted. You're as impatient as a child as well. Three replies in a row over the span of a week. You lack the maturity to realize that asking repeatedly for something isn't going to just make it more likely to happen.

Since there's almost no chance you aren't underage I'll say this gently. Get off this board. It's not healthy or safe for a kid to be around here. Trust me.
Anyone got Jaeh's Expandemonium comic pack? was released in /inf/ but the link was down. Hoping anyone here was able to grab it and send a copy to this thread. Thanks in advance!
Anyone have Sugarboy’s comics on hand?
Boys I am broke and here to ask for the Rattiebutts kemono to be updated and for Jaehthebird's Expandemonium comic to be uploaded here
Can anyone update sachasketchy kemono.party page please?
Also guy who call me a child
SHUT UP I'll wait for this one
Fellas, I'm once again begging for Rattiesteps/Rattiebutts kemono to be updated and also Daiidalus needs a kemono update.

This broke brother gotta bust his balls.
Is it me or nothing on kemono.party or sachasketchy kemono.party haven't been updated yet? And comicalweapon and tfsubmissions and sharkbubble and vim toto and modnaryug.
What is going on?
what I have understood so far kemono.party importer is disabled, it is not known when it will be fixed
>>26378 I know that, but apparently it doesn’t appear if one is not logged in.
My face when I have money and a healthy paranoia against leaks?
(1.5 MB, 1784x2393, 6dbd6c78136a3eaec8a9822efffc18dbfb2468ea64bf79b59fb2572085d8423e.jpg)
Hey there fellow in threads
I have a beg here
There is one comic was made by MnaPuddingFox / Mana_the_Vixen
it named " Everyone needs a balloon "
Its a comic which has been removed by the artist , so if anyone still have the comic , i will be grateful for that
fixed few worlds
comic name is " Everyone needs a balloon cat "
Basically I said that I don’t see it on my end. Just posting it here is all you had to do. Sorry for all the trouble.
(317 KB, 1280x720, 1630766800.arachnicon_planetfat.jpg)
Hi I am her to beg.
does anyone here have the slob/gas alt of this Arachnicon image.
the dropbox for the slob/gas alt on her Furaffinity page has expired.
Bumping and replyin to the Spootz Popufur post cause I also wanna see what that looks like.
Hopefully the voice acting sell is for all 3 of the vids.
Bump this for the love of FLUFF!!! Or like they said, UPDATE NEKO’S KEMONO!!!
Well, you can always post the videos here, y'know?

I for one am not gonna buy it because I rather not support a man who affiliates with a pedophilic bigot
Neat, if you have an issue uploading the vid(s) to google drive and then make it accessible to people with the link.
I know an artist that uses that for their uploads.

Also damn, who's the pedo?
forever grateful if someone updated clearwater chronicle's kemono
Spootz is a heavy supporter of Ridiculous Cake, a confirmed child predator and stalker
Bumping for the videos of this pack
Can you show us the video
Can we get an update to ujanskiy on kemono?
>>27569 Since you have the pack could I see the Fox McCloud one? I'm genuinely curious.
I’ve searched everywhere unless anyone has them still on does anyone have the chickens downloadable stories for free the 8 muses thing lost them
Bumping again for those popufur videos
I really love to see that renamon video
This was on the original paid content thread till some certain fucktards got it deleted without archival, also, why am I bothering making the post so long? Because none of you read otherwise, now please, post this if you still have it

I'm bumping my own post, I'm not getting ignored again.
I remember seeing a fat Skye (light blue wolf from Animal Crossing), but I can’t seem to find it. I think she was sitting and holding some kind of sandwich.
Another bump for myself, I know yall have it
To everyone begging for Kemono.party uploads: y'all will unfortunately need to be patient. Patreon importer has been completely fucked since mid October and the devs, while likely working hard on the issue, are being cagey about when it could be fixed or what the problem is to begin with. Most requests posted here in regards to kemono are likely not going to be filled for a great while. It's very possible some of the requested artists are in queue already but are just stuck in broken import limbo.
Bumping this as well!
Bumping this bump to bump for that renamon video I want to see
>The Beastars images and robin hood are getting R9k errors so it wont let me post 'em

you can try using an image editor to shrink the images slightly, and that might negate the error.

