
(390 KB, 1567x2005, 1659527233681.jpg)
The thread got deleted because some ass spamed soijak threads overnight for some reason.
Regarding Ark, I don't know exactly. Everything I posted was from 4chan and Desuarchive. There's an onion link to an archive of his gallery, apparently. Maybe you could get something from there.
The top image doesn't even exist anymore I managed to save it years ago before it was deleted
Normie here. How do I access that Arkveveen archive link?
(158 KB, 500x363, B85607C5-CBA1-4609-9142-DD49F48FE4C3.png) (399 KB, 2836x2150, 0F3F7A33-9D55-4BAE-A3D7-02D9C38C1D84.jpeg) (227 KB, 1280x1370, 81F73F31-7F16-43B3-A822-A8C06A8AB488.jpeg) (267 KB, 724x673, 6C572885-AFCF-476A-AEC7-30915B1E0F9C.png) (93 KB, 1280x980, B1B81D42-6B99-4A72-A382-128474C01A1A.jpeg) (103 KB, 1280x1111, 8E55D1DB-C7BF-4745-881A-45623A754334.jpeg)
had a whole archive of art on my computer for a situation just like this, so expect a bit of a flood of art
Can you make another with his hyperdeath form?
Woah! Awesome work
I'll drop a truth bomb,, and admit I'm actually the artist who made the original lmao
I was simply curious pffsh
(2.3 MB, 500x640, ralsei-deltarune.gif)
I- wow
the way you draw Ralsei is hella cute, keep it up! I really like your artstyle and would love to see more fluffy boys coming from you

hopefully the way I played around your style to make Ralsei fat was good enough lol
Hold up, are you.. Rekteon?
This is so funny to me omg-
I've enjoyed your art for a while. I'd always see it pop up from time to me
What a funny series of events!
Keep up the amazing work yourself. Would love to see what else you cook up <3
Oh and if you do any more edits,,
Make sure to send them here! >w<
- Galact
Oh, so this is where you saw the edit. I was looking on the wrong image board lol
I don't come here often, so I didn't realize.
Curiosity killed the goat
LOL holy shit hello, i had to do a double take upon seeing my own art here
Three artists walk into a fat fetish UT/DR thread
>>22452 (OP)
does anyone have the rest of keno9988's asriels? had to slog through his twitter just to find out he deleted everything up to 2020
(135 KB, 808x857, image_2022-10-14_014905031.png)
My first ACTUAL, attempt at chonky Ral art! Not something I plan on doing often. But I'm quite proud of this one. Maybe one of you brave souls can colour it!
Thanks for uploading these! I have been searching for the third and forth image for quite a while!
Late I know, but really nice work!
More please and thank you
Bump, also, does anyone know if this artist has a FA or DA I can follow?
8 messages and you've done nothing but bump and beg for more art while posting nothing yourself. You don't need to bump on a board this slow more than once every few days, much less within the same 10 minute spam.
Would you happen to know the sauce to that one Asriel sprite edit?
wasn't it made by an anon for the thread itself?
>>25120 yeah I made it, still haven't gotten time to make the hyperdeath form version that someone asked either from this thread or the old one
Do you have any kind of account we can follow for your art? Please tell us
>>25146 sorry, I don't. I just like posting these anonymously.
Do you at least have anymore?
(279 KB, 1500x1500, image.jpg)
Oh this is new. Sauce?
I don't remember. From Discord I think.
Link us the discord
Last pic seems like a chest size humiliation thing almost
Look, I'm not going to lie, this goat boi is so god damn cute, he needs to be shared around so god damn much. He's so god damn perfect that I can rightly say that we need him in all our lives, and have our way with him like he was there all along.

Also this outfit is so fucking cute, I would kill for him to be teased and railed in it, if you pardon my french.
Also this edit is just so good, i seriously would love it if he was just constantly getting fatter all throughout the chapters, and was becoming more of a tank mage as time went on. I dunno, just something to make him enabled into a big fat blob, would be perfect like you wouldn't imagine.
Jesus, Toby had no right making this goat boy so hot in the first place. Seriously, would love to go on a date with him, and then pound him out when I bring him to my place after stuffing him full. He's just the perfect little thing that I wanna be with.
Hey If you add me on discord we can do a fat asriel rp
What's your discord handle? I'd love to see what we could do!
yeah, honestly, if anyone out there has access, I'd just love to see some more of him in many different situations being so big and huge~
My discord is TheFatFur#0974
If you made any ai art of him would you post it here?
I'll try and get some good ai photos of him
thank you!!!
Whens this getting updated cmon someone has to have some pics
Sauce on those last two? Also, please post more, assuming you have more
holy shit shut the fuck up about your discord. we get it. you legitimately come across as a child with how much you repost that shit
Didn’t you say you were going to upload ai images of him..?
I tried to get some good generated ones but couldn't
There were colored versions of these on the (now lost) colorization thread, does anyone have them? Also this image was colored too but lost as well
You know, I really hate how people just made Asriel stuff so hard to find nowadays. Like, seriously, they just scared off the good stuff, and pedophilia is still as rampant as ever nowadays, like seriously, what the fuck. This is bullshit.
Twitter woke mob, they're constantly trying to find even the slightest reason to cancel someone
And I love how like, most of them, are mainly children and teens trying to do "the right thing" when then it hits them like a fucking truck how pointless what they did, was. Honestly, why the hell are there children and teens on twitter in the first place. I mean it's nice to at least have a bit of output for when you're an artist starting out, or whatever, but like, has the internet just gotten MORE pedophilic as shit has gone on, or has reality really been this sexual as time goes on???
>>27794 Fr. Why don't we all just stop having sex altogether? These pedos are craaaaaZyyy

What a nut.
Where have i seen that other fur before? I feel like I've seen at least another image of them with Asriel a long time ago. either that or im insane.
Aww I really like those last two where did ya find them
Do any of you have Asriel inflation content?
(535 KB, 4000x3000, IMG_20221218_145129.jpg)
I'm actually pretty surprised to find my draw on here, my boyfriend just told me he found this draw in here xD
Here's a proof it's mine!
Oh I uploaded that on here
Yeh, I feel pretty honoured for that!
Your welcome :3
yes pls! they look so good!
(425 KB, 640x640, Dreemurr_16.jfif)
To the people that are interested in NovelAI Asriel.
I have created a bunch of images of him on the "NovelAI" thread.

