
Post any animal crossing content on here :)
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Someone made this for me in an old /trash/ thread. Still stoked about it to this day.
Got any good kicks and flick art?
Yah know the funny thing about that last one is that Ankha apparently hates/is allergic to apples.
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I figured I'd post this to contribute to the thread. But I have to ask, does anyone know who the artist of this image is? They didn't put a name, just an icon. I came across their Twitter page a while back but I completely forgot the name unfortunately.
@undercoverbob1 on twitter
Anyone got that one of Ankha where she has a monobutt and its showing her backside with a cartoonish X for a butthole? I remember there was dialogue of her demanding more food or something like that.
who is the artist? they did an amazing details on the hands and feet.

and fat |:3
Modezombie on Deviantart.

But this is a deviation from their normal stuff.
who's the artist?
Like she isn't already the center of attention 99.99% of the time everywhere else?
but i must know where this artist is.
ModeZombie on Deviantart. This sort of thing isn't the norm for her though, she usually does like, muscle girls. Strong fat. Y'know.
Maybe. Maybe. But it's for good reason.

And anyway, there's next to nothing of her HERE. So, y'know.
Man of culture, I see.
That is Noelle from Deltarune
Cloudboyo probably
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These are great blobs, who is the artist? I wonder if it's the same person requesting all the blobs of this goat
The artist is GamingMarko. He has done lots of Animal Crossing art. You can find him on places like Twitter or Fur Affinity.
Does anyone have nekocrispys patreon for that new chubby winter outfit isabelle?
>>31558 Look at hjim. He's so proud... never did anything great.
does anyone have the charlise images from the previous thread by chance?
I cannot for the life of me find that first one
You’re a godsend anon, thanks

i think the artist of the middle pic went by blue5hit but their stuff is gone. not entirely sure. anyone got some of their stuff?
Do you remember the artist's name?
They went by a lot of names.

One or them being Geese
Nice work. Do you have any accounts we can follow?
Thanks! I'm LilacMoon on FurAffinity, LilacMoon93 on DeviantArt
I feel like this was based on a story someone wrote a long while ago. Been trying to find it for awhile now
Can you describe the story?
Someone might know something.
Can a homie ask for some more Tom Nook
Do you know the artist that made these?
Is there any more Judy?
Does anybody have this one image of an extremely blobby Isabelle in the mayors office? I remember there also being a fat villager in it too.
Seconded; the vimeo link on SweetnessAdmirer's kemono page broke, and the updated link hasn't been added yet.
I agree, someone post it
I remember there being a version without sora
Thanks for that!
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Bro, I think that fucking cat is dancing.
I imagine she’s standing still while her dat is wobbling around
Jesus can we get less Shitabelle and more Margie please????
No one cares about your waifu, and your self-insert fanfiction.
Margie kinda overrated as well lol
>>47737 No she isn't, she's underrated and gets overshadowed by everyones massive boner for that yellow bitch
Yeah, and there’s good reason for it.
Besides, no one’s forcing you to look at the thread
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yo snoozeyalose your teapot is full of piss lmao

Mr. Snoozey, with all due respect, you are in no position to complain about massive boners, given the nasty contents of your gallery.
God, we even got an artist dunking on him.
Is this actually snoozey???
Hey, Snoozy, if you're somehow in here, then you should know I love your gallery, it's full of wonderful, creative things. You deserve to know that it's all great, wish I could see some more and let you know that each time something new appears in your gallery, it's amazing!!!
The dickriding here is crazy!!!
Hey, I could dickride you if you want, not like anyone doesn't deserve a good time. So I mean, I dunno, if you want, I could just, say some nice things about your stuff, if you have any!
You should be telling this stuff to the artists who make the things he uploads to his gallery. "But he comes up with the ideas" yeah well so do ai tech bros doesn't mean they made the images they generate.
Uhm, well, you know that compliment could just apply to his own personal tastes and just how well he conducts his own commissions with the artists? It's not like these ideas come out of the void, and just getting lots of these commissions does take time, social enginuity, and just, well, care? To not burn out the artist, know what you're getting into, and just, well, have a decent flow of the stuff? I know it might not be much, but I applaud anyone who can get constant commissions and not be a bitch about it, while also having a nice, cool personality afterwards and not have a big head about it.

Though, yeah, I could, but they're not here right now, apparently Snoozy is here, and I thought I'd give them my best regards because I like what they get! But if you want, I totally could just pull some of the other artists work and compliment it, if you'd really want me too.