But all in all, thanks for the images, greatly appreciated.
(119 KB, 1134x1400, EhRrEgqUcAAvdMW.jpg_large.jpg)
Does anyone have that short progression comic of cupoficewater's OC before they deleted their twitter? I thought I saw it one here a short while ago, but either I'm miss remembering or the thread it was in is gone
Anyone ? please ??
>>22764 (OP)
Can anyone update Meanybeany’s ketone page?
anyone got thee ManaPuddingFox comic called " Everyone needs a balloon cat " ??
Is KP busted or something?

Seen a lot of people here saying that updating someone's Kemono doesn't work. Need some clarification.
(46 KB, 498x750, 1f1cbc716b311f6d76219c1a9870efd3.jpg)
Not too sure, because even back when the importer was working, I never uploaded anything there, too risky. I prefer to drop off my stash links at u18chan's /rs/ board, and 8chan.moe usually. I'm not some IT guy but the way I understand it is: KP as a site uses some kind of program, API or something, to scrape posts off pages. When paytreon does their little "updates" it breaks this API, and then needs to be fixed every time. Recently they've taken to installing some kind of anti-bot scraping program that can ban a user's account if it detects "suspicious activity." You could always create another account, but your payment info is saved on-file in their servers, so if you tried to link the same paypal account or bank card, it detects that and bans you too. The same goes for creator's pages, if a creator decides to ban you, they also ban the card you tried to pay with, and making a new account trying to pay with the same card will ban you from their page again. If you need more info, try searching around on their imageboard;

Add to that, Paytreon also doesn't allow you to talk directly to creators unless you're pledged to their page, if a creator bans you, patreon gives you a stock line that goes, "we encourage you to reach out to the creator off-site and talk about this"...yeah fucking right. Paytreon's administration is packed with SJW-tard twitter drones who will ban you if someone reports you doing something they deem offensive off-site. But I suppose that's to be expected when the founder, Jack Conte, was a failed musician who couldn't make it on youtube. I mean hell, if you think about it, paytreon (as well as other paysites) really serve no purpose other than to act as a middleman between creators and buyers, it's without a doubt the laziest kind of "service" there is, and is basically a money-making machine, all they had to do is provide a space and sit back and milk the cashcow. How they manage to keep fucking up this way is a wonder to behold. Whether its the accidental decline of all credit cards, or the bug back in ~2015 that resized all uploaded images into pictures for ants, paytreon staff have been proven incompetent time and time again. All previous anti-bot programs have been evaded so far, so I don't doubt the KP admin will be able to circumvent it again. It's only a matter of time.

Another more disturbing fact about the site is that paytreon doesn't allow direct PMs to other members. If a creator is acting unethically, you can't tell other patrons directly about it on the site, unless you post on the creator's page, but then they'd just ban you anyway for exposing them. Paytreon is a lot more insidious than you might imagine. Despite proclaiming in their terms of service that they're against "drawn images of minors in sexual situations" (paraphrased) as well as other things deemed 'obscene', there's several top artists who still do just that and paytreon doesn't do anything about them. Know why? Because paytreon makes money on creator revenue, they take a portion of the earnings of every creator at the end of the month, and they quickly learned that disciplining top artists means less money from them at the end of the month, or even worse, moving to another site and closing their paytreon acount which means no money for them at all. Now normally I don't care what people draw, images are harmless, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. The REAL problem is that these top artists now use their position to lie, cheat, steal, and all sorts of other shit to other people, and they know they can get away with it. If you tried to report them over it, chances are, paytreon staff will ban you for reporting it.