There is a female/male version of Asriel, with and without genitals as well.
Hey um do you think you could post like 20 of them on here we here love asriel :3
this should be all of the pictures
Do you think you could post some more I'f you don't mind y know
My Anlas has run out right now so I can't make more sexy AI pictures of the cute fluffy goat boy.
Sorry about that, but hopefully the pictures I sent are good enough :)
Ah well you think you could post some tommorrow?
oh hey this one wasn't in the AI thread!

have you been holding out on us anon?? haha
I'll think about it...
could prolly waste 10 dollars for more tries on the AI art lottery.

but I can also practice drawing as well so we can get some premium Asriel pics sometimes.

I wouldn't mind being a anon drawer on this website one day.

r9k bot did not let me post pictures (I am kind of new here) so I created and extra pic as a "thumbnail" for things to come.

but now I know what to do though when that happens.
(9 KB, 1000x1000, ralseifat.png)
did a sprite edit (yeah i was the one who made>>22664) of the ralsei character portrait!
Jesus Christ, these are so good...I just wish these were actually in game, and I could just see this fat fuck be so god damn cute....
i just like being anon, so i dont have any accounts lol
Can you provide us with the prompt you used for making the AI pictures?
(492 KB, 512x768, index (1).png) (469 KB, 512x768, index (2).png) (493 KB, 512x768, index.png)
Oh yeah and Merry Christmas this is my gift to the bbw Asriel thingy.
Link the server fam
HAHAHA when takes a shit you will know it! Take it to bbwalt, hahah. At least there isn't retards in bbwalt

