
(72 KB, 1024x697, fatty_arc_by_milk_knight_dezoah7-fullview-1.jpg)
At this stage brothers, we're probably better off saving every image and then destroying the entire thread, scorched earth style and then rebuilding from the ground up, they're just gonna keep coming until we're all gone
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>they're just gonna keep coming
Soytards can't even hold jackbox raids together without infighting, they're just going to "wipe" the catalog once (popular threads surviving), get bored and claim victory, then start trying and failing to raid crystal cafe or 4tard again
what the hell is happening?!
Basically a raid from what's more than likely 4chan or Reddit so they can probably try "cleanse" us of the furries by posting vile images and very shitty memes, very stereotypical anti-furry raid stuff
(1.5 MB, 3840x2880, niko12.jpg)
we're from neither of this shitty places, we are from SOYJAK.PARTY and we WORSHIP bald man with glasses

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