It's a terrible situation.
not sure really

Speaking of which, it would be nice if someone added BlackSheepTF's patreon to Kemono
Huge thanks fam
Anyone able to update Bodbloat on Kemono? Patreon importer has stopped shitting the bed but his stuff hasn't updated yet, assuming nobody set-up auto import for his content
Does the artist have a Kemono?
If so you can check there.
Name of artist?
you can try to check his Kemono.
Here are the pics, couldn't find the other ones (Kemono prolly not fully updated) but hope you enjoy these.

just make sure to always check Kemono.party first.
holy shit i know this is the beg thread but you've bitched and moaned about this like 5 times. Trust me everyone sees your autistic flailing, it's just that either Kemono is shitting the bed with the patreon importer again (likely) or nobody has a sub to import from. If you're this desperate spend your own fucking money. You don't get to throw a tantrum when you're the one begging.

I mean, of course you can, free internet and all. Just know you seem like an actual child. Grow up.
Coming back again anyone with the chocend downloadable stories such as weight and stay inn or olivia's swelling power anyone have them or the rest he's made?
I swear to fucking christ
It's ok , atlease you try
(112 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)
Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is?

Insanity is doing the exact... same fucking thing... over and over again expecting... shit to change... That. Is. Crazy. The first time somebody told me that, I dunno, I thought they were bullshitting me, so, I shot him. The thing is... He was right. And then I started seeing, everywhere I looked, everywhere I looked all these fucking pricks, everywhere I looked, doing the exact same fucking thing... over and over and over and over again thinking 'this time is gonna be different...
Bumping for this guy to post that renamon animation
Not really a beg so much as a lost file, but didn't know where else to ask. I could've sworn around 2 years ago somebody posted a folder with an archive of zenimakitchen's fatfur art but can't find it anymore. Anyone have it?
Yeah, bump this and get it please someone to share
Can someone update bodbloat’s kemono? Or at least post his latest work on his comic thing here?
Can everyone explain to me why no one got a thief's misfortune 2 act 2? I looked at every free comic site (and yes that even includes porn comic sites) and I didn't find a single one that have all pages of that comic at this point, it's so bullcrap man!
In fact, you can buy the damn pack in gumroad which is one of the things you can import to kemono.party

Get off this site until you're at least 18 fucktard
Well how about you go get the stuff people on this thread instead of COMPLAINING ABOUT HOW WE DON'T JUST BUY IT OURSELVES or you can https://youtu.be/7xqotijBZE0
What happen to this comic
Do you have a link to where it's buyable?

would make it easier to find.
very nice, thx very much.

OreoCakes is my favorite fat fur artist :)
Useless message but I just want to say I enjoy seeing some cute border collie with those free art pack gifts. Kind of like a lil' bonus. Thanks for sharing
I'm sorry for being a massive jerk and losing it moments ago. it just that sometimes it feels like nobody cares about not just me but the other people here as well. from now on I'll would ask politely and never ever complain again
Coming back again for chocend's downloadables anyone have them if you want to buy them and share they are all on his patreon
Does anyone have the full comic of
Everyone needs a balloon cat from
Have some freaking standards, bro. It's not worth it.
Bumping this, they really have some very soft big furry girls
I mean there’s 5 free pages, but the other 7 are part of the paid pack
Yeah, does anyone have it?
Would anyone update modnaryug on kemono.party please?
Does anyone have any blueberry art of Naomi the dog? She was an OC of RoarytheFygar, once called Jahchildren AKA @spicyroary on Twitter.

Basically some of the best blueberry art to ever come out of DA. But they took it all down in like 2021 cause, according to them, Naomi was a “real person” that didn’t like the blueberry art. But they didn’t quit making other blueberry art, mostly of their dragon persona, mainly on their NSFW account.