Did you make these?
I messaged your discord is it the right one?
What’s the server?
Can we get more Ralsei?
Bumping for more asi
Did anyone end up finding out the name of the server where all those novel ai Asriel pictures come from?
Bump for hope of ai art
Is the first one Ralsei?
Read the filename...
(125 KB, 1246x1264, FmUVxoiXwAA9V9R.jpeg)
rekteon really came a long way since those were made. His own recent portrayals of Ralsei are currently among my favorites.
I doubt it like you wouldn't believe, but at least you're a beautiful girl doing art and that's what keeps me rooting for you. I love to watch you struggle and never get anywhere. It's the effort that counts with me. I love watching beautiful girls try.
Definitely will. Keep up the good work!
I just realized this was meant for one of the latest images in the Temmie thread.
Anyone got any new ai asriel fats?
(425 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, colored, {{morbidly obese,}} sweat, blush, looking at viewer, s-2572320287.png) (378 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, colored, {{morbidly obese,}} sweat, blush, looking at viewer, s-2536306182.png) (428 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, colored, {{morbidly obese,}} sweat, blush, looking at viewer, s-2135671151.png) (487 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, colored, {{morbidly obese,}} sweat, blush, looking at viewer, s-693516846.png) (455 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, colored, {{morbidly obese,}} sweat, blush, looking at viewer, s-2399273619.png) (656 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, colored, {{morbidly obese,}} sweat, blush, looking at viewer, s-1899718283.png)
Yeah, me.
(346 KB, 768x512, standing, asriel dreemurr, colored, {{morbidly obese,}} sweat, blush, looking at s-524618.png) (349 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, colored, {{morbidly obese,}} sweat, blush, looking at viewer, s-3057993586.png) (380 KB, 768x512, standing, asriel dreemurr, colored, {{morbidly obese,}} sweat, blush, looking at s-154882872.png) (418 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, colored, {{morbidly obese,}} sweat, blush, looking at viewer, s-3163386545.png) (745 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, tight clothing, sweat, blush, looking at viewe s-2328120938.png)
(500 KB, 768x512, standing, asriel dreemurr, colored, {{morbidly obese,}} sweat, blush, looking at s-813210624.png) (353 KB, 768x512, standing, asriel dreemurr, colored, {{morbidly obese,}} sweat, blush, looking at s-884359254.png) (375 KB, 768x512, standing, asriel dreemurr, colored, {{morbidly obese,}} sweat, blush, looking at s-961060763.png) (335 KB, 768x512, standing, asriel dreemurr, colored, {{morbidly obese,}} sweat, blush, looking at s-1277217380.png) (450 KB, 768x512, standing, asriel dreemurr, colored, {{morbidly obese,}} sweat, blush, looking at s-1043212951.png) (425 KB, 768x512, standing, asriel dreemurr, colored, {{morbidly obese,}} sweat, blush, looking at s-1967876262.png)
(474 KB, 768x512, standing, asriel dreemurr, colored, {{morbidly obese,}} sweat, blush, looking at s-1995628559.png) (349 KB, 768x512, standing, asriel dreemurr, colored, {{morbidly obese,}} sweat, blush, looking at s-2207593381.png) (406 KB, 768x512, standing, asriel dreemurr, colored, {{morbidly obese,}} sweat, blush, looking at s-2365001315.png) (427 KB, 768x512, standing, asriel dreemurr, colored, {{morbidly obese,}} sweat, blush, looking at s-2732530687.png) (403 KB, 768x512, standing, asriel dreemurr, colored, {{morbidly obese,}} sweat, blush, looking at s-3154467640.png) (430 KB, 768x512, standing, asriel dreemurr, colored, {{morbidly obese,}} sweat, blush, looking at s-3205922941.png)
(434 KB, 768x512, standing, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, sweat, looking at viewer, solo focus s-1899657183.png) (420 KB, 768x512, standing, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, sweat, looking at viewer, solo focus s-945932219.png) (452 KB, 768x512, standing, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, sweat, looking at viewer, solo focus s-1325563076.png) (482 KB, 768x512, standing, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, sweat, looking at viewer, solo focus s-443451522.png) (411 KB, 768x512, standing, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, sweat, looking at viewer, solo focus s-1704605115.png) (543 KB, 768x512, standing, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, sweat, looking at viewer, solo focus s-180840400.png)
(343 KB, 768x512, standing, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, sweat, looking at viewer, solo focus s-2405694933.png) (430 KB, 768x512, standing, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, sweat, looking at viewer, solo focus s-2055469025.png) (519 KB, 768x512, standing, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, sweat, looking at viewer, solo focus s-1905607497.png) (495 KB, 768x512, standing, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, sweat, looking at viewer, solo focus s-2365399753.png) (503 KB, 768x512, standing, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, sweat, looking at viewer, solo focus s-2636229697.png) (584 KB, 768x512, standing, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, sweat, looking at viewer, solo focus s-3111688866.png)
(369 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, looking at viewer, solo focus, obese s-2656918280.png) (389 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, looking at viewer, solo focus, obese s-1449793296.png) (448 KB, 768x512, standing, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, sweat, looking at viewer, solo focus s-3678864215.png) (446 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, looking at viewer, solo focus, obese s-866627056.png) (423 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, looking at viewer, solo focus, obese s-2794092235.png) (502 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, looking at viewer, solo focus, obese s-2193216882.png)
I have a ton more of this fatass, it's just a pain uploading them. I could put them into a zip and share the link, but I'm too lazy to do that. So I'll upload some more later.
Please do, I'd love to see more
god you beautiful fucker, please yes
(366 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-537641979.png) (411 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-489289161.png) (390 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-613304211.png) (436 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-58020837.png) (414 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-81440792.png) (406 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-190316883.png)
Sorry for the delay! Anyways...
(356 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-1221523291.png) (436 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-730270176.png) (365 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-1753452953.png) (421 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-898098200.png) (393 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-1073449643.png) (420 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-1237794641.png)
(503 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-3532921926.png) (387 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-2330807477.png) (374 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-3772379991.png) (358 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-3304565599.png) (368 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-3408601806.png) (432 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-3224787288.png)
(461 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, overweight, obese, naked, facesitti s-947586307.png) (387 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, overweight, obese, naked, facesitti s-162090906.png) (372 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, overweight, obese, naked, facesitti s-933381535.png) (428 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, overweight, obese, naked, facesitti s-3671661524.png) (503 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-4067591441.png)
(712 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, overweight, obese, naked, trapped, s-1646078838.png) (440 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, overweight, obese, naked, facesitti s-3933513758.png) (379 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, overweight, obese, naked, trapped, s-1688738139.png) (437 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, overweight, obese, naked, facesitti s-4125916478.png) (424 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, overweight, obese, naked, trapped, s-761843970.png) (557 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, overweight, obese, naked, trapped, s-1666546183.png)
(500 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, overweight, obese, solo focus, nake s-1182297057.png) (448 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, overweight, obese, solo focus, nake s-455818532.png) (495 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, overweight, obese, solo focus, nake s-902080013.png) (463 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, overweight, obese, naked, trapped, s-1702164076.png) (470 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, overweight, obese, naked, trapped, s-3121101754.png) (529 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, overweight, obese, solo focus, blac s-2050423155.png)
(421 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, overweight, obese, solo focus, nake s-2394032330.png) (459 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, overweight, obese, solo focus, nake s-2467523223.png) (447 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, overweight, obese, solo focus, nake s-2408800996.png) (366 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, overweight, obese, solo focus, nake s-1986244809.png) (514 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, overweight, obese, solo focus, nake s-2080783790.png) (441 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, overweight, obese, solo focus, nake s-1866714060.png)
(444 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, overweight, obese, solo focus, nake s-4015600821.png) (514 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, overweight, obese, solo focus, nake s-3029564128.png) (453 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, overweight, obese, solo focus, nake s-3501235007.png) (386 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, overweight, obese, solo focus, nake s-4127063084.png) (434 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, overweight, obese, solo focus, nake s-3194885537.png)
Anyways gamers. Thats me done for now. I might come back and drop some more, in a few days. No promises though.
Where are this trannie's boobs?
(27 KB, 679x108, Screenshot 2023-01-22.png)
>Love those massive moobs
Funny thing is that even the ones that look like legit boobs make a lot of sense for him in greater context.
Wouldn't cutting the goat's balls off make him produce more milk? Or is it his big balls that provoke the lactation? I don't let girls suck my nipples because it feels homosexual to me, but if I had huge breasts I wouldn't mind letting a beautiful girl suck my milk.
>Wouldn't cutting the goat's balls off make him produce more milk?
Nope. It's all dependent on genetics in this case.
There's something awfully fishy about that information. I'm not an animal biologist, but if the male goat is producing milk while in captivity and seperated from other goats then I wouldn't call that a hormonal defect.
I didn't mean anything by it. What you postwd sounded legit, only that just as you are no animal expert, in my experience there are a lot of animal experts that don't know what the hell they're talking about.
>What you postwd sounded legit, only that just as you are no animal expert, in my experience there are a lot of animal experts that don't know what the hell they're talking about.
Fair enough.
(389 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-45445547.png) (396 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-165120572.png) (455 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-52284850.png) (378 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-218722770.png) (444 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-18567528.png) (507 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-26611085.png)
I'm back! Here's another 40.
(465 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-717569436.png) (390 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-1056189336.png) (418 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-419057765.png) (398 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-1231630871.png) (413 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-1242093161.png) (499 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-340340984.png)
(425 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-1673959500.png) (396 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-1609326218.png) (440 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-1779339056.png) (461 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-1815267828.png) (447 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-1669076699.png) (630 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-1512806055.png)
(329 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-2243707819.png) (391 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-2055801454.png) (380 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-2275870688.png) (375 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-2385342012.png) (399 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-1922338581.png) (359 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-2041186834.png)
(395 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-3007240763.png) (384 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-3021758257.png) (350 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-2867329910.png) (393 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-2777593030.png) (416 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-2933575923.png) (480 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-2975006804.png)
(408 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-3733892576.png) (450 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-3767856008.png) (357 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-3635722384.png) (416 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-3829957696.png) (409 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-3110347254.png) (397 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-3317008836.png)
(442 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-4034125037.png) (381 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-4060054497.png) (359 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-3914987917.png) (346 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, overweight s-4031286209.png)
god DAMN these are good anon thank you again

