
(2.0 MB, 3820x1980, EBE0E953-0213-444F-BEFF-2E6DC73855DF.png)
Similar to 4Chan Trash’s /feed/ for this board dedicated to anything that is not Human, Feral, or downright pedo. Please do not spam as it may reduce your delivery likely hood.
(666 KB, 971x1280, 285CB33B-4801-42C7-8EE7-D6A8975A84CF.png)
>>22468 I’m going to request this Furafinity Mae Borowski by ToxicToby edited to be a bit more sturdy. As if the Margaret in the original image has had a few more years to soften out, both her form and her attitude toward herself. A slightly softer face, maybe a more excited expression. Not a much bigger chest but a mildly wider waist with plusher legs and arms. Her stomach might be less afflicted by an ill-fitting shirt, even if that means it might be a recreation of her old one.
Love this one, thank you for reposting it.
>>22467 (OP)

Is this where I request?

I sure am glad to see another thread like this was posted:)

Heres my request: sorry if its just links, I am not able to upload files here...

May someone be generous enough to fatten this slim bikini babe-


To these proportions? -


Technically it’s the post below, 22468, but using that is entirely optional so anywhere besides either two delivery anchors in my opinion is fine. It’s not like I could do anything about it anyway.

May someone upload these pics for me so people will know what I would like? I have provided the links... I am not able to drop the files for some strange reason...
Hey... I'd be really appreciate if anyone would be able to upload these pictures for me so people would know what I'd like to see edited. For some strange reason, I am not able to upload any files.

>No. 22595
(43 KB, 800x375, Testing Testing.jpg)
All I am doing is seeing If I can upload files from my computer to here, as I cannot do it on my phone for some reason :(
(118 KB, 316x453, V1 (2).png) (154 KB, 388x445, V2.png)
>>22467 (OP)

May someone Draw/Edit Character 1 (Pic 1) as big as Character 2? (Pic 2)

I wasn't able to upload files on my phone, but doing it on my pc worked...
>>22704 The opening post and the title of this thread stated that this thread is not for Feral.
Willing to put a bounty on my request, btw!
>>22601 Thank you for posting.
>>22594 (Cross-thread)

I tried uploading them on my phone, didn't work. I tried uploading them on my PC, didn't work.
I just hope people can see the actual pictures in the links...

Please tell me if you could see or can't see the pictures... I would really like my request to be done, and I will be as patient as possible.

I tried uploading them on my phone, didn't work. I tried uploading them on my PC, didn't work.
I just hope people can see the actual pictures in the links...

Please tell me if you could see or can't see the pictures... I would really like my request to be done, and I will be as patient as possible.
(83 KB, 211x694, RTP (2).jpg)
May someone fatten this slim bikini babe (Pic 1) ...
(161 KB, 1280x1484, FLoona.jpg)

To These Proportions?

I uploaded both pics... I don't think anyone knows the feeling of uploading your pics to the site at 2 am, with you're hear feeling like it's about to burst, hoping you don't draw any unwanted attention from the people you live with...
Still somebody out there?
(4.1 MB, 2048x2333, D36835BC-CB6D-48B1-B3AC-B9D9E02A2C7B.png)
(243 KB, 1568x1350, 1665610403705690.png)
Requesting a female edit of this with big boobs and lipstick
I don't know, I just found it on the /feed/ thread on /trash/, were you interested in the editing?
Oh wow I’m the one who asked for that. Didn’t expect anyone did it. Excellent work and thanks for doing it!
Honestly if you wanted to make an even fatter version, like Bambi’s fat gut nearing touching the ground I’d love to see that
Uh why are you adding on to my request? seems kinda rude to "hijack" (lack of a better word) my request.
I was not adding on to your request, I was just making my own request. That's a difference.
I'll try my hand at it, shine you've been waiting for awhile. I'll fatten up this Celebi gal for ya. But first, I'd like to know how much you'd like her fattened. I don't want to make her too big, or too small, for your liking.
Hey, I'll edit this Celebi for you. I already respond to one of you're other comments but I thought I'd reply here in case you didn't see it.
(3.7 MB, 1838x2344, hachi kabedon.png)
Can someone make her fatter with her belly hanging low
Yeah, I'm still here. Just waiting to see how the edit should be. Don't wanna make them to small or big ya know?
Personally, you could try different sizes if you wish.
Rodger that good sir and or madam! I'll be sure to edit the Celebi as best I can!
(1.1 MB, 1260x1120, export1668119344809.png)
Made her a bit more pudgy first. I'll probably do two more. Hope I did alright, tried my best to match the colours with the new lines.
Looks nice. I'm curious about the other versions though.
I have three versions planned.
Pudgy, chubby, and fat