Yet Naomi became a blueberry often and a lot of her appeal was that she didn’t like it. Roary literally made a butt jiggling GIF based on 05 Violet called “Torturing Naomi Again.” In fact, she wore mainly the same tracksuit a lot.

I think they didn’t like how their blueberry stuff was liked more than the normal art. Which is normal, some artists don’t wanna be known for just that. But by the time they got more comfortable making it, they could not double-back on blueberry Noami being taken off the table.

But I’m not asking or engaging about their personal journey to where they are now.

I just wanna know if anyone rescued anything of the blueberry doggo? They made videos of her coupled with music and perfectly cut screams. Their blueberry art of her is god tier and should not be forgotten. Full stop, mates.
Sorry, it’s all gone.
Can some upload Trigullx’s post of Doctor T’ana from Lower Decks? Can’t find it on Twitter.

Post more content fags.
It's "TL;DR", if you're gonna shitpost, do it correctly.
fucking christ it was requested not even 12 hours before your bump calm down schizo
Holy cow. That is quite literally one of the most hideous things that eyes have seen
bumping im asp interested
bumping this, a little surprised that there was nobody set to auto-update his stuff. for how popular he is this page is one of the last I've seen unupdated since october
nah shit looks so ass
Shut up you fucking schizo. That looks fucking terrible anyways.

If you're gonna just scream and flail don't fucking bother. Buy it yourself or fuck off.

Or do both. Just fuck off in general.
Sorry I don't take requests, please don't ask me for things personally. Also herro doesn't interest me.
Helplessly bumped
Anyone for Fluff-kevlar predators of Kilimanjaro?
(229 KB, 626x417, Valentines_collie2.png)
I gave up and bought it for myself, and no, I'm not sharing it :)
Then why you here :)) ?
I was just about to say the samething.
(502 KB, 544x535, b87.png)
>has an autistic meltdown when nobody uploads your shitty undertale animation
>finally man up and buy it yourself like an actual adult
>immediately throw yourself back down the stairs to childish by saying you aren't sharing
>like some pathetic first grader with their ice cream
>like any of us give a shit

Good. That shit looks like ass keep it away from here.
It's funnier when I'm a different anon who has had it for a while now, and not uploaded it cause I'm lazy XD
(418 KB, 1000x1057, HQFA_Salazzle_Page_49_Image_0001.png)
anyone here who have fidchell discord can post some pages that happen after this, or at least let me know on the plot of the next hunt if she still going this permanent fat, because i'm excited how this progressively goes with the weight gain of the character on this comic series
Thank you kindly, good sir.
One of the good ones, you are.
Can I get uh... Chicken sandwich and a happy meal?
My fat belly starving!
I've actually done a full translation of this.
update for bellydog on kemono?
It would be great if someone could get this and share it please. I would appreciate it a lot since getting a single dollar to pay for it is completely out of my possibilities because I am from a country with many restrictions and where getting physical money is already a feat. Thank you, I hope you fulfill my wish, please and excuse me
God bless you. Greetings from Venezuela, thanks

me impresiona encontrar un latino por aqui, pensaba que solo habla inglesa existia por estas tierras, tengo muchos juegos de este artista por si te interesa otro
Broo muchas la posibilidades de encontrar por aca ese juego ya los daba por imposible,muchas gracias lo estaba buscando tambien !
Depaso a mi si me interesa todo de ese artista
Artist is oreocakes btw
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I love CorvidaeCreations's creations but plss i want full versions of these pics.
Tinkiwizz Had an anthro Bowsette sequence does anyone have it?
can someone update bellydog on kemono?
Hello! I've been looking for the bigger arts of this pony by Dimmerolls/Jem. They deleted their stuff except from a locked Twitter. I remember there were crazy edits by themselves making this butt bigger. If anybody has em or similar size to this of this character (Jelly Gemstone) I'll be very grateful. Thank you very much.