does the AI only really know how to do the hyperdeath form stuff? ie have you tried his normal sweater design with it?
I only ever tried the Asriel tag. I could try his God form and post the results. I could also try and give him his sweater.
(432 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, solo focus, sweat, blush, obese, overweight, b s-2802688597.png) (402 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, solo focus, sweat, blush, obese, overweight, b s-2434255222.png) (593 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, solo focus, sweat, blush, obese, overweight, b s-1655768852.png) (488 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, solo focus, sweat, blush, obese, overweight, b s-2983996501.png) (484 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, solo focus, sweat, blush, obese, overweight, b s-1182617474.png) (685 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, solo focus, sweat, blush, obese, overweight, b s-2940166444.png)
Guess who?
(631 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, solo focus, sweat, blush, obese, overweight, b s-3359459695.png) (346 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, solo focus, sweat, blush, obese, overweight, b s-3023816847.png) (447 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, solo focus, sweat, blush, obese, overweight, b s-3067478167.png) (455 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, solo focus, sweat, blush, obese, overweight, b s-3215757558.png) (489 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, solo focus, sweat, blush, obese, overweight, b s-3590058724.png) (579 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, solo focus, sweat, blush, obese, overweight, b s-3557875407.png)
(404 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, solo focus, sweat, blush, obese, overweight, b s-3971820923.png) (429 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, solo focus, sweat, blush, obese, overweight, b s-3664173660.png) (426 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, solo focus, sweat, blush, obese, overweight, b s-3984387246.png) (429 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, solo focus, sweat, blush, obese, overweight, b s-4117721763.png) (446 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, solo focus, sweat, blush, obese, overweight, b s-3703297842.png) (637 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, solo focus, sweat, blush, obese, overweight, b s-4111716654.png)
(411 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, solo focus, sweat, blush, obese, overweight, l s-1465898067.png) (339 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, solo focus, sweat, blush, obese, overweight, l s-63589628.png) (450 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, solo focus, sweat, blush, obese, overweight, l s-2156895831.png) (500 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, solo focus, sweat, blush, obese, overweight, l s-2596219065.png) (506 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, solo focus, sweat, blush, obese, overweight, l s-204108183.png) (460 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, solo focus, sweat, blush, obese, overweight, l s-307983396.png)
(490 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, solo focus, sweat, blush, obese, overweight, l s-3902331766.png) (405 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, solo focus, sweat, blush, obese, overweight, l s-2965167079.png) (449 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, solo focus, sweat, blush, obese, overweight, l s-4049559727.png) (458 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, solo focus, sweat, blush, obese, overweight, l s-2696832431.png) (521 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, solo focus, sweat, blush, obese, overweight, l s-3987567988.png) (592 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, morbidly obese, solo focus, sweat, blush, obese, overweight, l s-2818654958.png)
We're so back!
I have a question... Is there any way of prompting this AI to make even larger/blob images? Just wondering
good shit again anon hooough

good as hell sweater prompts that's the goat i know and love alright. so cute...
The last image in this post in particular is fantastic. Love this fat little goat's plump rump. Bless you anon.
(384 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, tight clothing, maid dress, s-3733390015.png) (589 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, tight clothing, maid dress, s-3081481821.png) (452 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, tight clothing, maid dress, s-4154481828.png) (450 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, tight clothing, maid dress, s-2574409213.png) (411 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, tight clothing, maid dress, s-2760116199.png) (469 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, tight clothing, maid dress, s-3941281146.png)
A friend on Discord that also frequents here requested that I tried to put him into a dress. Here's the result of that plus some more random ones.
(440 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, tight clothing, maid dress, s-128927566.png) (414 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, tight clothing, maid dress, s-392165499.png) (416 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, tight clothing, maid dress, s-1743476333.png) (398 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, tight clothing, maid dress, s-2189473627.png) (420 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, tight clothing, maid dress, s-2442961773.png) (418 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, tight clothing, dress, overw s-1439299139.png)
(459 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, eye conta s-3413628604.png) (402 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, eye conta s-2232849642.png) (368 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, eye conta s-2713007445.png) (452 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, eye conta s-3495648308.png) (402 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, eye conta s-3555182288.png) (422 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, eye conta s-3699852594.png)
(453 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, eye conta s-1177501143.png) (397 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, eye conta s-1522039285.png) (423 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, eye conta s-796322520.png) (409 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, eye conta s-2016349548.png) (403 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, eye conta s-1658633999.png) (611 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, eye conta s-1032694775.png)
If anyone want's to request anything lemme know. It should also be noted that Slob and Gas refuse to work in NovelAI.
I asked a few hours ago if it was possible to make bigger or blob content using this AI, have you tried it? I'm curious