Simple enough
(255 KB, 764x582, 20221112_054602.jpg)
May someone please sort ot "color" in the bellies of these girls?
>>22467 (OP)
Draw and edit threads are better seperate and specialised.
Hey guys. Does MSLY have a Discord tag? I'm just asking nicely for that. :)
You still here?
He might have taken the money and ran.
But... I didn't even pay?
Been busy. Sorry. Also having a bit of trouble getting the colours rights and the size as well. I'll try my best, but no promises on that fat one
And have them both share the same speech bubble.
And also have Hayley as fat as she was in "Round Rivals" albeit the belly fat is in her chest and butt, therefore making both her chest and butt twice as big as they were in that comic.
And also, have beth as far as shown in this pic. And have crumbs of random candies on her mouth and cleavage and have the candies behind her have indication that they have been eaten, bite marks included in both the last panel of page 2 and the sixth panel of page 3.

>>26190 (Cross-thread)
And also have Britney's hips shown as a large singular sphere that's still swelling up.
>>26841 (Cross-thread)
And also have Beth taller than Marianne in these two panels of page 4. And a trail of chocolate and candy footprints. And also some taffy crumbs on her.
And again, it's the chocolate-covered Beth. In page 4.
And that the chocolate is also dried up and flaking off.
And also, have Britney's lower half have no panties at all, showing off her clit.
And have said clit swollen and doc. Chipmunk/Squirrel's hand be stained and blotted with juice and fat.
(409 KB, 1771x1866, 80D6D273-8886-44D5-87B8-2E159E42BDF4.jpeg) (420 KB, 1771x1866, E874192C-1772-4F8B-AB8F-C61B60390DEC.jpeg)
Requesting a fat edit of this polar bear gal to be obese like the delivery hear but strongfat with visible musculature though she has a double chin ,a big juicy taught beer (bear?) gut and softer features. Though with a little Ashley Graham face thing where it’s still quite built and featured without getting *too* lost in the softness. Maybe expand the muscles out to make them more defined against the lard butt make her look quite obese and chub up her cheeks a bit flavour text would be nice
take this as a resource
And also, dream Britney should be nude.

And that Britney should also be literally sweating juice and fruit pulp, too.
And also, dream Britney should also be leaking juice and pulp from all orifaces and nude.
And the case in >>26752 should also be for page five.
(1.1 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20221213-180131.png) (602 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20221213-180141.png) (684 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20221213-180227.png)
Man that's the most longest comment thread I made.
(2.4 MB, 3436x2000, orchest_balloonrenas_alt.png)
Could this image be edited to show show the brown rena's nipples and perhaps show a cut away/zoom in to the brown renamon's underside, showing a cumming pussy, and for the green renamon, perhaps showing a cutaway/zoom in showing a cumming canine cock/red rocket.

Veiukket on FA's mega has this file. 2021 07, 6th image
I'm confused? are one of them female? cause if there both bois then I'm not gonna like the artist.
(621 KB, 1771x1866, 21EF9712-683B-4C4C-A84F-9E61DEE15753.jpeg)
10/10! Very lovely! Very good for a first time!
Though Could you make her bigger around the abdomen again?
What I mean is to make it more taught and round like a beach ball,maybe like a musclegut with slight ab definition in the pudge,and bigger flabbier arms aswell? Also the Lower body should be bigger/more refined like to see where the hips intersect with the gut and to make the butt fatter and firmer you know? Not too cartoonish but a bit bigger. Otherwise thank you!
Is anyone interested in doing this. It's been awhile so I thought I'd ask.
Maybe also,for the editor to also make it look more like a polar bear without taking about the color scheme of the pic aswell?
For now, you will only find me here.
I can give you some more reqs soon.
Thanks for these btw.
the brown one is female, the blueish one is probably male due to flat chest
Thack you. Looks good.
Holy crap this is perfect! Thanks man!
Your best work yet,serious . You getting so much better!
(740 KB, 873x1166, serpiente copia.png)

Hello, I don't understand your idea very well so I tried to interpret it, I hope you like it.

