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Bumping with balloons. I wanna use Wendy as an air mattress and carry her around on a string
Quick bump
I've noticed this in some of the fics I've seen around the internet, and some of the art; but what is it about Wendy O'Koopa that brings the foot fags about?
The age old tradition of degenerate freaks casting judgement on other, different degenerate freaks. You love to see it.
Neigh~and~Whinny and GravitySecretAgent are the only ones I've seen emphasize her feet, and they seem to be collaborators.
We are. It's not just feet (even if I'm a footfag.) I like flabbing up body parts/areas of the flesh that ain't usually described in detail
I'm the other one from the one he is and I DO like feet a LOT
That's the most confusing thing I have ever read and yet I know 100% what you mean? I'm GSA and they are N&W (which sounds like a restaurant)
Has anyone seen a Comic similar to this one? called Wendy’s magic elixir and it was in black and white.
I like Wendy better than KMCartoons
...wh... I mean one is a real person artist and one is a videogame cartoon character so I don't know that they're really comparable.
I didn’t want this thread to die before that one.
Ohhh, pft- fair enough
Quick bump, in case of emergencies
Thank you very much! You're the type of guy everyone wants around here but no one wants to be.
Honestly I just can’t find much good art of her. She’s surprisingly underrated.
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bumpin with balloon
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Does anyone have that sketch of her by ridiculouscake over from above after being flattened by a kart?
Flattening fucking sucks
I know, but I've been looking for this particular image for like, five years.
Bump. I'll post art later, I just don't want this one dying.
I shoulda saved posting these for when I needed to bump this thread again.

Whatever, I'll find more art tomorrow for this- I swear.
Hey anon, would it be okay if instead of art, I wrote something for this? Would you want anything to be written about with Wendy?
This thread would stay more and be more popular if it was a general Koopaling thread..
Maybe, but then it'd be something else, wouldn't it?

That's like saying that the thread would be more popular if it was about Mario Characters in general. Or Nintendo characters in general.

Like, yeah, but that'd absolutely defeat the purpose. Stupid.
And hell, you don't have to ask permission for that!

By all means, write all you want! It would be awesome if you did!

Are you asking for specific requests/ideas? Personally I'm a big fan of Wendy somehow getting the other Koopalings act as her personal servants and feeders. Which is a subject matter you see in a handful of the drawings in this thread.

But, whatever you do would be really great to see!
Oh, well that would work, honestly, feeling like I would just like to try to write something about her, though don't know exactly what to write, but that idea you just gave might just work out! I'm way too tired to even try and do any amount of writing, so tomorrow, I'd say to expect something in here, though how long n'such, I wouldn't know lol. Honestly don't wanna write anything bad in here!!! Especially with how it really did start out with a bang..
Though question anon, why don't you want this thread to die? Honestly really am curious about that, I mean, it's not like there's other threads to have fun/create. Why's this one special in particular?
Tomorrow is fine, haha. I'm looking forwards to it! But,of course, if you can't do it that's okay too.

Also I don't understand this question. Why don't I want this thread to die? I should think that's pretty self explanatory. I like the subject matter of this one.
Well thank you for the patience, it really is appreciated.

Though I guess, anon, you seem really passionate about this whole thread, more so than others. It's notable, probably more so than you might think.
Haha- well I like the Susie thread too, but other people still post in that one from time to time.
Well, I'm home now, so just gimmie a couple hours and I should be ready, just been so fucking busy with work n'such and life in general. Though I don't exactly know where to.."start" the thing off? should it be like a slow burn, or like right in the action? Among just, how big it should go.
Jeez. I know what that's like- I'm sorry things are rough. Hope you're alright, though.

But- as for more details on the story? How about something relatively simple. Bowser leaves the Koopa Kingdom for some reason (any reason), and leaves the Koopalings in charge. They're SUPPOSED to share the responsibility...but Wendy hates the idea of having to share anything. So without their dad there to stop her, she decides to use her own magic to hypnotize her brothers into being her servants.

Do you think that sounds okay? It can be as slow or fast of a burn as you want- and as for how big, that's up to you too. But if you want my two cents, bigger is always better!

In the end, it's all up to you. I appreciate you even trying to do something for her!
Hrmm, loving the premise so far, but it feels like it's missing that extra... "kick" to it, I guess. that little something to make it POP. Maybe something with the brothers that she'd particularly wanna do, or maybe even have them do to her. Or maybe a little extra twist of another fetish? something like that, I really do love the idea, but I guess I wanna make it something special for something first time in here.

Though uh, hey, I remember you saying something about you liking the susie thread? When I'm done with that, wanna hop over there and swap spit on what to do?

Wait shit, sorry, meant when I was done with this story, in here.
pfft. Fine, if you really want spice then you can add incest.

And add foot fetish stuff too, just like the first few images in this thread.

Do whatever you want, it's cool. If you have ideas to make it more exciting, then do them!


And sure, that may be fun too- haha
Sounds good to me, I'll try my best when I can, never really tried either of the last two, but it honestly sounds like the first one was something you had in mind since the beginning lol

Though again, thanks for the idea and suggestions, it really does help. Hope that when it comes out, it'll be something you can enjoy.
I thought the first thing was something you were implying? I mean, the phrasing you used implied it.

"something with the brothers that she'd particularly wanna do, or maybe even have them do to her."

To me that sounds like you were implying incest. But maybe that's a me problem, haha.

Either way, I look forward to it!
Hope you're okay

(No pressure by the way, I know what it's like to wanna do something for fun and then other shit happens. it's okay if you never even do the story at all- just hope the radio silence doesn't mean something bad happened)
Oh hey, things are fine now, just been stressing about moving in with someone and all that, had to buy a plane ticket since they're kinda overwhelmed with everything, but yeah, the move should be going on n'such, but honestly, I guess I'm just kinda struggling to figure out how their whole... "dynamic" is..? Like how they would interact with each other and their own personality, don't really know how to put my own spin on it, persay, I mean they are kinda more eye candy than like, actual characters, but yeah. Also how to do the incest stuff, not that I DON'T wanna do that, but it like, should it all be around Wendy? Should there be some gay stuff too? Would the some of the shorter koopalings be more twinkish in how they do stuff, or would they be the ones in charge and the bruiser types be more uh, feminine, or maybe a mix? I can defiantly see the one named after the piano guy in a maid outfit n'such, but yeah, I guess it's just kinda hard to know where I'm going beyond "Make it smutty, and make wendy fat" and all that. Hope that wasn't... "too" much, but yeah. Thanks for the concern though.
Sorry if this is all out of nowhere, I guess I am kinda struggling on how to really.. "approach" this whole thing in the first place. I've still got questions about stuff, but yeah. Hope you don't mind

hehehe- D'aw. You're really concerned about this- it's sweet. Even after being so caught up in stressful stuff. But really anything at all is okay!

...that being said, would you like to talk about this somewhere more convenient? If you want, I can tell you my discord real quick, and we can talk on there.

(Also, it'd be very funny if we find out we already knew each other on there)

Anywho, I'll see you in discord. I'll say barakuda and talk about where that comes from. Though I will be legitimate and say that I'm probably going to get some sleep afterwards.
I'll be honest I had a suspicion lol
ohh no way! Awesome
Pedo thread.
Youre on bbwchan that makes you a bad parent kill yourself
One of the guys here in this thread added me on Discord and shared some images that can make him go to prison in real life, this thread should be purged

The guy that added you on discord should be purged, this thread should be kept safe
I already reported it, people sharing possible CP here is very dangerous bro.

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