Fuck, how big can his moobs get? I'd love to see that actually. Some actual man badonkers on the goat boy. Maybe some lactation too? The extra bulge showing is always a good touch too.
Wednesday morning. Time to milk the goats.
(377 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-3755380210.png) (335 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-3914226819.png) (407 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-4221557823.png) (405 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-4235488545.png) (408 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-3907613765.png) (429 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-3742625592.png)
Sorry for taking ages to post here again. I thought it was a great idea to consume a large amount of Nelsons Blood. Anyways enough about my poor life choices. I've got some fat goat to post.
As per the request of
I added milk and massive moobs and it worked out quite well.
I tried blob and it "kinda" worked. I use that term in the loosest way possible though.
(370 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-3103854825.png) (430 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-3018784226.png) (397 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-3040149581.png) (399 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-3417971063.png) (425 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-3738039069.png) (408 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-2949056306.png)
(389 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-2525786501.png) (450 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-2669683593.png) (389 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-1921208766.png) (356 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-1969744101.png) (373 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-2286718359.png) (450 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-2463352169.png)
(370 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-1554344739.png) (367 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-1362904448.png) (373 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-1623196829.png) (400 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-1643234832.png) (453 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-1712923340.png) (473 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-1079447162.png)
(389 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-966459127.png) (401 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-943903275.png) (380 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-1055735462.png) (389 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-1071725743.png) (386 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-1078834148.png) (333 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-944628507.png)
(385 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-209982094.png) (390 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-817896070.png) (392 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-850521290.png) (349 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-942947707.png) (543 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-564388196.png) (491 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, looking at viewer, overweigh s-60376716.png)
Anyways gamers. That's another batch of the fatass.
Feel free to post any more requests and I'll try and reply as soon as I can.
this is all so fucking good oh my god

would love to see these larger sizes with his original sweater design if possible. more ass too would be awesome
I feel like Asriel and Ralsei are among those sorts of characters where a female-ish voice could fit them well despite being male (like Japanese!Goku or Luffy). Nothing squeaky-sounding (child aside maybe), but still noticeably feminine of the "mature" variety, like even a contralto sounding voice wouldn't be unfitting for his hyperdeath form I think. I get that it sounds weird, though considering it is UT/DR..

Nice AI work btb.
(422 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-138421274.png) (375 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-248764592.png) (439 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-148453928.png) (597 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-4614646.png) (435 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-63065996.png) (460 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-337037732.png)
Uh oh!
(434 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-544951106.png) (387 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-478943563.png) (438 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-354501150.png) (429 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-382552903.png) (408 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-409632281.png) (487 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-353273235.png)
(495 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-993312409.png) (405 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-651502190.png) (423 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-560541676.png) (457 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-693909679.png) (425 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-898998141.png) (502 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-748216328.png)
(439 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-1783678852.png) (494 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-1697313780.png) (380 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-1649204138.png) (378 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-1331963491.png) (476 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-995642325.png) (506 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-1444895493.png)
(426 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-2191354225.png) (427 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-2015045715.png) (432 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-2023041555.png) (485 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-1841220474.png) (402 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-1883904828.png) (444 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-1927357845.png)
(423 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-2701820548.png) (576 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-2263131243.png) (427 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-2480255985.png) (490 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-2527562673.png) (471 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-2570091458.png) (571 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-2378493604.png)
Wait a sec. This isn't goat's milk, Satan.
good god he's got such a cute ass

god's work here anon
Hot damn, AI be killin it with the hotness.
Can you try ralsei for the AI?
(528 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-2953235164.png) (457 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-2883785868.png) (429 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-2830013218.png) (399 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-2901266319.png) (487 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-2873675100.png) (552 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-2753170641.png)
That time again?
(348 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-3324086126.png) (473 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-3271397079.png) (422 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-3216297541.png) (479 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-3005672591.png) (475 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-3303171636.png) (528 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-3207226108.png)
(470 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-3766047797.png) (461 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-3531493303.png) (477 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-3714192363.png) (445 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-3600786952.png) (441 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-3659701870.png) (547 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-3341939030.png)
(441 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-4180312675.png) (413 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-3893769541.png) (437 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-3935273819.png) (439 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-3937631203.png) (443 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-3999089932.png) (592 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-4000729899.png)
(445 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-1611547547.png) (376 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-700556906.png) (379 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-810003842.png) (378 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-1031492008.png) (374 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-1305667589.png) (455 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-4255854572.png)
(405 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-4116533130.png) (433 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-2938057778.png) (377 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-2103532297.png) (405 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-3564982862.png) (424 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-2485800644.png) (422 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, solo focus, blush, overweight, obes s-3880963541.png)
Ty for all you've done for us anon. I don't care much for AI but I'll take it if it can give us so much amazing art of this fat little goat.
Call me crazy, but I think I like her better with a pussy.
(371 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-270234695.png) (383 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-197506728.png) (366 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-53634884.png) (405 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-525936325.png) (400 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-842914182.png) (586 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-68201621.png)
I'm back!
(397 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-1030444427.png) (410 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-854508007.png) (322 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-900021808.png) (338 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-853875919.png) (413 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-1378669914.png) (398 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-1498302387.png)
(386 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-1964342718.png) (311 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-2008905079.png) (322 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-2086688584.png) (297 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-1554495238.png) (320 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-1698205531.png) (348 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-1925155052.png)
(375 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-2326276042.png) (339 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-2346261131.png) (322 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-2348499360.png) (321 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-2242964385.png) (374 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-2275792886.png) (396 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-2312108993.png)
(318 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-3081650447.png) (357 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-2821238574.png) (334 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-3262069515.png) (391 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-2793452978.png) (460 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-3397736888.png) (417 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-2726299906.png)
(382 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-4106257620.png) (373 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-3927018155.png) (282 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-4164082046.png) (337 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-3577533229.png) (424 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-4092743067.png) (587 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-4067813191.png)
and here i was thinking i'd be able to be productive tonight. whoough, good shit anon

wonder next time if you could try a little inflation? i don't have as much confidence the AI would nail that as much as it does fat but i feel like it'd be neat to see it try.