In this case, you do not like it or it is not what you wanted, I can modify it, I will be waiting for your answer
>>28856 Holy shit this reminds me of the giant snake I strangled to death. When it died it's mouth opened up and it's jaw was hanging
(160 KB, 873x1166, 2453C388-1B21-438C-9B1B-07CA5EC40F01.jpeg) (316 KB, 766x409, 5A5C7683-D70D-41B3-8BF8-08B401414AC6.jpeg)
Ah shucks thanks,let me help iron out the kinks,
First I would like the dream image to be fat as well,second I would like the arms,face and lower body as fat as the breasts and gut,third,I would like the belly even bigger,pushing to the corners of the screen,take the spoilered image for example
That is all,thank you!
(135 KB, 680x950, A79C36BA-0965-4E2F-8A1A-5509C5B16E40.jpeg)
Not to be rude but also requesting a second request to fatten up her arms and shoulders aswell. Those have been bugging me off. Also to make the gut more stuffed and taught looking otherwise this is perfect!
I'm not the requester but damn that Lyra Dress is good~
(560 KB, 700x1072, Pesky Bee.png)
Requesting a fat edit of this bee gal with a big belly and such
Hate to be the second person who asked but who made that it's a very good sequence
Again, Who made this?
(86 KB, 617x1133, 20230131_100104.jpg)
Requesting a rounder, fuller beergut on this wolf, get him well into volleyball territory
bonus points if you can somehow edit the expression to make him burp.
(173 KB, 1562x1506, IMG_20230131_145305.jpg)
I just want to get this glaceon off of Celebi here
(4.6 MB, 3264x2193, E3.png)
(3.6 MB, 3264x1478, RRF.png)
Herer's the full version.
Now do a chestless edit
Can't wait to see your next edit <3
(235 KB, 1112x1280, Play by play.jpg)
Here's a more indepth play by play to see where you can improve! It just seems the fattened parts do not fully seam together nicely! Nothing wrong but for the redo I suggest looking for connection points and adding rolls to them!b
>ask for help modifying
> never responded
What did he mean by this?
(10 KB, 280x208, 19thumb.jpg)
It's in the name. "Stout".
And here's a reference for how big she must be.
(505 KB, 3168x3172, Fat Peg Pete Colored.png) (3.9 MB, 1440x1080, Peg Pete Profile Shot 1.png) (4.0 MB, 1440x1080, Peg Pete Swimsuit Shot 1.png)
Can someone edit this drawing of Peg (Pete's wife) from Goof Troop by Smappa by giving her pants and shoes as seen in this screenshot of her shown here and/or maybe perhaps put her in swimsuit like the one seen in the second screenshot of her shown here please? Thank you.
This thread is for Anthro, it’s in the name.
(181 KB, 1200x1065, Peeb fat.JPG) (203 KB, 1200x1065, Pepfatalr.jpg)
(The Bird app that gets you autobanned) /Peeble01/status/1567772964992548865 Requesting both of these dragon girls obese
Someone please add nipples.
What is the source for that second image?
Any new deliveries
I broke the curse fag. Nobody here has NO excuse
Then keep giving us more deliveries you narcissistic fag
Right on it buddy!
Can you make the rest of them fat? Like their belly and arms and such?
(124 KB, 992x1403, Sophia.jpg)
Requesting anthro Milotic inflation.
(116 KB, 700x700, FuXAtkLXwAEKBYV.jpg)
Requesting Gardevoir popping. You can make it as cartoony or unsafe as you want. Don't worry. Poké centres are fully stocked on revives.
(1.5 MB, 1320x1760, 161141.png)
Requesting a weight gain edit of this picture of Sheila from Beastars
If possible, I would like more weight gain stages
(116 KB, 905x1280, 1655020623.boysoy_larde.jpg) (281 KB, 744x1052, 1653322332.boysoy_unsecure2.png) (219 KB, 506x750, FtsYA5OWwAAf9yi.jpeg)
Requesting someone to edit this so that Storm is fatter and has nipples and moobs. These pics are references for how big he must be, and how his nipples and boobs must look and how he must look. Bonus points if you give him an erection. (He's 21 years old by the way. See >>31569 (Cross-thread) for details.)
(17 KB, 219x253, The_flag_of_America's_Land_of_the_Rising_Sun.png.webp) (63 KB, 1032x774, 73b18433ec4a7f4cec4b3c4df4907fb57f9ea281b59bca79ca6030c77c6550c9.webp)
Would someone please edit this so it has a purple background like the next pic (right)? Bonus points if one also includes a larger version of the previous version of Britney's supersized berry form from The Candy Factory, (left), complete with a full view of her thighs, and calves from said picture (left).
(17 KB, 219x253, The_flag_of_America's_Land_of_the_Rising_Sun.png.webp) (63 KB, 1032x774, 73b18433ec4a7f4cec4b3c4df4907fb57f9ea281b59bca79ca6030c77c6550c9.webp)
Would someone please edit this so it has a purple background like the next pic (right)? Bonus points if one also includes a larger version of the previous version of Britney's supersized berry form from The Candy Factory, (left), complete with a full view of her thighs, knees, and lower legs from said picture (right).

Source of second picture

(17 KB, 219x253, The_flag_of_America's_Land_of_the_Rising_Sun.png.webp) (63 KB, 1032x774, 73b18433ec4a7f4cec4b3c4df4907fb57f9ea281b59bca79ca6030c77c6550c9.webp)
Would someone please edit this so it has a purple background like the next pic (right)? Bonus points if one also includes a larger version of the previous version of Britney's supersized berry form from The Candy Factory, (left), complete with a full view of her thighs, knees, and lower legs from said picture (right).