De casualidad tienes el Super Fatty office administrator ?
(364 KB, 850x1189, 586026D9-7874-4C19-8B12-E37F08E2DB1F.jpeg)
I’m doubtful at this point but does anyone happen to have some lost art? It was made by an artist named wigglelines on tumblr and it was gift art based on this image. I literally couldn’t find it anywhere, so maybe someone has it saved?
That's some dedication i gotta admit!
Do you have the link for the translation?
Get it while it lasts
Someone please reupload this
Anybody got this picture of a fat bipedal wolf Link walking on some cracking pillars? he was round and soft. Typical green and cream-white fur, and had a shackle on one paw. The style looked similar to rakuga-kyte, or Cosith. But I have been unable to find the picture. I used to have it then deleted it. Please if anybody has this picture, could you share? Thank you so much.
I too would like to see this.
>>34036 Yes It looks very similar to this! Very. Except he was upright and walking on some pillars I think.
Can I request Diane Foxington?
OMG ANON, yes It was this! I have been looking for years! You have no idea... Thank you so much!
May I ask, who was the artist for It? For posterity.
The artist is the fantastic Rakugakite
>>23736 Bumping for this pack

>>27332 also what happened to the guy who's going to send a Google drive link containing the three videos in the pack
Bumping these pics
I’m bumping mine too

Kemono.party has been lacking with its fat fur content, hasn’t it? I hope we both get what we want.
Yeah, he is prob busy, i do hope i get the pics tho
It’s only one fucking guy?
Does anyone have any new posts on nken?
As much as I don't want to, I'm seconding this.

Hey, I made that LONG post months ago. Thank you for replying and PLEASE do. Blueberry Naomi should not be forgotten.
does anyone had comic called Reynard city ? or anything related to it ?

Please do. Especially if you got the Naomi blueberry stuff from their Twitter. They acted like they hated drawing her, but they literally drew her naked and made Naomi animations where she swelled up.
(205 KB, 1024x829, 9C25252F-7E90-4032-A518-7437B7399475.jpeg) (316 KB, 512x512, IMG_3547.MP4)
Me and some friends occasionally save videos/pics we find just since a lot of good stuff is constantly taken down. I have another video, but it’s a slow download.
Honestly would recommend adding any lost Roary stuff here. Definitely respect their push on their sfw content, but their inflation content is still good.
(619 KB, 842x937, 6t453763432.png) (393 KB, 645x880, 7454325321536.png)
Managed to find a couple extra bits to that sequence while digging around. Shame she never ended up finishing this one with how high quality it was.

Frustrating how her berry content is typically locked away on patreon too now. 25$ a month is absurd.
(966 KB, 1019x1134, img(3).png) (1.8 MB, 1526x2083, img(2).png)
Whoops. Apologize for the shit quality there idk what happened. Here's as full as I could find

God bless you. Yeah, $25 is asking a lot. Most FULL comics from DA artist are less than $15. But blueberry Naomi was a treasure. Thank you for preserving her.

Maybe some day Roary will bring her back and we can all enjoy seeing her hate being turned into a blueberry. Because that was the appeal.

She hated it, but it kept happening to her. Perverts and hecklers should not ruin such a good thing.

If Roary had a blueberry drive with her in it, that would make so much $$$
I don’t remember these ones. Where’d you find them?
Honestly? Can't even remember lmao it was just in my stash