god he's so hot

I'm literally here to be your hype man here, anon. And for the goat boi too, obviously. Fuck, these only keep on getting better and better. I keep coming back to this thread daily only to see more of these absolutely hot pics. Please keep up the amazing work
(465 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-250108750.png) (370 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-300302819.png) (426 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-40875003.png) (427 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-75130254.png) (584 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-415797669.png) (464 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-47834.png)
Thank you Anon. Your kind words mean a lot to me.
(455 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-665348714.png) (517 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-592236059.png) (431 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-780171070.png) (399 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-799401384.png) (529 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-419588083.png) (542 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-446930775.png)
(454 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-1746636135.png) (407 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-1185473129.png) (471 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-1253283360.png) (382 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-1492891381.png) (421 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-1935718536.png) (393 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-999868045.png)
(430 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-2367417648.png) (461 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-2283483742.png) (469 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-2281843209.png) (379 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-2416334315.png) (447 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-2554633641.png) (507 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-2041909654.png)
(548 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-3313357319.png) (497 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-4185664447.png) (419 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-2942390313.png) (435 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-3584972040.png) (431 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-3167468180.png) (480 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, sweat, blu s-2562803598.png)
(443 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, inflation, inflated, looking at viewer, eye contact, blush, so s-2361368554.png) (306 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, inflation, inflated, looking at viewer, eye contact, blush, so s-3940526965.png) (314 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, inflation, inflated, looking at viewer, eye contact, blush, so s-1827477235.png) (351 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, inflation, inflated, looking at viewer, eye contact, blush, so s-539898497.png) (365 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, inflation, inflated, looking at viewer, eye contact, blush, so s-781206256.png) (422 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, inflation, inflated, looking at viewer, eye contact, blush, so s-872343491.png)
I tried Inflation but the AI had a hard time with it.

>Your kind words mean a lot to me
>to me

Great now all we have to do is make you special don't go dying on us or something cause you matter valuably
honestly turned out way more coherent than i expected, thank you for indulging me anon
wtf dude is everyone on this site gay or something? Why don't all homosexuals just use the bhm board? Isn't that a better idea? Fucking corny
>>31407 Next he'll say "In my head I've killed you about 5 times."
(325 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, sweat, blush, eye conta s-1824867197.png) (345 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, sweat, blush, eye conta s-538707893.png) (358 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, sweat, blush, eye conta s-1895159585.png) (380 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, sweat, blush, eye conta s-128627199.png) (383 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, sweat, blush, eye conta s-1145661587.png) (391 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, sweat, blush, eye conta s-1631430503.png)
Uh oh!
(568 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, sweat, blush, eye conta s-4040898708.png) (568 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, sweat, blush, eye conta s-4214202513.png) (316 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, sweat, blush, eye conta s-2040733517.png) (368 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, sweat, blush, eye conta s-2455009189.png) (360 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, sweat, blush, eye conta s-3653705982.png) (419 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, sweat, blush, eye conta s-2699397048.png)
(338 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, rear view, solo focus, overw s-1651797468.png) (374 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, rear view, solo focus, overw s-2156097515.png) (387 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, rear view, solo focus, overw s-1845581276.png) (428 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, sweat, blush, rear view s-692110322.png) (425 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, rear view, solo focus, overw s-375166075.png) (474 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, rear view, solo focus, overw s-479036738.png)
(462 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, rear view, solo focus, overw s-2680566701.png) (414 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, rear view, solo focus, overw s-3347274980.png) (388 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, rear view, solo focus, overw s-3692111643.png) (420 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, sweat, blush, rear view, solo focus, overw s-3101067354.png)
Could you do some of Ralsei? Preferably in femboy clothing?
Looks like that date with >>29489 is going along pretty swimmingly.
Anyhow, pretty sexo gote, lynx.
The folds, the pose, the expression, the color tones.. Your Ralsei art never fails me Rekteon.
(432 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, solo focus, blush, sweat, overweight, obes s-1272764627.png) (500 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, solo focus, blush, sweat, overweight, obes s-992553935.png) (588 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, solo focus, blush, sweat, overweight, obes s-1718402752.png)
Hey there, I meant to post here sooner but due to having a crazy week and being lazy it took longer than expected.

So what better way to apologise than a ton of images? So I'm bringing you 133 more images of the goat boi. And because I'm feeling extra nice I'm gonna throw in another 473 older images. You might have most of these saved; but there's a few in there I haven't posted here before. So that's over 600 images of this goat.

Due to there being this many and getting IP blocked at least once (Oops!) I've done the reasonable thing of putting them on a Filehost.

Here's the link: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvc25JMDFiSUQjczQ0cDNtUlczNDU4S19xNzJLRWlER1E4TzBBdmhwX0lXLUg2UmQ5Wmdqbw

Also because it's nearly 250MB I also put it through VT because I know some people don't like downloading files.