Still haven't given me an answer if you wanna get dickrode yet...seems like you're a bit tense, could probably use a nice time with someone who could care about what you bring to the world~
I'm not the other dude and not an artist but there's a reason why this guy is getting roasted in this thread. He is NOT as nice of a person as you think he is and does in fact get a big head about shit lmfao. If it is him in this thread, that is. He shat up this thread with his autistic hate boner instead of providing more art of Margie himself.
Ah, well then I'm sorry about that then! Honestly, I like the stuff that they get, but if that's the case, then I understand! Really am sorry about this, but I still can't really hope anything bad would happen to them! But I don't think I'll say anything nice if that's the case!

Anywho though, I wouldn't mind saying nice things for yourself and other artists if that's the case~ Really! If anyone here would like something nice said about themselves, gimmie a message, and I'll make sure to say something REALLY nice!
Can you say something nice about me? :3
I don't know much of who you are!!! If I have some stuff to go on, sure :3
Oh well I like Isabelle :3
Well I mean, Isabelle is hot...And she's nice and cute and perfect all around!!! So by association, you're also nice!!! :3
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Sasha looks cuter when he's a fat fuck
The same can be said for a lot of characters!
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Y'know, a friend of mine told me someone was brewing a shitstorm in here. I haven't posted here in years, but this is just getting ridiculous. Do ya'll really think I'd hop in a thread like this just to dunk on people's tastes? I appreciate threads like this existing at all, as this is a niche I spend a lot of time in. I just don't typically browse chan boards anymore since they're poorly filtered.

It's obviously no secret I don't like the yellow dog but I wouldn't ever threadshit like >>47734 over here. I don't know why it never occurred to you people that I'm not the only person on the planet that likes Margie, or that the angry anon here is most likely just some clown trying to make me/Margie fans look bad.

Take your coping mechanisms elsewhere, Fawxen. You're better than this, and stop getting your friends to do dumb things like this: >>47762

Thank you! Sorry if the trolls here gave a bad first impression, haha.
Can we not just post some Margie pics given all the'recent fuss about her? Post 'em if you got 'em.
Welll, hello! I am sorry if they all did come off as a bit rude, I honestly have no say in the conversation about either of you two, but I would at least like to hear both sides before I truly jump on either side? Though I don't want to say that either side is good on just the basis on what's happened in this board. So, if we could talk some more, here, or some place else, I'd love to talk!
Is there more or just that?
Im not fawxen you schizos just your friendly neighborhood anon artist
Yeah i was about to say how would we be sure if they were fawxen? Cuz we’re all anonymous and can set our display name to anything
Hnngh ancient coco statue that turns your whole village fat
More Isabelle please.
NO! NO MORE SHITABELLE! STOP IT!!!!!!!! POST MARGIE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Honestly you shouldn’t have responded to this guy. Should’ve let him whine more.
Erm... what the fuckle? Where's all the isabelle?
We should post Isabelle just to spite the hell outta ya
Me rubbing my Isabelle shaped belly: *BUURRRRPPP* uhm.. I don't know....
Ok, so I know this is gonna sound really weird but this is the only place I can hope to find this at this point. Does anyone know of / have that Isabelle sequence where the islanders feed her like literally everything? Like I remember they fed her the wood from the houses at one point.
are all of fawxen’s friends as mentally derranged as this guy? why do they keep threadshitting
just post them both and shut the fuck up already
Hey, you need to shut the heck up!
Im going to fuck that huge phat ass.
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Anyone know the source of this picture
It was plumpknight, some unfinished sequence as fat as I know
It's an animal crossing thread, expect everyone to spam the worst characters.
Just make a thread for your elephant pics, and let us post the secretary.
It got deleted
Why can't you keep your thread up?
Anyone got any big fat Judy?
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I don't get this sentiment. There are 488 villagers in the latest AC game. Players can only have 10 in their town at any given time. Unless the villager in question is extremely distinct or wins the meme lottery (or both in Ankha's case) most people aren't going to care about the one specific barely distinct villager you jerk off to. I love Carmen but I'm not surprised that she gets little attention.

Isabelle is in everybody's game with a unique, defined role and tons of advertising exposure. Of course she's going to get all the fan art.