Maybe it's on her patreon or something but I'm not paying 25$ to check lmao
Hey there, someone who donated to her Patron a while back. Can confirm these weren’t on there. Maybe she took them down- who knows.
Anyone have that pic made by Vendant of his OC Karri and someone else’s OC but fat?
(209 KB, 1024x880, 450F6757-47E9-4763-8687-90CF4593C471.jpeg) (268 KB, 1024x1508, FF8FF86A-6D1D-408F-9D73-8E23C71EDBEB.jpeg) (194 KB, 1024x1358, BD058F96-F474-4C31-BFA6-6E0A68E8B63F.jpeg) (234 KB, 1024x985, 87CFD630-5778-4682-918F-1EE8104201F6.jpeg) (154 KB, 1024x1270, 69079D5D-B388-4061-8CA3-D7EBE47369FB.jpeg) (251 KB, 1024x1168, EC91423D-2CD0-482E-BCC0-71E543DF1B47.jpeg)
I’m really glad I saved these when I did, because it now seems that she’s deleted every single one of her pictures on DA. So, here’s some non-berry stuff.
Yo I’ve been looking for these! The last pic shows up in the furarchive system but I’ve never been able to find the first pic. I think there was a whole story about Gypsy (the character’s name) blowing up, but alas it’s lost to time too.
Not the original requester, but thanks so much for the find.

I am the original requester and holy crap do these take me back. Thank you!
(546 KB, 600x448, 372732851.mp4)
Afternoon Naomi liker, I've found a jackpot

thinkin this was posted in a server I used to be in? dunno I'm fairly certain I shared a server with her at some point and she dropped this

as much as i am aware this is as far as this animation went but it's beyond what she posted on her twitter
She wrote a couple of berry stories that I’m sure will never be found again. The Naomi one was really good.

Holy shit! I NEVER thought I’d see stuff like this when I inquired about Naomi months ago. Someone PLEASE compile all of these together into a MEGA, Google Doc, or DropBox folder to preserve them. I’d do it myself, but I still don’t know how to post MP4 videos on here.

Once again, THANK YOU!!!
holy shit yeah. i remember there was one with a bush and a really slow terrifying growth that hit all my fucking buttons and learned a few weeks ago it was just completely fucking gone

really hoping someone who has it stumbles through here i'd LOVE to see that again, she's so good at writing terror
(375 KB, 2048x969, Fs9l07MXoAESnmT.jpeg)
Kinda surprised this artist (Veryfilthything) still has no kemono.party yet, can atleast anyone shard the snorpunny sequence
Long shot and late but thirding this, I went looking for some old Herro art today and apparently it's gone everywhere except in one of those packs. The exhentai mirror and kemono are both missing it.
Not really a request for content, but knowledge. Does anyone know if there's an archive/backup of content for Deviantart like there is for FurAffinity? An artist I love wrote a story a few years back that I remember blowing me away but they've since deleted it and most of their gallery.
I was looking in the sonic girls thread and saw in post >>34800 (Cross-thread) talking about Nemo Hana did a Amy Rose blueberry sequence. I imagine it's a part of one of their paid art packs.
painfully late bump
any new HuskyBlueBonanza
Would someone please add fatlouiearts (Patreon) to Kemono?
Anyone got any Ozomilk art archived or even some Ozomilk NSFW?
Anyone have the big gulp by valecity?
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Literally anything from Huskmoder’s patreon, their new video looks like the tightest shit ever.
I somehow completely missed the translation.
Don't suppose anyone's willing to reupload it?
Can anyone update ModnarYug and Erafarty Plz?
anyone have the amiyumi hourglass expansion comic by ambipucca? it seems to be wiped off the internet

Forgot the picture
Again, anyone have this?
Why tf is nobody doing people's requests? Like damn, itd be understandable if someone is busy with other begs but holy shit a long time passes by without any fag doing anything at all
There's an old saying about beggars and choosers, anon.

Posting in a beg thread is not a guarantee that someone else will spend the money for you. It's not even likely. Just a pleasant surprise if it does happen.