You can check the 0/58 scan results here: aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudmlydXN0b3RhbC5jb20vZ3VpL2ZpbGUvZDkyYWE1M2VkZTAyMDFkMDc5ZmU5MTYyOWMxNTVkOWNkMWExMzNmZGQ5YmU2OWJjMDc5MTRjYzY3YzM0OTY0ZD9ub2NhY2hlPTE

Anyways this brings me onto my final subject. I have about 1k Anlas left. So that's another few images or so. But the thing the country I reside in does not use USD. And NovelAI lacks any regional pricing. So it ends up costing me slightly more than average to make images. And because I live somewhere where $600 a month is considered good pay. So I'm pretty hesitant on renewing my Anlas. With this in mind, this might be the last batch for a while. It shouldn't be too long, a few weeks at most. Anyways that's all I wanted to say. I hope you have a nice week!
Wait which website did you use?
Both links are encoded. You gotta decode them.
Bless you anon. Thank you for all you've done to give us more of this big soft boy.
You're still the best, anon. Don't worry about not posting for a while if money is a problem. We'll always wait for you.
>>31894 You're still the best, anon. Don't worry about telling on yourself. If you can not posting for a while, if it's because money is a problem, we'll always wait for you.
may your soul be blessed with determination and how can we decode them..?
>>31958 I am not a soul. I have a body too.
oh sorry.... but really how do we decode this?
use a base 64 converter.

...Is bbfurries another way to say homosexual bhm? Because if you want I can help you make an video game since yours' suck BBC.
What exact keyword did you guys use for him to get such big ?
More like 'bbm'
Someone add sound to this
(396 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, solo focus, looking at viewer, eye contact s-4207932280.png) (427 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, solo focus, looking at viewer, eye contact s-3189812526.png) (396 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, solo focus, looking at viewer, eye contact s-3458226900.png) (404 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, solo focus, looking at viewer, eye contact s-3555184103.png) (413 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, solo focus, looking at viewer, eye contact s-3933684205.png) (390 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{{{morbidly obese}}}}, solo focus, looking at viewer, eye con s-3155815963.png)
We're so back!
Welcome back anon! Always happy to see more big goat boi
Hey Aron could you try fat fwench fwy and post it on the chikin nuggit thread
(349 KB, 768x512, asriel_dreemurr_morbidly_obese_solo_focus_looking_at_viewer_eye_contact_s-1581168510.png) (360 KB, 768x512, asriel_dreemurr_morbidly_obese_solo_focus_looking_at_viewer_eye_contact_s-1554491087.png) (381 KB, 768x512, asriel_dreemurr_morbidly_obese_solo_focus_looking_at_viewer_eye_contact_s-1114077576.png) (331 KB, 768x512, asriel_dreemurr_morbidly_obese_solo_focus_looking_at_viewer_eye_contact_s-2080697691.png) (478 KB, 768x512, asriel_dreemurr_morbidly_obese_solo_focus_looking_at_viewer_eye_contact_s-1195471560.png) (463 KB, 768x512, asriel_dreemurr_morbidly_obese_solo_focus_looking_at_viewer_eye_contact_s-2045411384.png)
Hey there! I meant to put more in this post, but since I was in a rush; plus I'm stupid, I essentially left it blank. Anyways I'm ready to do another few batches of this Goat boio.

However this time, things are gonna be a bit different... For starters: I'm gonna be uploading to Filehosts from now on. This is mainly to stop post spam, and getting this thread bumplocked. I'll still post a few images here but don't expect too many.

Secondly: As much as I love posting the Goat boi as a big ball of lard, It's getting a bit repetitive. So that's where you awesome people come in. Post suggestions and I'll see what I can do. (Just a side note, The AI can't do things like Gas or Slob :( so there's no point asking)

Lastly: >>>/bbfurries/26029 (Cross-thread) Is essentially dead. And I kinda wanna branch out a bit more. So odds are if this thread hasn't had a new post in a while, I might be over there.

Anyways I hope all of you have a wonderful week, expect some new images soon!
That's totally fine! I'm probably going to miss all those thick goat bois that you uploaded from time to time but it's understandable. I'm guessing you'll post links here to Filehosts whenever you upload stuff there?
Welcome back anon! In terms of creative spins, how about some shortstack azzy? ty for all you do for us, again!
Hey there i would like to ask what keyword did you used for Novel ai to come up like this ?
Can you make some funny skeleton man fats? (Sans)
(466 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, solo focus, looking at viewer, eye contact s-1975053400.png) (407 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, solo focus, looking at viewer, eye contact s-2278560477.png) (429 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, solo focus, looking at viewer, eye contact s-3750629074.png)
I use something along the lines of:

> asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, solo focus, looking at viewer, sweat, blush, overweight, obese,

After putting this I usually add extra things; like location and pose. Be warned though. The AI is very random and out of every 100 images or so a third will be unusable trash that I just end up removing, Another third will also have minor mistakes, like missing fingers or wonky eyes. And the last third will be perfect images. Keep experimenting and you'll eventually get it.

Sorry I meant to clarify. But yeah I'm gonna link them here.

I tried Sans through all 3 AI models and all 3 failed. Sorry :(

Tried it. It made him look more like a Sumo than anything else.

Anyways I'm working on the next image pack now. So expect in an hour or so!
Stuffing maybe? Gulping from a hose too might be fun (sounds like it'd be a disaster with the AI but if it works would be cool)
(400 KB, 768x512, asriel_dreemurr_morbidly_obese_looking_at_viewer_eye_contact_solo_focus_s-226702279.png) (474 KB, 768x512, asriel_dreemurr_morbidly_obese_looking_at_viewer_eye_contact_solo_focus_s-1691410708.png) (479 KB, 768x512, asriel_dreemurr_morbidly_obese_looking_at_viewer_eye_contact_solo_focus_s-2148643777.png)
Image pack 02 is here!


