
can someone tell me what the fuck just happened here?
Oh some soytards discovered this part of the site and completely trashed many of the boards, including the sonic and viroveteruscy threads.
We lost the starfox thread too and the chica thread
This was the only board that got hit very hard. Over half the threads were lost cause of the raid.
There’s already a sonic girls thread called sonic girls
>>22463 (OP)
With this, this board now has;
2 Sonic Girls threads
A thread for Sally and Blaze
A thread for Amy, Cream, and Vanilla
What the fuck. No one knows how to check the goddamn board.
Dude calm down
Who made the animation of cream?
The ARTIST! I meant who was the artist that made the animation.
It said who in the link... But it's "Megacheese"

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