Bitching about it gets you nowhere. Either sit down and pray silently that some kind anon feeds you by hand or man up and buy it yourself.
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does someone has this?
anything from vetrowolf?
Do you have other packs?
That depends; I'm noticing a distinct lack of gratitude in your post for the pack I already gave you just now. I don't see a "Thank you, Collie" anywhere...
thank you collie
Thank you collie, could we please get more packs?
you are so fucking obnoxious holy shit
Both of you too. Acting like spoiled children and immediately begging for more packs right after Collie gives you free shit. I dunno why the jannies let actual fucking children run around this board nowadays but it's all falling to shit.
It's a beg thread. We mostly just leave it alone
...That was you thanking me for giving you a copy of dragon raid in another seperate thread. I'm talking about being thanked for giving you a copy of Reagan700's vore pack 3 in this thread you're posting in right now.
Courtesy and appreciation is nice and all, but it is just that - a courtesy. Chasing after it makes you sound weirdly needy for validation.
1. I didn't ask for this pack (I didn't make a post about it)
2. I had the right to ask if you had the rest of the packs.
I: Do you have other packs?
You: No / Yes, ....
I: Cool, thank you.
I mean to be fair to collie, buying and giving out a pack just to immediately get hit with "do you have other packs" would be frustrating to anyone
Sorry Collie, I didn't think this through.
Are you actually trying to say there's something wrong with being thanked for giving out a gift?
>I didn't ask for this pack (I didn't make a post about it)
But you still made a post about wanting to get other packs from the same artist, so it's obvious that you downloaded it, and you could have at least thanked me for it.
>I had the right to ask if you had the rest of the packs
No one is disputing your rights here. Of course you have the right to ask me or anyone else if they have something. Just as I have the right to give out or decline your request.
Thank you! This Anon gets it. I'm already frustrated with distributing content to several other imageboards only to have people not thank me there, either. Much like this situation, they also immediately ask me for other things that they want. I'm not a machine, and I'm not a bank. I'm a person. A simple "thanks" for giving out free stuff that comes directly out of my hard-earned money is all I ask for.
Very well, I accept your apology, and I forgive you. Just say thank you Collie for the vore pack and then I'll consider giving you any other packs from reagan700 that I may have.
>I'm not a machine, and I'm not a bank. I'm a person.
Holy shit dude. Who writes like this?
Don't get me wrong, people do appreciate what you do and it's good that you do decide to share, but insisting that strangers on the internet thank for your service as well seems odd to me. Posting anything on a chan board is a pretty thankless endeavour but that just goes with the territory, right?
I know whenever I've shared stuff here it's mainly just for the sake of putting it out there, not for recognition of my services. If people do recognise your efforts? That's cool. But bemoaning that people don't thank you enough? Not so cool. Just my two cents.
dude i think hes just asking for a simple thank you in terms of what he does hes not seeking anything.
>>36224 Get a load of this femanon. Why don't you simply get off this board and go back to doing what you normally do?
bro it aint the lack of thank you that's the issue

people post shit without thanks all the time, the problem is if you're going to ask for other packs, then at THAT point the least you could do is say thanks. like if you don't see how that comes off as childish you should leave and come back when you're 18

collie isn't getting pissed because the entire thread isn't on their knees sucking his cock, he's frustrated that the initial response he got in lieu of silence was written like a tone deaf child ripping open their birthday present and immediately asking for something different

you can say all that shit like "oh it's a chan board it's thankless" yeah still childish as fuck though and I don't blame collie for being fed up
>>36230 Are you sure? I thought it was just because he was homophobic. I see him always telling ppl to "stop being gay".
Someone with a wallet. Now thank the nice man.
i dont say much here but thanks for the packs collie
-someone who needs more storage space
I assume you're talking about The Bush? Really great details.
You I mean. Sorry, I didn't know how to reply directly.
Also, dude, you are literally the Messiah. Do you have anymore Roary stuff? And if so, do you have a Discord I can contact you on so they can be shared much easier? I don't know if that's possible, I'm new to this site.
Anyone got that deleted jackie axlwisp weight gain drive?
so i take it nobody has that Roary animation of naomi?
oh i hate to the bearer of bad news, but the Roary mega link is down
Aw man! I’m guessing she found it. Anybody manage to save it before that?
If anyone can make their way into rattibutt's patreon discord and drop the alt pics, I'd love to see them

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