Source of both pictures


(691 KB, 1200x1428, 1639019830139.png)
Requesting A fat edit of this Peg to make her as top heavy as she is bottom heavy (with emphasis on the gut and booba),maybe even more. And frame it as a sequel btw?
(1.8 MB, 1440x1080, kitten_Refe.png)
Requesting she get the belly to match her tits and ass.
Nipples & pussy/futa would be great bonus!
(1.3 MB, 1708x916, F8CBEE37-EE8B-4B52-A19C-59474B3234A5.png)
Requesting an edit/redraw with the fat of Nicole Watterson on the right added onto her frame without sacrificing her assets. Like add the fat of the right onto the left+her tits and ass,or add on the tits and ass of the left onto the right,preferably both.
Can we get some ballooned Ralsei?
This might be the wrong board to post on, but I have to ask..
Has AI gotten any good at editing characters to be fat? I know it can work decently enough for pregnant edits, but I never hear AI fat edits.
(539 KB, 1072x1130, Untitled80_20230621160818.png)
No one asked for this but I tried my best to edit a panel from LordStormCaller, sorry if it's bad :)
Can you make her obese?
Ooh! Can you make them obese?
Not OR, but fuckin' nice!
Make them even bigger please
I don't got the skill to make em flabbier :(
I would like to see you try. I believe in you.
Guro, yes or no?
(1.3 MB, 2500x2800, heelfBrady.png)
I think this cat needs more weight to her frame. Could someone please make her xtra large?
(1.4 MB, 2500x4713, 9023.png)
Requesting this reshiram with a big physique like this blastoise in the ref
Is this just editing other peoples work or requesting artists to edit their own work?

I'm fine with either just want to know what images to post.
Its generally understood to be requesting randoms to edit other artists work.
OP must've had little experience with image boards. Real image boards allow seperated draw, edit, and write threads for every single board. He must've thought fusing two would increase activity on a slow board.
It's not clear from the OP. The sooner the thread dies the sooner we can explicitely name them "draw thread" and "edit thread" respectively.
Okay well I've edited others work before but only dead artists as i dont want to be disrespectful.
you cant hurt a dead artist's feelings and it generally doesnt hurt anyone because they are already in the ground, cant get hurt anymore.
Bumping to save thread from death.
Artists should take draw requests because OP was misleading.
(155 KB, 1024x768, IMG_4046.jpeg)
Requesting a fat edit of these two but make Kitty twice as bigger as Katty with her large belly touching Katty’s belly.
any updates here?
(3.9 MB, 2208x1242, IMG_8336.png)
Can somebody swap these two but with Wolf in his casual cloths and Diane sliming back at him?
(2.5 MB, 3014x2560, pear fat edit-min.png)
requesting an edit of this pearl to have fatter arms and a bigger belly
(119 KB, 905x799, IMG_5394.jpeg)
Requesting these Pip and Molly Characters with fatter arms legs belly and face/necks to counterbalance their massive breasts and buttocks.
(5.7 MB, 3493x6203, Polish_20231108_094337763.jpg)
Looking for someone to add pasties and add matching underwear to cover. That way it'll technically be SFW and i can hang miss piggy up in my cubicle
Requesting an edit of this making it a normal gatomon
(677 KB, 1500x1050, IMG_0591.png)
requesting an edit/redraw to make the body as fat as the breasts
(44 KB, 702x594, IMG_1911.jpeg)
Requesting an edit of this where the rest of her body is massively obese to matcg.
Like so that the pregnancy barely makes a dent on her fat body. Especially the back fat and arms as well
(449 KB, 1053x1362, IMG_2776.jpeg)
Requesting an ssbbw edit to this leopard lady and give her a big fat gut.
(117 KB, 1063x752, IMG_1456.jpeg)
Add nudity to this boi
My message above is my request
(2.6 MB, 1125x546, Engutten the dragon.png)
Requesting the endowed dragoness with the tiny stick like itty bitty waist on the left plumped up with the massive round "365 pound" viseral fat cauldron gut on the right. And also fatten up her limbs neck and face proportionally.
We should have only one draw thread and seperate from that only one edit thread.
Why can't every board have one draw thread?
This thread is fine in concept but the theme is redundant considering this is the FATFUR board. I doubt anyone here would be making edits of fucking Lois Griffin here.
Boards are best when they're themed and each board has its own draw and edit+color threads. /trash/ is yet another example how well normies navigate such an environment. In fact most images posted on /bbfurries/ were posted there first.
Please draw or edit.
Shut up cracker
Those agents need a minority to show em how to delegate. White people dont have a culture since christianity and cathedral churches created slavery, extortion & child rape.
Newfag's gonna newfag.
That's all they have. They accuse you of what they're doing to you.

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