Hope you guys enjoy!
The problem with this goat is that it looks like a man with boobs instead of a girl with a penis. That's how I see it anyway.
(1.6 MB, 500x364, 42e.gif)
Not gonna lie.
I find your rendition head over heels more appealing than the actual game's design. 20/10
would feed 40+ cakes.
Can you do straight female strongfat ones?
Got any female Ralseis/Asriels in there?
that’s a shame... maybe some Papyrus?
can you make Homestuck fats?
This is an Asriel thread. We have both a general UT/DR thread and a NovelAI thread already. Go there.
Hey, I would absolutely love to know who made this. If you can't provide a name, that's okay! Just know that this post is unbelievably incredible!
I'd love to see some Azzy with a hyper dick, both with and without fat.
As always, really nicely done lynx.
>I'm happy plenty of people dig my design!
I'd definitely play a fangame or whatever with your design (or something pretty similar you conjure up, implying a more original venture) in playable form, that's for sure!
Anywho, I can definitely guess who he's head over heels for at that very moment...;)
I always liked the back views that was put out. Maybe we could see more of that?
(440 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, solo focus s-1069099850.png) (399 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, solo focus s-2679691312.png) (430 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, solo focus s-3129262826.png) (385 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, solo focus s-3771538751.png) (367 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, solo focus s-4027051295.png) (418 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{morbidly obese}}, looking at viewer, eye contact, solo focus s-3968007220.png)
It's me again.

You know the drill by now. Smaller image pack this time (40) images, mainly doing what >>32639 asked.

Link is here:

Sorry about the lack of uploads lately, I haven't had the energy to post here lately. I'll stop being lazy one day some day.
goodness i love this big soft boy and his big soft ass. thank you again anon
(486 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{hyper}}, {{hyper penis}}, {{hyper balls}}, morbidly obese, c s-270968571.png) (434 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{hyper}}, {{hyper penis}}, {{hyper balls}}, morbidly obese, c s-2370871351.png) (499 KB, 768x512, asriel dreemurr, {{hyper}}, {{hyper penis}}, {{hyper balls}}, morbidly obese, c s-3979438248.png) (1.3 MB, 1536x1024, asriel dreemurr, {{hyper}}, {{hyper penis}}, {{hyper balls}}, morbidly obese, c s-2332791922.png) (1.3 MB, 1536x1024, asriel dreemurr, {{hyper}}, {{hyper penis}}, {{hyper balls}}, morbidly obese, c s-2559289409.png) (1.3 MB, 1536x1024, asriel dreemurr, {{hyper}}, {{hyper penis}}, {{hyper balls}}, morbidly obese, c s-4223931005.png)
Tried having a go combining mobidly obese with hyper dick and balls in NovelAI - not as fat but still some good results.
These look like shit.
Besides, I rather bad art made by a human because part of the appeal is that we enjoy the same stuff loosely as a community. If I wanted porn without others involved I'd draw it myself because at that point quality doesn't matter, the scenario I make up does.
Sure but who the fuck is making Asriel art by hand nowadays with all the instant social death drawing him tends to bring?

It’s tbh seems like a good attempt but seriously, give the guy credit for trying, your can try your hand if you want to
Ikr, the entire fucking thread got fucked when they started posting literally nothing other than ai shit
You got any content to post then? I'm hearing a lot of people complaining about AI art but not seeing a lot of regular art being made or posted.
Yeah, the AI stuff is OK, but it gets really stale after a while, I want to see some actual drawings
i could do some pixel art, just need some time to actually do it though
I'd love to see that
Finally someone pointed this shit out
someone with a brain thank god
I'm wondering how you found that 5th one anon. I know the artist who drew that and they said not to share it around. Wonder if they actually ended up posting that around.
(538 KB, 1836x2048, E_vN-RrWEAotZcn.jpg)
I honestly don't remember, just kinda found it in my goat folder, saved it back in early 2021
Mild Chub is kind of cute, though I do prefer big and obese
That's what the fattening part's for. Gotta keep your boywife well-fed after all.
(124 KB, 469x469, 1596576383840.jpg)
So fill 'im up and make that boywife into a boyqueen! Those cakes ain't eating themselves you know!
May i ask.. who’s the artist?
I knew them as Sludgeon but as i later found out they went more widely by Squimpus Mcgrimpus. They made some analog horror thing for five nights at freddys and the kink stuff was under wraps

Also turns out they were grooming minors on discord so I'd say don't expect much more out of them
(84 KB, 899x889, sumo_ralsei_by_roxas617_dfcsg2g-pre.jpg)
God damn, everything about this cute goat boi as a sumo makes him even hotter. The rolls on his stomach and legs, his massive moobs, God I want him to squish me.
Someone needs to comm the guy who made that to make more
I know it's not exactly that, but I'd like to think as such due to the cute snout the artist drew.
>>23247 gave me that sort of impression as well.
Such beautiful legs...

He lets you touch 'em?
leg so hot u fry an eg
jokes aside, I WISH
I wonder if he could be persuaded with a good meal? Something to help add to his fluff.
Honestly, a feedee Ralsei would be in my wettest of dreams tbh.
Well I mean, fucking, you're just about as cute as the art you draw, though more so tbh,

But like, it's fucking hard not to love your art as well, you just make all the boys you draw just so very... TASTY
He'd definitely adopt that demeanor the more he gets larger, and much fitting for the loving boywife such as he.
Thanks a bunch raviolynx. Now we can see his legs in their full glory. 2nd alt also kinda looks like he's preparing to do a little dance too, which is pretty cute.
Honestly, god, yes, I need my boy wife, I need to hear his moans as I just feed him, or pound him a new hole. Need to make sure he gets ALL the love he needs.
I am going to kill myself someday.
I regularly come back to check on this thread and I hate myself for it. I wish I didn't have this fetish.
(24 KB, 623x586, 20230323_085544.jpg)
12-gauge pressed against the palate of my mouth. Let my brains splatter out and stain the walls
Damn, fucking crazy bro, good riddance. Nobody will miss you.
Don't pay it no mind
it happens
Keep up the good work btw.
Odd thread-
Have fun, attention-whore.
Dont think I've seen these here

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