Anyway, have some Petri.
I love the “slightly mad scientist” kind of look redphlannel gives her
Seems like they just left the community
Anyone who followed them or are in their server know what happened?
jouigi probably left his sad ass, so he doesn't have a little commission slut any more. lmao
Most likely right on the money given what I could find evidence wise. Wonder what made this happen cause a good few people I've talked to including myself were either thinking about snoozey or talking about him on the particular day he decided to dip over this. Someone with balls should ask Jouigi maybe.
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Its a bit obvious Jouigi dropped em considering they were one of very very very few people that would even take commissions from his ass. And without someone to be his safeguard against allegations I guess snoozey just gave up. Bet he'll be back after a rebrand tho. Same thing happened after the shit he did when he still went by Killijacks or however it was spelt.
>only posts in this thread is a full resolution drawing by Fawxen and a hate doodle with a very Fawxen-like art style.

yeah sure pal
again, go back to drawing your shitty Noelle OC
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Shut the fuck up about Snozzy or whatever and post more fat animals, the amount of threadshitting here is ridiculous
You're like four months late to that particular incident.
Weird how you people are hung up on something so harmless as a clone of a character you don't even like to begin with. Nice to see you've got literally nothing else going on in your life to be so mad about such a nothingburger of an issue.
Losers with no life will do that sort of stuff. We don't even actually know if it is fawxen cause so many people copy styles all the time. If it is, it's whatever who ACTUALLY cares.
Oh wow, it really was Fawxen after all... I really wasn't expecting you to just tell on yourself like that though.
If it was the case, I wonder if Jouigi severed ties with him in part as a business decision.
God only knows what it must have been like to have Snoozey as a repeat client.
Boy, a lot of gay drama in a thread about fattening cute animal civilians
I find it INDESCRIBABLY FUNNY that fawxen thinks that anyone really gives a shit about him, but it's more or less just a hightened state of retardation that has allowed him to even get where he is. I mean he does draw good stuff, but if he thinks anyone really cares about him, he would be shocked to find out that he could easily be replaced. He's like some fucking triple A game that comes out, makes a wave, and then is forgotten the next month. I swear, I fucking SWEAR. I would absolutely CHEER if he would just stick to drawing fat bitches, and that's it. His personality is about as good as a microwaved salad, his friend group is just as good as what I said before, if not worse, and to top it all off, dude would just go MENTAL if anyone actually found out who he actually was. He has no charisma, no rizz, absolutely NOTHING except his art going for him. His game is gonna come out, and it's gonna mean NOTHING. He doesn't have art in him, he just has horny, and he's trying to fucking grasp at straws, thinking he's top shit, but, surprise surprise, when shit falls down, there won't be anyone to catch him except for the ground 6 feet under. God damn I just wanna see where this goes though, fuck this is funny.
I can see rizz unironically used in the middle of all that shit I'm not reading, could you use this sheer obsessive hater energy for something useful instead like getting rid of the pink circle tool dog thread or something?
If you're seriously just focusing on the single use of rizz, then I guess no wonder you've made it this far in the world. Can't see the shit from the corn I guess. Have fun eating that slop and being the same shit you eat in the world.
Too long didn’t read
I swear to god, if you both are gonna ask for your reddit gold after this, then you're both shit out of luck.
Wholesome 💯 Keanu chungus moment
Oh so you like child marriage too, cant believe you agree too. Glad to meet another one of my kind.
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How has no one posted cloudboyo’s Isabelle yet?
go ahead, keep posting more proof lmfao, dumbass
shouldn't you be busy bumping your self-made thread? or crying about someone drawing something you drew on the same day?
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The hell is even going on in here?>>57546

Anyway, anyone got that isabelle pack or whatever that Plumpknight released recently?
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Here’s some fanart of Lolly for ya. She’s so friggin’ adorable and underrated. She turns my legs into Niagara Falls~.

(Art cred: GamingMarko on FurAffinity.)
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you do an awful job at hiding it fawx tbh
anyway can we all stop threadshitting and post fat villagers?
Got to comfortable smfh
Im over here putting on digusting weight. My stomach is just doing it own district
Post all the fat Judy you have, I love this bear!
Tom Nook my beloved
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We need more tower shaped villagers
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You guys, sure are strange but, if this flows your boat, then I’ll post it here. I just hope that Mayl or Roll doesn’t found out about this.
(Art Cred: OCsDA on Deviantart.)
Hell yeah! Keep ‘em coming!
Artists please?
I've noticed a surprising lack of Marina...
Love when ppl finally fully morph " after getting a good job" love it. Supermarket still hiring
Smash Bros. related
Source plz that Isabelle animation woah
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Does anyone have the full res picture of this? I remember also once ridicolouscake uploaded a gif version of this that looked like Isabelle was breathing, if anyone has it please i'd love it
Source on these?
I have a craving for some Judy, post all the Judy you have
My beloved <3 <3 Keep em coming! Thanks a ton!
those first 2 definitely need a source fr, cus i cant find anything from just the image
Artists for the first 2 are sixsidesofmyhead on Twitter and E621
Sable please

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