
Do we?
Prove it by posting some good art of his
(57 KB, 1357x975, super_size_me_krabby_patties__by_virus_20_d1u90nq.png) (65 KB, 865x808, bunnie_balloon__by_virus_20_d1d0432.jpg) (81 KB, 945x601, bunny_rabot__forbbiden_fruit_by_virus_20_dg599l (3).jpg) (72 KB, 945x601, julie_su_forbidden_fruit_by_virus_20_dg3s45.jpg) (59 KB, 891x565, lien_da_forbidden_fruit_by_virus_20_dgfqrr.jpg) (168 KB, 1143x621, mina_mongoose_forbidden_fruit__by_virus_20_dwplx6.jpg)
Breathing in the dark, lying on its side
The ruins of the day painted with a scar
And the more I straighten out, the less it wants to try
The feelings start to rot, one wink at a time
(161 KB, 1133x763, super_size_alice_and_gloria__by_virus_20_drhpzw.jpg) (388 KB, 1115x841, soda_burping_contest__by_virus_20_d1mva42.jpg) (195 KB, 1193x623, lapd_and_donuts__by_virus_20_dsldbv.jpg) (158 KB, 1024x823, big_fat_chelsie__by_virus_20_d11o85n.jpg) (118 KB, 853x796, fatten_up_jade_the_rat__by_virus_20_dux9c7.jpg) (144 KB, 958x844, no_trash_goes_to_waste__by_virus_20_d11kr80.jpg)
Oh-oh, forgiving who you are, for what you stand to gain
Just know that if you hide, it doesn't go away
When you get out of bed, don't end up stranded
Horrified with each stone on the stage, my little dark age
>is told to post good art
>leads with circle tool/monobutt shit

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